Testers (14 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Extract from the book
'A Clinical Resolution'



The story so far:
A doctor suspects that post-baby blues and a decrease in libido results in part from the hormonal changes that accompany childbirth and breast feeding.


Ergo, if a woman is induced to lactate whilst subjected to long periods of sexual stimulation but climactic denial interspersed with brief but orgasmic interludes of high intensity sexual relief, particularly whilst being milked and the hormone release is at its maximum, then this is likely to rekindle her libido. Furthermore, if during this process she is kept helpless and compliant, for instance by being naked and gagged, restricted by chains, and locked into a motorised chastity belt, she will be reliant on others for all of her basic needs and is likely to become more submissive and concerned principally with how long it will be before someone milks her and when will she be allowed to climax again, not necessarily in that order.


At this stage in the story our heroine, Danielle, has just been subjected to an unauthorised nocturnal visit by the clinic's nurse, during which the nurse removed Danielle's chastity belt for a period in order to access some of her more interesting areas. The belts are a source of much frustration for the girls, Danielle and her two companions, being equipped with motorised phalli which do no more than constantly remind their wearers of what they're missing. So when next morning Danielle finds a key to the belts, new ways to short circuit the doctor's carefully planned treatment regime present themselves to her.


*  *  *


Next morning Danielle woke early and prepared for her day. She applied her make-up and was waiting patiently for Rose to open her door and take her for milking when she noticed something glint in the light. It was a strange flat key with teeth on its end face. It was the belt key Danielle suddenly realised and, just to check, she pressed it into the side of her belt and it sprung open. Rose must have dropped it last night. At that moment she heard the faint tapping of the doors keypad and fumbled with the belts lock, trying to re-latch it. In panic, Danielle turned and fled into the bathroom as Rose entered and in a shaky voice she called out “Just coming, nearly ready,” as Rose stood in the doorway peering about the room. With a faint click the belt re-latched and Danielle stood holding the key wondering what to do with it.


“Have you found anything this morning?” asked Rose distractedly as she walked towards the bathroom.


Danielle pulled the lid from the talc and dropped the key inside, giving the tin a little shake to bury it as she replaced it on the shelf. “Like what, Mistress?” asked Danielle innocently.


“Oh, it’s nothing” said Rose. “I have spares anyway. Come along quick now, we’re late” and she ushered Danielle from the room.




That evening, Danielle was let into her room and went through into the bathroom. It was plain that the room had been searched during the day – nothing was actually out of place, just not exactly how it was left. Even the talc was pushed back against the wall instead of where it was left in the centre of the shelf. Danielle resisted the temptation to look inside the tin being mindful of the video cameras and suspecting that somewhere Rose was watching intently. Danielle cleaned her teeth and retired to bed just as normal and waited for the light to be extinguished. The evening's film involved two ladies being fitted into tight rubber suits with globes for heads and hands, and then suspended from springs that hung from the ceiling. As they bounced around with their legs stretched wide open by chains fixed to the walls, rubberised men tormented them by opening little doors in their suits to reveal interesting body parts and placing various items under them so that they bounced onto them.


‘What if it’s an infra red camera?’ she thought. She’d bought Dave one once for watching the foxes in the garden and it would work just as well in the dark as in light. It was about midnight when Danielle decided it was safe to check the talc tin. She felt her way to the bathroom, removed the lid and pushed a finger into the tin. It took a little while but eventually she felt the key – it was still there. Using two fingers, she slowly pulled it from the tin and rinsed it under the tap. She wiped the shelf with a towel and carefully replaced the tin. Then she took the key to bed.


Under the covers, Danielle unlocked and removed her belt, slowly sliding the phalli from her body, and she felt really naughty, like a little girl again. She lay still feeling herself with her fingers, her pussy becoming instantly wet. She pushed two fingers within and then slid them up and across the surface of her clitoris, and she closed her eyes and her whole body shivered.


It was well into the early hours before Danielle thought she ought to replace her belt and then had the problem with what to do with the key. She could, of course, just put it back in the tin to use again tomorrow night, or she could smuggle it out of the room so Michelle and Sue could use it too. She thought of the two girls locked in their belts whilst she had a key and decided on the latter – she would smuggle it out of the bedroom. The next problem was how. She could put it in a shoe; after all it was quite thin, but then the shoes are locked on for the day and she wouldn’t be able to get at it. Keep it in her mouth – she’d probably swallow it. Conceal it in her hair – that’s just stupid, it would just fall out. What about dropping it behind something on the way to the milking parlour? That wouldn’t be safe; Rose is just as likely to follow the little group as lead. In the end, Danielle decided the best place would be to slide it inside a wrist cuff and hope it wouldn’t slip whilst she was locked to the milking machine.


As luck would have it, the plan worked like a dream. The damp leather stuck the key in place until Danielle pushed it out at breakfast with the handle of a spoon. She didn’t tell the others straight away, she was worried that they would want to take their belts off immediately, and instead pushed it under the corner of a carpet to use later. And, in any case, it wouldn’t be much fun with their hands locked to their collar rods.


