The Chronicles of Draylon (22 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Emily had just passed her driving test, it was a big day. She was so excited, and drove her second hand Ford Fiesta with a big smile on her face. She decided to drive around the outskirts of Vegas, so as to avoid too much traffic. It was dark, and she drove with her headlights on for the first time. Amid the excitement she was a little nervous about the lack of visibility at night-time. She turned a corner and screamed.

Satan had been wandering for an hour or so, he was confused and scared. He missed his master, and missed his warm home, and he was getting increasingly hungrier. He started to limp a little, as he suffered from mild arthritis, and he was becoming sad. Suddenly he breathed in deep, and thought maybe he could smell his master's scent. Satan made a dash out of an alleyway and into a road. He skidded to a halt and turned to see two white lights heading straight towards him. He froze.

Emily hit her brakes and closed her eyes. Thud! She daren't look up and started to cry, what had she done?

Draylon ducked down an alleyway and activated his costume. He then stealthily prowled the back streets of Vegas, watching and waiting. He sensed danger. He looked up to see a Ford Fiesta taking a corner, and also noticed a large black dog about to run out in front of the car. He shot down into action with ferocious speed, analysing the situation in milliseconds. He landed in the road directly in front of the car, and slammed his hand on the bonnet bringing the car to a stop. The driver of the car had already jammed on the brakes and the car was starting to slow, so Draylon's job was easy. Draylon turned to see the huge black dog whimpering behind him with fear. He reached for the dogs tag and read it, “Hello Satan, you're safe now,” said Draylon smiling and stroking Satan's ears. He then led the mammoth dog around to the driver of the vehicle. He noticed a young girl weeping into her steering wheel. Draylon quickly deactivated his outfit so as not to alarm her, and then tapped the window of the car.

“Hello, my name is Draylon. No need to be upset, you stopped in time, the dog is fine, you see?”

Emily looked up, her face flooded with tears. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she smiled. “Thank God! I really thought I'd hit him.”

“I commend you on your driving, very well done. Your observation skills saved this dog's life.”

Emily beamed, “Thank you!”

“You are most welcome. Well I'm off to find this dog's owner; he looks a little hungry, farewell.” Draylon smiled warmly at Emily.

“Farewell,” said Emily smiling and driving off carefully down the road.

Draylon soon found Satan's address as it was printed on the flipside of his nametag. He knocked on the door. A great big man with a shaved head and tattoos answered the door. The man became overjoyed when he saw Satan. Satan ran to his master and slobbered all over him. Draylon smiled and then wandered off into the night.

Andrew and Tony were meeting in a darkened alleyway off The Strip. Neither of them worked for a living, and both of them were small time drug dealers. Like an addiction, both of them grew wealthier and both of them grew greedier. Andrew wanted the cocaine that Tony had on offer, and Tony wanted the money.

“So, have you brought the stuff?” said Andrew stroking his chin.

Tony pulled out a rather large bag of white powder from his pocket. “I have the stuff, now show me the money.”

Andrew grinned, and then quickly pulled out a gun, with a silencer attached. Tony lashed out with a punch calling Andrew's bluff. Andrew recovered, angry. Tony grabbed the cocaine and ran as fast as his legs would take him. Andrew pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.

Harry was a five-year-old blonde haired boy with little chubby cheeks. He was out with his Mummy and Daddy, and was having the time of his life. Pretty lights were everywhere, and little Harry ran here and there ahead of his parents taking in all of the beautiful displays. Harry was starting to wheeze with all of the excitement, and when his mother noticed, she ran to him, giving him a puff of his blue inhaler.

Harry's mum was named Lara, and his Dad was named Brandon. They had been trying for a child for many years, and when Harry came along they were overjoyed. Harry was their life, he was all that mattered to them, and they devoted every waking hour to making sure that little Harry was the happiest boy alive.

Harry pulled out a sticky lollipop from his pocket and put it in his mouth. With a big smile and a chuckle he waved at his parents and trotted ahead again, mesmerised by the lights. He skipped passed an alleyway munching on his lolly, when he suddenly fell down, hard. A man ran straight past him not bothering to stop. His Mummy and Daddy ran to him as fast as they could.

