The Chronicles of Draylon (14 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Without a second to lose Draylon left the flat and shot into the sky like a bullet. In seconds he was at the crash site in Roswell standing beside the large stone that marks the place in which the greys met their end in July 1947. It was twilight and all was quiet, not a soul around. All of a sudden Draylon felt a chill, the hairs on his neck stood on end and he could see his breath. He turned to see the apparition of a grey, the one he had seen at the museum. The spectre stood looking straight at Draylon and then held his four-fingered hand out to him. Draylon reached his own hand out to meet the ghosts and then closed his eyes and focused. Images flooded before Draylon's eyes, masses of information passed into his subconscious at the speed of light. Minutes passed and then it stopped. Draylon lowered his hand and looked into the ghoul's eyes. The grey was friendly and empathetic. He smiled at Draylon, and then turned and walked away, gradually vanishing into the dusk.

Draylon sat on the stone marker thinking about what had just transpired. All around him was quiet and the air was fresh. The tranquillity of the splendid evening enveloped him and hours passed by. Eventually Draylon stood and the sound of gravel under his feet was all that could be heard. He took a deep breath, bent his knees and leapt into the brilliant night and he tore through the sky like a shooting star.

In seconds he was back at Paul's. Paul was just off to bed when Draylon walked through the door.

“You just caught me I was just off to bed. What happened?” Paul yawned and rubbed his eyes; he was tired but still interested as to what his vision had led Draylon to.

“I met with the apparition that had led me to the ring at the museum, I held my hand to his and I was flooded with images and information about the circumstances of the crash in July 1947.”

Paul sat down on the sofa excitedly, “Come on, tell me everything.”

“The entity that gave me the information was named Grindor. He and three others were aboard the craft that crashed in Roswell all of those years ago. Two of them were dead on impact, whilst the other two were captured in their wounded state, tested on, observed and then finally dissected. Grindor was one whom survived and then was dismembered in the name of science.”

“That's terrible! There are some sick people in this world. It's no wonder the greys dislike humanity.”

“It's not that simple Paul. You see it was their own kind that shot them down. Grindor liked humans and Earth and so did his companions. It was for that very reason that they were dispatched. Not all of the greys are bad, not all of the greys want war. It is those that lead them that need to be brought to justice. Those that lead them are tyrants; power hungry dictators and they won't rest until they govern all. If we could take those that lead from power, then Terspheriton could be a democratic society. And it's highly probable they wouldn't want to seek war and destruction, but would seek peace as do the majority of people on Earth and all civilisations.”

“This planet has suffered its fair share of dictators. I suppose your home planet isn't that different from Earth really.”

“That's right. Only our planet is far more advanced with its technologies, and therefore poses a very high risk whilst the wrong beings are in power. Grindor's craft was shot down by those who favoured the dictatorship, they believed Grindor and his crew were weak and couldn't be trusted so sought to put an end to them. Grindor didn't see it coming and thus they met their ends in Roswell, New Mexico July 1947. And the fact that his spirit lives on sways me even more so to your Earths belief system of an almighty God.”

“Why hasn't Grindor gone into the light Draylon? Why does his spirit linger?”

“I don't know, but he has helped me, maybe that is his purpose, or maybe he just likes it here.” Draylon patted Paul's shoulder and smiled, “I believe it is time to hit the hay, it's been a long day and I am tired my friend.”

“I'm with you there,” Paul yawned and marched off to his bedroom.

Chapter Fifteen – News

“And to finish off here at
News Twenty-Four-Seven
, flying saucers have been reported at an alarmingly increasing rate worldwide this past week. The strange thing is that all sightings describe the same thing. Large metallic discs with bright white lights beneath. Some hovering for long periods of time whilst other sightings report them moving at incredible speeds. Are they visitors from another planet or are they military craft? If they are visitors from another planet, do they come in peace? Why are they here? Surveillance to what end? These are just some of the questions being asked.

The majority of sightings have been reported at Death Valley and Titus Canyon. UFOs have been witnessed, explosions and great beams of white light. The Military have since visited the canyon and can confirm no evidence to support such claims.

