The Chronicles of Draylon (26 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Karlon became excitable when he saw the power source.

“That sure is an old one Draylon, but it will work nonetheless.”

“I am glad. If I never go back to that old craft it'll be too soon.”

“You won't have to. Why don't you go and visit Paul, I'll be fine here working on my own.” said Karlon, catching glimpses of a pain locked up within Draylon.

Draylon looked up and smiled, “Thank you Father, I think I will.” Draylon paused, “I really am glad you're back, I've missed having a father, even though I never saw you much in my childhood.”

Karlon smiled, “Forgive me for saying, but there seems to be a lot of pain locked up within you son, you need to let it out.”

“It's Adriana. And it will never go I'm afraid, at very best I can put up a wall, but it always surfaces.”

“Well, if you ever need to talk.” Karlon smiled.

“Thank you! And take care whilst I am gone, this jungle is hazardous, ask Paul.” Draylon smiled, and then shot off into the sky.

Chapter Five – Paul

It was late morning when Draylon arrived at Easter Island. He noticed that Paul's car had gone and so he searched the island to find Paul. After a short while he found him.

He opened the metal gate and walked the gravel path hearing the stones crunch beneath his feet. Draylon stepped onto the grass and walked slowly noticing that the ground had become soft, almost like sponge. As he walked he touched his right hand gently on the slabs of stone, always looking down. He felt sad. He stopped and looked up to see Paul kneeling beside Adriana's resting place.

Paul's eyes had welled up and tears rolled freely down his cheek. Draylon placed his hand on Paul's shoulder.

“I am so sorry Paul. I never really stopped to think how losing Adriana affected you also. I was selfish to leave like I did,” said Draylon realising the depth of the grief that Paul suffered also.

“No need to say sorry, you and Adriana were in love,” he paused, “Until I met you, she was my closest friend, the world will never be quite the same without her,” said Paul wiping the tears from his eyes.

Draylon knelt down also, and they both stayed there in silence. An hour passed, Draylon got to his feet.

“Come on my friend, we should go,” said Draylon.

“OK,” said Paul, standing slowly.

They made their way to the DeLorean. They opened the gull-wing doors and got in the metallic sports car. Draylon suggested a trip to Ahu Tongariki via Paul's flat. Paul drove towards his home and Draylon told him everything that had happened to date. When they arrived at Paul's flat, they got out of the car and Draylon suggested trying his new ability for the first time. Paul was apprehensive.

Draylon held up his right hand, he then slowed his breathing right down and focused. He visualised Ahu Tongariki, the place of the Moai, the fifteen enormous stone heads of Easter Island. Seconds later the very space in front of Draylon seemed to shimmer ever so slightly. Draylon never hesitated. He walked straight through and vanished out of Paul's sight. A second later he reappeared smiling.

“Come on Paul, you have to try this for yourself.”

“OK, if I must,” said Paul, closing his eyes and walking though the shimmering portal.

When Paul opened his eyes he couldn't believe it, he was actually at Ahu Tongariki in just a couple of steps. Draylon averted his focus and the portal closed.

Paul beamed, “That was amazing!”

“It was a first for me also. We'll save a fortune of air fare my friend,” said Draylon smiling.

Paul laughed. “I was sceptical about everything before I met you. Now I think I'll pretty much believe anything.”

“Everything is starting to fall into place, let us hope that lady luck is now on our side.” said Draylon.

“Amen to that,” said Paul.

They both found a statue each, and sat leaning against them, looking out towards the ocean. Paul put on his antisocial MP3 player. Draylon looked over and smiled at his friend, and then he slouched a little more and completely relaxed, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. After some time, Paul took off his ear-phones and looked over at Draylon.

“Are we taking a little trip to the Amazon then Draylon?” asked Paul with a grin.

“You read my mind,” said Draylon looking curiously at his friend.

“No, my foresight seems to be developing little by little, always at random though.”

“How do you mean?”

