Testers (11 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Back in the dining room, Claire, Nita and Laura were all dressed and sipping coffees as Ian and Mike tried to explain what had been going on. Sarah had found her camera to be empty of all images, tested it and found it to be still working, so she thought she’d take the opportunity to retake the pictures whilst Ian was watching the games out on the field. What she hadn’t realised was that Mike was watching the office and as soon as she entered, he called Ian up and they caught her red handed taking photographs of the files. With a little persuasion from a ‘motivator’, she was obliged to tell the truth and said that she’d hired Rosa to do the actual spying whilst she just provided the inside information – where and when - and the distraction, but she had to take a more proactive approach when she found the images gone; she just assumed it was a fault with the camera. She was going to ransom the pictures back to Lincoln Ltd just like Claire had supposed.


“I just knew she wasn’t a very nice person,” said Laura. “Very pretty but not very nice. What are you going to do with her now?”


Ian answered, “Oh, I think we’ll just keep them for a week or two and then let them go – never to darken our doorstep again! It’s not really worth our while getting involved with the law; we like to keep a low profile. I doubt that they’ll be keen to complain about their treatment either, considering that industrial espionage is frowned upon by the courts. We may as well just use them to complete our tests. As far as you three are concerned, I realise that you haven’t completed your contract term but we have lots of data already and we still have two testers willing to repeat all the tests until we're satisfied, so you won’t be needed for any more trials. I shall, of course, pay you the full contract price. You can leave whenever you like and they’ll be a car waiting to take you back to London.”


After dinner, Ian asked Mike and Claire to stay behind for a chat and they settled down in front of the great fireplace as Laura and Nita wandered off happily chatting about the day; in particular, of course, the shepherds.


“Sarah was my Personal Assistant. With hindsight I can see that she was virtually running the company. I don’t want that to happen again so I’m taking steps to ensure that I’m not so pushed in the future that I can’t see what’s going on. Mike; you have been the designer responsible for creating virtually all these projects; all I’ve done is to supply the capital. I’d like to make you an equal partner in the business: equal shares, equal responsibilities.”


Mike was speechless – at least for about fifteen seconds. “Wow. Thank you, Ian. Of course, I accept. I know that with what we’ve learnt during these trials and a few little ideas that are still in my head, this company’s going to fly.” And he was so happy that after shaking Ian’s hand he gave Claire an exuberant kiss that nearly knocked her off the settee.


“And now you, Claire. It was your intelligence and integrity that saved us all and I now find myself short of a PA. Well, I’d like to offer the job to you, but I’m not – you’re much too clever for that. How about being the Business Director; the pay’s quite good!”


“But you’ve seen me naked, you’ve watched me have all those orgasms, you’ve even fucked me while I’ve been strapped up tight and helpless. How can we possibly have a serious business relationship?”


“This is a company making robotic machines for the adult entertainment business. What you say is true and tells me that you know exactly where we’re at! You know what we’re selling, and you know exactly how it works. And I know you’re too intelligent to think that anything that went on during these trials will have any bearing on our future relationship. I promise you that I shall not ask to fuck you again and this will be the last time I ever mention it.”


“Well, err. Okay then. That’s good, because I have designs on your new partner. And under those conditions, I shall be more than happy to accept your offer.”




“Well, Miss Business Director, will you be accompanying me to my bed this evening?”


“Of course, Mr Equal Partner. And will we be employing any bondage equipment tonight?”


“Well, for personal use – no. But we do have two other ladies to keep under control. I understand that my two colleagues have already restrained said ladies and all that is required is to tuck them up. Would you like to help me?”


“You bet, where are they?”


“On Sarah’s bed I believe. Let’s go check.”


Sarah and Rosa were in deed on Sarah’s bed. They had metal cuffs on their wrists and these were clipped together behind their backs. Chains led from the cuffs to the sides of the bed. They were kept in place in the centre of the bed by the clips joining their nipple links together. They both wore gags and they both wore the interesting chastity belts. “Comfy Ladies?” enquired Mike, and both women started to make noises behind the ball gags, but all the sounds were unintelligible. “In that case I shall wish you a good night and hope you get lots of sleep; you’ll need all your stamina tomorrow to drag around those heavy water trolleys. I’m looking forward to seeing how well you manage in the rubber suits with over a gallon of water in your bellies now that we’ve fitted pulsation units to the pumps. The effect should be quite spectacular. We’ve got extra heavy bells for your nipples too. I wouldn’t want to miss you passing. So, good night,” and he passed Claire the remote control.


The cacophony of sounds coming from the women turned to shrieks as Claire switched on their belts and their arse cheeks suddenly started vibrating so much they were almost a blur.



