The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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When Carey spoke, Larry realized Carey had been watching him and waiting for the right time to talk to him, too. Not only was Carey a good Dom, a man he could trust, but he was also insightful and perceptive. He spoke only nanoseconds after Larry had reached his conclusion.

“Sub, who is in charge in this dungeon?”

“You are, Master.”

“Who makes the decisions here?”

“You do, Master.”

“Who knows what is right for the sub to do?”

“You do, Master.”

“You have learned your lesson. You may go.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Gratefully, Larry rested his foot on the ground again and waited for the pins and needles in it to settle before he walked over to his clothing and got dressed. Part of him wanted to say something about Jubilee, but he knew Carey would look after her. Likely Carey would recognize the exact second to unbind her, just as he’d known the right time to talk to Larry.

Larry nodded to Carey and left.


* * * *


Even in the time they took to do things, Jubilee and Larry were perfectly matched. Carey had almost been able to see the little wheels turning and little motors whirring in Larry’s brain as he’d thought through all the issues while he’d stood on one foot.

He’d done very well. Carey’d expected him to last awhile. After all, he was a wolf with a wolf’s sense of balance and stamina, even though he was still sort of in the closet about being a shape-shifter.

But even so, he’d managed the pose for a very long time. Carey couldn’t help but be impressed with the sub. And just as he sensed the very first stirrings of Jubilee coming out of subspace, Larry had arrived at the essential place he needed to be.

Now Larry had finished his part in the scene, and Jubilee was about to need his undivided attention for her aftercare. The pain would be intense when he unbound her elbows and her breasts but relatively short term. Still, she would need him to be completely focused on her. Breasts were a lot more delicate than asses, and he had no intention of leaving any lasting damage on his devoted slave.

Quickly, he grabbed his bag of toys and Jubilee’s clothing and hurried out of this dungeon and down the hallway to the final room. This room contained a hot tub, and he’d had a devil of a job managing to book it with Lucy when Larry wasn’t around to hear him. He hadn’t wanted the sub to have any inkling of what was planned for tonight, even though he wasn’t going to be involved in this part of the program.

He collected some things he’d need and laid out a pile of towels then returned to Jubilee. She’d started to wiggle slightly. It was time to take her into the hot tub. He picked her up in his arms, which was damn difficult with her arms tied behind her and her breasts so engorged.

Grateful he only had to walk the length of the hallway, he carried her into the end room, locking the door behind them. He sat her on the side of the hot tub and snapped the cable ties, freeing her breasts, then turned her around and began untying the ropes that bound her arms. Carey hooked his right leg around her waist to secure her so he could use both hands on the binding. He needed to move fast, as the blood pouring back into her chest was going to hurt like hell within a few minutes.

Finally, her arms were freed and he moved them to her sides, hanging them down. Her eyes were wide open and tears had gathered in the corners of them.

“I know it’s starting to hurt, but soon it’ll be good again,” he said, kissing her forehead.

He turned her around so she faced into the hot tub and the wall of mirrors behind it then held her under her armpits. “Sit right down so the water completely covers your breasts. Sit on the base, not on the seat,” he said, making sure she understood him.

Jubilee nodded and slid into the water, sitting on the floor of the hot tub, in water up to her ears.

He grinned at how cute she looked like that, glanced at the mirrored ceiling reflecting the top of her head, and shucked his clothes as fast as he could, snatching the tube of waterproof soothing gel from the sink where’d left it as he climbed into the tub.

He sat on the base of the tub with his back against the seat and pulled her gently toward him. Carey spread his legs wide and settled her between them before very gently rubbing across her ribs and under her breasts, massaging the skin there that had been stretched and pulled out of place by the cable ties. Only when he was sure that her blood was flowing smoothly there did he begin very lightly rubbing her breasts. She hissed a little but made no complaint as he massaged deeper and more thoroughly, finally using both hands together until her breasts seemed to him to have returned to their normal size and shape.

