The Chronicles of Draylon (19 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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“I am one of four. We are the protectors of the four corners of the universe.”

“What brings you to the Amazon?” said Paul in utter disbelief of his question.

“Even Draylon can't be in two places at once. I cannot allow his friend to come to any harm. It is lonely here for Draylon, being different. You are his closest friend, and he will need you. And I happened to be in the neighbourhood.”

“How do you know Draylon?” asked Paul, completely confused.

“I have known Draylon since before he even existed. The metallic vial that was found by the pale green alien race, in the caves of ice, contained my DNA. That DNA was used to create the amulet, which is now a part of Draylon. Draylon is now our half-brother, and a protector of the Earth, the centre of the universe. This was all foretold long ago.”

“Is everything foretold?” asked Paul.

“Just because it is foretold, doesn't mean it is written in stone. Our father gave to us all free will; therefore nothing is absolutely certain. Your destiny is not set, although few are brave enough to stray from their path.”

“Thank you for saving my life.” said Paul in awe of the mighty stranger.

“You are welcome friend. You are safe now, I must be off.”

“Wait, what is your name?”

“You may call me Michael,” he said with a smile.

Michael turned from Paul, bent his knees and leapt, he shot into the sky at a phenomenal speed, unmatched by even Draylon. Paul climbed back into his hammock, still wondering if he had been dreaming.

Ronaldo had a firm grip on Adriana and was dragging her along in the direction of his home. Adriana was streaming with tears, and she was begging him to let her go. Ronaldo was intoxicated, and losing his temper fast. Adriana screamed out loud, “Let go of me!” Ronaldo was furious, and pulled back his fist ready to strike hard. Thud! Draylon landed, crashing to the ground and catching Ronaldo's fist, before it was able to strike Adriana. Draylon was absolutely livid; he wrestled with his emotions, summoning every bit of good in him, to stop himself from hitting Ronaldo with everything he had. Instead, he gripped Ronaldo's fist just hard enough to make him cower towards the ground begging for mercy. Draylon said to him that if he so much as lays a finger on Adriana again, he'll break him so badly, that he'll beg for an end. Ronaldo lost control of his bladder and whimpered like a little boy, he then struggled to his feet and staggered off quickly towards his home.

Draylon turned to Adriana and took her in his arms. Adriana was so happy to see Draylon, she poured her heart out, and held him so tightly, not wanting to let go. She eventually stood back to look at him, and smiled.

“I have missed you so much,” said Adriana with a tear rolling down her cheek.

“I have missed you too. You look so beautiful,” said Draylon, full of emotion himself.

“You look astounding in that Lycra, I like it!” said Adriana with a cheeky smile.

“It's not lycra,” replied Draylon smiling back.

He then put his right hand over his left wrist, and the outfit subsided back to a wristband again.

“Would you like to walk me home?” asked Adriana bashfully.

“I would love to.”

Draylon took her hand and they walked slowly towards her home. Both of them felt nervous with tingles, and they looked at each other shyly, both completely comfortable with the silence. Draylon could bare it no longer; he put his hands around her waist, leaned in towards her lips, and kissed her passionately. The whole world disappeared around them, and they lost hours kissing and gently caressing. Darkness had fallen, and Draylon suddenly realised that he had left Paul alone in the dark, in the Amazon jungle.

“I love you Adriana. It has been so hard being apart from you.”

“I love you too Draylon. I hope we get our chance to be together some day.”

“I hope so too.” Draylon paused, and then said in a soft voice, “I have to go, I've left Paul in the middle of the Amazon, it's a long story, but he's not safe on his own.”

“The Amazon! Poor Paul, you'd best hurry. Please call me.” Adriana was already missing him.

“I will. I'll be thinking of you.” Draylon felt sad at having to leave Adriana again.

“I am always thinking of you.”

Adriana shed a tear, and Draylon gently caught it on his finger. He looked into her eyes, longing to be with her, and kissed her one last time. He then stood back, activated his outfit, and shot off into the night sky like a shooting star. Adriana felt saddened at his leaving again, but encouraged that one-day they would be together.

