The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I don’t know. It could go either way, I reckon. Sam’s a pretty determined kind of guy. But yeah, I’ll give you the counselor’s cell number and you could ask Omar to ring him, ask his advice.”

“Thanks.” Larry scribbled the number down, thanked Tor again, and wiggled his ass on the chair, trying to get his dick in a comfortable position. There wasn’t a comfortable position. Not for his dick, and not with this mess with Sam.

“Fuck!” he said again to the empty room.


* * * *


Jubilee reveled in the chastity belt, loved the harsh grip of it around her waist and the fullness in her cunt. It felt so different from a cock. Of course the metal wasn’t cold after the first few minutes, but it was a unique kind of hard. Not unpleasant, but not as welcoming as a real cock. Still, it filled her up and teased her walls, making her think of Carey and his care of her. All day, every time she moved, she had a permanent reminder of how he’d planned for her to focus on him today.

She thought of him every day, but not all day long. Today, every step she took brought him to the forefront of her mind.

“What can I do that will please him?” Now that was a problem. She genuinely didn’t know. He never commented on whether or not she’d painted her toenails or had her hair colored or trimmed. She was sure he noticed because he observed everything, but he didn’t say anything, so she didn’t even know if he preferred her nails unpolished or not. “I should ask him.”

Yes, she supposed she should. All right, she would do that. That was a reasonable suggestion. But it didn’t solve the immediate problem of what she could do to please him today.

But there was also the question of Larry. Not only had he been part of her first-ever ménage, but now he was joining her as Carey’s sub. When she thought hard she could vaguely remember hearing he was a switch, not a Dom, but that was a very long time ago. Certainly she’d always pictured him as a Dom. Last night he’d most definitely been a sub. And today, too, as he was wearing a chastity belt just as she was.

She respected Larry. He was wise and fair in his dealings with all the people at Carnal Connections. He’d even allowed Sam to return, albeit with conditions, when many people would have left him in jail. Larry genuinely cared about everyone, and the panthers, even Leticia, wanted Sam back with them.

Larry was a caring sexual partner, too. He’d endeavored to please her and not asked for anything himself until she was fulfilled. So, while Carey wanted Larry to join them in the dungeon, she was happy to participate. Because she loved Carey, and he understood her and always knew what was best for her.

Carey. What could she do for him today to bring him the kind of joy he’d gifted to her?

Jubilee sat very still and focused her mind on Carey’s tiny house. It was one of the smallest ones on the property, just two rooms really. The living room, which he also used as his office, contained a long workbench down one wall covered in the equipment he used for translations, with a tiny kitchen nook at the other end. The other room was his bedroom, with a miniscule bathroom off it to the side.

He didn’t even have a deck or a stoop, just two big planter pots, one on each side of his front—well, only—door. They were both empty. They’d never had plants in them as far as she could recall.

“That’s what I’ll do. I’ll plant something nice in his planter pots. Some pretty flowers, or would he rather have sweet-smelling herbs? Flowers? Or herbs? I know, there’s two pots. I’ll do one of each.”

Happy with her decision, Jubilee changed into a long, flowing skirt to go to the garden store. There was no way she could wear jeans with the bulky metal chastity belt around her waist and between her legs.

She spent a very happy hour wandering through the garden store. Every step she took reminded her of Carey, arousing her body as the metal plug deep inside her teased along her sensitive tissues. But her mind was focused on him, too, as she chose a range of brightly colored flowers and some tiny tubs of fragrant herbs. She added a giant-sized bag of potting mix to her shopping cart then hurried back to Carnal Connections, ready to work magic on Carey’s empty planter pots.


* * * *


Time seemed to slow right down the closer it came to the hour when Larry needed to go to the dungeon. He’d deliberately stayed later than usual at his desk—and he was never an eight-to-five type of man anyway. But instead of his work consuming him as it so often did, he found himself checking the clock on his computer every ten minutes waiting for it to say 7:00 p.m. Finally, he gave up at six fifty, knowing he’d done nothing but stare vacantly at his spreadsheet for the past half hour. Then he found himself staring blindly at his closet door unable to decide what to wear or even whether or not to take a shower before he headed downstairs.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, just do something,” he told himself, carelessly stripping out of his shirt and kicking off his shoes.

Larry headed down to the dungeon half an hour later, wearing his jeans and an oversized T-shirt he hoped hid the outline of his chastity belt. “And who the fuck even knew there were chastity belts for men anyway?” he muttered.

Larry found it hard to believe sensible, grounded, ordinary him was so excited about returning to the dungeon to complete the scene begun last night. His life for so long had been centered on his work here at Carnal Connections, with only a very occasional trip to the city to a BDSM club to get some sexual relief away from the people here, who he considered to be almost family.

The more he thought about it, the more he reasoned that asking Carey to be his Dom for a few scenes now and then was a flash of sheer brilliance. Surely he’d get his fill of being Dominated quite soon and settle back into his daily role of running Carnal Connections, browbeating Doms, an Alpha, wolves, panthers, and determined humans into doing what was best for the community as a whole.

Meanwhile, he could hardly wait for Carey to unlock his chastity belt and finally get his rocks off. He’d really like to fuck Jubilee again, but he’d be content if she sucked him off. Hell, he wouldn’t even care if he had to jack himself off, as long as he fucking came!

He paced the room for endless minutes until Jubilee arrived and then Carey entered and locked the door.

“How did the chastity belt make you feel, Larry?” asked Carey.

Larry thought carefully before answering. “I was completely aware of it all day, every time I moved. I kept noticing how hard my dick was and how much I wished I could come.”

“And you, Jubilee?”

“I was the same. Everything I did made it touch my walls and heighten my arousal. I thought of you all day long, my Master.”

