The Chronicles of Draylon (24 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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“Is it not worth looking into, there must be some way, something extra-terrestrial that you can think of?”

Draylon sat deep in thought, and then had an idea. “You go to bed my friend. I'm going back to Roswell to see if I can contact Grindor, maybe he will know of something. I'll see you in the morning.” said Draylon as he started to leave.

Draylon left the flat. It was very late and very dark but for the twinkling stars in the sky. Draylon activated his outfit, bent his knees and leapt. He shot into the sky like a lightning bolt.

Minutes later he was at the Roswell crash site. Draylon called out to Grindor. Suddenly he felt a chill, and the hairs stood up on the back of his neck. He could see his breath in front of him in the cold air. Grindor appeared, only this time he used the spoken work.

“Hello Draylon, back so soon.” said Grindor in a soft tone.

“Hello Grindor. I have a couple of questions and was hoping that you'd be able to help.”

“Ask away,” said Grindor, his pale grey apparition faint in the moonlight.

“I was wondering, do you know of any craft on this planet that is in working condition?”

“I know of none.”

“Ok, question two. Is there technology on this planet, be it human or alien, which could teleport someone from one place to another?”

“Yes. I believe there is.” Grindor smiled warmly, “I believe that what you seek, you will find in the depths of The Great Pyramid.” With that, Grindor vanished into thin air.

“Wait…” said Draylon, but it was too late, Grindor was gone.

Draylon felt a rush of excitement that things were moving forward, anything seemed possible. He wasn't sure how Paul would take the news though, teleportation yes, but The Great Pyramid; he didn't imagine Paul would feel comfortable with that. Draylon wandered for a while, thinking things over, he then took his fill of the fresh air, bent his knees and leapt. He shot across the sky like a Hermes with his winged sandals.

Draylon arrived back at Paul's flat, and crept in quietly so that he didn't wake him. He went straight to the sofa and crashed out, his mind whirling with thoughts and ideas. He wondered what he would find in The Great Pyramid, would it be an amulet or a crystal? It was all very intriguing. After an hour or so Draylon gave in to the night, he closed his eyes and drifted off sound asleep.

Paul woke up early the next day and wandered into the kitchen half asleep to make a cup of tea. He looked around and yawned, noticing that Draylon was already wide-awake, sipping on his favourite energy drink.

“Good morning my friend, have I got news for you,” said Draylon grinning.

Paul finished making his tea and sat down, “As long as it doesn't involve The Great Pyramid, let's hear it.”

“What makes you say that?” said Draylon intrigued.

“I was dreaming about it all night, thank God it was only a dream.”

“I wouldn't thank him just yet.”

Paul looked up, suddenly concerned, “No, please tell me we're not?”

“I asked Grindor if any means of teleportation existed on this planet. He told me that what I seek, I will find in the depths of The Great Pyramid. I have to go, but I wouldn't expect you to accompany me my friend, it really is too much to ask of you.”

“I will come,” said Paul, “You'll be there to protect me, and lightning doesn't strike the same place twice anyway.”

“Thank you! I will protect you with my life, you have nothing to worry about, I promise.” Draylon smiled and clapped his friend on the shoulder. “So I guess we need to start making plans then.”

“I'll sort out the travel arrangements after breakfast, Egypt here we come, again.” said Paul slurping at his tea.

It was Wednesday the 18th of September 2013 at two p.m. Draylon and Paul were at Mataveri International Airport, Easter Island. They boarded their plane and began their journey towards Cairo, Egypt. The layovers were long, and they finally arrived at their destination two days later at midday.

Chapter Two – Egypt

It was Friday the 20th of September 2013. Draylon and Paul made their way through customs and then caught a taxi into the City. They found a nice hotel named The Cleopatra, and booked a room with two single beds and a television.

Paul was feeling slightly nervous being back in Egypt once again, but tried to calm his nerves. He knew that this time around nothing would get past Draylon; therefore he had no cause to worry at all.

They both unpacked their belongings and crashed out on their beds after the exhausting trip.

