The Chronicles of Draylon (12 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Paul and Draylon were absolutely ecstatic, he was back!

Chapter Nine – Guide

It was Tuesday the 15th of March. Draylon awoke early feeling refreshed and ready to seek out Draykon and the greys. He knocked at Paul's bedroom door and announced that he was leaving. Paul got up immediately with a look of concern.

“Are you sure you're ready?” asked Paul

“As sure as I'll ever be, don't worry, Draykon doesn't have any leverage now.”

“But do you think you're ready to take his life?”

“I have to do whatever is necessary, I don't want to take his life but I might have to.”

“I do not envy you. Take care Draylon and I'll see you soon, remember, you still owe me another adventure.” Paul shook Draylon's hand.

“That I do my friend,” Draylon smiled, “I shall see you soon.”

Draylon walked out of the flat and closed the front door. He looked around, nobody was about. He bent his knees and leapt into the sky with ferocious speed.

Rio de Janeiro was Draylon's first stop, Christ the Redeemer. The colossal statue of Christ towered above the city and was an awesome spectacle. The statue sits on top of the 2,329ft Peak of Corcovado Mountain, the saviour with arms held wide in welcome. The statue itself is 130ft tall and 98ft wide from fingertip to fingertip.

Draylon knelt down at Christ's feet and prayed. On Draylon's planet there is no religion, only science, but Draylon had fallen for humanity's belief system. He wanted to believe that there was more to life than just science, that there was someone to turn to when life was hard. There had been more than one occasion when Draylon had sensed some kind of divine intervention, and now he prayed for guidance and strength to do what was necessary in the days to come.

Suddenly Draylon's awareness became crystal clear and he felt compelled to go back to Roswell, to the Museum he and Paul had visited. He wondered was this urge a message from a higher being or simply his own perception. He decided that he liked the idea of God and felt comforted by the belief and so chose to have faith, it was a message from God. He wasted no time; he tore into the sky like a rocket, destination Roswell UFO Museum.

Chapter Ten – Roswell

Draylon arrived at the Roswell UFO Museum and Research Centre. He entered the Museum and paid his entry fee. He started to look around the place as he and Paul had done on their last visit, and stopped beside the alien autopsy display. Draylon stood there looking at the exhibit, wondering why he was there and what he was looking for.

All of a sudden he felt a chill in the air. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he could see his breath. He looked about him, nothing. He calmed his nerves and focused and started to make out an apparition. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, a ghost, spectre, a presence in the image of one of his own kind, the greys.

The phantom looked directly into Draylon's eyes in an empathetic way and enticed him to follow. Draylon followed as the entity led him up a creaky staircase to a dusty room filled to the brim with furniture and brown boxes. The ghostly image pointed toward a wooden trunk at the back of the room and then uttered, “You possess the God gene,” and vanished.

Draylon walked towards the trunk and knelt down in front of it. He opened the latch and lifted the lid and it screeched open. He could sense a power within the box and rummaged through old papers and magazines until he came to an old piece of rag. He carefully unfolded it to find a flawless metallic ring. There were no markings, no stones, just a smooth ring. The metal was absolutely immaculate and its finish was like that of a mirror.

Draylon placed the ring on his right hand, on his pointing finger. He couldn't believe what he saw. With his own eyes he could see the exact whereabouts on the planet of any grey alien craft. It was an odd sensation, almost as if the image was superimposed in his own vision, all of this channelled by the ring. He felt the images a little overwhelming and took the ring off, he figured it would take a little getting used to, and his powers probably amplified the effects.

Draylon placed the ring in his pocket and suddenly felt aware that he didn't have the authorisation to be upstairs in the museum. He stealthily made his way back down the stairs and found his way to the library.

The library was jam packed with information about Roswell, the crash, UFO's and aliens. Draylon was approached by a young female librarian. She was a pretty brunette, of slight build, with a pair of spectacles that gave her a studious look.

“Hello sir, my name is Katrina, may I help you with anything?” she said with a warm friendly smile.