Draylon arrived back in the Amazon forest, not surprised to find Paul sound asleep in his hammock, all snug like a bug in a rug.

It was Sunday the 3rd of July at 9:23 a.m. Paul opened his eyes and yawned.

“Good morning, sleep well?” asked Draylon.

“Very well thank you. Is Adriana OK?” said Paul a little worried.

“She is fine now, thanks to you,” said Draylon with a smile.

“You won't believe what happened to me.”

Paul told Draylon everything that had happened since he was gone. Draylon was intrigued to find out that at least four other beings had the same powers that he had. He asked Paul to repeat the details over again, and they both sat in silence trying to digest the information. Paul suggested that it was a little coincidental that his name was Michael, and there were three others. He said to Draylon that there are four Archangels that he knows of, that are depicted in the Christian Bible, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel and Michael. Draylon agreed that it was a very good theory, but it seemed way too surreal to think that an angel of the lord would be interested in their affairs, Paul agreed that he was most probably right.

“Do you believe in God?” asked Draylon.

“Let's just say that I want to believe, how about you?”

“I feel the same way. I hope so; it is a lovely thought.”

Draylon asked Paul what he would like for his breakfast, Paul asked for two bacon rolls and a diet coke. Draylon smiled at his friend, and asked him if he was going to be OK whilst he was gone. Paul picked up a big stick and said that he was going to be fine. Draylon activated his outfit, bent his knees and leapt. He shot off like a bullet, tearing through the sky, determined to get back quickly so that Paul doesn't get himself into any more trouble.

He arrived back ten minutes later with Paul's breakfast, and a couple of his favourite Monster Rippers. They both stretched out in their hammocks, enjoying their meals, and listening to the many sounds of the forest.

“I've enjoyed myself here, it's been a little scary at times, but it's such a beautiful place.” said Paul.

“It is beautiful.” said Draylon, mildly distracted.

“Are you on the same planet as me?” said Paul with a smile.

“Sorry!” said Draylon, “I was thinking of Adriana, it was great to see her again.”

“Stirred up all of those feelings again?”

“You could say that.”

“What's the plan then? Heading back now? Or do you want to adventure further?” said Paul.

“I think it's time to head back, I believe you could do with a shower my friend.” said Draylon laughing at his companion.

“It's not me thank you very much. I think it's the mosquito spray reacting with my clothes,” said Paul sniffing under his arms, “Maybe it's me a little.”

They both packed up all of their belongings and started the trek back home.

Chapter Eight – Mortality

Five days later they arrived back at Roswell airport. It was noon on Friday the 8th of July. They went through customs, and then made their way to the car park, to Paul's black Trans-Am. Paul had missed his car; it was his pride and joy. He had fantasised about getting a Knight Rider car throughout his childhood, so to actually finally have one was his dream come true. When they arrived at the car, Paul stood admiring it for a moment or two, and then gently stroked the bonnet in admiration of the powerful beast. He then unlocked the doors and got in. Thud! Paul's seat had given way and he was lying flat on his back. Draylon was in fits of laughter.

“Very funny!” said Paul.

“I'm sorry! You really have had the worst luck lately. Let me fix it for you.” said Draylon, trying to control his laughter.

Draylon fixed the seat whilst Paul plugged in his MP3 player, eager to hear some music after being in the jungle for so long. He selected a play list and then started up the car. The Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am roared like a lion. Paul put his foot to the floor and they were off.

Draylon suggested that they check in to a hotel in Roswell as they both needed to get freshened up, Paul agreed. They pulled in to the car park of a hotel named ‘The Space Ship Inn'. They grabbed their luggage from the boot of the car and then made their way into the hotel. They booked a room with two Queen sized single beds, a television and free internet.

They made their way up to the room and Paul crashed out on the bed, exhausted from all of the travelling. Draylon took the liberty of being the first to take a shower. When Draylon finished, Paul took his turn, cleaning all of the mud and sweat from his body. When they had both finished getting ready, they decided it was time for lunch.

