The Chronicles of Draylon

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Book One: Draylon – The Beginning

Book Two: Draylon – Retribution

Book Three: Draylon – God Gene

Book Four: Draylon – Destiny


The Beginning

Book One

Kenneth Balfour

In the beginning God created man.

Something entirely different created Draylon.

An alien-human hybrid, a prophecy hundreds of years foretold.

Join Draylon and Paul on their journey across the globe.

To awe-inspiring locations enveloped in intrigue and mystery.

Witness the friendship, the loyalty, the power and the glory.

In Draylon – The Beginning.

The Chapters

Chapter One – Easter Island

Chapter Two – Las Vegas

Chapter Three – Area 51

Chapter Four – Roswell

Chapter Five – Nazca

Chapter Six – Egypt

Chapter Seven – Tunguska

Chapter Eight – The beginning

Chapter One – Easter Island

It was a cold night on Tuesday the 4th of January 2011. The sky was a blanket of stars beautifully lit, and all seemed still but for the lapping of the waves against the rocks on the shores of Hanga Roa, a small town on Easter Island. Paul Gabriel looked out to sea and felt his life pause in the tranquillity of this splendid night. He felt peaceful and happy, and wished for nothing more than this moment. Shooting stars had been predicted on this night and Paul watched intently, hoping to witness the spectacular sights. What Paul witnessed was something entirely different.

A light in the sky much brighter than the rest seemed to move slowly. It appeared to be that of a classic saucer shape. Paul supposed it was probably a passenger plane and his mind was just playing tricks on him. Paul never had much of an open mind when it came to UFOs, ghosts, Loch Ness monsters and the like. Something didn't quite add up though, the light was very bright in contrast to the stars, and it was much higher in the sky than a passenger plane would usually fly. All of a sudden, there was an immense flash of light. It shone with awesome brightness, and then the unidentified craft plummeted out of the sky with extraordinary speed out into the deep dark ocean. It struck the surface with a great force that sent ripples to the shoreline where Paul was standing.

Paul could not believe what he had just seen. He used his mobile phone to contact the local police. The police said that there were no other reports in as yet, but they would look into it right away. Paul looked out at the sea and all was calm again, as if nothing had happened. He yawned and decided he'd had enough excitement for one night. It was time for bed, and so he made his way home.

Draylon awoke in his craft on the seabed. He was dazed from the crash, but he knew he had to get out as he was running out of oxygen. He was able to go without air for over ten minutes, but was still anxious to get free. His craft was damaged beyond repair. He had absolutely no clue what had caused the malfunction, but Draylon knew he would have to detonate it as soon as he was free, so that humans could not find the wreckage. He had been observing and collecting intelligence from the planet for some time, he had even been amongst the population, and so had all that was required to get by amongst humans; he had passports and even clothing.

Draylon grabbed all the possessions he could carry and exited his craft. He held his breath and easily made the ascent to the surface. He then swam to the shore and he emerged from the water. He was just over six feet tall and a medium muscular build. His features were chiselled, and he had these piercing blue eyes. He turned to look out to sea and detonated the craft with a remote. There was an almighty burst of water above the surface of the sea, and then all was silent.

Draylon was able to convince his peers to let him come to Earth to observe and collect intelligence. His kind have visited the Earth many times over millennia, only his kind are of the classic greys, the Roswell sort, and thus haven't integrated amongst the human population. This was what Draylon had looked forward to all his life. He was intrigued by Earth, by humans, and wanted to witness every aspect of humanity. He did not intend to destroy his craft in the process, but was not overly concerned, as he could be tracked by a chip concealed within his right shoulder, so when his kin realised he was missing, he could always attain a passage home when they visited the Earth next. Draylon looked completely human on the outside; he had brown spiky hair, a white complexion and a physique like that of an athlete.

Paul Gabriel was a bit of a loner; he never knew his parents – they died in a tragic car crash when he was only a baby – and he was brought up by his grandparents, who had both passed away by his late teens. As an adult, he went straight to work as a machinist. He saved like crazy and by the time he was 25 years of age, he decided to emigrate to Easter Island; he figured the fewer people, the better. He now lived in rented accommodation in the town of Hanga Roa. It was a small one bedroom flat, but it suited his needs. He worked at the local supermarket stacking shelves and serving customers. In his spare time, he enjoyed time on his own and music. Paul had lived on Easter Island now for 11 years – thus he was now 36 years of age.

Draylon was feeling a little bruised and battered from the crash. He had a nasty cut on his forehead and bruising on his chest and abdomen. He looked about. There was nobody around, so he closed his eyes, slowed his breathing and focused. Within seconds, the wound started to close and the bruising started to fade. He wiped his forehead and the wound was gone. He was as good as new, but hungry. His human side required nourishment, as did any human, and so he made his way into town, hoping to find food and accommodation for the night.

When in town, Draylon came across a cash point. He needed money. Against his morals, he placed his hand on the cash machine and, using his technopathic ability, he drew out enough cash to last him several weeks. He went into a little shop in town and purchased a couple of cereal bars and a bottle of water. Earth food was almost completely foreign to Draylon, and he was excited about every meal to come. There was a hotel at the end of the main street called, The Moai Inn. Draylon went in and rented a room. He gave his name, Draylon Alexander Cross.

