Testers (6 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Claire and Laura were woken at seven o’clock by Sarah and Mike. Sarah unclipped them from each other and led Claire away while Mike saw to Nita. Claire was taken to her dressing room, stripped of all clothes, boots, cuffs and collars, and offered the en suite facilities including a shower. Sarah even removed the pinned links that went through her nipples. She showered and washed her hair and was now feeling so much better;
it was strange how much difference having clean hair can make to a girl,
thought Claire.
It must be something to do with self respect; just feeling good about yourself.


Claire smiled at Sarah, who smiled back. “Bend over against the table,” said Sarah and Claire stopped smiling. She leant on the table as ordered, presenting her arse to Sarah who lubricated her pussy with some more jelly and inserted the end of a small device into her. It was made of thick, shiny steel and was wishbone shaped, about two inches wide and six inches long and profiled to lay against the inside surface of her pubic bone. The sides of the wishbone fitted inside her pussy either side of the rough pad called the G Spot and, incidentally, her urethra, and the end of the wishbone was deep inside her, projecting above the upper edge of the pubic bone. There was a click and Sarah had clicked the outside half of the device into place; this part was hinged to the inner wishbone like a clamshell and consisted of a cup which covered Claire’s front labia and clitoris, closely conforming to its shape, and a thick hoop about four inches wide that encircled the outer form of the pubic bone, fitting against its sides and top edge. In effect, this was a small chastity device that clamped over the inside and outside forms of the pubic bone and was locked into place; it could not be removed without first opening it. The company actually produces this item as a chastity device and in that form it included a dildo that covered the G spot and filled the virginal passage; this, however, was not one of those. This was a discipline device. Given the right wireless commands, this device would suck the clitoris into a small cavity and shock it with a high voltage/low energy pulse a bit like an electric fence.


Claire looked down at her new accessory with some confusion, pulling it gently. “It doesn’t move! It won’t come out!”


“No,” was all Sarah said and locked a new collar around Claire’s neck. “This is a smart collar; it can listen to and understand what is said and knows whether it is you that is speaking. It also has a small vibrational speaker which rests on the back of your neck and transmits its sound through your spine to your head; no-one else will be able to hear it. It will give you commands and expects you to act immediately; failure to obey will result in disciplinary action by the unit I’ve just installed over your clitoris. You must not speak unless asked a direct question and then only say what’s necessary to answer. You must always answer honestly; it monitors your pulse and will know if you lie. You must obey all commands addressed to you by any person unless they are over-ridden by the collar. I shall now turn it on.”


said a voice inside Claire’s head.


“Is that understood?” asked Sarah.


“Yes,” said Claire, “But…Arrrgh” she screamed as her clitoris was sucked out from the folds of her labia and shocked.


“Lets try that again,” said Sarah. “Is that understood?”


“Yes,” said Claire, still trembling.


“Good. It’s called a ‘motivator’ and it helps you to comply with any given commands. The shocks increase in energy each time, so you don’t want to attract too many of them. Now put these stockings and boots on,” and she handed Claire a new pair of stockings and some thigh high boots with platform soles and heels that made Claire appear to walk on tip toes. “And now this,” and she handed Claire a strange rubber dress. Claire had to wriggle her legs into the tight skirt that fitted like a second skin from just below her knees to the tops of her thighs. Then Claire put her arms into the sleeves and Sarah zipped it up the back. It was really tight and Claire could hardly breathe, although breathing was made slightly easier by the fact that there were two circular holes to allow her breasts to pop through and a circular hole around her abdomen. There was also a hole behind her and her arse cheeks popped out the back. The holes for her breasts weren’t quite big enough and the breasts looked a bit like spheres added to her body as an after thought. Finally, a rubber sleeve was slid over Claire’s arms behind her and straps over her shoulders held it in place.


Claire looked in the mirror and was horrified by the effect; she looked like a slippery black fish with huge round breasts protruding out the front and a huge arse sticking out the back. She could just about waddle along on her precariously high boots. Sarah told her to bend over again and lubricated her anus well with the jelly, then told her to go to the dining room and stand in front of a box at the end of the table.


Claire looked at her voicelessly pleading, but the inaction got a response from her control unit and she got shocked again. Claire hurriedly turned and left the room, taking little pixie steps with her breasts bobbing from side to side. As she waddled up the corridor, Nita emerged from a side room looking exactly the same. The two girls looked at each other but didn’t speak or break step; Nita just fell in behind Claire.


When they entered the dining room, everybody was already seated and eating breakfast. Rosa and Laura were there, Rosa wearing a silk blouse and short flared skirt and Laura in a summer frock. Laura looked shocked but Rosa couldn’t stop laughing. The girls wiggled their way to the head of the table and looked down at the two low boxes placed there. Each box had a black rubber coated and well lubricated rod sticking up from its seat; perhaps one and a quarter inches diameter and three inches long, and the girls just stared down at them.


“Pease sit. They go in the back,” said Ian and Claire and Nita gingerly seated themselves, wiggling their arses to work the rods into them. Rosa was nearly falling from her seat with the giggles at this stage. No sooner had they sat down than rings around the top edge of the probes unfolded and inflated, locking the girls onto the probes and sealing their inner cavities around them. The probes were actually tubes and the deflated rubber rings had been folded over their top edge to make insertion easier.


“Comfortable?” asked Ian. When the girls just looked at him he added “You may answer.”


