The Chronicles of Draylon (30 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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They drank late into the night, obviously the archangels and Draylon could not get drunk, but they all had a great night; suffice to say that Paul was carried home.

The following morning when Paul had awoken, Raphael cured him of his hangover. It was now time to say farewell. Draylon opened a portal to Ahu Tongariki, where he found the metallic tablet, the place of the Moai, the huge stone heads of the past. They all stepped through it.

The place was empty of people, and Draylon, Paul and the archangels said a heartfelt farewell.

“Until we meet again,” said Michael smiling warmly.

“God be with you both,” said Gabriel.

“May your journey be blessed,” said Uriel.

“Be happy, God bless you both,” said Raphael.

“Don't be strangers. I will miss you,” said Draylon.

“Goodbye, take care, I hope we meet again,” said Paul.

With that, the archangels took form. Beautiful bright white light shone from them all, they outstretched their wings, and then shot off into the sky. Paul and Draylon stood there for many minutes with a calmness that neither of them had felt for some time.

Draylon turned to Paul, “so, my semi immortal friend, what now?”

“I can read you like a book,” said Paul smiling. “OK, let's go to Vegas.”

Draylon grinned and opened a portal to The Strip in Las Vegas, they stepped through.

Chapter Fourteen – The Final Chapter

They arrived at the Las Vegas Strip just outside Caesars Palace.

“Veni, vidi, vici,” said Draylon.

“What on Earth is that supposed to mean?” said Paul inquisitively.

“It means, I came, I saw, I conquered. It was written by Julius Caesar as a comment about his short war in Turkey.”

“Huh. I'd like to say I'd remember that one, but I do believe I have forgotten it already,” said Paul.

“That's understandable, it's been a very traumatic period for you my friend,” said Draylon grinning.

“Very funny,” said Paul, “What do you fancy doing then?”

“I just want to relax and have a nice time, let's just get a latte and enjoy the morning sun; what say you?”

“A splendid idea.”

They found a nice little coffee shop on The Strip. Paul went in to order, a pot of tea for himself and a couple of large lattes for Draylon. Paul brought out the drinks to find Draylon stretched out on a comfy chair with his eyes closed enjoying the warmth of the sun. He smiled at his friend and figured that no one deserves it more.

“Wakey, wakey, coffee is served,” said Paul.

Draylon opened his eyes and drank in the smell of fresh coffee, “Thank you, I am so looking forward to this,” said Draylon, with all intentions of taking his time.

Draylon picked up the large white mug of coffee and took his first sip. The flavour excited all of his senses, and he closed his eyes once again, finally able to relax and truly enjoy himself with no threat of war or anything else for that matter. Paul slowly poured his tea and relaxed back into his chair also, this was going to be a very welcome break.

Draylon smiled, “This is great. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Finally there is no more weight bearing down on my shoulders, and we can take each day as it comes.”

“It does feel good.” Paul smiled widely, “I am immortal, or at least, I am not going to age or die of natural causes.”

“We are a crime fighting team my friend. Gabriel also mentioned to me that you won't experience the headaches anymore. Your visions will be crystal clear.”

“That's great news. I feel so good right now.”

“Long life is certainly a gift. However, it will mean that we have to watch our loved ones grow old,” said Draylon, hoping that Paul understood the full scope of being immortal.

“I suppose we'll have to try not to become too attached to anyone. Nothing's ever simple is it?”

Draylon smiled, “at least you'll acquire no more wrinkles.”

Paul touched his face, “what wrinkles? I don't have wrinkles!”

Draylon laughed out loud. “When we've finished our drinks, maybe we should check in to Caesars, I really like that hotel. And then… let's hire another car, what do you think?”

“Trying to make amends for the joke about the wrinkles, I get it. And yes, that sounds like a great idea, we could cruise Vegas.”

“Then we have an accord?”

“We certainly do,” said Paul seemingly drinking faster at the mention of another car.

They finished their drinks and then made their way to Caesars Palace, the roman themed super hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. Paul and Draylon walked opened mouthed as they entered the extraordinary hotel once again. It was an absolutely stunning work of art. Massive pillars, highly detailed sculptures, beautifully crafted facades and exquisite fountains. They managed to book the exact room that they had stayed at on their last visit, which made Draylon happy, being a creature of habit.

Once all checked in and acclimatised to their environment, they made their way to Joe's Car Hire. When they arrived, Paul wasted no time in checking out all of the magnificent muscle cars. And then he saw it, and fell in love. Stood before him was a 1969 Dodge Charger in jet black, absolutely immaculate condition, an absolute dream of a car. It was like the General Lee as featured in The Dukes of Hazard, only black instead of orange. Paul looked at Draylon with an enormous smile, and mentioned that they might have to win some more money sometime soon. Draylon laughed as Paul ran into the building to hire his new toy.

Draylon walked around the awesome machine, impressed by Paul's excellent taste in cars. A short while later, out came Paul running once again, only this time with keys jingling away in his hand. Paul opened the car and they both got in. Paul put the keys in the ignition and started it up. The car roared like a lion that had been starved for a week. The power of the beast could be felt in the seats as the car hummed, just to let you know that it was carnivore, an alpha male, and it was ready to rumble.