“I can sense your unease my friend, but I assure you, no harm will come to you,” said Draylon.

“I know, I keep telling myself that,” said Paul noting that his pulse was nigh on 100 beats per minute.

“I thought we'd make our way at midnight again, like last time. We should go unnoticed.”

“I packed the torches, as I had a feeling that it would be a night time visit again.”

“Good thinking. I wonder what we'll find.”

“We'll most probably find a Mummy looking to bring about an end to the world, or a giant spider that preys on humans, knowing our luck.”

Draylon laughed. “You're funny. Right, no more worrying, we are going to have a good time, this is our adventure.”

“I'll try my best. I'm getting hungry, food will help. Are you hungry?” asked Paul noticing that he was starting to feel better about the whole thing.

“Of course, there is always space for a meal. I wonder if they sell energy drinks.”

“I expect they'll sell Monster drinks somewhere around here,” said Paul.

They left the hotel in search of sustenance.

Hours later, it was midnight. Paul and Draylon left their hotel, not forgetting their torches, and they headed out towards The Great Pyramid. Paul was feeling very nervous again, and walked closely to Draylon. When the pyramid was in sight Draylon accessed the internet on his mobile phone. Using his technopathic ability he was able to shut down all security in the area temporarily.

It was pitch black but for the moon and the twinkling stars in the night-time sky. The mighty pyramid cast an eerie shadow across the land. Paul's hairs stood on end, and a chill shot down his spine. Draylon looked about, checking for security guards. The coast was clear, so they made a run for the opening of the enormous pyramid.

They were inside, and darkness enveloped them. They both felt their way touching the sides of the cool ancient walls. Paul was the first to put on his torch, which immediately illuminated Draylon's face, causing Paul to scream like a girl. Draylon quickly put his hand to Paul's mouth to quiet him. When Paul finally composed himself and slowed his breathing, they both started the descent down the descending passageway towards the darkest depths of the pyramid.

Paul could feel his heart pounding, but it wasn't going to beat him. He drew in deep breaths and focused on calming himself, he thought of the ocean. Draylon guided them both slowly down the passage, being careful not to slip on some of the loose stones beneath their feet. They went down deeper and deeper. Paul could have sworn that that walls were getting narrower, closing in on them inch by inch. He felt claustrophobia starting to take a hold, so he sped up nudging Draylon to get to the large subterranean chamber as quickly as possible.

When they arrived at the huge stone chamber, Paul let out a sigh of relief.

“What now? All I see is stone,” said Paul using his torch to illuminate the giant underground chamber.

“To be honest, I don't know. I was hoping that I would sense something down here, but I don't.”

Draylon felt saddened when he noticed the spot in which his father was buried.

Paul heard a shuffle, and quickly pointed his torch towards a pit in the chamber. Draylon stood in front of Paul to guard him, not knowing what to expect. Four pale grey fingers appeared at the top of the pit. And then another four fingers appeared. The creature eased itself up and stood tall in front of them, Paul's pulse raced. It was Karlon.

Karlon's body looked wasted and fragile, and his once stern gaze appeared lifeless and empty. His long grey arms hung loosely at his sides, and his knees buckled slightly. Karlon summoned all of his energy to stand tall and meet Draylon's gaze.

“Karlon, I thought you were…” said Draylon, not being able to finish his sentence. He should have felt angry and bitter, but instead felt pity for his biological father, and he felt sadness.

“I was resurrected by my companions, not long after you left me buried beneath the rock. I was also here when you brought your friend back to life. I asked my companions to report me dead, as I wanted no further part of it. They had to continue to follow orders, but I wasn't going to hunt down my son, not a second time. I have remained here ever since.”

“I believe I destroyed your companions, therefore, you remain officially dead Father.” said Draylon, instantly regretting his harsh words.

Karlon got down on his knees, “Please allow me to try to make amends. I have spent a long time here hiding, living off insects. And I have relived the moment I betrayed you, over and over again.”

“I forgive you Father. I know that you were following orders, and I know that if you hadn't, then you would not be here now. I believe you owe Paul an apology though,” said Draylon, unable to stay bitter at his father, regardless of what he did.

