The Chronicles of Draylon (11 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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“What are your plans for today then?” asked Paul

“I'm going to get a couple of Monster Ripper energy drinks and go for a nice long walk, and then later I'll go and see how Adriana is feeling.”

“OK! I'm going to have a look on the internet for training ideas, I'm sure we can come up with something to get you back to good health and fitness again. Leave it to me.”

“Thank you! I really appreciate it. I'll see you a little later then.”

Chapter Seven – Adriana

Adriana awoke nigh on midday, her mother Angelica was sat beside her bed with a big smile on her face. Adriana smiled back at her mother.

“Hi, nice to have you back.”

“Hi mum, it's lovely to be home, I had a horrible time,” Adriana sobbed into her mother's arms.

“Everything is going to be OK!” Angelica said gently stroking her daughter's hair.

“Draylon is dead mum,” tears were coursing Adriana's face.

“Draylon is alive, Paul phoned last night,” Angelica reassured her.

“But, but,” Adriana was ecstatic at the news but didn't want to tell her mother about Draylon. She had learned while in captivity that Draylon was an alien-human hybrid, and thought that best kept a secret.

“I need to tell you something. It's been bottled up inside and I'm so glad I can finally tell someone.” Angelica smiled at her daughter.

“What mother?”

“I had cancer. I went to the doctors last week and it's gone, it's all gone. I don't know who your friend is, but he is a God send, he saved me, Draylon drew it out of me.” Angelica burst into tears of joy.

Adriana was shocked, “Mother, why didn't you tell us?” Adriana paused, “I love you Mum!” She held her mother tightly. “I can't believe everything that has happened. Draylon is special mother, this is going to be hard to believe, he's part alien, but he is good mother, I love him!”

Adriana decided to tell her mother everything, as she already knew Draylon had abilities. Angelica could hardly believe it all, it sounded all so surreal to her. She said to her daughter that it had to be their secret, as no one on Earth would believe the truth and that not even her father or sisters were to know. Adriana said that she would come up with something to tell them, and winked at her mother. Her mother smiled.

Adriana's father entered the room followed by her two sisters, all overjoyed to see Adriana alive and well. They all sat down on the bed with her and spoke at length. Adriana told them she had no recollection of the abduction at all, that she must have been drugged, but she assured them no harm had come to her and that she felt fine. Adriana had been found by a neighbour not far from their home, unconscious on the grass. Her Father said that a statement will need to be taken by the local Police and she needs to be checked out by a doctor. Adriana felt a little anxious at this, but she didn't want to tell anyone of Draylon's secret, therefore had to make up a story. She understood that it must seem odd to go missing with no recollection, no harm and no apparent motives for the abduction, but that is the only story she could think of and she was sticking with it.

It was mid-afternoon and there was a knock at the door. Angelica went to see who it was. She opened the door and her eyes lit up when she saw Draylon. She kissed Draylon on both cheeks and smiled warmly at him.

“I'll go get her my child,” said Angelica.

“Thank you!” said Draylon starting to feel nervous.

A short while later Adriana came to the door, she looked stunning. They embraced breathing each other in deeply.

“How are you feeling,” asked Draylon.

“I should be asking you that question,” said Adriana bursting into tears. She held Draylon tightly, not wanting to let go.

“We need to talk, are you OK to walk with me?” asked Draylon.

“Yes. I'll be fine.”

They started to walk down toward the coastline hand in hand. Draylon told Adriana everything, so that she had the whole story. He feared that once she knew, she wouldn't want to know him, but told her nonetheless, she deserved to know the truth. He explained about his home Terspheriton, about his abilities and the journey that he and Paul had been on. He also explained about his new abilities, what he knew about Draykon, and the news of the pale green alien race still existing, and how they brought him back from the dead. He also told her about his losing his abilities and that they would hopefully return in time as he fully heals.

They arrived at the coastline and they both sat down on some rocks. The warm air was blowing through Adriana's hair and Draylon found her smell intoxicating. Adriana told Draylon about her ordeal with Draykon. She said that she hadn't been hurt other than the once, when Draykon had struck her unconscious. She said that she was fed and watered a little, but the worst part was not knowing whether or not she would survive and see her family again. And not knowing if she'd ever see Draylon again.

