The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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How had he known to come here? Hell, how had he even known to go for a run as a wolf? And most of all, how did Jubilee manage to warn him there was going to be trouble? It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in thought transference and the power of the mind, it was just that such a thing had never happened to him before. Why him? Why now? And how had it happened?


* * * *


Lucy pulled out her cell phone and said, “Okay, Verity, Serena, who would you like to invite to your twenty-first birthday party?”

The women were sitting in the barn by one of the long windows, three couches pulled up close together into a circle.

“Well, everyone from the community here, of course,” said Serena.

“And Noah and Ezra. They’re very yummy,” added Verity.

Jubilee knew who Noah and Ezra were. She’d seen them at a few of the BDSM parties held here at Carnal Connections. They were indeed handsome men, but her own heart was set on loving and serving Carey. And Larry. She was developing a deeper regard for him, too. Of course she respected him for the intelligent and wise way he handled the community, but she was also coming to like the real man hidden deep inside. A fun-loving man who enjoyed life and love and was always considerate and thoughtful toward her. A man she was looking forward to knowing even better.

“Autumn, Leticia, are there people you’d like us to invite?” asked Verity.

“Nicholas and Curtis?” suggested Autumn.

“I consider them part of our community they spend so much time here now. Are they on your list, Lucy?” asked Serena.

Lucy’s thumbs were tapping away on her phone. “Likely I’d have included them anyway, but I’ve written them down to ensure they’re not overlooked.”


“Maybe William,” she whispered.

“Ah, the handsome nurse. Tor’s friend. How’s your leg healing, Leticia? It’s great to see you here with us instead of stuck in your room all the time,” said Jill.

“My leg’s fine. I’m really looking forward to being able to run. It’s been such a very long time since I ran. Not since we left the farm.”

“Wow, that’s months and months. I don’t think I could survive without running for that long. We women run together about once a week. You’ll have to come with us next time,” said Autumn.

“Oh. I don’t know…Dad will likely want to be with me. I don’t think I could go without him.”

“It’s up to you. There’s usually seven or eight of us and we stay in the center of the property, in the deep undergrowth, away from the boundaries, so it’s very safe, but there’s plenty of places to have a really good run,” said Serena.

“Now what about people from your work? Who do you want to invite, girls?” asked Lucy, getting the meeting back on track.

For the next ten minutes Serena and Verity tossed names back and forth, adding and deleting them and going around and around in circles.

“It’s too hard. Either we have just our few closest friends, or else we need to invite our entire department at the TNG. There’s no other way to draw a line without hurting people’s feelings,” said Verity.

Jubilee thought for a moment. This barn was Carnal Connections’ building and they were doing all the catering and everything themselves. Inviting the entire department at the company where the twins worked—what, maybe thirty people—should be all right. “I don’t think inviting the whole department will be a problem. We’re doing the catering ourselves and can keep the costs down there, so a few extra people coming is no big deal. You may as well invite them all.”

“Yes, I agree. That way there’ll be no hurt feelings among your colleagues,” added Jill.

“Right. Let me check I’ve gotten all their names here.” Lucy rattled off a list of names, and Serena and Verity nodded at each one.

“Yes, that’s everyone. Except the senior manager. What about him? Do you think we should ask him, too?” asked Verity.

“What do you all think?” asked Serena.

Autumn and Jubilee both nodded.

“Yes, do. If he doesn’t want to come, all he has to do is pretend he had something else already scheduled to do that night,” said Lucy.

“We’re telling everyone it’s a BDSM party. After all, we’re finally going to be adults. But not too hard core. We don’t want to scare the visitors, just intrigue them,” said Serena.

“Understood.” Jill nodded.

“Now, what about the food? We don’t usually serve alcohol, but we can have champagne for the toasts. Other than that we’ll provide lots of water and soda, likely some fruit juice mocktails. But what sort of finger foods would you like?” asked Jubilee.

“Carrots and celery sticks and chips and crackers with dips.”

“Platters of fresh fruit.”

“How about mini pizzas and tiny spring rolls?”

“And some ribbon sandwiches.”

“All that, plus the cake, should be plenty,” said Lucy, once again typing notes into her phone.

“It’s making me feel hungry already,” groaned Autumn.

“Well, we can’t stop yet. We need to know what color scheme you want for the decorations, Verity and Serena,” said Jill.

“Besides, Jubilee hasn’t told us any trivia about twenty-first birthdays yet,” said Serena.

“I don’t know that I can give you any interesting information about twenty-first birthdays specifically. Around the world different societies have different ages for adulthood, and even within one society it can be different for girls and boys. In Jewish culture a boy’s bar mitzvah is at age thirteen, but a girl’s bat mitzvah is age twelve because girls are considered to mature earlier. After the ceremony they are considered adult members of the community and have to obey all the rules. There was Alexander the Great, though. He inherited the throne of Macedon in northern Greece from his father at the age of twenty, which is close enough to your twenty-one. By the time he died at age thirty-two he’d created the largest empire ever known and was never defeated in battle.”

Verity turned to Serena. “He had twelve years and we’ve only got eleven. Do you reckon we can conquer the world?”

“No worries.” The sisters high-fived each other and Jubilee laughed.


* * * *


“Hi, Larry, can we talk for a minute?” Carey knew what he was about to ask was the correct next step for the three of them to take, but he also knew Larry was an intensely private person who, as business manager of the BDSM community, always liked to appear human and in control.


Larry leaned back in his chair, stretching his muscles.

Carey checked that no one was nearby and closed Larry’s door. “How do you feel about people knowing you play dungeon games with Jubilee and me? Are you ready to come out of the closet a fraction there as well as about your wolf?”