“Harry, are you OK my love?” said Lara.

Harry cried out loud, “Mummy, Mumm…”

Harry went silent. His little face lolled to one side, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Lara noticed a red patch appearing on his chest. She screamed out loud, “Harry!” His father checked for a pulse, nothing!

Draylon heard a gunshot with his super enhanced hearing. He activated his outfit and shot off like a black bullet. He noticed a man run from an alley and a little boy lying on the ground. He landed right beside the boy.

“Please, stand back, I can help.” said Draylon kneeling down beside the little boy.

Draylon pulled open Harry's tiny blue shirt and felt sick when he saw the nasty bullet wound. He placed his hands over the wound, closed his eyes, and focused. In seconds, the skin started to heal, and little Harry started to choke back into existence. Draylon knew he was going to be fine. He then shot off so fast that he left a storm in his wake. He found Tony in seconds, still running. He grabbed him and ascertained the details and whereabouts of the gunman. He then flew Tony back to where Harry lay with his parents, and slammed him into the concrete knocking him clean out. Draylon was angry. He shot up the darkened alleyway, and found Andrew. He pinned him up and stared deep into his eyes, “People like you do not deserve to live. You almost killed a helpless little boy.” Draylon became angrier and more upset by the second. He shouted at the man, “You are going to spend the rest of your days behind bars. And I personally guarantee that you will never get out.” He then grabbed Andrew, and flew back like a rocket, slamming him unconscious next to Tony.

A crowd had developed, and they all stood back in awe of Draylon, for they had never seen the likes of him before. Lara and Brandon thanked Draylon with all of their heart. Lara was still streaming with tears. They stood away so that Draylon could bend down to talk to Harry.

“Are you for real?” said Harry with his mouth wide open, and becoming excitable again.

“Cogito ergo sum,” said Draylon smiling at the boy.

“Wow, is that alien?” said Harry pulling another sticky lollipop from his pocket.

Draylon laughed, “No my little friend, it is Latin. It means, I think, therefore I am. So the answer to your earlier question is yes, I am for real.”

“Did you save me?”

“Yes, I saved you little one. You are now as good as new. Now promise me to hold your parents hands at all times when you're out in the big city, because I need to know that you are safe.”

“I promise. Do you come from space?”

“That's a good question.” Draylon smiled. “I come from a planet, far, far away. A planet named Terspheriton.”

“Wow.” said Harry; his jaw gaped as he tried to imagine how far Draylon's home was away in the deepest depths of space.

Sirens were drawing close, and Draylon waited until the Police and ambulance where just seconds away. “I must go now. Goodbye Harry, it's been a pleasure meeting you.” Draylon ruffled Harry's hair and then stood. He nodded and smiled at Lara and Brandon, and then shot off into the night like a shooting star.

It was approaching midnight. Draylon landed in the shadows near to the Luxor, and deactivated his outfit. He made his way toward the entrance of the hotel, noticing that Paul's car was not there. His phone started to ring. He answered it; it was Paul.

Chapter Thirteen – Crushed

Paul was driving back towards Vegas. The DeLorean was like a silver lightning bolt shooting across the desert. All of a sudden his head started to pound and he became dizzy. He jammed on his brakes and the car skidded furiously, barely staying on its four wheels. It eventually came to a halt at an angle in the middle of the road. Luckily for Paul, there were no other cars to be seen.

Paul recovered and said aloud, “Oh dear God, no.” Paul picked up his phone and called Draylon. Draylon answered.

“Hello Paul, don't tell me you've broken down.” Draylon smiled.

Paul said in a quiet voice, “Draylon…you need to get here now, I'm on my way back from Area 51.”

Draylon panicked. He never bothered to activate his outfit. He bent his knees and leapt, shattering the pavement behind him. In seconds he found Paul, and landed so hard that the ground cracked beneath his feet.

“Paul, what is wrong?” said Draylon worried beyond belief.

“I just had a vision…I, I, I think Adriana is…” said Paul bursting out into tears.

Draylon stepped back shaking his head in disbelief, “No, you must be mistaken, no…” Draylon didn't believe it, but he shot through the sky like a comet toward Easter Island to find out for himself.