“It's not consistent. I didn't expect you to turn up at the cemetery, although I did expect you to ask if I'd like to come to the Amazon. That could just be my own perception I suppose, but more frequently lately I seem to know what's coming. For instance, just the other day I was humming a song, and then it came on the radio. I sometimes know when the phone is going to ring or if an animal is going to suddenly run out in the road in front of me. Again, maybe it's just my own human instinct, but I have a funny feeling that it's a little bit more.”

“Can you hear my thoughts?” asked Draylon curiously.

“No. I just seem to know what's coming next sometimes.”

“Are you OK with this?” said Draylon worrying about his friend.

“Absolutely, it's a very handy skill to have,” said Paul beaming.

Draylon relaxed, “I am glad, we're a good team my friend. And this gift of prophesy from the pale greens that passed to me via the amulet, and now also to you, will serve us well in the future. That is my prediction anyway,” said Draylon smiling.

Paul laughed, “very funny.”

“So, are you ready for the Amazon? It'll only be a brief visit, I promise,” said Draylon.

“So long as it's only a brief visit, let's do it,” said Paul clapping his hands and sounding enthusiastic to Draylon's surprise.

Draylon held up his right hand, and then slowed his breathing right down, and focused. Paul interrupted, suggesting that he try it without the hand. Draylon tried again, slowing his breathing and keeping his focus, this time without the hand. To his amazement the space in front of him started to shimmer, it had worked. Paul smiled, feeling slightly smug that his idea had materialised. Draylon stepped through the portal first, followed shortly after by Paul.

Karlon screamed at the top of his lungs when he turned to see both Paul and Draylon stood right behind him.

“You scared the life out of me!” exclaimed Karlon.

“I am sorry Father, it wasn't intentional,” said Draylon struggling to contain his laughter.

“I was following him,” said Paul with a grin.

“Well, now the excitement is over I have some great news. We appear to be finished here, my work is done,” said Karlon proudly.

“That's fast work. Have you carried out all of the testing?” said Draylon.

“It is all done. We are firing on all cylinders.”

“That's great! Would you mind starting her up and just hovering up to about twenty or thirty feet, as I'm sure Paul would love to see it.”

“Of course I will.”

The large metallic saucer sat there within the Amazon jungle, with trees on all sides. There was just enough room to elevate the craft up and out of the forest when the time came. The door was open, and Karlon walked up the platform and entered the craft. Seconds later the door closed with a very fluid and very quiet motion. Karlon activated the craft. There was a gentle noise that seemed to speed, just like when a plane accelerates, only very stealthy. The craft started to lift very gracefully. Paul was in awe when he saw the beautiful white beams of light emanating from beneath the ship. The underneath had a large white light at its centre, and three strips of lights also underneath from its rim to its centre, and they were spaced apart like the craft was dissected into three equal parts. Paul thought it beautiful and stood frozen in time gazing at the stunning metallic entity.

Draylon looked at his friend and smiled. He could see the enjoyment in his friend's eyes, and it made him happy. Paul was becoming quite a confident man, and he was brave and kind, and had so many endearing qualities. Draylon trusted him with his life, and was very grateful to have such a great friend at his side through all of his endeavours.

Karlon hovered for a short while, and then gently lowered the craft down to the ground. The door opened, and Karlon walked the platform back toward Draylon and Paul.

“What do you think?” said Karlon proud of his work.

“You really have done a great job. The craft seemed so fluid in motion, amazing work Father, thank you!”

“You are very welcome. It is the least I could do. And Paul, what do you think?” said Karlon with interest.

“I think it's amazing. You and Draylon have done a remarkable job. Words cannot describe.”

Karlon and Draylon smiled at Paul as he walked over to the craft to touch its very cool metallic surface. Paul walked around the saucer with his eyes wide and jaw dropped.

“Does the crafts invisibility shield work Father?” said Draylon curiously.

Paul looked up excitably, “Invisibility shield?”

Karlon smiled, “that it does.”

Karlon held a very small device in his hand. Using the device he activated the invisibility shield. In literally a split second the craft vanished. Paul looked stunned. Draylon walked over and tapped the craft, demonstrating that although it appeared that nothing was there, it was in fact, there.

“Wow! Wow…” said Paul.

“Lost for words my friend?” said Draylon grinning and patting Paul's shoulder.