“Hi, I was hoping to find some information on artefacts recovered from the crash site.”

“I have just the book,” Katrina went straight to the book and pulled it from the shelf, “There you go sir; I hope you find what you are looking for.”

“Thank you! There certainly are a lot of books here,” Draylon looked about him. Shelves were stacked full with anything relating to aliens and UFO phenomena.

“Yes, I believe we have over five thousand books, over nineteen thousand magazines, periodicals, pamphlets, videos and cassettes. We are actually the second to largest library in the world that pertains to the UFO phenomena. The Vatican would be the largest.”

“Wow! You really know your stuff,” Draylon was amazed at the knowledge Katrina had of the library. He found it refreshing, she really seemed to enjoy and take pride in her job.

“I'm going to find a seat and have a look through this book. Thank you so much for your help, you are very kind.”

“You are most welcome sir.”

Draylon found himself a seat and started to look through the book about artefacts found at the Roswell crash site. Draylon was intrigued when he saw pictures of parts of the saucer. The parts were authentic without a doubt. The ring he had found was obviously obtained from the wreckage, and he wasn't surprised to find no mention of it in the book. He wondered as to who found the ring and how it ended up in an old trunk in a museum. He was pretty sure that he would never find out, but what mattered is that he has it now.

Draylon felt as if he was being led, after all, he was compelled to come to Roswell whilst at Rio, and then shown the location of a ring by the apparition of one of his own kind. He assumed the ghostly grey was one of the victims of the crash, and then thought that maybe their saucer was sabotaged which would explain why the spook wanted to help him now. Maybe he would find out in due course.

Draylon put the book back and then found another about UFO sightings. He was fascinated at the depth of information and the colossal amount of sightings. In the particular book he was looking at, the sightings were documented back to 1561 in Germany. Craft had literally been sighted all around the world in all different shapes and forms. He read also that pictures had been drawn in caves many thousands of years ago of ancient travelling beings. Draylon of course knew this to be true, but what surprised him was that many of the craft described in the book were not of his kind. That would mean that if the sightings were authentic, Earth was being visited by more than just the greys and pale greens.

He finished up reading the book and then put it back on the shelf. He then thanked Katrina for her kindness and all of her help and bid her farewell. Draylon left the museum and found himself a small convenience store, he bought himself a couple of his favourite Monster Ripper energy drinks and sat down on a bench enjoying the sunlight. He now had all he needed to track down Draykon and the greys and bring the threat to an end.

Chapter Eleven – The Ring

Draylon decided to put the ring on. He pulled it from his pocket feeling the cool weight of it in his hand. It looked absolutely immaculate with a sheen matched by no other Earthly metal. Draylon placed it on his right hand, on his pointing finger. He gasped. He could see the whereabouts of every grey alien craft on the planet, as clear as day, superimposed in his vision.

Craft were everywhere, Draylon could see up to 100 saucers scattering the planet. What made him panic was there were three at Death Valley, where Draylon had met his end. He thought to himself that if they knew the body wasn't there, and suspected he was still alive, the first place they would go is Easter Island. That would mean that Adriana and Paul were in grave danger. Draylon knew what he had to do. He had to get to Death Valley, and fast. It was to end now. He placed his ring back in his pocket.

Draylon bent his knees and leapt. The pavement shattered behind him and he tore through the air like a tornado. The sound thundered as he shot through the sky. In seconds he landed at Death Valley hitting the ground so hard that it cracked. Rocks fell off canyons because of the awesome impact. Draylon stood, his eyes a furious blue, his gaze piercing.

All three craft were grounded. There were eight greys staring at him ready for action. Draykon was there also, and he approached Draylon.

“We meet again brother. I don't know how it is that you live, but I can assure you that it won't be for long.” Draykon spat at Draylon's feet.

“The pleasure is mine and so we are clear, we are not brothers. Bring it on!”

Draykon threw an almighty left hook at Draylon. Draylon moved out of the way easily. Draykon threw a right. Again Draylon easily avoided the blow. Draykon became livid He threw the mother of all punches aimed straight at Draylon's chin. Draylon caught it in his hand and smiled. He squeezed tighter and tighter at Draykon's hand. Draykon shouted aloud and fell to his knees.