Paul drove the car sensibly out onto The Strip. And then sensibly slipped off the edge of the map, as he floored the machine and it roared out loud as it shot along the streets of Vegas. Draylon could sense Paul's excitement and laughed as the air blew into his open window dishevelling his hair. They headed out onto the open road and sped off into distance.

“This is a truly remarkable machine my friend, good choice.”

“I love it. I love life. This is great!” Paul screamed aloud out of the window having a truly wonderful time.

Many hours passed, and they drove back to Caesars palace and parked up the Charger. Paul decided that he was going to get an early night after all of the excitement of the day. Draylon said that he would stay out for a while, and check that the streets were safe for women and children. They parted ways, and when Paul was gone from sight, Draylon's heart sank once more thinking about Adriana.

Draylon stepped in a nearby alley out of sight, and then opened a portal. He stepped through, and then collapsed in a heap on the floor at the site where Adriana now rests, in a burial ground on Easter Island.

It was dark, and the wind howled, and Draylon's eyes welled with tears. He fell forward, clutching at the grass on the soft earth. He longed with all of his heart and soul, but knew that it would be a very, very long time until he saw her again. The pain ate at him, and then it started to rain. Hours passed, the rain never ceased, and the water dripped freely off Draylon's hair and his clothes. He was a saturated mess and he didn't care, the pain dulled all of his senses.

Suddenly there was a light. Draylon looked up to see Gabriel stood at his side, his powerful wings outstretched to their full. Gabriel's wings slowly retracted, and the brightness faded until he was stood in his human form once again. The rain was unrelenting and it started to drip from Gabriel's long blonde pushed back hair. His eyes shone a remarkable blue, and he spoke in a gentle compassionate tone.

“Do not grieve my brother, you are loved beyond your comprehension, and you will never be alone,” said Gabriel.

“Thank you for coming Gabriel. I'm in pain, and I try to put it to the back of my mind, but the moment that I am alone, it surfaces once again.”

“Immortality has its pains, just as a mortal life does, but you are meant for great things, do not wish your life away.”

“Then tell me, how can I turn off the pain?”

Gabriel smiled, “your pain goes hand in hand with your love. It is because you are capable to love so deeply, that you now suffer at the loss of it. Only, you haven't really lost it, because Adriana reciprocates your love. You will be with her again one day, and your love will be bound for eternity. Therefore, I say this. You are the protector of Earth, a brother to the archangels, and chosen by God. You will always have love, you will always have Adriana's love, but for now, people need you. Stand tall Draylon, because you are meant for more, so much more.”

Draylon wiped the rain from his drenched hair and stood, “forgive me Brother, I have been selfish.”

Gabriel interrupted, “there is not a selfish bone in your body.”

“Thank you. Thank you for being here, it means a lot to me.”

“Think nothing of it.” Gabriel placed his right hand on Draylon's shoulder, and as he did so he began to take his angel form once again. White light channelled into Draylon, immersing him with strength. Gabriel's wings stretched out to their full, and then he spoke in a deep resonating voice, “Farewell my brother, until we meet again.” Gabriel smiled, and then saturated in beautiful white light, he ascended to the heavens at phenomenal speed.

Draylon stood watching until Gabriel was gone from sight. He then turned to Adriana's resting place and said aloud, “I love you Adriana.” Draylon took a deep breath of fresh air, closed his eyes, and then cleared his mind. When he opened his eyes he felt new strength, a new power, and a will forged in the heavens. His eyes shone with an intense blue almost as if electricity was flowing through them, and then he put his right hand to his left wrist, activating his wristband. The wristband enveloped Draylon, clinging to his muscles, making him look as if he were carved from rock. The amulet symbol appeared on his chest like a scar. It was a symbol of hope, a symbol that Earth is being protected by a saviour; a saviour prophesised long ago. The rain beat down hard on Draylon, and he stood there in his disguise, a black knight that will seek out justice and keep humanity safe. He bent his knees, and leapt. He shot into the sky with astonishing speed, like a lightning bolt shooting across the sky. Like a shooting star giving hope to all those in need that choose to wish upon it. Draylon, The Terspheritonian.

The End


Draylon, using his gift of teleportation, visited his father regularly in his new home amongst the pale greens. Needless to say that Draylon was forgiven for his trickery, because he put aside his selfish needs to prevent further bloodshed. The pale green nation celebrated Draylon’s victory, and he became a legend on their planet, an inspiration.

The battle of Antarctica never went unnoticed, but governments have their secrets, albeit to protect mankind. Therefore, Antarctica became as did Roswell, a cover up.

As for Draylon and Paul, this is just the very beginning.

All rights reserved

Copyright © Kenneth Balfour, 2012

Kenneth Balfour is hereby identified as author of this work in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988

The book cover picture is copyright to Inmagine Corp LLC

ISBN 978-1-78148-057-1 in epub format

This book is published by

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd

28-30 High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3EL.

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A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

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