Adriana kissed Draylon's lips softly, and they both lost themselves in the moment. They sat there just holding each other close and time just drifted away. Adriana looked into Draylon's eyes.

“I love you! I don't want to be apart from you again.” Her heart was pounding as she said those words.

“I love you too!” he paused a little. “I fear for your safety. We're safe all the while Draykon believes me dead, but until my strength returns I can't protect you,” his heart sank.

“We could play it safe and just see each other behind closed doors?” Adriana hoped that he would agree.

“I want to be with you so much, but I believe we need to be apart, just for the time being. And as soon as my strength returns I can put things to right, then we can be together.”

A tear rolled down Adriana's cheek, “I understand. Truly I do. What are you waiting for? You won't get back to fitness sitting around here.” Adriana forced a smile but felt crushed inside.

“I promise you, this will all be over soon. I have Paul working on a training regime as we speak.” said Draylon smiling at Adriana.

“If I know Paul and his attention to detail, he'll have a program fit for Arnold Schwarzenegger.” Adriana smiled “Thank you for healing my Mother, I will never forget that so long as I live, I'm forever in your debt.”

“Your mother is a wonderful woman and you owe me nothing Adriana, it was the very least I could do. It's your mother I should be thanking, for you.”

They took each other's hand and walked as slowly as they could back to Adriana's home, wanting to enjoy every last moment together. When they reached Adriana's door they embraced tightly, neither one letting go for a long while. Then they kissed gently, said goodbye, and Draylon started to walk away, looking back every couple of steps. The door closed behind Adriana and both of their hearts sank.

Draylon made his way back to Paul's flat. When he arrived Paul was still on the internet, looking at a training site called Andy's heavy-duty training, trying to come up with a regime for Draylon. Draylon told Paul all that had happened and Paul felt sad for his two friends. He assured Draylon that he had just the plan to get him back to fitness and back with Adriana as quick as human-hybridly possible. Draylon smiled and Paul ordered him to bed, he said they had lots of work to do tomorrow and that he'd need his sleep. Draylon did as he was told.

Chapter Eight – Training

It was six a.m. on Monday the 21st February. Paul woke Draylon up and presented him with a mug of strong coffee. He said that it was time to get up and start training. He said to Draylon that he was going to drive to Rano Raraku quarry whilst Draylon runs there. He said not to take too long because he has a surprise for him when he arrives. Paul found it hard to contain his amusement and Draylon wondered at what Paul had hidden up his sleeve for him.

Paul went out to his trusty yellow Suzuki Alto. He got in, connected up his MP3 player, selected a playlist, started the car up and then he was off. He felt sentimental towards his car, it had a few minor dents and scratches, but it was a good runner and had served him well. He yawned as he was feeling rather tired as he was not used to getting out of bed so early, but smiled at the thought of putting Draylon through his paces. As he approached the quarry, his car started to sound a little throaty; it sounded more like a sports car than an Alto. It continued to roar and then started to make a rattling noise, he reached his destination. Paul stopped the car and he heard a metallic thump from the rear end. He got out to see what had caused the noise, and to his horror he noticed the back end of his exhaust had dropped off. He decided to sit down and sulk whilst waiting for Draylon to turn up.

Draylon set off on his run to the quarry. He figured it was going to take around about an hour, so he started off slowly easing into it, hoping that his chest wouldn't constrict. Draylon found the first mile the toughest, coughing and spluttering, but then his breathing slowed and he was jogging along at a nice pace. It upset him very much that his fitness had been knocked so much, but he was determined that he was going to get it back, every last bit. At thirty minutes his airways started to restrict so he slowed his pace, caught his breath and carried on. Eventually he arrived somewhat over the hour to find Paul sat at the rear of his car.

Paul asked how Draylon had found the run. He replied that it was tough, but Rome wasn't built in a day. He looked at Paul inquisitively and asked him what the matter was, as he seemed a little distraught. Paul ranted about his yellow peril and pointed to the exhaust. Draylon was laughing so much he struggled for breath. When he finally managed to contain his amusement he offered his services. Draylon using his ability to manipulate matter, placed his hands on the rear silencer and moulded it good as new, he then reattached it to Paul's pride and joy and then continued to roll around laughing.