“Yes,” said Claire.


“No,” said Nita and looked at Claire who shrugged.


“In front of you is your breakfast. Drink it now.” And Rosa and Laura looked surprised when the two rubberised girls sucked down another helping of the anaemic energy drink through a straw without a word of protest. “Stand,” said Ian and they stood up to find that a thick hose trailing down into the tops of the boxes was now locked into each of their arses. Mike and another technician walked round behind them pulling small two wheeled carts with six foot shafts that ended with a small tee piece. They clipped a ring on the end of each girl’s arm sleeve to a shackle half way along the shafts and strapped the tee piece to the underside of their arms just below the shoulders. The shafts of the small carts had now become extensions of each girl’s outstretched arms behind her. Then the technicians lifted the boxes the girls had sat on onto the platforms of the carts, the thick flexible hoses still snaking from the boxes into their arses.


Ian sat looking at the mortified girls. “The units that you’re now going to pull around contain a reservoir of five gallons of salted water, a battery, pump and valves, and an as yet empty waste tank. Do what you are told to do either by the control unit or anyone that you meet on your travels. If you don’t do what you are told or don’t react fast enough, you will be disciplined by your motivators. During your travels you will slowly be filled with water and occasionally emptied. If you complete your tasks rapidly, you will receive less water. Do you understand?”


“Yes,” said the girls in unison.


“Good, you may go.”


Exit the building via the main door,
said a voice in Claire’s head and she hobbled from the room, Nita close behind her, as tears of laughter rolled down Rosa’s cheeks.




Claire and Nita approached each other on the far side of the lake walking in opposite directions. Both girls were filling with water and their bellies were beginning to protrude through the cut out in the front of their outfits. Nita waddled along towards Claire looking totally humiliated and shaking her head slowly. As they passed Claire whispered “God, I can’t take… Arrrgh” and she got an extra pint.


The ignominy seemed endless. Claire hobbled up and down corridors, round the gardens, to the stables and back and even to the end of the drive; and there was no good reason other than to humiliate her and make her realise that she was completely at the mercy of a computer program; something that doesn’t know mercy. Claire dreaded meeting any staff in her travels and, of course, seemed destined to pass all the staff at one time or another. Generally, the maids cowered back into doorways as she passed down the corridors, eyes and mouths wide as they stared at the bobbing breasts, the wobbling belly, and the bare, wiggling arse with its thick black hose snaking from her anus. Then she waddled past a couple of gardeners trimming hedges in the garden and they walked along on either side of her asking stupid questions.


“What’s going on?” “What are you? A worm in fancy dress?” “What’s in the box?” “Are you full of water?”  “Do you like that?” “God! Look at that belly. She must have a gallon of water in there. Is this a punishment? Have you been bad?”


Claire wiggled along as fast as she could, but had to answer “It is a punishment; I lost the race.”


“Where are you going?”


“Where I’m told.”




“I must obey otherwise I get shocked.”


Claire was nearly at the end of the high hedge and free from the inquisition when one said “Hang on a minute,” and Claire, much to their surprise, stopped dead. They stood open mouthed, just looking at her. “Do you have to obey every command?”


Claire slowly closed her eyes and with resignation in her voice said “Yes.”


“Look at those nipples,” said one and obviously so wanted to touch. His fingers hovered in front of Claire. “Can I touch?” he said eventually when Claire made no move to walk on.


“Yes,” said Claire with a hoarse whisper.


Both lads fell upon a teat each and it wasn’t long before Claire had a gardener latched on to either side, each with one hand clasped about a breast and the other cupping an arse cheek. They patted and prodded her belly, they wiggled her arse pipe, and they flicked her nipples. Then they told her to bend forward and peered between her legs at her pussy and the motivator locked over her pubis. They found they could just get their thick, rough fingers into the opening of her pussy to rub her G spot and Claire couldn’t help but to moan quietly as they both stood behind her discussing the finer points of her predicament. Then one walked around to her head lowered to the level of his waist and it was clear what was going through his mind.


“Suck me,” he said at last and his prick sprang free from his jeans. Without a word, Claire took the thick member deep into her mouth and began stroking her head up and down as the second gardener fondled her arse and between her legs. Within a minute, the first gardener cried out and withdrew from Claire’s mouth just in time for his sperm to eject over Claire’s nose and eyebrow.


It was then that a disembodied voice said “Control over-ride. Resume previous instruction.”
Oh great
, thought Claire, straightened and started to waddled away, sloshing gently from side to side.


“Hey! What about me?” said the second gardener.


“I have to leave now” said Claire as the sperm dribbled down her face.


Every so often Claire would see Nita hobbling along dragging her trolley behind her and wondered how long it would be before Nita encountered the gardeners. Their bellies were getting very full. Claire thought the gardeners were probably right and there may be as much as a gallon inside her. She couldn’t have taken so much in one go, of course. She’d had an enema once before at the hospital after she was admitted suffering from cramps. They’d hung a bag up above her with about a quart of water in it and she thought that was her absolute limit, but the enema she was getting now was administered so slowly whilst all the time she was walking around and it didn’t seem to give her cramps at all. The water just seemed to find its way round every bit of her colon, filling every little corner and expanding her abdomen through the aperture in her tight rubber dress. It was like having a gallon bag of water hanging out the front; the way it sloshed about as she walked, rolling from one side to the other, her belly nearly drooping below the hole in her ‘dress’.

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