The Chronicles of Draylon (23 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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“Wow, I lost track of time. I should go and see Paul shouldn't I?

“I believe you should,” said Gabriel with a smile.

“Thank you! I am honoured, thank you!” said Draylon already feeling his strength returning.

“Just one more thing. You cannot go anywhere looking like that.”

Gabriel smiled and held up his right hand towards Draylon. There was a beautiful bright light. When the light was gone, Draylon touched his face. To his astonishment all of his beard growth was gone, his hair was tidy, and he was like brand new, revitalised.

Draylon smiled, “Thank you Gabriel, and farewell for now.”

“Farewell half-brother,” said Gabriel, and then he shot off into the sky like a shooting star.

Draylon followed suit, destination Easter Island.

Chapter Fifteen – Found

Draylon knocked on Paul's door early in the morning, Easter Island time, on Christmas day. A short while later Paul answered, wiping the sleepy dust from his eyes. Paul took a second glance because he didn't believe what he was seeing. When he realised it was Draylon he threw his arms around him patting his back.

“It's great to see you Draylon, I have missed you.”

“And I have missed you my friend,” Draylon smiled, glad to be home again.

They went inside Paul's flat and sat down. Draylon told Paul all about his travels and of Gabriel and the message from Adriana. Paul couldn't believe that it truly was the Archangel Gabriel, meaning that he had met Michael. He was ecstatic at the revelation. Draylon explained that he had cut himself off from the world, and hadn't intervened with humanity since the day of Adriana's funeral. He said that the pain was still very raw, but he felt comfort from the message that Gabriel had delivered.

“I don't think the pain will ever go away, but it will subside, and things will eventually become easier,” said Paul.

“I wanted so much to be with her Paul. Life will never be quite the same, yet in my death we'll be reunited.” Draylon looked sad.

“Isn't that amazing though, to know that one day you will be with her again? I can't believe that we have met Archangels. What better proof of God and an afterlife than that?”

“It is truly a blessing to know that there is more, for absolute certain.”

“I propose that we do our very best to enjoy this day. You're back! And it's Christmas! Let us try to have fun, and I have just the thing.”

Paul went over to the fridge and pulled out a couple of cans of Monster Ripper, Draylon's favourite drink. Draylon smiled.

“You're on, let's have a nice Christmas my friend, it is great to see you again.”

“Oh, and do you know what they are calling you?” said Paul smiling.

“What who is calling me?” asked Draylon inquisitively.

“Remember you told me that you saved that little boy, and had a conversation with him whilst a crowd gathered around you?”


“Well they are calling you The Terspheritonian, so someone must have overheard you mentioning where you came from. It was in the papers for weeks, and still is from time to time, I can't believe that you never saw it.”

“I was in a slump, I noticed nothing. I think that has a nice ring to it, what do you think?”

“I like it. You wait; you'll be on T-shirts next.” Paul laughed.

Draylon eased back onto the sofa and sipped on his favourite drink. Paul made himself a cup of tea, and then brought over a selection box full of assorted chocolate bars. Draylon smiled, and found himself having a really nice time, and so glad to be reunited with his best friend. Paul was very much enjoying the company again, because he too had been alone for all of the months that Draylon was away. They both chatted for hours, eating chocolate and drinking and having a great time. They watched Christmas films on television, joked at Paul's little crooked Christmas tree, and sang along to all of the classic Christmas songs. Draylon struggled with the songs because none were really familiar to him, as it was Draylon's first Christmas spent in company on planet Earth.

It was late evening, and they had both had a great day. Draylon proposed that they light a candle each for Adriana. Paul went to the kitchen and came back with two white candles and some matches. Paul handed a candle to Draylon, and then struck a match. He lit the candle, and then lit his own from the flame. Paul switched off the television and they both said in a whisper, “Merry Christmas Adriana.” They then sat in silence watching the flame burn slowly at the candle. An hour went by, and Paul wished Draylon a goodnight, and then blew out his candle. Draylon sat there for hours watching the flame gentle flicker from side to side, whilst thinking of his love, Adriana, the beautiful, warm and loving Adriana. It became very late, and Draylon gently blew out his candle, taking in the scent of the smoke. He then eased back onto the sofa, and slipped into a deep sleep.