“What if I told you it was to stay on until tomorrow night?”

“I would obey you as always, my Master. You know best.”


Again, Larry’s mind raced through a bunch of possible answers. Slowly he said, “But you won’t say that because it’s served its purpose. Today we were intensely aware of wearing a chastity belt all day long. If it stayed on tomorrow or for longer, the effect would fade. We’d get used to it and scarcely even notice it anymore. It would become part of our everyday reality.”

“Excellent answer. It’s an example of the law of diminishing returns. After a while the wearer gets used to it and it ceases to affect their thinking and behavior. Besides, all those stories about knights heading off on the Crusades and locking their wives into chastity belts before they left are likely lies. The metal back in those days would have rubbed the woman raw, and she’d have been dead of sepsis long before her husband returned home to her,” added Carey.

Carey walked to the center of the dungeon. “Undress and prostrate yourselves spread-eagle on the ground.”

Thank God he’d said “spread-eagle.” Larry didn’t like the idea of putting his weight on the metal cock holder. Even so, he lay down rather gingerly until he’d settled himself on the cold stone floor, legs and arms wide apart. There was still some pressure on his pelvis and his cock, but it wasn’t too bad. Until Carey’s foot rested on his lower back, pressing down. Larry bit his lower lip to prevent himself gasping at the sensation.

Carey leaned more weight on Larry then shifted his foot to Larry’s ass and pressed down again. Instantly, Larry’s cock grew harder and longer inside its confining shield. The pressure was hot and heavy but enticing in its own way, and the stone under his body was gradually becoming warmer as his skin molded around the dips and hills of the uneven flooring.

Carey moved away and Larry breathed easier until a heavy weight landed on his back and stayed there. It was a rectangle, likely a box, but a box with something in it to make it that heavy.

Larry heard Carey moving around and knew he was doing similar things to Jubilee. Then there was the sound of fabric.
Aha, he’s getting undressed now.
Without the sound of Carey’s shoes on the floor it was hard to know exactly where he was, and Larry knew better than to lift his head up to look around. He could only see quite a small area from where his head rested turned to the right.
I should have turned my head the other way and I might have been able to see Jubilee. Oh well, I’ll know for next time.

Next time? So you intend to continue to be Carey’s sub?

Hell, yes.

Soon something began tickling the soles of his feet. It was a real test of his stamina not to pull his feet away and break into giggles. He had to force his toes not to curl up and his legs to remain still. Once again Carey had surprised him. Larry had been expecting—well, he didn’t know what he’d been expecting. But not to be tickled on the soles of his feet, that was for sure.

When the flogger landed on his ass it was almost an anticlimax, although it was also encouraging in that it meant they were moving through Carey’s program and soon, hopefully, they would get to his orgasm. His damn dick was aching he was so ready to come, and his balls had been drawn up tight against his body for what felt like a lifetime already.

The flick of the flogger on the tender skin between his legs was almost his undoing. Larry had to grit his teeth and hold on tight not to completely lose his control then. That must have been the final test though, because Carey removed the box from his back and said, “Stand up.”

He scrambled to his feet, well aware he wasn’t graceful like Jubilee, who always seemed to move with composure and elegance.

“Brush your hand across Jubilee’s nipples.”

Gently Larry did as instructed, being careful he was brushing his hand, not petting or stroking. It was the first time he’d touched her there, and her breasts were wonderful. Full and round, the brown nipples pebbled and hard, showing how aroused she was.

“Now cup her breasts and play with the nipples. See if you can give her an orgasm by touching her breasts with no stimulus at all on her clit or her pussy.”

Wow, that’s a challenge. I know some women have extra-sensitive breasts, but whether Jubilee can orgasm from touch there alone I don’t know. Well, a man can only try.

Larry cupped one breast and gently stroked the underside of it with his fingers, moving them around in a smooth pattern, working his way inward to the nipple. After giving it a tweak he began stroking outward and then in again. He stared into her eyes, watching as they gradually became heavy lidded, before he moved to the other breast, working in reverse, his touch still light and soft. Finally, he used both hands simultaneously, stretching and elongating her nipples before moving back to petting her breasts.

Jubilee’s chest was rising and falling much faster now, her breathing heavy. Hoping he wasn’t misjudging her bodily cues, he pinched both nipples. With a deep sigh, she climaxed, her mouth opening and her body quivering under his hands. He continued petting her breasts very gently, easing her down from the high, only then noticing how badly his cock was aching with his own need to come.

“Good,” said Carey.

Larry almost shook his head, trying to get his brain focused on where it should be again. Carey reached for the chain around his neck, lifted it off, and took one of the keys. He kneeled before Larry and unlocked the chastity belt, carefully freeing Larry’s hugely engorged dick from the metal cover.

“Kneel and suck him, Jubilee.”

“Yes, Master.”

Larry knew this would all be over in two seconds unless he deliberately concentrated on lasting a bit longer than that. If she so much as touched his Prince Albert piercing he’d come for sure. He fixed his gaze over Jubilee’s right shoulder, looking straight at the chains hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. There were thirty-seven links from the top to a bent link and—oh God, she was sucking him right down the back of her throat.

His hips thrust his aching dick up into her mouth and she swallowed him again. Instantly, he exploded, the semen pouring from him as if he hadn’t come in years, stream after stream jetting from him into her mouth.

When he finished she licked him clean, tickling his ridge with her tongue until he was half-hard again then thrusting her tongue in and out, all around his piercing. Damn, she had a wicked mouth.

Carey nodded, once again saying, “Good.”

This time Carey took the key to Jubilee’s chastity belt and unlocked it. When he pulled it from her Larry could see the vaginal plug was thick with her cream. He wondered if it was just because she’d come, or if she was still aroused or perhaps aroused again from sucking him.

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