“All good now?” he asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“No, not Master now, we’re out of the dungeon. How do your breasts feel really?”

“They ache a little, but so do my shoulders. It’s fine really. Thank you so much for sending me to subspace.”

“Turn around and I’ll massage your shoulders, then I want to put the gel on you to be quite sure there’s no bruising.”

Obediently, she turned around until her luscious ass was touching his thighs. She was so lovely even almost underwater. Truly, a Dom couldn’t have a better sub than Jubilee.

He pressed and kneaded along her shoulders then squeezed some gel and rubbed it into her skin. He coated his hands with more gel, pulled her back against his chest, and massaged the gel over her breasts. She rested her head on his shoulder and thrust her breasts up into his hands.

His dick was harder than a spike and desperate to bury itself inside her. She was so sweet and loving. No one could doubt how much she loved him. Only problem was, Larry wasn’t here. And even though he was a very recent addition to their dungeon games, it seemed somehow wrong to fuck her when they weren’t all together. Carey appreciated the wolf. He was a good man, good at his job, and serious about participating with them in the dungeon. He added something special, something extra to the dynamic, made the games more fulfilling for all three of them. Fucking Jubilee without Larry sharing in some way didn’t seem right. He was making the rules up as they went along, but Carey knew that had to be a rule. All of them, or none of them. Which was totally crazy, because Larry’d already fucked her tonight. But no, Carey couldn’t do it. No matter how much he wanted her, no matter how good it would be, nowadays there were three in the dungeon, and his damn dick would just have to wait for another day. And oh yes, there’d be another day, and it would be soon.

Chapter Five


Larry had woken up with the image of Jubilee’s tattoo in the front of his mind. It was a tribal band around her lower thigh with a dagger hanging from it. He’d never seen anything like it, and it was incredibly sexy. One day he’d ask her why she’d had it done. But for now, he knew it was his subconscious trying to tell him something. But what?

All morning the image niggled at him until he was seeing it embossed on the spreadsheet he was trying to deal with. Finally, he phoned Kurt and said, “I think I need to go for a run. Are you available to run with me?”

“I surely am. Tor and Nicholas are here, too. They both will have smelled the wolf on you if you haven’t already told them what you are. How about we all run together? That’ll likely be the very first time just us wolves have been on a run as a pack.”

A burst of freedom surged through Larry and he understood that was what he needed. It was time to let his wolf out, to be with other wolves, to stop suppressing that side of himself. For such a very long time he’d been a lone wolf, then he’d met Kurt. Now there were four of them. A small pack. He’d already accepted his submissive side, even if only in private. Now it was time to acknowledge his wolf side, at least here at Carnal Connections. “That’d be great. I’ll meet you out on the back deck in fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll tell the others.”

The back deck of the main building at Carnal Connections overlooked a rather unkempt garden. On the rare occasions when Larry came out here he reminded himself he needed to find someone to fix it up. Prune, weed, rake, maybe even plant something, although if the weeds were cleared out there may still be some nice plants underneath. It was too overgrown right now for anyone to know. He shrugged the thoughts off and stretched his back. It’d been way too long since he’d shifted and run. Just as it’d been way too long since he’d allowed his submissive side to get out and play.

“Why today, Larry? What made you come out of the closet and decide to go for a run? Are there rogue panthers around again?” asked Tor.

“Yup, my question exactly,” added Nicholas.

No way was he going to mention Jubilee’s tattoo. That side of him was definitely remaining a secret. “Nothing I can put my finger on, just a feeling that I needed to get out on our land, check things out myself as a wolf. Likely we’ll all just have a nice run and nothing more,” he said.

They all undressed, and once again Larry noticed the tiny tattoo of a wolf on Tor’s shoulder. Tor, Cameron, and Gaynor, who were in a committed ménage relationship together, all had identical tattoos. Larry liked that idea, but there was no way he was getting a huge tattoo like Jubilee had. On her it was exciting, mischievous. On him it’d be stupid.