Are we being visited by aliens from another world or is it an orchestrated hoax by UFO enthusiasts? Is it military craft or just a random rise in reported sightings? For now it remains a mystery.

That brings us to an end here on
News Twenty-Four-Seven
, goodbye.:

Chapter Sixteen – Farewell

It was Thursday March the 17th at nine a.m. Paul was awoken by his alarm clock. He immediately got up and marched semiconscious towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. Draylon was on the sofa and just starting to stir, Paul reached into the fridge and pulled out one of Draylon's energy drinks, “Breakfast is served!” shouted Paul. In a second Draylon was up and sipping on his favourite drink.

“Good morning, I was thinking, how would you feel about going on another vacation?” Draylon smiled.

“That'd be great, when and where?” Paul was excited at the thought of going on another adventure.

“I think we need to go to Vegas again for extra funding, but after that maybe we could tour America.” Draylon finished off his drink then went to the fridge for another.

“I think we need to go to Vegas again just to fund your fetish for energy drinks.” Paul laughed at his friend.

Draylon laughed too and then seemed lost in thought. “I'm going to have to say goodbye to Adriana before we go, I am going to miss her. I think it'll make it easier for us both if I'm not around for a while though.”

“I think she'll miss you more than you know.”

“I'll go and see her this afternoon when she finishes work. Have you got any loose ends you need to tie up? Because I was thinking that maybe we could head off for Vegas tomorrow.”

“That sounds great! I'll check for flights, I can't wait!” Paul practically ran to his computer to find out departure times.

“I think I'll take a walk about the island today and then visit Adriana, I don't have much to pack so that won't be a problem.”

“OK! I'll catch you later”.

Draylon left the flat and headed off toward Ahu Tongariki, one of his favourite spots on the island. The sun was shining, the sky was a clear blue and Draylon breathed the air in deep. He felt saddened when he thought of Adriana. He wanted to be with her so much and hoped that one day they would get the opportunity. It had been a whirlwind year and some of the events weighed heavy on his mind.

He arrived at the site of the proud stone faces known as the Moai. They took his breath away every time he saw them. He felt as if their stare could see right through him, looking into his very soul. He sat on the grass and leaned against one of the statues and glanced out to sea. He closed his eyes. He could hear the waves of the ocean lapping against the shore, the sound of the birds calling to each other, and time slowly drifted away.

Draylon awoke. He couldn't believe that he had felt so relaxed that he fell asleep. A sparkle in the grass caught his eye. He walked over to see what it was. He reached down and picked it up. It was a silver pendant of an eagle. Draylon had an idea. Using his right hand he focused and manipulated matter to change the shape of the pendant. He looked at what he had created, “Perfect!” he thought to himself.

The time was getting on, Draylon started to head back to town to meet Adriana from work. When he arrived Adriana was just closing up. She looked up and noticed him and Draylon felt his heart start to flutter.

“Hi, how are you?” asked Adriana.

“I'm OK thank you. I've missed you.”

“We've spoken about this Draylon. Please don't make it any harder for us both.” Adriana sighed.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I've come to say goodbye, me and Paul are going on another vacation.”

Adriana's eyes welled, “So soon, you don't stay still for a second.”

“I need to take my mind off things. I think it'll make it easier for the both of us. May I walk you home?”

“You may,” Adriana smiled at Draylon.

Draylon took Adriana's hand and they walked slowly, not talking at all but just enjoying their little time together. They arrived at Adriana's home and Draylon pulled out the object he had created from his jean pocket.

“This is for you, I made it myself. It's to remind you that I am thinking of you.” Draylon placed it on Adriana's finger. It was a beautiful, flawless silver ring.

“I love it! It fits perfect.” Adriana started to cry.

“Please don't cry. It's a symbol. It means that I love you and my heart remains with you, and it always will no matter what.” Draylon smiled at Adriana and gently kissed her forehead.

“Thank you! You know I feel the same. I'll see you when you return.”