But after lunch, after Rose had released their hands and instead locked the steel thimbles over their nipples, Danielle told them both her secret. They were astonished. They actually had the means to remove their belts every afternoon and Rose need never know. This was magic. This was wonderful news. Michelle wanted to take hers off straight away and the thought made her squirm as she tugged at the metal. But Sue was more cautious and it was decided to meet up somewhere quiet mid afternoon. The tryst was set for 3 o’clock at the back of the gym out of sight of the cameras and the girls hurried to complete their chores.


At three, each girl sneaked quietly to the meet. No-one knew where Rose was but she never appeared in the afternoon. Danielle produced the key and to the relief of all it fitted all three belts. As one, they all slowly pushed the phalli from their bodies and looked about, at the other’s faces, at the glistening phalli so recently within them, and at each other’s pussies, their fingers straying towards their own. The frustration of the previous days coupled with the hormones they were sure were added to the food had brought each to the edge. Suddenly Sue and Michelle fell upon each other, pressing their open mouths together whilst their hands sought between the other’s legs. Then Michelle turned and kissed Danielle whilst Sue dropped to bury her head in Michelle’s groin. Then Michelle dropped down onto Danielle and Danielle, in turn sucked hard and deep at Sue’s clitoris. Each girl had their arms wrapped about the thighs of their respective partners, making an entwined circle of writhing, moaning women. One by one they climaxed, and still they didn’t yield their prizes, but clung on relentlessly until they came again and again.


Then there was a crash; the door burst open and the Doctor stood in the doorway shaking.


“What the hell is happening? How is this happening? Don’t you realise you’re corrupting weeks of research. How did you remove your belts? Where the hell is Rose?” The Doctor was beside himself muttering about spoilt research programmes and CCTV monitoring, but, to give him credit, he struck no-one. He recovered the key still in the lock of the last belt; he recovered the belts; he recovered the girls, forcible untwining them from each other; and then he locked their wrists to the shackles on the nipple caps they wore and, having got the whole story from them, silenced each girl with a ball gag. To their confusion though, he did not replace their belts. "This could have gone on for days if I hadn't noticed you'd all disappeared," he said and Danielle groaned.


He seemed to be in control of himself once more as he considered his next step. “As you appear want relief so badly that you’re willing to compromise all my results, you can watch a film for the afternoon,” and he pushed the stumbling girls out into the corridor and towards the television lounge. No-one had yet been inside this room. No-one was ever allowed to watch television, but here they were, about to be punished by being forced to watch it. What are they going to see? Football? Top Gear? Danielle suddenly giggled round her gag at the thought and the Doctor looked at her sharply but said nothing.


In the darkened room, Danielle saw a large screen on the far wall and a projector television beside the doorway. Between the two were a row of six chairs, all with hard wooden backs and seats. ‘Not very comfortable’ thought Danielle, and then she saw the seats. From the centre of each stood a pair of phalli, a large ribbed one towards the front and a much thinner but equally tall one at the back. In addition, there were vibrators built into little mounds in front of each large phallus. ‘Here we go again’ thought Danielle as she watched the Doctor lubricate the probes.


“Please sit down, ladies,” he invited, and they sat in the prepared seats carefully lowering themselves onto the phalli until they over balanced and toppled down onto the shafts with a shriek and a slap as their cheeks hit the hard seats. The doctor moved towards the back wall and operated some controls, and water quickly flowed into the heads of the anal probes until they became spherical and hard, effectively locking each girl to her seat. Then the shafts slowly started to swell. Michelle was close to panic and tried to lift herself from the ever growing shaft, but the solid ball wouldn’t pass through her sphincter and she sagged back to the seat. At 2 inches thick, the shafts stopped expanding and the girls all looked at each other with nervous apprehension. The water pressure inside the shafts had made them solid and in their final form their shape was a 4 inch long, 2 inch thick ribbed shaft topped by a 4 inch diameter sphere. The girls wiggled about a bit but could do little more.


Then the film started. It was a documentary record of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, filmed in 1953 in black and white, and, if the girls but knew it, was 1½ hours long. If Danielle had been asked to guess what it was they were going to watch, this would have been low on her list. 2 minutes in and the phalli in their pussies started rotating and wiggling inside them followed shortly afterwards by the vibrators starting up. Thereafter, the sombre documentary commentary was punctuated by soft mewing sounds that would build to a crescendo followed by a high pitched shriek as a girl was stimulated to orgasm and her clitoris became so over sensitised that she was forced to lift herself from the vibrator. Of course, she couldn’t use her arms for support with her wrists locked so, and could only rise by throwing her weight forward and tugging at her nipples. Even then, she could only rise about 4 inches before she was stopped by the ball and soon overbalanced, sliding back down her anal pole and hitting her clitoris on the vibrator again – hence the shriek. This was an ever repeating cycle with the girls sliding up and down the solid posts as they pulled at their teats trying to resist gravity. Whilst the queen was formally crowned, the girls were all royally fucking themselves.


After the film had finished, the doctor reappeared, stopped the motors and released the girls. "Thank you," whispered Danielle.


“This isn’t over,” he said ominously as they left the TV lounge. “You have all caused a great deal of damage to the programme, not least of all Rose who mislaid the key in the first place, and there must be retribution”. And with that, he locked the TV lounge door and left them to relieve their own breasts which were threatening to become engorged and find their own supper, although he knew that the two actions were closely related.


'He doesn't know about Rose in my bedroom,' thought Danielle.


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