He led the way, jumping off the back deck and running through the overgrown garden. There was a riot of scents among the foliage.
I suppose one day I ought to check them out, too. Yet when do I have time to finish anything? I need another pair of hands as it is! Maybe I should ask one of the other wolves to do it. Kurt perhaps.

Shrugging off his thoughts, Larry stretched his body and ran full out at his fastest speed for a couple hundred yards then slowed to a steady lope. Behind him he could hear the paws of the others. They’d all kept up with him, which was good. They ran through a tiny brook, stopping to sniff the water, which seemed as pure as ever to him. They ran up along the north ridge, and Larry was pleased to see Oliver sitting in the doorway of the tent there, watching them. Good to know his spies were alert.

From there he quartered the land, aiming to cover a good slice of it north to south, east to west, but not on any set grid pattern, just as seemed right to him at the time. At the far southeastern corner of the land was a dry, rocky area that few of the panthers or humans ever visited. Larry felt a sudden urge to visit it. He spun around and raced away, following the fence line south but about a hundred feet inside the electric fence. When he reached the first rocky outcrop, he ran up it and stopped at the top, looking all around. Tor and Nicolas lined up on either side of him. Kurt stood back behind them all.

Something was wrong. He took a long sniff of the air then listened intently. Nicholas let out a loud howl and raced down the outcrop. Larry sped after him, closely followed by the others. Nicholas vaulted over the electric fence and launched himself at the high wire outer fence. Larry was watching to make sure he didn’t get himself tangled up in the electric fence, which was semihidden, and missed seeing what had antagonized Nicholas, but there was no mistaking the very human screams that followed Nicholas’s arrival at the outer fence.

The wire had been cut, and Nicholas slid through the gap, chasing three humans who’d evidently been planning to enter Carnal Connections.

Tor followed Nicholas out while Larry bent to sniff the ground inside the property, trying to decide if any other humans had already come inside. Kurt joined him as they paced up and down, but Larry could detect no fresh human scent excepting right at the opening. There were many old scents, but those would have been made by their own people who checked the fence line regularly looking for damage.

By the time Larry’d reassured himself no one was inside the fence, Nicholas and Tor came loping back. Nicholas had a huge grin on his face, so Larry changed into human form and asked, “You scared them six ways to Sunday?” Even as he said it, he wondered whether Carey or Jubilee would know where the phrase originated from. That startled him. Here he was in the midst of a potentially dangerous situation and he was thinking of his dungeon partners. Never before had that kind of casual, fun thought intruded on his work life.

Nicholas and Tor both changed, but Tor deferred to Nicholas, who said, “Yeah. I really wanted to bite that man’s ass, but I was afraid he’d shit himself and I didn’t want to be that close to him if he did.”

“They climbed into a truck and took off before they’d even shut all the doors. I really don’t think they’ll stop until they reach the coast or run out of gas, whichever happens first,” added Tor.

“This was just a reconnaissance trip I think. There’s nothing here to cause trouble, just some wire cutters is all,” added Kurt, who was looking through a backpack that had been left lying in the dirt just outside the cut fence.

“Cell phone? Wallet?” asked Larry.

“Nope. Just a bottle of water. No camera, so they weren’t planning to spy on us.” Kurt held up two pairs of wire cutters and a large, almost-full bottle of water.

“I never knew you were psychic,” said Tor, staring at Larry.

“I never knew, either. I just felt unsettled and wanted to run. I guess good luck was smiling on us today. However, we now have a fence to mend. Tor, can you go tell JB and get him to come out and fix it, please?”

“I’ll go, too,” said Nicholas. The two of them shifted and ran off while Kurt shifted, too, and went back to sniffing all around the area. Larry felt a bit weird standing there stark naked but thought maybe someone ought to remain in human form in case speech or opposable thumbs were needed. It seemed like a week couldn’t pass by without some new drama happening.

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