Paul mildly annoyed at Draylon's merriment, went to his car and opened up the boot. Paul pulled out an almighty sledgehammer which only added to Draylon's hilarity. Draylon asked what on Earth Paul expected to do with that. Paul exclaimed that Draylon was going to be breaking rocks all day and then started to laugh himself. To Paul's amazement Draylon relished the idea, he grabbed the hammer insisting immortal Thor would be proud. He made his way into the quarry and started smashing rocks.

It was approaching midday, hours had gone by, and Draylon carried on picking up the mighty hammer and breaking rocks into many pieces. The sky was blue, the sun was hot and the sweat poured off Draylon. Paul suggested he take a break and they both sat down against the car drinking water. Paul had brought many litres to maintain hydration, as he knew it was going to be a tough day. Draylon asked what Paul had planned for him next. Paul said that an exercise called The Deadlift was next on the agenda. He explained that basically Draylon was going to be picking up rocks keeping his back straight. He explained that he would start off light and gradually pick up larger and larger rocks, and this was to be performed twice per week, once a week for regular humans and twice a week for hybrids. Paul reiterated that he was to bend his knees and keep his back straight. Draylon suggested that it might have been an idea to have performed the Deadlift before he started breaking up rocks for hours on end, and laughed. Paul agreed and laughed too, then suggested he stopped sitting around and get on with his training.

Paul eased himself back against his car, enjoying the sunshine and sipping on his cool water. He decided to put on his MP3 player and enjoy the show. Draylon approached a small rock, bending his knees and keeping his back straight he picked it up easily. He then placed it down and turned to smile at Paul and put his thumb up, Paul smiled and waved. Draylon then approached a larger rock and again picked it up, finding it a little more difficult that time. He then had a go at lifting an even larger rock, he gave it everything he had, and it started to shuffle on the ground a little. He persisted; every muscle in his body screaming out, but it was just too much for him. Draylon slumped onto the ground, his grey T-shirt was soaking wet and sweat dripped into his eyes making them sting. Paul shouted out “Time to call it a day Draylon, I'll meet you back home,” he then waved smiling. Draylon slumped back on the ground not looking forward to his run home.

When Draylon finally arrived home, Paul had a large protein shake waiting for him, mixed with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. He also had lain out beside it a garlic capsule and multivitamin and mineral capsule. Draylon enquired as to what was going on and where was his long awaited for energy drink. Paul explained that the protein shake would help him to build his muscles big and strong. He went on to clarify that the garlic will keep his heart healthy, and the multivitamin and mineral capsule will supply him with all the ammunition, to get into extraordinary condition. Draylon thanked him and asked if he had run him a bath also, Paul laughed.

The next day at the quarry Paul had Draylon doing press-ups and sit-ups. When his muscles started to tire he had Draylon skipping and shadow boxing. Rest periods were short but with plenty of fluids, Paul was working Draylon hard, chiselling out every muscle group, getting him slippery fast and stronger. It was a race against time, Draylon needed to be razor sharp for his next encounter with Draykon.

Weeks went by. Paul had Draylon running ten to twenty miles a day, Deadlifting twice a week, and smashing rocks on a daily basis, press-ups, sit-ups, the training was unrelenting. Draylon was getting fit, very fit. Every muscle in his body was bulging, his skin was tight and he looked in awesome condition. He was lifting larger and larger rocks, incredible sizes, Paul couldn't believe his eyes. Paul was feeling very pleased with himself for constructing the training regime, and thought that maybe he would take up fitness instruction on a part time basis.

It was Monday the 14th of March at nine a.m. Paul arranged to meet Draylon at Ahu Tongariki. Paul set off in his bright yellow Suzuki and Draylon sat outside of Paul's flat finishing off his two cans of Monster Ripper. Draylon stood and then stretched out his limbs like a lion before catching his prey. He started to run. His breathing was slow, he felt as if he was running on air and he was thoroughly enjoying having his fitness back. He ran faster and faster, not tiring one bit. He could hear the gravel under his feet and dust clouds appeared behind him. Paul was in sight. Draylon felt a surge of energy and went for a sprint finish, then he found himself swallowing water and soaking wet. He looked to where Paul was standing and couldn't believe it, his powers were back and he was about a mile out in the sea. Draylon was overjoyed, he trod water for a few minutes savouring his moment, and then shot through the water like a torpedo and was stood at Paul's side in less than a second.

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