Paul was woken the next day by a phone call. It was the local Police. They informed him that there was nothing to report; that what he saw was probably a shooting star, debris entering the atmosphere. Paul never argued the fact and thought, being a sceptic, that they were most probably correct. Paul then took a shower, styled and parted his short brown hair and got himself dressed in his favourite jeans, a fitted shirt and smart black shoes. He looked at his watch. It was 7:30 a.m. He had an hour to have breakfast and get to work at the supermarket.

Paul arrived at work just as Adriana Morales was opening up. He said good morning and then asked her if she had seen the shooting stars from the night before. She said that she was too busy helping her mother and cooking dinner for the family; that she didn't have time to gaze at the stars. Paul smiled, and thought to himself that it must have been a shooting star. He had a quick cup of coffee and then got started stocking up shelves for the day. He put on his MP3 player, which was frowned upon, but he would go insane with his mundane job if he never had his music.

Draylon awoke feeling refreshed, although still a little dishevelled from the night before. He looked forward to his adventures to come. The world is my oyster, he thought to himself with a grin. He missed the closest thing he had to a father, one of the scientists on his planet, a grey, one of the donors of the DNA that had created him. His name was Karlon. Draylon was sure he would see Karlon again one day, but for now he was going to explore, and anonymously try to make a difference on Earth each and every day. Draylon believed that one small good deed a day went a long way to making a world a better place.

Draylon had a wash, and then put on his still slightly damp clothes, which he had managed to retrieve from his craft – they were his favourite, jeans, grey T-shirt and trainers. He loved his outfit and was happy to wear the same every day. He was feeling hungry again and so excitedly left his room in search of a supermarket. His mouth watered at the thought of new food to try.

After a short walk into town, Draylon found a supermarket. He started to look around at all of the many foods and drinks, but didn't have a clue what to try first. He made a point of reading all of the labels on the foods – his planet were solely vegetarian, and to him eating flesh was barbaric, although he didn't discriminate the human race, as humans have always eaten meat. He decided to try a freshly baked bread roll and a couple of cans of energy drink. Monster Ripper, the energy drink was called. It looked very appealing by the nicely decorated can. He went to the counter to pay and was served by a man with the nametag Paul.

“Hello Paul, I would like to buy these please,” said Draylon with a smile.

“Yes sir, would that be all?” said Paul, not wanting to make conversation.

“That is all. Did you see the display of shooting stars last night?” Draylon, even at such a great height in his craft the evening before, could clearly make out the image of Paul watching by the shore.

“Yes, I saw a very bright star; I must have been tired because it seemed as if it dived into the sea right before my eyes.”

“I saw it too. Would you like to meet for a drink later when you finish work to talk about it? I'm new to the island, so it would be nice to have company.”

“I'm busy tonight, thanks all the same,” said Paul, nervously, worried about having to make conversation.

“Please. Just a quick drink and chat, I'd be very grateful – I'll pay.”

“Um…OK. I finish work at five, I'll meet you just outside. What did you say your name was?”

“Draylon. Thank you! See you at five.”

Draylon left the supermarket and sat on a nearby bench. He tried his freshly baked roll. It smelt divine, and tasted delicious. He ate it very quickly, and then wished he'd bought two. He then opened his first can of energy drink. He took a mouthful. He couldn't believe how good it tasted, and he imagined he could quite easily become addicted to these energy drinks. Within a couple of minutes he could feel his heart pulsing and he felt more alert – he was thoroughly enjoying this new sensation. Draylon thought he'd take a stroll down along the shoreline just outside of town, and maybe run off some of his new-found energy, then maybe sit, relax and contemplate. He very much looked forward to meeting with Paul.

It was five p.m. and Draylon was waiting outside of the supermarket, Paul turned up shortly after and decided that they would go to the local bar named Rapa Nui Tavern. When they arrived, Paul ordered a cider and Draylon ordered sparkling spring water. Draylon wasn't keen on the idea of alcohol and its effects on the mind and body. Easter Island has a semi-tropical climate and January was summertime, so they both decided that they would sit outside in the warmth of the sun. Paul seemed quiet. Draylon sensed that he was a bit of a loner but was hoping that he'd be able to change that. His instinct told him that Paul was a decent guy and trustworthy, and so he hoped that they could become friends. They found a bench outside the front of the tavern. It had a nice view of the town, and was a perfect suntrap.

“So you saw a shooting star last night then?” Draylon asked to break the silence.

“Yes. It was very bright. I thought it might have been something else.”

“Maybe it was a UFO from another planet,” said Draylon with a smile.

“No, I'm afraid I don't believe in that sort of thing. I did think it could have been a plane at first, but it was maybe a little high for that. It could have been a meteor, I suppose. What do you think it was?”

“I think you're probably right, a meteor. It would be intriguing if it was an alien craft though, then we would know that we are not alone in the universe.”

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