The Chronicles of Draylon (9 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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“I don't know, but I'm going to find out.”

Draylon went to see Adriana's mother. He knocked at her door. When she answered Draylon introduced himself and couldn't help but notice the resemblance to Adriana. Angelica was of average height, long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes like her daughter, only she carried just a little more weight. He said to her that he cared very much for her daughter and that he would find her. Angelica had tears coursing her face and suddenly she doubled over with pain. Draylon put his hand gently on her shoulder and asked what was wrong. Angelica looked at Draylon and said “I have cancer. Nobody knows but my doctor. Please find my daughter, I can't lose my daughter.” Draylon assured her that he would find her daughter. He then took her hand and told her to close her eyes and take deep slow breaths. Draylon closed his eyes, slowed his breathing and focused. He could feel the cancer within her and he was drawing it out. A minute passed, Angelica opened her eyes, and Draylon opened his also and took a deep breath. He then smiled at Adriana's mother “How do you feel?” Angelica stood tall, she could feel strength again, she looked deep into Draylon's eyes “What just happened? Who are you?” a tear rolled down her cheek. Draylon replied “I'm a friend. You are healed, please keep this a secret. I will find your daughter.” Draylon smiled, and then headed off back to Paul's flat.

Paul and Draylon spoke at length, but neither one of them had any answers. Draylon told Paul what had happened at Adriana's house. Paul thought it was amazing what Draylon had done, but pleaded with him to be careful, he explained that too many people knowing his secret would not bode well. The day was pressing on, light had turned to dark, all seemed hopeless, and then Draylon heard it. A voice, it was one of the greys, the communication was telepathic, the voice urged Draylon to meet at Ahu Tongariki. Before Paul could open his mouth Draylon was gone.

Draylon arrived at Ahu Tongariki, the place of the fifteen proud Moai, the stone cold faces of Easter Island. A saucer hovered fifty feet above him, the craft lit up by the bright lights beneath. The Craft lowered, and gently landed at the site. A door opened beneath and a grey from Draylon's home planet Terspheriton walked along the platform towards him.

Draylon tried not to let his emotions take control, and he was feeling very emotional. He felt like losing control and ripping the saucer to pieces, but contained his anger. Draylon was the first to speak.

“Where is Adriana? What have you done with her?”

The grey spoke rather than use his telepathy, as a show to Draylon that he is no longer one of them, a show of his disdain toward Draylon. “All in good time, but first you will listen.”

“I'm listening!”

“Karlon was a fool to let you come here. He pitied you. Our latest envoy reported findings that humans are now at a pivotal point in their technologies. We can no longer sit back and wait for your beloved humans to become a threat. Therefore, you are no longer required, no infiltration now necessary. Karlon begged the council that rather than just end you on Terspheriton, you get the opportunity to fulfil your dream of visiting Earth, and then meet your demise here. You survived the crash. Karlon was given a suitable punishment, to end your life himself. He begged, but of course lost. I should thank you for killing the sentimental fool. Many of us left for Earth shortly after you, we needed to make sure the job was done, and see for ourselves the potential threat that humanity was becoming.”

Draylon was at boiling point “Where is Adriana?” he shouted.

“Adriana is with the closest thing you have to a biological brother. A hybrid created from some of the same stuff as you. We were going to kill him but decided to bring him just in case we required him. He has no love, no pity, and he will seek to make your life a living hell. Call it coincidence, but you are the 667th attempt at a hybrid, the last attempt. He was the one before you!”

“How do I find him?”

“No need. He will find you!”

The grey turned away from Draylon and said one last thing, “Your new gifts won't save you!” He then walked back inside the craft. The door closed, the craft started to hover and slowly revolve, and then shot off into the night. Draylon fell to his knees. He couldn't believe how quickly the tables had turned; he felt everything was falling to pieces. He then walked slowly back to Paul's trying to come up with a plan, but could think of nothing. He prayed Adriana was unharmed.

