Read The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: #Romance
Okay, so what is the truth?
“Fuck if I know.”
Carey stood up and started pacing around the living room. It wasn’t a very big room and was definitely not made for pacing, but it was all he had, so he paced as best he could.
I could ask Larry, but the whole point of the Dom/sub relationship is that the Dom decides what will happen. Freedom from decision making and the anticipation of wondering what the Dom will choose are key points. Asking him would ruin that.
Carey scratched his head, then paced some more.
What if I did something that would send Jubilee into subspace, something that is only possible for a woman? I could watch Larry and see how he reacts, likely work out how he feels about intense pain and an extreme scene. It’s a win-win. Jubilee gets what she craves and a reward for being such a perfect slave. I get to find out—well, hopefully I do—how Larry responds so I can plan future scenes.
Carey hurried across the room, dropped into his chair, and began typing frantically.
* * * *
The shifter men had checked all the fence line and found so signs of break-in or the rogue panther. It’d evidently just been looking around and had left already, and even Sam had caused no trouble. So the women had enjoyed their chatter and their muffins and life had returned to normal.
Now it was nighttime and she, Carey, and Larry were in Carey’s favorite private dungeon. Jubilee was bubbling over with happiness. Carey had ordered her into the dungeon, and although he’d not said anything to indicate what he’d planned, the fact that he was holding his body stiffly and keeping his face impassive told her they’d be doing something special tonight. Besides, as long as they were together she was always content.
Even having Larry with them was good. At the very beginning she’d been a little worried Carey wouldn’t want her anymore. That Larry would be his new sub. But Larry’d spoken to her yesterday and been very clear that he was a switch and this was just one side of him and not his major interest, either. Although she’d always been completely happy alone with Carey, having Larry there as well added an extra dimension. Her orgasms were even better than before, and she’d definitely not been complaining about them before. She couldn’t really explain her feelings. All her love and devotion were for Carey, her Dom, the man who made her heart beat strongly with love. But she did feel something for Larry—respect definitely, and maybe something else, care perhaps. He was a good man, and she was happy he’d joined them, even if it was only going to be sometimes or temporary.
Jubilee kneeled at Carey’s feet, her head down, hands behind her back.
“Lie across my lap, slave.”
This was one of her favorite positions. She held his ankle with one hand and the chair leg with the other as he spanked her. Even though he always had his legs wide apart, she could feel his cock growing underneath her as he spanked her, and that just aroused her further as she wondered if he’d fuck her cunt, or maybe her ass, or if she’d suck him.
Now, of course, with Larry added to the equation there were three more possibilities to fill her imagination. No. Wait, there were even more than that, because there was also the possibility they’d fuck her together.
So another, hmm, nine possibilities there. Awesome!
Carefully, she arranged herself over his lap and grasped his ankle and the chair leg. The moment his hand came down on her ass, her pussy clenched and cream dripped from her onto his thigh.
Carey always spanked hard, which she liked, and today he hit her thighs as well as her ass until she could feel the heat radiating off her own ass, and she was sure there’d be a puddle on the seat of the chair she was so very wet.
“Get up and stand before me.”
Jubilee slid off his lap, her legs wobbly from her extreme arousal. Carefully, she kept her gaze on the stones of the floor. No two blocks were exactly alike, but right now she was too tense to study their design. She wanted to come. Needed to come. Hoped Carey would fuck her right now.
Carey walked over to the bench and then returned. She could hear his footsteps but had no way of knowing what he’d picked up. He wasn’t swishing it through the air, so if it was a cane or a flogger he didn’t want her to know yet. He sat back down on the chair, his legs wide apart again. Was he going to spank her some more? Her ass was very hot, but he knew what was right for her. She’d always do as he wanted her to.
“Stand between my legs.”
She moved closer, her lowered gaze noticing how wet his jeans were where she’d lain across his legs.
“Head up, eyes straight ahead.”
Surprised, she obeyed him. He had something in his hands, but she couldn’t tell what it was. It was small though. As he grasped her breast, she wondered if it was a nipple clamp or even a clothespin, but he was holding the fullness of her breast, not the nipple. Then she felt a cable tie go around her breast, and Carey tightened it then tightened it some more. The globe of her breast ballooned inside its confinement, the skin swelling, the nipple engorging and stretching with the pressure from the cable tie.
Her breast was hot and aching as Carey let it go and repeated his actions on the other one.
“Step away from me and turn your back.”
Jubilee instantly obeyed him then waited for several long minutes until he was behind her. This time he gripped her arms tightly, tying her elbows together, forcing her ribs and chest out farther, putting even more pressure on her breasts. They were so hot and tight, almost as if they wanted to burst out of her skin. A throbbing had begun deep inside them, and she knew soon it would envelop her entire body.
“Are you wet, slave? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, Master. Please fuck me, Master.”
Excitement built up inside Jubilee. She could almost disregard the deep throbbing in her breasts. Of course she wanted Carey to fuck her. She loved him so much, nothing would make her happier.
Carey walked around her and stood in front of her. He slid two fingers into her cunt. Automatically, she clenched on them, wanting so much more than just fingers inside her.
But Carey pulled his fingers out and moved to where Larry was waiting in the center of the room.
“Would you like to taste her on my fingers, sub?”
“Yes please, Master.”
“You may watch, Jubilee.”
Jubilee turned her body slightly and raised her gaze. Carey held one finger up to Larry’s lips. The switch flicked out his tongue and licked the digit as if it were an ice-cream cone or a lollipop. Damn, that was sexy. Next, Larry sucked Carey’s entire finger into his mouth. Jubilee clenched her interior muscles tightly.
If only that was me he was sucking.
But of course, that’s exactly what Carey had intended her to think.