Adriana went inside her house and gently closed the door. She sank down to the floor and said in a whisper “I love you too!” and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Draylon stood out outside the door for a short while. With his enhanced abilities he had heard Adriana say that she loved him. He turned away and started to walk back towards Paul's, so full of emotion that he could hardly contain it and then a tear rolled down his cheek also.

He arrived back at Paul's and put on a front.

“So my friend, when do we leave?”

Paul clapped Draylon on the shoulder “Tomorrow, tomorrow is the start of a new adventure,” he smiled.

Chapter Seventeen – Journey Begins

It was Friday the 18th of March. Paul's alarm clock went off at six a.m. he rubbed the sleepy dust from his eyes, yawned, and then had a big stretch. He made his way to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, Draylon was already up.

“Morning, fancy a coffee?” said Paul yawning once again.

“I'd love one, thank you! What time does the plane leave today?”

“We need to check in by nine this morning, the flight departs at midday.”

“Have you packed already?”

“Yes, Just a small bag, and you?”

“Yes, I've just a couple of changes of clothes.”

“I can't believe we're heading off again, I can't wait to see Vegas again,” Paul smiled at the thought.

“Maybe we could try a different hotel this time?” Draylon smiled at his friend's enthusiasm.

“Yes, good idea, that'd be great, I can't wait!”

“I will miss Adriana,” Draylon sighed.

“I'm sorry, I forgot to ask how you were feeling. Are you OK?”

“I'm OK! We're off on another adventure. Maybe now just isn't the time, maybe Adriana and me will have another opportunity to be together in the near future. I hope so anyway.”

“I hope so too my friend. Here, have your coffee. I made it strong.”

“Thank you Paul! Maybe in Vegas we can hire a car, maybe they have little yellow Suzuki's in Vegas.” Draylon laughed.

“One is quite enough thank you. Don't get me wrong I do love my car, it has character, but I want something that has a little sting, a bit of muscle.”

Draylon and Paul finished packing their belongings and took a stroll to the airport. They checked in and then decided to get refreshments in the café. It was finally time to board the plane and they found their favourite seats at the safer rear part of the plane. Everyone was aboard and the plane was ready for flight. The Captain made a short speech, Paul and Draylon fastened their seat belts and they were off. First stop Lima and then Los Angeles, and finally Las Vegas.

It was 10.30 a.m. on Saturday the 19th of March and it was a beautiful sunny day in Vegas. Paul and Draylon exited the airport and couldn't believe it when they saw Elvis in his pink taxi. Elvis recognised them and got out of the car to greet them. He shook their hands and said it was a pleasure to see them both again, he asked where they would like to go. Draylon asked if Elvis had any suggestions, Elvis suggested the Venetian. Draylon acquiesced “The Venetian it is”. Elvis put their bags in the trunk and then set forth. A jailhouse rock and a suspicious mind later they arrived at the Venetian. Elvis carried their small amount of luggage into reception, bid them farewell and then left the building.

Draylon and Paul were in awe of the magnificent hotel. It had reproductions of Venetian architecture, such as St. Mark's Square, the Doge's Palace, Rialto Bridge and The Campanile Tower. There was also a graceful waterway that winds its way through shops, boutiques, and restaurants, beneath faux Adriatic skies, painted and lit to replicate twilight at all times of the night and day. There were also gondolas and singing gondoliers. Draylon suggested taking a trip on the canal, Paul strongly declined saying that they'd get a reputation, Draylon laughed.

They checked into the hotel and booked a room with two single beds. They made their way to the apartment. The apartment was fantastic, it had elegantly appointed Italian marble, high ceilings, two flat screen TV's, everything that they required and more.

Paul was feeling very tired from the journey and crashed out on his bed. He said to Draylon that he was going to get forty winks and will be ready for action again by about six. Draylon said that he would do the same and then maybe they could get something to eat and hit the casinos. Paul agreed whilst setting his alarm for six p.m. He asked how much Draylon was thinking of winning this time. Draylon replied that maybe another one hundred thousand dollars should do it. Pound signs appeared in Paul's vision and he smiled to himself and then fell asleep.

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