The Chronicles of Draylon (15 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Paul's alarm went off and it startled him, he wiped the spittle from his lips and took a deep breath.

“That went quick; it feels as if I only just shut my eyes.”

Draylon laughed, “You look a mess, have a wash and then we'll go get some dinner.”

“You are always thinking about food, alright, alright, I'm going for my wash. How come you look so energised?”

“I'm alien aren't you forgetting,” Draylon found his friend very amusing, “Come on mortal, I'm hungry!”

“Yes, yes, I'll be five minutes.”

Paul eventually finished getting ready and they both headed off towards food. They came across a restaurant in their Venetian Hotel named Canaletto. They walked in and were greeted by a very welcoming waiter with the nametag, Franco.

“Hello Franco, do you have a table with a view of the Grand Canal?” asked Draylon.

“Yes we do, upstairs. Only they are reserved for groups of a minimum of six, I am sorry.”

“I am willing to pay, please?” begged Draylon.

“Very well, we aren't so busy at the moment and you are very persistent, so why not.” Franco smiled at his two guests.

“Thank you! That is very kind of you,” said Draylon.

“You are most welcome.”

Franco led the way upstairs to the private rooms, Paul and Draylon followed. The restaurants architecture was astonishing. It had sixteen-foot ceilings rising above beautifully polished hardwood floors and a glorious exhibition kitchen. They arrived at their table and the view was breath taking. There was a perfect view of the canal and the gondolas, lanterns were lit and the ambience was serene. Franco handed them both the menus and asked if they would like refreshments, Paul ordered a pint of lager and Draylon ordered a large diet coke.

Franco returned with their drinks and asked what they would like to order. Draylon ordered pasta with fresh tomatoes, basil and garlic, and Paul ordered chicken with white wine and rosemary, served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables.

“This is a beautiful complex, I love it here,” remarked Draylon.

“It is nice, I like the Venetian theme. Which casino shall we go to this evening?”

“I'd like to go to Bally's casino again,” Draylon said smiling.

“Bally's it is then, maybe I'll try my own luck again.”

The food arrived and all was silent but for the munching of two hungry customers. They both finished eating and washed it down with their drinks.

“I'm ready to go!”

“Don't you sit still for a second?”

“I'm sorry! I'm excited about getting out on The Strip. The lights are amazing at night.”

“You're forgiven, let's go!”

They made their way out of the Venetian complex and out onto The Strip. Already crowds were bustling, electricity was in the air and the street was alive. The lights on The Strip were tremendous, like no other place on Earth. Themed hotels, Paris, New York, Rome, the best of the best down one giant high street. As they made their way to Bally's they were passed by Roman Emperors, Egyptian Queens, Cowboys, Showgirls, everyone was out to have a good time which is what Vegas is all about.

They arrived at Bally's. Paul said to Draylon that he was off to try his luck, and would catch up with him in a short while. Draylon wished him luck and approached one of the slot machines. He put in ten dollars and using his technopathic abilities that ten become one hundred, then one thousand. He stopped when he rang up one hundred thousand dollars and then collected. Draylon smiled to himself, he and Paul now had enough money to last them a very long time, and Vegas could afford it.

Paul approached a slot machine, he put in ten dollars, and in seconds it was gone. He couldn't believe his bad luck. Gambling took a grip on him and he was not going to lose. He approached another slot machine and put in ten dollars, this time he won, again and again. He rang up fifteen hundred dollars and decided to collect. He was cross with himself that he let the gambling bug take a hold, but he was fortunate this time. He couldn't believe how easy it could have been to have gone off in a frenzy and lost everything. Paul thought to himself that Casinos really do prey on human weakness. Everyone makes an educated decision on what they can afford to lose, but when that bug takes over it is not easy to stop.

Paul was gathering up his winnings when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the large man from his encounter at Vegas last time. He was obviously drunk and this time he looked even angrier than before.

“So, we meet again. Only this time you don't have your friend to help you. I believe those are my winnings.” said the large drunk man.