Claire sat in the dining room the next morning with Nita and Laura, chatting with Ian and Mike over bacon and eggs and strong coffee when the door was opened by one of the maids to admit Rosa and Sarah. They had been prepared by the two technicians and waddled across the room in their rubber dresses just as Claire and Nita had done a few days before. Rosa, leading the way, for some reason did not find the spectacle so funny as before and stared straight ahead as she took tiny steps in her high platform shoes, her legs pinned tightly together from below her knees to her crotch by the heavy rubber dress. Behind her, Sarah followed in her footsteps almost in step and equally inscrutable. Like all the women Ian chose, Sarah and Rosa were of similar heights and weights. Rosa, of course, was dark skinned being of African extraction and Sarah was a few years her senior, but, because they were almost entirely sheathed in their rubber dresses, the most reliable indication of their identities was their hair styles: Sarah was the one with the tightly permed ringlets which fell either side of her 'decorous' face, stopping just above the globes that were her breasts forced through the holes in the front of the rubber dress. Rosa’s hair was rich brown, lush and wavy as it hung loosely over her shoulders and her breasts nodded in front of her, larger and rounder than Sarah's with their nipples extruded into long points. From their tips hung the bells. Their long legs were hidden above the knee but their outlines were clearly defined by the black rubber as it swelled past their thighs and over their hips. Behind them, their arse cheeks protruded through holes in the rubber and wiggled from side to side. Other apertures, oval holes uncovering the areas from just above their mons to their trim waists, displayed their stomachs, as yet firm and flat. Their arms were pinned behind them, laced into the rubber mono-sleeves


Both women stood meekly in front of their ‘seats’ and looked forlornly at Ian at the far end of the table. Like all their actions whilst they were wearing the collars around their necks and ‘motivators’ clamped to their pussies, they were unwilling to deviate from the precise instructions given to them by other persons or by the program housed in their collars. “Sit on the pipes,” said Ian and they carefully sat on the lubricated, rubber enshrouded tubes sticking up erect from the utility boxes, wiggling to guide the pipes into their arses. No sooner had she sat than Rosa attempted to rise but it was already too late; the rubber rings around the top of each pipe had inflated and locked the girls to their seats.


After a nourishing breakfast of anaemic high energy drink, the girls were coupled to their trolleys and set off through the doorway intent on the tasks given to them by their collars and inaudible to the rest of the diners. Behind them their arms were strapped to the shafts of the trolleys and thick, flexible hoses snaked from the top surfaces of the utility boxes on the trolleys into their arses.


As she exited the door, Rosa looked back at Claire. Her beautiful eyes and flawless face was eloquent in her distress as she mouthed ‘
I’m so sorry’
to Claire before her slim, rubber clad body turned the corner and she hobbled away down the corridor. The last thing Claire saw was Rosa’s arse projecting naked through the hole in the back of her rubber dress and wiggling out of sight with its thick hose bobbing gently behind her with every step.


Claire was silent and her face expressionless as she stared at the empty doorway, different emotions crowding her head. “And what would you have me do?” asked Ian. “Those two came very close to wrecking this company; it’s only right that they should help perfect the designs before I release them. Another week or two should do it and they’ll be fine; possibly with a little less dignity but otherwise unscathed.”


“I suppose,” said Claire. “They are both such beautiful women but both with such flawed characters.”


“Rosa is not a nice girl,” reiterated Laura. “All those things she was making you two do to each other, and then she got you to strip me and, well - you know!”


“They’ll be fine,” said Mike. “We only want to fine tune some of the gadgets we’ve dreamt up. By the time you get back from London we’ll probably be finished with them and they can go home.”


Claire, Nita and Laura returned to London later that morning. Claire looked about her as she loaded her bag into the trunk and as the three girls glided down the long drive in the back of the huge car, but there was no sign of Sarah or Rosa. Back in London, the three exchanged phone numbers and emails and parted outside St Pancras. Nita had folded her arms around Claire’s neck and kissed her softly on the cheek; “Call me,” she had said and looked back wistfully as she entered the station.


Claire had gone on to her flat and stumbled into two weeks worth of disordered chaos. Becky and Sue were, of course, astonished by some of the stories Claire told of her ‘adventures’ – highly censored stories – and were keen to know about Mike. They couldn’t believe Claire had been offered a full time job; Claire’s natural modesty made her reluctant to disclose exactly what the job was, but she did assure them it wasn’t a full time tester of adult sex toys.


The next task was Dave and this proved to be easier than anticipated. Dave just accepted Claire’s statement that she had been reappraising their relationship and had concluded that they were ill matched; he didn’t seem particularly upset and admitted that he had sometimes thought the same. He had kissed her on the cheek, said he’d like to keep in touch, and left. Claire just stood on the doormat and blinked. How could she have ever thought that they had a ‘relationship’?