“You're pathetic!” said Draylon, kicking him so hard that he tumbled hundreds of feet and fell unconscious.

Draylon eyed the eight greys, neither one of them wanting to make the first move. Using telekinesis Draylon threw Draykon's craft smashing it so hard against the canyon that it crumpled to a useless piece of metallic junk. He gestured to the greys to get in their crafts and leave. They didn't hesitate. The two crafts hovered slowly out of the canyon. When they reached two hundred feet Draylon shot up to one of the crafts, he buried his hands in the metallic structure to get a grip. He spun the craft with immense speed sending it crashing into the other, they both exploded in an instant with a noise and brightness that shook the foundations of the Earth. Draylon held up his hand and a blue force field shielded him from the blast.

He walked over to where Draykon was lying. He was just starting to stir.

“Why?” asked Draylon, curious as to where all of his hatred had come from.

“I was born this way!” Draykon got up and using his power of telekinesis elevated a large rock and smashed it against Draylon's head. Draylon recovered quickly and with both hands punched into Draykon's mid-section sending him shattering in the canyon wall. Every bone in Draykon's body was crushed; he looked at Draylon and grinned, and then fell to the floor dead on impact. It was over.

Draylon buried all remains of craft and bodies beneath the ground. He slumped down on the dusty ground saddened at having to take those lives. Draylon knew that he had to protect Earth, therefore had to do whatever was necessary to expel the greys. It didn't make it any easier for him though. As far as Draylon was concerned, a life is a precious thing and it is to be nurtured and protected, to take a life is a tragedy, whether the person is good or bad. Draylon liked to believe that there was good in everyone, no matter how far they stray from the path. It had upset him having to destroy Draykon and the greys, but he knew it wouldn't be the last time.

Draylon pulled the ring out of his pocket. He slid it on his finger. He scrambled quickly to his feet in a state of panic. They were coming.

Chapter Twelve – Friends

Paul awoke mid-morning, yawned and climbed out of bed. He decided that he would visit Adriana today at work and see if she wanted to have lunch. He had a wash, got dressed into his blue jeans and black decorated T-shirt and made himself a large mug of tea. He put his MP3 player on, sat down on the sofa and time drifted away. He startled himself when he looked at his mobile phone and saw the time. It was ten minutes to one and Adriana would be stopping for lunch soon.

He quickly smartened up his short brown, side-parted hair and made his way to the supermarket where Adriana worked. He arrived a minute before one. Adriana saw him enter the shop and ran to him flinging her arms around him.

“You took this long to come and see me?” said Adriana excited at seeing her friend.

“I am sorry! How are you doing? I have missed you.” Paul was overjoyed at seeing Adriana, but felt sad for her, knowing the situation between her and Draylon.

“Have you come to ask me out for lunch?”

“That I have. Where would you like to go?”

“I'll get a sandwich and a drink and maybe we could walk to the coast and catch up, it's a lovely day for it.”

“Sounds like a plan, I think I'll grab a bite too.”

They both walked slowly towards the coast, chatting and enjoying their refreshments. Paul couldn't help but notice that Adriana looked beautiful as ever. She was wearing a blue denim skirt and a red top, her hair long brown and silky. Paul talked at length about his adventures with Draylon and found it liberating that he could talk openly with Adriana as she knew the whole story too. They arrived at the coastline and found a couple of rocks to sit on.

“Where is Draylon today?” asked Adriana, her heart doing cartwheels at the thought of him.

“He is back to full health, his abilities are back and he has gone to find Draykon.” Paul winced, as he knew the information would upset her, but he didn't want to lie to her, she deserved to know the truth after all she had been through.

Adriana gasped, “No, please no, I was hoping it would somehow all just blow over, as if it were a bad dream.”

Paul could see the pain in Adriana's eyes so he sought to comfort her. “He'll be fine, he is strong, trust me Adriana he'll be back, he will.”

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