He landed at Adriana's front door. The lights were still on even though it was very late. He gently knocked. Angelica answered the door, and her face was flooded with tears. She swung her arms around Draylon and cried her eyes out. Draylon was welled up with emotion, and he wondered when he was going to wake up from his nightmare.

“Angelica, where is Adriana?” said Draylon quietly.

Angelica looked up and placed her hand on Draylon's cheek, “My child…Adriana was hit by a car as she left her work. She lost her life on impact.” Angelica broke down.

Draylon started to well up, and his voice started to tremble. “Maybe it's not too late…”

“Draylon, Adriana suffered severe head trauma.”

“I, I…” Draylon broke down and fell to his knees in tears, for not even Draylon could fix the complexities of the brain.

Angelica comforted Draylon. Many minutes went by. Eventually Draylon stood, and he gently kissed Angelica's cheek. They made eye contact and both of them knew the pain that each other were feeling, there were no need for words. Draylon bid Angelica goodnight and walked off into the shadows, into despair.

Draylon started to run, faster and faster, and then shot off into the night, towards Antarctica. He landed skidding to his knees and screamed at the top of his voice, all of his pain, every last ounce of emotion. The noise echoed for miles and miles, his voice reverberating and causing snow to avalanche and glaciers to shatter. He sank into the snow crying, his mind sinking into the abyss.

Paul paid to have his DeLorean locked up and protected, and then booked flights to Easter Island. A week later he attended Adriana's funeral with Draylon. It was the saddest day of both of their lives, and Paul noticed that something had died in Draylon; he was lost.

After the funeral, Draylon said goodbye to Paul. He promised he'd be back, but for now he wanted to get away, to be alone, to gather his thoughts and heal, if that were possible. They shook hands and made eye contact. They were best of friends, and they both knew that time eventually would heal, and they'd be back, back to fight another day.

Chapter Fourteen – Lost

It was Sunday the 25th of December 2011 at three p.m. It had been five months since Draylon and Paul had parted ways. Draylon was lost. He had been wandering from place to place aimlessly, thinking of Adriana, and how worthless his life now seemed. He had lost his will.

Draylon was sat in the heart of the Sahara desert. His heart felt empty, and he stared into nothingness. His hair had grown messy, he had a beard, and he looked tatty and worn. His appearance reflected the state of his soul.

He had been sat for hours, unaware of time and even what day it was. The sun was sweltering hot and there was not a noise to be heard other than the wind and the sound of scattering sand.

Draylon looked up and stared at the deep blue sky. He noticed something in the distance moving fast. It was coming straight towards him. Draylon cared not; he just looked down towards the sand once again. Thud! Draylon noticed a pair of feet in front of him, so he looked up inquisitively. He was stunned by what he saw. A God like man. Athletically built with the most beautiful long golden hair, pulled back and draping his shoulders. His jaw line was angled, he had bright blue eyes and was strikingly handsome. He wore a black, tight-fitting outfit, like that of Draylon's, without the head mask, and it clung to all of his muscles.

“Hello Draylon,” said the stranger.

“Hello. Who are you?” asked Draylon inquisitively.

“I am Gabriel. I believe your friend Paul has met my brother, Michael.”

Draylon stood, suddenly in awe, “Then it is true, Paul was right, you're an Archangel?”

“Yes, that is what I am known as on Earth.” Gabriel paused, “You have lost your way Draylon, and I have come to help you find your way back.”

“I am open to suggestions,” said Draylon with a gentle smile.

“I have come with a message, a message from Adriana.”

“But Adriana is…” Draylon couldn't bring himself to say it.

“Adriana's spirit lives on. She is with the father now. And her message to you is one of love. She asks that you pick yourself up, because Paul needs you, people need you, and she loves you with all of her heart and soul, and needs you to be strong. One day you will be reunited, and Adriana will be waiting for you.” Gabriel put his hand on Draylon's shoulder.

“She said that, really?” Draylon smiled, and his eyes started to well, “I love her so much.”

“She really said that. And she loves you too. Now you need to pick yourself up, for today is a celebration, a celebration of the son, today is Christmas.”

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