Chapter Sixteen – Forewarning

It was Sunday the 15th of September 2013. The DeLorean was safe and sound on Easter Island, as Paul had his pride and joy shipped across the ocean. Draylon and Paul had been on many adventures, and had helped hundreds of people. They were best of friends, and despite Draylon's many challenges, Paul felt that his own life was pretty much perfect. Of late, Draylon had been a little bit anxious, knowing that the greys would be back on Terspheriton now. Already they would have had months of preparation, if they were indeed going to plan an attack on Earth.

It was early in the morning on Easter Island, Paul had just awoken. He climbed out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. He looked over and smiled, surprised to see Draylon still asleep on the sofa. He thought he'd test Draylon's senses, and pulled a Monster Ripper energy drink from the fridge. He quietly opened it, muffling the sound with a tea towel, and then took his hand away from the top, to let the sweet aroma circulate. Draylon's nose started to twitch and a smile appeared on his face, “OK I'm up, where's my breakfast?” said Draylon grinning. Paul handed him the energy drink and then went to pour his tea. He picked up the mug and started to walk towards Draylon, and his legs buckled. Like a flash, Draylon was up; he caught the drink in one hand before it could spill, and caught Paul with the other hand. He gently lowered Paul to the ground and placed the drink on the coffee table.

“Paul, Paul, can you hear me?” said Draylon worried about his friend.

Paul started to become lucid again, “Another vision…” said Paul catching his breath, and putting his hand to his aching head.

“Are you OK?”

Paul smiled, “I'm OK thank you. I don't think I'll ever get used to that sensation though.”

“What did you see?”

“Grindor is at the crash site in Roswell, he has a message for you.”

“Thank you Paul.” Draylon paused, “I am sorry about the headaches.”

“Don't be, it makes me feel useful, like we're a team.”

“We are a team,” said Draylon putting his hand on Paul's shoulder. “I must go, I'll see you soon.”

Draylon walked out of the flat and activated his disguise. He then bent his knees and leapt, tearing into the sky and through the clouds like a torpedo. In seconds, he was at the crash site in Roswell, where the UFO hit in July 1947.

The sky was bright blue with the odd cloud scattered here and there, and the day was warming. Draylon paced, enjoying the sound of gravel under his feet. All of a sudden Draylon felt a chill, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He turned to see the apparition of Grindor.

Grindor was a tall grey when in existence; he was athletically built with a strong jaw line. Although, with his strong body he also possessed a friendly looking face, and his ghostly image mimicked that.

Draylon smiled at Grindor in greeting and Grindor gave a subtle nod back. Grindor chose to use telepathy to communicate with Draylon this time, but Draylon chose to use the spoken word, as do the humans of planet Earth, in which Draylon was now a part of.

“Nice to see you again Grindor,” said Draylon anxious to hear what the message was.

“And you too Draylon, although my message is not a pleasant one.”

“That's OK, I need to hear it.”

“They are on their way. They are one thousand strong, and they mean to wipe clean the Earth of all humanity. You are also high on their list Draylon. You cannot defend Earth on your own. Even with your abilities, you do not have a hope.”

“Thank you for not holding back Grindor,” said Draylon forcing a smile despite his fear. “How do you know all of this?”

“Now that I am dead, there is much that I see.”

“Well, can you see a solution to this?”

“I am glad that you asked,” said Grindor telepathically with a smile. “There is hope. You are not alone Draylon, you have the pale greens as allies.”

“But how do I contact them?” said Draylon panicking.

“Leave that to me.”

“So it's not just me that you can communicate with?”

“I can communicate with all, but choose not to of course. I can contact your friend, Brandlin. I am sure that he would be only too happy to help.”