Paul felt very upset, he had been through so much, he had even died and he was not going to get pushed around again. “These winnings belong to me, I won them fair and square, please leave me alone.”

“I'll give you fair and square.”

With that the large man pulled back his giant fist and hit Paul straight on the nose knocking him to the floor. Blood flowed freely from his nose and he struggled to get up, but fell to a heap on the floor. The large man laughed and started gathering up Paul's winnings. The drunk finished collecting up Paul's money and kicked Paul in the side as he started to leave.

Draylon came around the corner. He noticed his friend in a heap on the floor. His emotions went wild, “You!” he said to the drunk. Draylon ran at the man and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, he thrust the man up high knocking him clean out on the ceiling and then threw him across the casino like a rag doll. He ran to Paul.

“Paul, Paul, can you hear me?” Draylon said frantically.

“It's my nose that hurts not my ears,” Paul choked up a laugh.

Draylon's face softened, “Let's get out of here my friend.”

“First let's find a washroom, I need to clean up.”

They found a wash room and Paul cleaned himself up.

“I think my nose is broken.”

Draylon told Paul to stay still. He held his hand to Paul's nose, slowed his breathing and then focused.

“Was broken my friend,” Draylon smiled.

Paul felt his nose and it was perfectly mended, “Wow! That was amazing, thank you! Do you do cosmetic surgery too?”

“Very funny, let's go get a drink; my body is low on caffeine.”

They left the casino and found themselves a little café on The Strip. Draylon ordered the drinks, an extra-large latte for himself and a pot of tea for Paul.

“I can't believe that man was there again, he must prey on people all the time. Do you think he's OK?”

“He'll be fine, and hopefully he's learned a lesson now.”

“He still has my winnings you know.”

“I wouldn't worry about that. I've just won us another one hundred thousand dollars.”

“That's great! Where do you think our adventure will lead us this time?”

All of a sudden Paul had a thumping headache and he became disorientated. His eyes seemed glazed and then he slumped forward. He became lucid again and stopped just short of dipping his nose in his tea.

“What's wrong? Are you OK Paul?” said Draylon concerned for is friend.

“No, you need to leave now, the Stratosphere Tower, something bad is going to happen.”

Draylon never wasted a second. He ducked down a nearby alleyway and checked to see if anyone was around. All was clear. He bent his knees and leapt, and he shot off into the sky with earth shattering speed.

It was Simon and Heathers first time in Las Vegas. They arrived yesterday and got married this morning at the Graceland Wedding Chapel. They were deeply in love and having the time of their lives. Simon had wanted them both to go up the Stratosphere Tower and experience Insanity.

Insanity is a ride that extends almost seventy feet over the edge of the tower. The tower itself is over one thousand feet high. The ride spins it's passengers at up to three G's whilst sitting in an escape proof seat. The ride lifts to a seventy-degree angle all while reaching speeds of up to forty mph.

Heather was frightened. She didn't want to go on the ride, but she agreed to because her husband wanted to so badly. They were fitted into the escape proof seat, the ride was ready. It extended out over the edge of the tower. The seat was attached to a long arm and it creaked as it adjusted to its seventy-degree angle. The ride spun and spun, faster and faster. Heather screamed. She had never been so frightened in her life. And then it happened.

Creak, creak and crack. The arm started to break loose. Heather screamed and cried and Simon scared also, tried to comfort her saying that he loved her and it would be OK. Then it broke. Heather was screaming, “I don't want to die, I don't want to die”. Simon said, “I love you!” and a tear rolled down his cheek. They were going to die.

Draylon approached the Stratosphere Tower and watched in horror as he saw two people hurtling towards their death. He tore through the sky at the speed of light and he went so fast it was as if time stood still for him. He grabbed the torn metal arm and it slipped from his grasp. He tried again frantically and couldn't get a hold. He prayed with all his heart and soul and tried again. He got a hold. Using all of his strength he slowed the descent gradually so as not to jar it's passengers. He lowered it slowly and safely to the ground and approached the passengers. He broke open the escape proof seat and smiled at the two newlyweds.