Draylon was wearing his favourite blue jeans, grey T-shirt and trainers. Paul was wearing blue jeans, a smart black shirt and black shoes. They both looked as shiny as new pennies.

“You're looking smart my friend.” said Draylon, noting that Paul smelled considerably better after his shower also.

“Thank you! And nice to see you wearing something different.” said Paul smiling.

They walked a block from the hotel and found a nice little diner. They went in and found themselves a seat by the window. A pretty little brunette waitress came over to serve them. Paul ordered steak, chips and peas, and Draylon ordered a large jacket potato with cheese and mushrooms. They also ordered a large diet coke each. The young waitress smiled at Paul, and then blushed. She then hurried off to get their orders.

“I have a sneaking suspicion that she quite liked the look of you Paul.”

“I wasn't sure, it's been a while since I drew any attention from the female species,” said Paul, feeling a little nervous inside.

“Why? You're a good-looking guy. I bet it's that new found confidence you have.”

“I do feel like a changed person. I used to be so shy and quiet.” Paul was enjoying the compliments.

“Maybe you should get her number?” said Draylon with a smile.

“I don't think it's practical really, we're on the move so much. But it is nice having the attention.” said Paul, a little flustered.

The young brunette waitress arrived with their order. She served Paul last, and as she put the coke in front of him she spilled a little on his leg. She immediately started to blush again, whilst at the same time getting a paper towel and dabbing Paul's leg, to soak up the coke. Paul insisted he was fine, but she continued to dab. Paul started to blush too. When the coke was cleaned up she caught Paul's eye again, smiled and then hurried off back into the kitchen. Draylon winked at his friend, trying to control his laughter.

Paul drank down his coke in one mouthful to cool himself down, and choked on the last mouthful, making his eyes water. Draylon was finding it all extremely amusing. Paul eventually composed himself, and started to see the funny side too. He was extremely flattered that he was attractive to the opposite sex, but he felt that despite his new-found confidence and lust for life, he was still a little bashful around girls.

They both polished off their meals, and then relaxed; looking out of the window and watching the world go by.

“I enjoyed the Amazon immensely, but I must admit, I have grown used to my little luxuries, I am definitely a modern man.” said Paul, enjoying being clean and eating anything but dried apricots and energy bars.

“I loved the Amazon, and I love modern technology. I must admit though, if I never had my abilities, it would have been tough in that jungle.”

“Tell me about it! There are predators everywhere in that place. I definitely wasn't up very high on the food chain. Even the ants had one up on me.”

“You did well, especially with that ayahuasca.”

“If I ever see that stuff again, it'll be too soon. I can still taste it; it was utterly foul.” said Paul, grimacing at the thought.”

Draylon laughed, “Shall we head off then my friend.”

“Sure, I'm finished.”

They paid the bill and then left the diner. As Paul left he had one last look behind for the young brunette waitress. She was stood by the kitchen smiling at him as he left. Paul gave a little wave and then stumbled out onto the pavement; Draylon caught him just in time preventing his fall.

“Falling for her so soon?” said Draylon grinning.

“Very funny!” said Paul looking slightly flushed again.

Ethel was 89 years old. She was a small lady with grey curly hair. She lost her husband almost a year ago to the day, and had become very lonely. She was a very religious woman and prayed to God and to her husband every day. She missed her husband so much, that she longed for death so that she could be with him again. Of late she had been experiencing chest pains, and it had brought her to tears on several occasions. She knew her time was drawing to an end, and she longed for it. She had lost her love for life, and her fear of death.

She was taking a mid-afternoon stroll, wearing her little blue coat and her grey trousers, when her chest started to tighten. She winced, and her legs buckled beneath her. She was going to die, and amid the pain she was happy.

Paul pointed out an old lady stood in the pavement. She was clutching her chest, and suddenly collapsed. “Call an ambulance!” shouted Draylon as he ran to help her. Draylon reached down and gently held Ethel's hand.

“Do not fear, I can help you,” said Draylon.

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