“So, what next then Son?” said Karlon wanting very much to be useful.

“I thought that we could all go to Paul place, if that's OK with Paul of course?”

“Absolutely fine. Wow, what a day,” said Paul wiping his forehead.

Draylon slowed his breathing and focused his ability of teleportation. He visualised Paul's front room. Seconds later a shimmer appeared and he smiled. Draylon was the first to walk through, followed closely by Paul, and then his father. They all smiled when they stepped safely into Paul's front room in his flat on Easter Island.

Chapter Six – Alien, human and a hybrid

It was mid-afternoon at Paul's flat. Karlon looked around the apartment, intrigued at how primitive it was compared with the technologies on his own planet, Terspheriton. Although primeval, he found it warm and homely, and felt at complete ease within the furnished surroundings. He became very amused, but at the same time interested, when he saw the television. He switched it on and sat on the sofa looking at a black and white fuzzy picture.

“Did you know that one percent of that fuzz that you are watching is radiation from the birth of the universe? Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I read some time back now,” said Paul feeling proud of his little bit of trivia.

“Fascinating, and addictive I am sure,” said Karlon.

Paul handed Karlon the remote control and explained to him about the many channels that they had. “You may enjoy the sci-fi channel,” joked Paul.

Karlon looked at Paul and smiled warmly, “Thank you Paul, I now see why you and Draylon are such good friends.”

“Are you hungry Father?” said Draylon, “I thought that maybe we could order a pizza?”

“That's a great idea,” said Paul, “Would you like to try pizza Karlon?”

“So long as it doesn't involve insects that would be nice, thank you!” said Karlon.

Paul picked up a menu that he had tucked in his drawer and then dialled up the local pizza delivery. He ordered three medium pizzas with cheese, tomato and mushroom, with an extra thick base. He was informed that delivery time would be thirty minutes. Draylon asked if anyone would like refreshments from the local convenience store. Karlon was fine with water, and Paul opted for tea, all of which Paul had in surplus, so Draylon decided to nip to the shop to get a couple of his favourite Monster Ripper energy drinks.

Forty minutes later they were all sat around the television tucking in to their almighty pizzas. Karlon's large eyes lit up at the taste sensation of the cheesy monstrosity. Paul flicked the channel over to sci-fi, and was pleasantly surprised when an episode of X-files had just started. Karlon became engrossed in the program, like a little child watching cartoons. Draylon and Paul looked at each other and smiled, amused at Karlon's enjoyment in the primitive TV.

They all finished their pizzas and stretched back on the sofa, except for Karlon whom was still glued to the box. X-files ended, and Karlon looked up.

“It's finished. Is there more?” said Karlon disappointed that the show had ended.

“There is always more, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow I'm afraid,” said Paul with a smile.

“How frustrating,” said Karlon wanting more, Paul and Draylon laughed out loud.

Draylon finished off his very cold energy drink and then relaxed back into the comfy chair, he felt completely satisfied. He looked over at Paul and Karlon, watching them chat and smile, and it made him happy. For the first time in Draylon's life, he felt like he had a family, himself, Paul and Karlon; an alien, a human, and a hybrid.

Over the next twelve months Draylon and Paul took Karlon to see some of the great sights of planet Earth. Using Draylon's ability to teleport, it was easy to travel unnoticed by the outside world. They visited the great Moai of Easter Island, the Roswell UFO Museum after closing, the Nazca Lines and Tunguska ground zero. They also visited Chichen Itza in Mexico, the Colosseum in Rome, the Dead Sea in which Draylon demonstrated his ability the walk on water, and the Grand Canyon. They visited many other places, showing Karlon what a beautiful place Earth was. All three of them were having the time of their lives, bonding, having fun, and enjoying life to its full. And then it was time.

Chapter Seven – The calm before the storm

It was Monday the 15th of September 2014. Draylon awoke early in Paul's flat on Easter Island. He slid on his blue jeans, grey T-shirt and white trainers, and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. He styled his brown spiky hair and gave his teeth a good brush. He then stood back to look at himself in the mirror. The image that looked back at him was one of apprehension, war was looming, and everything hung in the balance.

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