“Are either of you hurt?” asked Draylon gently.

Simon and Heather were awestruck. And then Heather wrapped he arms around her husband and cried her heart out.

Simon looked up, “Thank you! Thank you, you saved our lives, how can we ever repay you?”

Draylon put his hand on Simon's shoulder, “Keep my identity a secret,” he said in a soft tone.

“I swear!” said Simon.

Draylon smiled at them both and then shot off into the sky like a lightning bolt. He arrived back at the alley and then walked back to join Paul.

“Hi Paul, how's your head?”

“I'm fine! That was quick. You've only been gone five minutes, what happened?”

“One of the rides on the tower broke, two passengers plummeted towards the ground, and I managed to save them, thanks to you. That really is quite a gift you have Paul, you saved their lives.” Draylon smiled at his friend, he thought to himself that they make a pretty good team.

“All in a day's work my friend,” said Paul feeling quite pleased with himself.

“I'm pretty sure no one saw me other than the two I saved, and they promised to keep me a secret. But just in case, I think maybe we should move on tomorrow. Maybe a road trip, what do you think?”

“That's a great idea, and you know what, I am going to buy us a car.”

“I can't wait. Shall we head back to the hotel ready for an early start tomorrow?”

“You bet!”

They finished their drinks and made their way back to The Venetian. Paul went straight to bed, went out like a light and slept like a log. Draylon sat up for a while thinking about Adriana and then eventually drifted off into a blissful sleep.

They awoke early, had their breakfast and then checked out of the hotel. Draylon was wearing his favourite blue jeans, grey T-shirt and trainers, and Paul was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt. They both looked refreshed, immaculate, and ready to take on the world. They carried with them their lightly packed bags and thumbed a taxi to take them to Joe's Car Hire.

When they arrived they entered the showroom in search of Joe. Joe noticed them and asked them how they were and if they wished to rent another car. Paul smiled at Joe and asked him what cars he had for sale, he specified that he wanted something classic, something that needed a little TLC. Joe said that he had a few cars that might interest Paul, which included a Dodge Charger, Corvette and a Trans-Am. Paul's face lit up when he said Trans-Am and asked to see it.

Joe led them both to the parking lot and Paul's jaw dropped when he saw the car. It was old and needed a little work, but he thought it was perfect. It was the same type of car that was used in the Knight Rider series on TV in the eighties, a jet black Trans-Am, an awesome automobile. Paul said that he would take it but enquired as to what sort of stereo was in it because he wanted something MP3 compatible. Joe said that if Paul was willing to wait he would fit another stereo, and the job lot would cost five thousand dollars. Paul was happy with the price and agreed to it.

Paul went to wait in the showroom whilst Draylon marched off to a local convenience store. Draylon returned ten minutes later with two Monster Ripper energy drinks and a smile, and Paul shook his head at his friend. Almost an hour went by and Joe walked into the showroom with keys in hand. They filled out all of the necessary paperwork, Paul paid the five thousand and Joe wished them both a very good day.

Paul practically ran to the car. He got in, started her up, and revved the engine. Paul grinned with satisfaction – it roared like a lion. Draylon got in and suggested they fuel up and head out on the highway. Paul agreed. He then connected up his MP3 player and selected a play list.

“So where are we going?” asked Paul.

Draylon smiled, “I have no idea!”

Paul laughed. He then hit the play button, cranked up the volume and spun out of the forecourt and onto the main road. The car roared as it sped up to sixty miles an hour in what seemed like a second. Draylon cracked open his Monster Ripper energy drink, put the can to his lips and poured the cool nectar down his throat smiling with satisfaction. He then patted Paul's shoulder and they both grinned as they got out onto the open road, the car accelerated with ferocious speed into the distance.


God Gene

Book Three

Kenneth Balfour

An epic journey to the Amazon Basin.

The building blocks of a hero.

Entities of phenomenal power.

Loves flame burning for eternity.

And destiny looming around every corner.

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