A week later, Claire stepped from the train at Hereford and caught a taxi to the estate. Mike was delighted to see her and occupied her for some time before the two of them went off to find Ian. It had been agreed that Claire should begin her new role as soon as possible and this was going to be the beginning of her induction period.


“And how are Sarah and Rosa?” asked Claire.


“Oh, they’re good,” said Ian. “They’re very fit,” he added. “They’ve been running around the estate for some days now. They’ve played at being ponies and they’ve spent a couple of days as sheep; today they are doing the final testing for the enema suits before we get a visit from an important customer. In fact, we’ve had enquiries from quite a few gentlemen, mostly Arabian sheiks interested, presumably, in keeping order in their harems. Some have already bought dozens of the ‘active chastity belts’ to keep their concubines entertained until they can get round to them personally. I can only imagine what’s going to happen if fifty women are locked into belts which fuck and shake them each time they approach each other.”


Claire smiled at the vision in her head and the memory of the four of them rolling about on the floor unable to quell the violent snaking of the phalli in their pussies.


Ian continued: "Our Arabian Prince is due to visit tomorrow and we've decided to retain Rosa and Sarah as demonstrators. Sarah was very far from happy at the prospect but has very little option and I've promised her that they'll be released immediately afterwards."


Ian scowled. "I think you're letting them off much too lightly. All that work and they could have ruined it all." Mike was still indignant that the two girls had deceived him so easily. "I shan't be happy until the patents have all been filed."


"Well, that may well be true; I have to say that I still have a soft spot for Sarah." Ian physically shook himself to rid his mind of memories. "In any case, after tomorrow you won't see them again; they'll be gone."




It was much later that evening that Claire and Mike lay naked on the rug in front of the log fire in the sitting room. Mike was propped up on one elbow and kissed Claire gently on her open mouth as the fingers of his free hand traced little circles about her nipples. Claire had her arms about his neck and her fingers entangled in his hair.


“Happy?” asked Mike.


“Of course,” said Claire. “I could stay here all night.” She kissed his lips gently and stroked his cheek. “Do you know a maid called Emmy?” she asked innocently.


“She’s a pretty little thing. Works hard and hangs out with one of the gardeners.”


“Yes, they were talking to me as I waited for the race the other morning. I suspect that Emmy might be harbouring secret dreams of becoming a ponygirl. If we could find her a pony partner from one of the other maids, she could be useful for testing the new equipment.”


“I’ll look into it,” said Mike. “Did she actually say she wanted to try it?”


“No, not in so many words. She did seem to like the costume though.” Claire smiled as a vision of Emmy popped into her head; she was standing motionless with a plumed head dress and blinkers about her eyes. In her mouth was a silver bit and her arms were folded and trapped behind her back as Jack, her gardener friend, looked on with interest. She was locked between the traces of a pony cart by a heavy leather corset around her waist and there was a dildo lodged between her legs. Claire was tugging on a nipple at the tip of a small, pert breast to make its bell ring as Emmy squirmed around trying to move away and say something, but she was held fast by the traces and the dildo, and she could only make unintelligible sounds. Jack pushed the dildo down until it was stopped by its retaining chain, and as he let go the dildo slid back up into Emmy on its own; Emmy squealed and shuddered, twisting her hips on the hilt of the dildo, and tried ineffectually to back away from her tormentors until a disembodied voice said
Walk on!
and a whip cracked on a smooth, white arse cheek. It was an attractive vision and Claire filed it away at the back of her mind for future reference.


Then the vision dissolved as Claire’s fingers tightened in Mike’s hair and she shuddered. “Oh God! I think I’m climaxing again,” she said and started to tremble.


Below her on the rug Sarah worked assiduously at her clitoris with her mouth. She was still wearing the rubber dress, the mono-glove, and, of course, the motivator and its collar. Mike had removed her bells and the nipple links so that they didn’t dig into Claire’s thighs. Sarah was now rolling on her stomach between Claire’s legs like a stranded fish as she sort to keep her mouthy in contact with Claire's squirming body.


Rosa was in a parallel situation on Mike’s legs with his prick deep in her mouth and her large, soft breasts squashed flat onto his thighs. Both shiny rubber girls were very quiet and worked hard without stopping to rest lest their collars should detect a lessening in their efforts.


It was hard to tell at first, but the motivators were now partially activated; they sucked hard at each clit, pulling the little buds so that they popped out from between the folds of their labia and smacked against the inner surface of the motivator’s electrical discharge cavities. The electrical circuits wouldn’t fire unless chastisement was called for and, instead, a puff of air pushed the buds away before they were sucked back into the cavities once more, pulsing in and out, alternately sucked and expelled and flicking against the hard metal casing with each pulse.


Rosa and Sarah were experiencing an almost continuous climax as they worked at their respective tasks, unable to utter a sound or slacken in their efforts to pleasure their partners; their collars would know and they didn’t want that.

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