He always knows how to turn me on.
“Would you like to fuck her, sub? Does your prick ache to slide between her hot, wet lips and fill her channel up completely? Does it crave the silky sweetness of her channel holding it firmly?”
“Yes, Master. I’d like to fuck her.”
“Very well. Take her from behind and play with those huge, tender beasts while you fuck her. You may come as soon as she does.”
“Thank you, Master.”
Larry walked across to Jubilee, stood behind her, and, as soon as she widened her stance, he pressed his cock into her cunt from behind.
Jubilee felt strange and awkward. Having her elbows tied behind her made her chest and ribs stick out more in front of her, which gave her the impression her ass was sticking out, too. Nevertheless, Larry soon had his cock buried deep inside her and his pelvis pressed hard against her hot, sore ass. He wrapped one arm around her waist, resting his hand on her belly, and the other hand played with her hugely engorged breast.
Jubilee was already highly aroused, but as soon as Larry touched her nipple, shudders ran through her body. She had to breathe deeply to prevent herself from coming before he’d even gotten one stroke into her.
Larry had braced himself with his legs behind hers, so every time he thrust up into her she could feel the pressure of his thigh muscles against her, which heightened the feelings of his cock slamming in and out of her. Larry’s fingers on her breast were gentle but insistent.
Of course, he couldn’t come until after she’d climaxed, that was what Carey had said.
Her breasts hurt with every bounce of her body, but it was a good hurt, the kind of hurt that told her she was being loved most thoroughly.
Jubilee wanted to lean back onto Larry’s body, but the binding on her arms prevented her. So she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, throwing her breast harder into his hand.
The hand on her belly slid lower, his fingers now teasing her clit.
Jubilee smiled. Oh, that was nice. Everything he did was good, but she really enjoyed having her clit stimulated.
Larry pinched her nipple and her clit and she exploded into orgasm. Every nerve ending in both her breasts sparked and burned until her entire front was one huge, fiery explosion as her cunt gripped his cock and milked his essence from him.
Before she could relax into the pleasure, Carey’s whip slashed across them both, hitting her side and arm before slicing across Larry’s back.
“Did I give you permission to touch her clit? Did I say you could lean your head against him?” Carey roared.
“No, Master,” whispered Jubilee, her heart anguished that she’d failed her Master. All she ever wanted to do was please him, and now she’d disobeyed him. Why hadn’t she remembered his instructions to her more clearly? Why had she permitted herself to do things she’d hadn’t been instructed to do?
“I’m sorry, Master,” said Larry.
“Move to the center of the room and stand on your left foot with your right foot knee high above the floor, Larry,” ordered Carey.
As soon as Larry moved away, Carey pointed to the empty area of flooring. “Lie on your front, slave, your legs wide apart.”
“Yes, Master.”
Jubilee hurried to obey, although it was quite hard to get down on the floor without falling flat on her face. She kneeled easily but then had no way of lying down without risking slamming her head on the stone, because her arms were pinned behind her. Finally, she wiggled onto her side then rolled to her front, holding her head as high off the floor as she could until she was completely in position.
It fucking
to put pressure on her breasts. They were swollen, red, and looked like balloons, and even though the stone floor was cool, her body heat warmed it up in seconds, and then all she was conscious of was the weight of her body pressing onto her breasts.
She realized how cunning Carey had been. With her legs so wide apart, she couldn’t even easily take much of her weight on her hips. Well, not as much as she could have with them closer together. Her breasts throbbed and ached, her head pounded, and her heart was filled with dismay at having let her Master down. Having failed him.
And only then did she understand that Carey had planned the scene exactly like this. Carey always thought everything through carefully. Every scene they played, he’d already worked out every possible situation that could arise. He’d intended for her to fail. He’d intended her to be in pain like this. He intended to leave her here until the pain was extreme. He was sending her to subspace. At last, he was granting her the pure possession and euphoria she craved.
Carey may not love her, but he understood her needs. He was her Master after all.
Jubilee relaxed, letting her body weight rest on her poor, aching, tortured breasts. She welcomed the bone-deep, throbbing pain of them. She reveled in the joy that Carey understood her needs. Gradually, the burning pain became beautiful, and Jubilee smiled as her body took her to that wonderful place where she served Carey with the purity of perfection.
* * * *
Larry had watched Jubilee struggle to lie down, wiggling this way and that before she was finally in the position Carey had told her to assume. Internally, he heaved a sigh of relief when her head didn’t smack onto the stones. He’d half wondered whether she’d smash her teeth before she lay down, but she was so graceful he should have had more faith in her. Carey obviously did, because he wasn’t standing close enough to grab her if she fell.
Then Larry winced as her breasts were pressed into the floor.
That’s gotta hurt!
Actually, his own knee and hip were staring to hurt. He hadn’t stood on one leg like this since he was a kid. As a punishment, it was completely off-the-wall. But then, that was what Carey was so good at. Devising scenes that were unexpected, giving all three of them the emotional roller coaster they all needed to bring them to spectacular orgasms. And the orgasms truly were spectacular. Even Carey whipping him just then had made his cock jump.
Jubilee wasn’t moving anymore. Yet she seemed almost peaceful. Surely she hadn’t fallen asleep in such a position?
Oh, of course, she’s gone into subspace.
Do I want to experience subspace? Do I crave that extreme pain then the euphoria that follows it?
As Larry’s hip began aching in earnest, he mulled over the idea of subspace. In the end, he shrugged mentally and left it up to Carey.
That’s what a Dom is all about. He’s the one who weighs up all the possible issues and makes the decision. All the sub needs to do is trust the Dom.
And for some weird reason, he did trust Carey, totally and completely, to know what was best for him in the dungeon.