Paul couldn't believe what was happening, his emotions were on a rollercoaster, and he didn't know what to do. Karlon approached him, and placed his hand on his shoulder. Paul froze.

“I am deeply sorry Paul, friend of Draylon. Words cannot express the guilt that I feel, and I assure you that my conscience will never let me rest.” Karlon blinked his large dark eyes and bowed his head.

“I, I forgive you too,” Paul felt very nervous, but like Draylon, his anger had subsided and he felt pity instead.

“Thank you Paul, you are very kind,” said Karlon unable to stand any longer, and falling against the wall slumping to the ground.

Paul looked at Draylon unsure what to do.

“I need to go and get food Paul, will you be OK?” said Draylon concerned for his friend and his father.

“I will be fine, go!” said Paul catching his breath and kneeling down to comfort Draylon's dad.

Draylon shot off like a bat out of hell, and was back equally as fast. He brought water and bread with him. He knelt down to Karlon also and hand fed him. Draylon asked Karlon to close his eyes and relax. Karlon did as he asked. Draylon held his hand to Karlon's shoulder, and he closed his eyes, slowed his breathing and focused. Draylon channelled energy into Karlon, healing him and revitalising him. Seconds later he opened his bright blue eyes and looked at his father.

“How do you feel Father?” said Draylon.

“I do not deserve to be called father, but I feel fine now, thank you. You have grown strong Draylon. When you healed me I caught glimpses of a great destiny looming, and also glimpses of great pain that you have suffered. Let me help you, what is it that you seek?”

Draylon told Karlon all about their travels, and everything that had happened to date, Karlon sat and listened quietly. Paul sat back against the wall also and listened to Draylon talk of their adventures. When Draylon had finished, Karlon rose to his feet and stood strong.

“I can help you both. Not only am I a scientist, but I believe I could fix this craft that you talk about in the Amazon, then you will have your transport.”

“Thank you. The craft will take time though, maybe too long. Have you heard of any means of teleportation existing on this planet?” asked Draylon a little concerned.

“I haven't heard of teleportation on any planet. Although, the amulet that you mentioned, if it was indeed created using the DNA of an archangel, then maybe there are secrets locked up inside your head, secrets that were locked up in the genetic material. All we have to do is access them. I know little of humanity's religion, and so I am only supposing my son, but there definitely exists such a thing as genetic memory.”

“Can you access it for me using your telepathy Father? You were always one of the most gifted in that area.” said Draylon.

“I can try. Stand still, close your eyes, and empty your mind.”

Draylon did as his father asked. Paul sat against the wall watching intently. Draylon relaxed and emptied his mind. Karlon closed his eyes also, and focused his mind. Minutes went by and Karlon was taking a look into the deepest depths of Draylon‘s mind. Karlon smiled.

“Have you found anything?” asked Paul excitedly in a whisper.

“You may open your eyes Draylon. And yes Paul, I believe I have.” said Karlon feeling good about himself, that he was able to help his son.

“What is it? Does such a thing exist?” said Draylon intrigued.

“It does. It is a very old tablet, and very sacred. It exists in a box made of acacia wood, 3
feet long, 2
feet wide, and 2
feet high. It is overlaid with pure gold both inside and out. I believe it is known as The Ark of the Covenant.”

Paul's jaw dropped and he looked stunned, “The Ark of the Covenant exists? Wow.”

“This is an item of the almighty God, should we really be even thinking about this? The consequences could be great,” said Draylon concerned.

“You were technically created by one of these archangels, and they have already played a part in your destiny. I am a man of science, but if there truly is a God, then the fact that you have met his disciples means that it is highly probable that you were meant to find this artefact, this Ark.” said Karlon eating a little of the bread that Draylon had brought.

“Did you see where it is hidden?” asked Draylon considering the idea.

“Yes, it can be found in Axum, Ethiopia. In the chapel next to the church of St. Mary of Zion. The one true Ark has been seen by no one except for the head priest for many hundreds of years, and it is heavily guarded.”

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