Thank you Grindor. I don't know what I'd have done without your help, you have been invaluable to me, and I'll never forget it.”

“You are most welcome, Draylon, friend.” Said Grindor with a smile, and then he vanished.

Draylon wandered for a while, deep in thought. He had two years, in two years the greys would be here. It was going to be all out war. So many things hung in the balance; so many plans have yet to be made. Draylon closed his eyes and drew the cool air in deep. Minutes passed and then he opened his eyes, they were an intense blue and as bright as the sky. Draylon's head was full of ideas and possibilities. He bent his knees and leapt, shooting into the sky like a thunder-bolt.

He landed outside of Paul's flat, and went in. Paul had his eyes closed on the sofa, listening to his MP3 player. He was startled when he heard the door open. Draylon walked in and smiled at his friend. Paul took off his earphones, and Draylon told Paul everything that had happened. Paul couldn't believe the news.

“I'm not afraid. I guess I should be, but I know you, and you'll think of something, everything will be fine.”

“Thank you Paul,” said Draylon smiling, “I am flattered at your confidence in me.”

“I have confidence in you, and I have confidence in Brandlin and the pale greens. I also wonder about the Archangels, maybe they will play a part.”

“Maybe…Well, we have two years,” said Draylon stroking his chin. “Let's take that DeLorean for a spin; I need to clear my head.”

Paul jumped out of his chair, “You bet!” said Paul smiling.

They both went out to the metallic silver sports car. Paul opened it up, and they both opened its gull-wing doors, closing them behind. Paul put the key in the ignition. He turned it. The DeLorean roared like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Paul grinned with satisfaction. He put the pedal to the metal, dumped the clutch, and shot off like a rocket into space. The sound of the car reverberated off buildings as it went, and they disappeared into the distance.



Book Four

Kenneth Balfour

The dark dank depths of The Great Pyramid.

A covenant of old.

The cold desolation of war.

Behold, a light shines brightly.

There is hope.

In Draylon – Destiny.

The Chapters

Chapter One – Easter Island

Chapter Two – Egypt

Chapter Three – Ethiopia

Chapter Four – The Amazon

Chapter Five – Paul

Chapter Six – Alien, human and a hybrid

Chapter Seven – The calm before the storm

Chapter Eight – The Storm

Chapter Nine – Pale Greens

Chapter Ten – Time’s up

Chapter Eleven – Foresight

Chapter Twelve – Resolution

Chapter Thirteen – The Rongorongo Inn

Chapter Fourteen – The Final Chapter

Chapter One – Easter Island

It was late evening on Sunday the 15th of September 2013. Draylon and Paul had been talking for many hours about the greys and the coming war. They spoke about alerting the president of the United States and all of the world leaders, as to posing threat of the greys to planet Earth. Draylon was concerned. He knew that there was no war machine on Earth that had the remotest chance against the technology from his home planet. He imagined that if the world leaders were approached, then their natural choice would be to defend Earth. Only in doing so, many, many lives would be lost. There had to be another way.

Paul suggested taking the battle into space, and maybe meeting the greys halfway. He explained that Grindor could alert the pale greens of the strategy, and then hopefully, all going well, humanity wouldn't even have to know of the impending doom threatening Earth. Draylon smiled at Paul.

“That is an amazing idea my friend. That way we could avoid alerting the world leaders and causing mass panic. We could also avoid thousands if not millions of lives being lost. The only problem is, that this idea depends solely on myself and the pale greens being successful, keep in mind that we may be outnumbered, as I do not have any idea how many craft Brandlin can muster.”

“Another problem I guess is how would you get there? You don't have a craft, and a year is a long time to fly without food and air.”

“There are damaged craft that we know of, only I wouldn't know how to repair them. I have skills, but even mine are limited, maybe if I could teleport myself? As for the air and food, since the powers of the amulet were bestowed to me I require neither, although I enjoy them both,” said Draylon with a grin.

“Can you do that? Can you teleport yourself” asked Paul curiously.

Draylon laughed, “No my friend, I cannot teleport.”

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