He arrived back at the flat. Paul was waiting up and eager to find out news of Adriana. Draylon told Paul everything that had happened. Paul asked if the greys knew of his latest abilities. Draylon replied that some of his kind can mind read as well as being telepathic, the two skills are closely related, and they definitely know. Paul said there is only one thing that Draylon could do; hunt this hybrid down.

“How do I do that? How do I protect humanity when I hate violence?”

“I don't know. But you're going to have to. If these greys eventually seek to attack this planet, you are going to have to kill. You can't ask them politely to leave.” Paul felt saddened for his friend and wished he was able to help. The scope of all this didn't really hit him until the abduction of Adriana.

“I know.” Draylon went quiet for a short while deep in thought. He stood, “I know what I have to do.” He started to leave.

“What?” said Paul curiously.

“I'm off to get angry. Goodbye Paul.” Draylon shot off at the speed of light.

Chapter Two – Angry

It was Tuesday the 8th of February. Draylon arrived at a random town named Alton, in the county of Hampshire in England, The United Kingdom. It was a small town surrounded by fields and woodland. There was a main high street that contained coffee shops, pubs, restaurants and many retail outlets. There were also local parks and health clubs and the house of a famous author in the neighbouring village of Chawton; Jane Austen's house.

Draylon went into the local Sainsbury's store to get a couple of his favourite Monster Ripper energy drinks, although they don't seem to have any effect on him these days since he gained his new abilities. He took a sip of his drink, enjoying the way it tasted, he felt happy for a moment or two and then thought of Adriana. He had no clue how to find her, but he was going to prepare for his battle to come, because the hybrid that held her captive wasn't going to give her up without a fight.

As Draylon left Sainbury's he looked up to notice a tall muscular man, he had brown spiky hair, blue eyes and was wearing blue jeans and a grey T-shirt just like him. What piqued his interest the most was that the young man held two Monster Ripper energy drinks in his hand. Draylon found it very strange, almost like he was looking into a mirror. He had heard of doppelgangers, doubles and mirror images but was sure that some of the human DNA used to create him, was almost certainly of the lineage of the person he was now looking at. He thought to himself that he didn't dare occupy the same space as his counterfeit, just in case they both imploded at a touch. He smiled to himself and slipped away unnoticed by the stranger.

Draylon walked into town looking for a place to stay. He came across The Alton House Hotel and went in to book a single room. He was pleased to find out that he was able to book the room one night at a time, which was perfect as he wasn't sure how long he was staying in Alton. He had no luggage, which made things easy, and he could come and go as he pleased. He made his way to his room, number thirteen. He chuckled to himself at such an unfortunate number, although he wasn't superstitious so it never really bothered him. He opened the door and walked in, the door shut behind him and there was an almighty crash. Draylon couldn't believe it. The bedroom mirror had fallen smashing to the floor, seven years bad luck he thought, although he didn't really believe in that either. He ignored the mirror and laid down on the bed thinking about Adriana, he wished he knew what to do.

It was evening, darkness had fallen, and Draylon went into a local pub. He detested alcohol but ordered a double whisky. He then purchased a pack of cigarettes, matches and then found a seat at the back of the bar and waited. He decided that if he was going to get angry and he was going to have to kill, then he had to visit the deadly sins. He lit a cigarette and drew in the smoke deeply; he thought the taste foul but persisted. He then downed his whisky, grimaced at the taste, then approached the barman and purchased the rest of the bottle of whisky, which was almost full. He sat quietly thinking of Adriana whilst smoking and drinking, he felt sour.

The bar was getting a little busier, people drinking, laughing and talking loudly. Draylon watched as a drunken man approached a lone woman at the bar, she was a slim red haired attractive woman, early twenties. He looked to be in his thirties, unshaven, short dark hair and a large build. He put his arm around the woman stroking her up and down. Draylon could hear everything with his amplified hearing, and she clearly wasn't enjoying the man's company. He kept asking her if she'd come home with him saying that he'd show her a good time. She started to get upset, he wouldn't leave her alone, and he then held her tight and kissed her cheek.

