The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Larry nodded. “I think enough would that no one would have to do it more than once in a while. I mean, hopefully these rogues will be gone soon one way or another. Kurt and Frank would agree to help out I’m sure, and there’s others as well. Bill, maybe Oliver. The real question is will a cell phone battery last that long? Even if they keep it switched off?”

“A satellite phone battery lasts one hundred hours. That’s a little over four days,” said Carey.

“A point to you,” said Jubilee.

Carey made a mock bow in her direction.

“That’s definitely something I should look into. Now, where’s the best place to pitch a tent?” asked Larry.

Jubilee stayed where she was and let the two men talk about angles, line of sight, and other issues. She’d done her part by thinking of the basic outline of an idea. Of course, this was just one more place where they might be able to establish a lookout for danger. They’d need to do more than this to be truly assured they were secure.

Chapter Three


Carey was pleased with how the first scene with Jubilee and Larry had run. He was sure that not blindfolding Jubilee from now on would be fine. He’d worried the first time that either she or Larry might have had qualms about proceedings, but they’d both adapted well, and the morning they’d spent together walking through the property at Carnal Connections had seemed to bond them together as a unit, too. Which was actually good news.

He and Larry had spoken briefly about future dungeon scenes. It’d almost seemed like cheating to talk together on the hill out of Jubilee’s hearing, so he’d kept the conversation very short.

“I thought the scene between you and Jubilee went well.”

“Yes. You did a great job of understanding and fulfilling my needs. You’re a good Dom, Carey. You’re one of the very few men I trust with my secrets.”

“So, we’ll do it again?”

“Hell, yes.”


“It has to be something new. Not something I’ve done with Jubilee before. Something that is for them both, equally,” he muttered. A Dom was what he was. Carey hated not being in control and enjoyed planning scenes for Jubilee. Every moment of their time in the dungeon was carefully organized to bring her to the highest of orgasms. But with two subs, it was different. He had to add in the effect of one on the other.

He’d deliberately blindfolded Jubilee last time to preserve Larry’s privacy. But also, in not letting her know that Larry was there as a sub, he’d heightened both their emotions. Larry, in watching what was done to Jubilee, and Jubilee, by wondering what Larry may do to her.

This time that advantage wouldn’t exist. He had to think of some other way to intensify their actions. A new toy, perhaps. Something he’d never used before.

Ten minutes on his favorite BDSM store’s website and he was smiling. The perfect toy would be shipped to him in time for their next session in the dungeon.


* * * *


Carey had unwrapped the new toys and tested them both thoroughly then washed them carefully. He liked his scenes to proceed smoothly and without anything unforeseen occurring. He also believed in keeping everything very clean and always had disinfectant hand wipes beside him so he could touch his sub anywhere he wanted to, at any time, without risking cross contamination between body parts.

He hated porn movies where a man had his fingers up a woman’s ass then immediately touched her lips or her eyelids. That was so unnecessary. A genuine Dom always cared for his subs in every way. How else could they truly trust him?

Now they were all in the dungeon, and it was time to begin.

“Undress and kneel, subs,” he ordered.

He assumed they’d kneel side by side, but he was interested to see how they developed their own dynamics inside the scene.

Once again, Jubilee wasn’t wearing underwear. He loved that about her. She was always so ready for whatever he had planned.

Larry was quite different. He methodically took off his garments, folded them, and placed them on a chair.

Jubilee was already kneeling in front of him, her eyes down, her hands clasped behind her back, her shoulder-length, dark-blonde hair falling forward to cover her face. Her body was quivering slightly with anticipation, her golden-brown skin slightly flushed, the tattoo of the dagger on her thigh making her look mischievous and enticing.

Larry was light brown all over. Light-brown hair, brown eyes, and lightly tanned skin. Carey had only once seen him in wolf form and his fur was surprisingly a darker brown than his hair, which had made Carey wonder at the time if it really was Larry. Larry chose to kneel a couple feet to Jubilee’s right, lowering his eyes and clasping his hands behind his back as she had done.


Carey had purposely chosen to wear steel-capped boots tonight, which made a loud noise as he paced around the stone floor. He wanted them both to hear him. To wonder if, when he stopped, he would touch them or the other one. He intended his footsteps to raise their anticipation to the boiling point. Consequently, he paced loudly this way and that, stopping and turning when he was behind them, knowing neither of them would dare to turn their head and look at him.

Then he stomped over to where he’d left the bag containing his toys for this session. Deliberately, he blocked their line of sight with his body until he’d taken a whip from the bag. Then he cracked it loudly before they could see it, wishing he could have watched their reactions.

He smiled. Larry’s cock was enormous, and the insides of Jubilee’s thighs glistened with her honey. Oh yes, they were aroused.

He cracked the whip again before walking around the room, ensuring the metal in his boots rang on the stone floor, turning often in unexpected directions but not coming within arm’s reach of his subs.

Then he changed up the action, standing right in front of them, his boots mere inches from their faces, only to turn away and walk behind them, cracking his whip in the air.

“You may not come until I say so,” he ordered, laying a stinging stripe hard across Larry’s shoulders and an only marginally lighter one on Jubilee. He knew how much she liked being whipped, how she loved being sent to subspace, although he was too cautious to send her there often.

Again he marched around the room, this time striking their asses several times as he passed them. He repeated his actions, whipping their shoulders then their asses. Larry’s cock was a deep red, and Jubilee was shaking. He knew it was with the effort of not coming. He’d been successful, then. They were highly aroused. It was time to move on to the main part of the program.


