The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Being a switch, he found it very hard to form an ongoing relationship, as so many people in the lifestyle were either a Dom or a sub. Outside the lifestyle any number of people were happy to play at either end of the scale, which was fine if all he wanted was a scene and a fuck, but it was not what he needed on an ongoing basis. Meanwhile, his job, which he loved with a passion, forced him to stay in his Dom persona most days. Surrounded by so many other Doms, loaded down by the everyday problems of running a large and active community, plus with a pack of rogue panthers running wild and attacking his own community, not to mention that fucking idiot Sam, currently still in jail, acting the sub had no place in his life.

So he craved, absolutely craved, for someone to take over all the decision making and give him the freedom of simply following orders. But only for a short while and not in his job. What with Doms, panthers, wolves, and the Alpha of a pack of big cats under his control, he couldn’t let any of them see even the faintest crack in his façade or they’d all be trying to trample him in the office, as well as in the dungeon.

Larry had known Carey Williams and Jubilee Thompson for several years. They’d been part of the community for about a year and had drifted in and out for at least a year prior to joining. Carey was a man he both trusted and respected, and Jubilee was a beautiful, honorable, and loving woman. It had taken him a while, but finally he’d asked Carey if he might participate in a dungeon scene. The decision to speak to Carey had been so important to him he could remember every word of their conversation.

“What do you mean by ‘participate in a scene’?” Carey asked.

“I’d like to play the sub, in a completely private scene with you and Jubilee.” Carey was one of the few people who even knew he was a switch, simply because they’d known each other longer than many other people in the community. He guessed he felt safe sharing with Carey, whereas he felt more vulnerable around so many of the panthers and other Doms.

“You want to fuck my woman?”

“Only if both you and she agree. I can likely find a woman to fuck, but it’s getting very difficult to find a comfortable place to play the sub in private.”

“That’s right. I’d completely forgotten you’re a switch. I guess being the Dom in your work is making you crave a submissive role in the dungeon.”

“The community is growing steadily larger, and wolves and big cats don’t always play nice,” said Larry carefully.

“Plus the rogue panther attacks every now and then for a bit of an extra challenge, and Leticia’s father acting like a psycho. All right, I agree. Will this be a one-off event?”

“If we’re all content with how it works, I’d like it to become a regular session. But first, we try it once. Then we decide.”

“Okay. What boundaries do you want?” asked Carey.

Larry had already thought about this. What he truly wanted was not to have to decide anything at all for a few hours. “I need to be able to turn up in the office at eight the next morning.”

Carey laughed. “Fair enough. It’s a deal.”

Last night had been better than Larry could ever have imagined. Carey was the perfect Dom, arousing him with the whip and flogger and making him watch Jubilee until his dick was painfully hard, then letting him fuck Jubilee’s sweet softness. Even sharing her with Carey had been an amazing experience he hoped to repeat another day. It’d been blissfully freeing to simply stand there and wait for Carey’s hand signals as to what he must do. Not having to weigh up the possible ramifications of every move he made was pure joy.

He’d definitely be scheduling more sessions in the dungeon with Carey and Jubilee. Originally, he’d thought likely once a month would be plenty. But now he was thinking once a fortnight would be better. Or even once a week. He’d known he craved letting his submissive side out to play. He just hadn’t remembered the intense freedom that came with someone else making all the decisions.

Speaking of decisions…
Larry stretched his back and shoulders, wiggling his ass carefully on the chair. Damn, that man had a hard hand with a whip. But double damn it was good to come to work with a sore ass. He’d missed that side of things, too.

He picked up his phone and spoke to his personal assistant. “Hey, Lucy, are Omar and Frank here yet? We need to talk about what we’re going to do regarding Sam. Leticia will be coming back here today or tomorrow and we need to have our strategies in place.”

“Frank’s here and I can see Omar walking across the parking lot. Shall I get you all some coffee?”