Draylon saw his chance, he walked over to the man and tapped his shoulder.

“Leave her alone, she clearly isn't enjoying your company.”

“Ah, the queer from the corner, if you're looking for trouble then you've come to the right place.”

“Then I've come to the right place it would seem,” said Draylon holding the man's stare.

“Don't say I didn't warn you freak.”

The drunk swung at Draylon hitting him square on the jaw. Draylon never moved a millimetre. He swung again and again. Draylon never even flinched, but he got angry. He grabbed the man by his T-shirt and threw him across the bar with ease, the man came crashing down. He then got to his feet, picked up a chair, and smashed it on Draylon's shoulder. Draylon sneered at the man and pushed him with such force that he shot across the room and was knocked clean out by the wall. Draylon left the bar without looking behind.

Three young boys were playing outside near a row of shops at the other side of Alton, not far from Manor Estate. One of them pointed into the distance, the other two looked to see what he was pointing at. In the distance, past the A31 dual carriageway, there was an awesome white light. The light started to revolve, gradually quickening. It stayed level for several minutes, and then vanished out of sight in a second. The boys were convinced that what they had seen was a UFO. An hour passed, the boys were hoping to see more, but nothing else happened. They started to walk home.

That same night just outside the town, a family man stood in his garden smoking a cigarette. He noticed two glowing discs in the sky. He watched intently trying to discern what sort of craft they were. They came closer and closer until they were hovering about fifty metres above his home. The cigarette almost dropped out of his mouth. He knew that what he was looking at were two craft not of this Earth, he could feel it in his bones. He wanted to run inside and get a camera but was worried that the craft would just disappear. The white circular lights beneath shone with an intensity he had never witnessed before, and he could just about make out the shiny metallic surface. The UFO's seemed to emit no audible noise at all, they just slowly rotated. All of a sudden the two craft shot into the sky with furious speed and vanished into the night. The family man looked at his watch, an hour had passed.

Just over a week later, Draylon was sat on a bench in the public gardens in Alton, with the local Herald newspaper. He noticed two reported separate sightings in the same town on the same night that he had picked a fight with a drunk in the bar. He didn't know if it was indeed a craft belonging to his kin, but felt angry all the same. He was starting to feel low, time was going by and he was no closer to finding Adriana.

He decided to take a walk into the picturesque local village of Holybourne. He was collecting his thoughts and trying to come up with some kind of action plan. At that moment he noticed a little red Nissan Micra entering the village. A black Vauxhall Vectra was being driven so closely behind that it was practically bumper-to-bumper. The male driver of the Vectra was shouting abuse. The young girl driver of the Micra seemed panicked and upset and drove faster. The Vectra was being driven closer and closer. The girl started to make a little distance from the Vectra, and Draylon stepped out into the road, right behind her. He smashed his hand onto the bonnet of the Vectra; his eyes were burning with fury. The car came to a grinding halt. “Back off!” shouted Draylon, and he pushed the car to one side and walked off to let his temper calm.

As he walked off he was approached by an attractive blonde middle-aged woman. She said that he was very lucky that the car had stopped as he stepped into the road. She also commended him on his courage and said that there are too many aggressive drivers on the road these days. She explained that the poor young girl in the red Micra obviously felt fear, and accelerated to avoid confrontation. She explained further that because the young girl started to go faster, she then put herself and others in danger, because of the impatient fool behind her. “Well done you, I'm proud of you,” the woman said to Draylon, “All in a day's work,” said Draylon with a smile.

Draylon went back into Alton town and purchased himself a mobile phone. He thought it only right that he call his friend Paul and let him know what was going on. He dialled his number.

“Hello Paul, its Draylon.”

“Draylon, how are you? It's been over a week, any news on Adriana?”

“No news on Adriana.” Draylon paused. “I'm ok. I've had a few anger issues, which is good. I'm in a town called Alton in Hampshire at the moment.”

“You'll find her, I know you will. Alton? Really? I was brought up in London; it's only about an hour away. Why Alton?”

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