Jubilee rose gracefully to her feet. She was lithe and beautiful, all her movements a pleasure to watch. Larry wasn’t clumsy—he was a wolf after all—but he was still a man and less graceful than Jubilee.

“Jubilee, stand in front of Larry, face the side wall, not him, legs shoulder-width apart.”

Watching her would make the man even more desperate to climax.

Carey took his new toy out of the bag, carefully holding it behind his body so neither of the subs could see what it was.

He moved behind Jubilee and smoothed his hand over the silky skin of her ass. There was a row of red lines where he’d whipped her, and her butt was pink, but the skin wasn’t broken. His strokes had been perfect.

He moved to stand in front of her and unwrapped the toy. He cinched the metal band around her waist and unfolded the flap. It covered her mound completely. He pushed the vaginal plug into her then snapped the lock. The chastity belt was in place. There was no way she, or anyone else, could give her an orgasm until he decided to unlock it.

Carey wondered whether Larry would figure out what he’d do next. Carey collected the other toy from his bag. Once again he kept it hidden, although most of the secrecy was likely wasted.

“Jubilee, you may watch.”

Carefully, he locked the metal belt around Larry’s waist after feeding the sub’s cock into the metal tube. While both subs were watching him, he threaded the two keys onto a chain and hung it around his own neck.

“Tomorrow night, we’ll meet here again and I’ll unlock your chastity belts. I’m sure you’ll both have
days tomorrow. You may dress and leave.” Carey stood and watched them obey him in silence. They wouldn’t realize it just yet, but tomorrow would be as stressful for himself as for them as he wondered how they were coping with their new undergarments.

At least half the power of BDSM was in the sub’s thoughts and emotions. Wearing a chastity belt for twenty-four hours should be an intense experience, and he’d very deliberately chosen solid-metal ones so they’d never be able to forget what they were wearing, what was restricting them.


* * * *


“Holy fucking hell.” Larry pulled off a third pair of jeans and reluctantly took a baggy pair of cargo pants from his closet. Even his largest jeans pulled tight across the fucking metal encasing his cock, and the last thing he needed was for someone to see the outline of it under his clothes. He was already wearing his thickest pair of underpants, the pair he only ever usually wore in the middle of winter when he had to be out in the snow.

His dick was as hard as a rock, and every time he moved the metal swung against his legs or his body. He’d even woken up about every hour last night his dick was so hard. He desperately needed to jack off, but that just wasn’t possible. The damn chastity belt was torture.

Then he smiled. “Damn, you’re a genius, Carey. I’d never have thought of such a thing, but it’ll be something special and secret just for me to know all day.”

Larry mentally ran through his to-do list as he hurried down the stairs from his room on the second floor of the main building and into his office on the first floor.

“Hey, Lucy. What’s new?”

“Frank’s waiting to see you now, and Tor wants you to phone him on his break, between ten and ten fifteen.”

“Can do.” Larry gave Lucy a wave, turning his body slowly so his cock didn’t move too obviously in its metal wrapping, and walked into his office.

“Hey, Frank. What’s new?”

“You’re starting to sound like an echo there,” joked Frank.

“Haven’t had any coffee yet.”

“It’ll be here in five,” called Lucy, having overheard him.

“Thanks.” He raised an eyebrow at Frank.

“Bill and I’ll be going out to that north ridge today, taking a two-man tent, sleeping bags, and supplies for a week. We reckon we should be able to get the guard post set up pretty well in the next couple days. Likely move the tent a fraction up or down, left or right, until we’re totally happy with it before we unpack our gear.”

“That’s great,” said Larry, glad Frank had taken on the establishment of their little outpost.

Lucy entered then with the coffeepot, and he inhaled his first cup, breathing deeply and loving the taste and smell until he realized it made the chastity belt pull on his cock.
Fuck! I can’t even breathe without noticing it!

“What I was thinking though…”

Frank hesitated, so Larry nodded encouragingly. Frank was a good man. About fifty and very sensible. Larry trusted him to have a good idea, or at least nothing crazy.

“Now that we’ve got that inner electric fence, I wondered if we might be able to use some of the power from it to run a few surveillance cameras from high trees that overlook the fence line. I mean, we wouldn’t be able to cover the entire boundary by any means, but a tall tree should give us quite a wide view, which would really help.”

“That’s a great idea. I wonder if there’s enough electricity for that though.”

“I talked to JB and he thought it was possible. He said there might need to be some fiddling with the system, but he reckoned it should work.”

“Excellent. That’s great, Frank. I know those panthers will be back, and our security really bothers me. Every extra safeguard we can have in place makes me happier,” said Larry, jumping up to clap Frank on the shoulder. Only after he’d moved did he remember the damn chastity belt as it pulled and tugged on his equipment.
Goddamn it.
This was going to be a hell of a long day.

By the time Frank left and Larry had made a few notes about things he needed to check, it was time to call Tor.

“Hey, Tor. What’s new?” Only after he’d said that did he realize he was repeating himself. I need to think of a new greeting, he told himself as he tried to make his cock sit more inconspicuously in the front of his pants. Touching the metal holder did nothing. It hung from the belt and that was that. His damn dick was harder than a spike and it looked like it’d be staying that way all day.

“Hi, Larry. I chatted to the counselor who’s been assigned to Sam. He works out of the hospital and knows I’ve been helping nurse Leticia. Sam’s refusing to talk. Says the court ordered him to attend the counseling session but didn’t order him to speak to the counselor or answer any questions. The counselor said Sam sat there in silence and ignored him the entire half hour. Didn’t even drink his coffee.”


“Yeah, that’s what I thought, too.”

“Do you think it would help if Omar talked to the counselor? Or if Omar went with Sam?” asked Larry.

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