Larry flicked a glance at the clock on his cell phone. “Yeah, thanks, and maybe some sandwiches as well. This could take a while and it’s twelve already.”

“Can do.”

Larry stood as Omar and Frank entered his office, Frank deferring to his pack Alpha so Omar entered first.

“Lucy’s bringing us coffee and sandwiches. Meanwhile, let’s get started. What have you decided to do about Sam? Are you going to bail him out of jail?”

Omar scowled then shrugged. “We can’t leave him there much longer. There was no way I was letting him come out while Leticia was in the hospital. He’d have insisted on visiting her and likely scared the nurses into hysterics. Tor said she’ll be coming home this evening. He and William and Oliver will bring her here and care for her, but yeah, likely Sam will want to be involved, and that may not go well.”

“Why did he shoot her? I know he told the police it was an accident and Leticia agreed with him, but is that the truth?” Personally, Larry thought the man needed a full mental health assessment, but he wasn’t going to say that to Omar. Or not yet, anyway.

Omar looked at Frank, who shook his head. “Honestly, no one knows, likely not even Sam. It was possibly a reaction when she didn’t get in the closet to hide as fast as he wanted her to. He hasn’t even apologized though.”

“What guarantee do I have that the first time one of those men touches her to change the dressings on her wounds, Sam won’t rip them limb from limb?” asked Larry.

Omar looked at Frank, and Frank grimaced. “I’ve tried to talk sense into him. He used to listen when I spoke to him. We’re almost the same age, and we grew up together, you know. But lately, when it comes to Leticia, he won’t listen to anyone. He knows Tor’s a nurse. Likely he even knows William is one, too. But whether or not he’ll listen, no one knows.”

“I don’t want him here if he’s going to cause trouble for everyone else,” said Larry firmly.

“Only problem is, I’m not sure that Leticia will stay here if he’s not allowed to stay, too. She was quite frustrated by his actions, according to Ramona, but she’s a good daughter and very loyal to him,” said Omar.

“If he’s in jail would she stay here?” asked Larry. He’d already anticipated Omar saying that, and the obvious answer was to let Sam stay in jail a while longer.

“Yes, but I expect she’d be demanding we post bail for him,” said Frank.

Well, that ruins that plan. Unless…
“What if there were conditions on his bail, instructing him to behave?”

“The judge could order him not to interfere with her nurses, but there’s nothing a judge could do about his paranoia,” explained Omar.

“Why is he so crazy with fear for her? I really don’t understand that. There’s the two cougar women and even Autumn here as well as Leticia.” Larry was well aware panthers, pumas, and cougars were all the same animal, but Omar’s pack always called Ramona a puma and the twins, Serena and Verity, cougars. He was just a wolf. It wasn’t his place to argue with their definitions of themselves.

“None of us have been able to figure that one out,” said Frank.

Lucy arrived then with their lunch, and they talked for another hour without really coming to any decisions. The panthers would try to keep Sam in line, especially by refusing to let him interrupt Leticia’s healing or lock her in her room as he’d done most recently, and they’d try to have the judge put some rules down about his behavior, but there wasn’t a great deal any of them could do.

“Wait a minute. Can the judge order he receives psychiatric counseling to make him see he’s acting irrationally?” asked Larry.

“That’s a good idea. I like that.” Omar nodded.

“I don’t know if it’ll work, but it’s certainly worth a try,” added Frank.


* * * *


Carey Williams was the only child of two military parents. Consequently, he’d grown up all over the world, his playmates the local children. By the time he graduated from high school, he spoke seven languages fluently and could make himself understood in another four. His general knowledge was vast and his understanding of world politics was impressive. On the other hand, his chance of passing an entrance exam into any college or university was almost nonexistent. Such institutions wanted students who excelled in areas other than languages and trivia.

He’d been in Kenya with his parents at the time, an African country but one where English was spoken widely. One day when he was enjoying coffee with a friend at a market, a German tourist was struggling to make himself understood to his driver. Carey’d jumped up to translate, soon found himself surrounded by Japanese tourists also not coping with African English, and had been offered a job ten minutes later.