Carey thought Larry might be willing to take that step. Originally almost everyone at Carnal Connections had been human, so it was logical for Larry to keep his wolf side very much hidden. But with so many other shifters now, it was no longer that unusual. Also, at the start, it’d been very important that Larry establish control and demonstrate he could manage the many and varied needs of the community. But he’d proven he was a good manager, fair and considerate, so coming out as a switch was no longer so likely to make the Doms try to master him. It was time for Larry to move forward. For the three of them to be publically linked.

“That depends. It’s very important to me that they don’t see me as a sub they can ignore. It’s not easy to make a business like this run smoothly, and there’s no way I can risk people deciding they can start pleasing themselves instead of being considerate of others. Or even worse, ignoring me and forming cliques and alliances to subvert fairness while forcing through their own agendas,” replied Larry.

“I totally understand that. It can’t be easy balancing the needs of a pack Alpha, Doms, panthers, and wolves. What I was thinking is we could do a scene at the twenty-first birthday party. It’s being billed as a BDSM party but not hard core. I can plan a scene where no one will see you as acting in a particularly submissive way, where the focus is on Jubilee, and then we fuck her.”

“Now that sounds like a program I can get on board with,” said Larry, grinning.

“I thought you might like the idea. I truly believe you’ll be much more relaxed and a happier man when you allow yourself to be true to all the various facets of your personality.”

And once Larry accepted himself for who he truly was, a wolf and a switch as well as a business manager, then and only then the three of them could decide whether their relationship was likely to develop into something more than a few dungeon scenes.


* * * *


Jubilee rested her hands on her hips, surveying the barn. She’d never seen it decorated before, apart from the tree at Christmastime. But now, it was beautiful. Serena and Verity had chosen to mix fluorescent orange and shocking pink together, and, surprisingly, it looked amazing. Bunches of balloons hung from the ceiling, the light fixtures, and the curtain rods. Long strands of streamers, the two colors twisted together, crisscrossed the room, and “Happy Birthday” signs were stuck to the mirrors and surrounded by streamers and balloons.

Leticia sidled into the barn, glancing all around. Jubilee smiled. “It looks great, doesn’t it?”

“Oh, yes. I wish I could come tonight, but Dad insists it’s much too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? How can it be dangerous with all the pack members here to protect you?”

“But there’ll be strangers here as well, Dad says.”

“Leticia, you were at the meeting when we wrote the guest list. You know there’re no strangers coming, only friends and work colleagues of Serena and Verity. They’re all people they know well. It’s not like there’s been an open invitation on Facebook or something.”

“But Dad said—”

It was time Leticia stood on her own two feet and started making her own decisions. It wasn’t really Jubilee’s place to give her a reality check, but, oh well…“Leticia, you’re twenty-two, not five years old anymore. You’re an adult. If you want to do something, your father can’t prevent you. He’s no longer your legal guardian. You need to start making your own pathway in life. If you want to stay in your room, that’s fine. But if you want to come to the party, that’s fine, too. Frankly, your father’s not nearly as capable of protecting you as some of the other young, strong men who’ll all be at the party anyway.”

“But my father only wants what is best for me.”

“Is that really true? Are you sure it was best for you to have him shoot you in the leg when there was no danger at all and certainly no need for him to be playing with a gun in your bedroom? I don’t believe he’s thinking about you as a person at all. Is he protecting his cherished possession, or is he off in fantasyland somewhere?”

“Does everyone think he’s crazy? Do they think I’m crazy, too?”

“I can’t answer for anyone but myself, and personally, I think it’s time you sat down and worked out what you really want in life. A job? A family? Hobbies? Friends? Then look at how your life has been lately, even with a court order telling your father to act sensibly.”

“You’re right, Jubilee, thank you. I do need to think things out myself.”

Jubilee watched as Leticia left the barn. She was a sweet and kind person, but her kindness and tolerance weren’t helping her father get in touch with the real world. Jubilee could only hope Leticia was brave enough to stand up for what she wanted. Assuming she even knew what she wanted.

And what about herself? Oh yes, Jubilee knew what she wanted. She wanted Carey to collar her and claim her as his slave. She longed, craved, desired to be completely his. But what about Larry? Larry was a part of them, too, now. What if Larry wanted to Dominate her, too?

If Carey was in the dungeon with them and Larry took charge, she’d be content to do his will. Because she trusted Carey? Yes, but she trusted Larry, too, so whether he was being a sub or a Dom she’d obey him, too. She’d seen how well Larry managed Carnal Connections, weighing up all the sides of disagreements, making sure all his decisions were fair and balanced. It was clear he was a good man, worthy of her respect. But more than that, he truly seemed to fit with her and Carey, to belong, to enhance their times together.

Did this mean that now they were three? Hmm, not quite. Carey still held her heart, her uttermost devotion. Is that what Carey wanted? For them to become a permanent threesome? Or what Larry wanted? Larry had said this would just be for a while, to get his submissiveness out of his system. Likely it was pleasing to Carey, though. She couldn’t imagine Carey continuing something that he didn’t approve of.

Which brought her up to tonight’s party. There wasn’t going to be any really kinky sex tonight. But it was a BDSM birthday party, so there’d be some ropes and handcuffs, likely a few toys around. She’d wear a pretty dress, some “fuck-me” shoes, and hope Carey wanted her. It wasn’t what her heart desired, because her real craving was to be collared, but she could live with it for now.


* * * *


Keeping in touch with the vibrant color scheme for the party, Jubilee chose a white sundress with splashes of vivid red, blue, green, and gold on it. With her sexy white sandals and a gold necklace and bracelet, she felt pretty enough for the party. What was more, she could even dance in these shoes, despite their six-inch heels, although her calf muscles would be screaming at her the next morning.

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