Several months afterward Carey’s parents were posted to Afghanistan, but Carey liked his job and stayed in Nairobi. When he’d finally returned to America he’d gone to Texas for a while, where he’d gotten a job translating, mainly in Spanish. Gradually he’d made his way north, ending up in Ohio. He worked as a translator for a European company now, mostly online using MP3s but sometimes on Skype conference calls. The good news was that as long as he met his deadlines, he seldom had to be “at work” eight ’til five. He could come and go as he pleased, putting in a few extra hours late at night if he’d been doing something else during the day.

Today he was sitting at his computer, but his headphones were lying on his desk and the file he should have been working on remained closed. He couldn’t concentrate on his work because the Dom in him kept thinking of his precious sub. He’d known for months Jubilee wanted to be formally tied to him. He’d seen the tears in her eyes when she looked at Lucy’s collar and, more recently, at Ramona’s.

He loved Jubilee truly and deeply, there was no doubt about that. But he wasn’t fulfilled. He needed more. He knew how much it hurt her, but he couldn’t bear to have her tied to him if he then took on another sub or two. To him, such a thing had to happen all at once. He’d lived in countries where men had several wives, and time and time again he’d seen the sadness and desperation of his friends when their father took a new wife and was only interested in the new wife and children, not the older ones.

Subs were adults, not children, but they deserved to be treated fairly and equally, not moved over into second place when a new one arrived.

But Larry was different. He was a switch and only interested in acting sub scenes sometimes. Carey would never permit Larry to Dominate him, but he knew from the way Larry managed Carnal Connections that if he needed to Dominate Jubilee on occasion he could trust the switch to act appropriately.

As for the sub scene last night, he’d really enjoyed having two subs to control. It was much too soon to be certain, but maybe, just maybe, Larry would be the answer to the conundrum. Besides, triad bondings seemed to be in fashion at the moment at Carnal Connections. First Tor, Gaynor, and Cameron, then Ramona, Omar, and JB. Maybe he’d be next. Or maybe Larry wouldn’t want anyone other than him and Jubilee to know. Either way, he was glad they’d played the scene last night and looked forward to doing another one in the future sometime.

Fancy the man having a pierced cock! That had been a real surprise.


* * * *


Jubilee Thompson was helping out in the kitchens at Carnal Connections. She didn’t have a “real” job as such and usually just did whatever was needed. Lucy had called asking for sandwiches for Larry, Omar, and Frank.

“What type of sandwiches would they like?”

“Male shape-shifters? I’d suggest meat. Something thick and hearty,” replied Lucy.

“Pastrami on rye? Bacon, lettuce, tomato?”

“All of the above.”

Jubilee laughed and piled a plate high with thick, manly sandwiches before making a more dainty version of a BLT for herself.

“I’d forgotten Larry was a shifter, too. He hardly ever mentions he’s a wolf. Likely because there’s so few wolves here, mostly panthers, with a couple pumas and cougars thrown in for variety,” she mumbled to herself around her sandwich.
Or because Carey and I knew him before the panthers arrived, and he’s kept it much quieter since they arrived, so likely only the BDSM people and the few wolves know about him.

Jubilee was washing the few dishes she’d used when Lucy phoned her again. “Hey, Jubilee. Leticia will be back here tonight. Can you just check her room’s fresh and nice, please? JB repaired the closet and the door after Larry had to break in and rescue her, but likely the bed could use fresh sheets, and maybe a vase of flowers would cheer her up some.”

“Not a problem, Lucy. I’ll pretty up the room for her.”

“Thanks. You’re awesome.”

Jubilee glanced around the big commercial kitchen. Everything here was looking neat and tidy, so she hurried through the room and up the stairs to the guest rooms the unmarried female shape-shifters had been using. Leticia’s was the last one along the hallway and was easy to identify with its shiny new door.

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