Testers (5 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Jack looked up and down the line to either side of Claire, but, of course, Claire had no way of telling what he was looking at. Then he stood close in front of Claire and cupped his hand over her pubis. Claire yelped and tried to pull away again, but she was still held fast. “Look at this, Emmy,” said Jack pushing Claire’s dildo up and down. “I bet this makes her run faster.”


“Don’t do that, Jack. Some-one might see.”


No, don’t do that Jack. I’ll see. What do you think you’re doing? That’s my pussy you’re fucking.


“Do you fancy trying this out then, Emmy. Would you like this bouncing about inside of you?”


“Don’t be silly, Jack. I’m not a ponygirl. I could never be dressed up like that and have people looking at me and touching. I’m nothing like this – you just have to look at these long nipples to tell that.” Emmy looked up at the head dress, the blinkered eyes, the shining silver bit in Claire’s mouth with its reins pulled taught behind her, and she trailed her hand across Claire’s chest and squeezed a breast about its base before letting her hand drop to touch the heavy leather harness strapped tightly about her waist.


“Come on, let’s look at the other ones,” said Jack and Emmy shook Claire’s nipple again to make the bell ring before moving out of sight.


Hang on a minute
, thought Claire, but at that moment the reins tightened again.


“Walk on” said the synthesised voice. “Walk” crack, and the whip landed on her cheek with a sharp sting that made her jump and come to her senses; she walked on.

Chapter 7


At eleven o’clock, the dildos were removed and the girls were unhitched from the carts and led onto the lawn. Each girl had her bit removed and was offered a drink of water from a bottle with a long teat under it. No sooner had they drunk than their bits were replaced and they were hobbled and left to rest. Claire sank down on the grass and looked around for Nita, only to find her sitting alongside. “Aaah aaa err,” said Claire and Nita just shrugged her shoulders.
God, this is so frustrating
thought Claire, and in more ways than one. She was feeling so horny, what with the dildo jumping in and out all morning, but it was such hard work that she couldn’t climax. She lay down on the grass and Nita laid down beside her. Claire looked across at Rosa and she was actually nuzzling Laura’s breasts;
fat lot of good that’s going to do her with that bit in her mouth,
she thought, but she looked at Nita’s pointy breasts with their dark pointy nipples and little bells longingly. After thirty minutes, Mike appeared and hitched them back to the carts.


“Trot,” flick, said the voice; crack went the whip and the dildo began its oscillatory motion again as they trotted back up the drive. This time they went all the way round the lake at a trot following the asphalt road. It must have been at least a mile. They returned to the start and Claire saw Rosa and Laura pull up next to Ian and Mike before trotting past. She expected to be halted, but the controller remained silent. Then she expected to be turned. After another quarter of a mile, Claire slackened her pace, anxious that they were now heading down the long private drive towards to public road. The whip cracked down on her arse with a sting like a wasp and the voice said 'trot'.


Back at the start, Mike was also surprised that the cart didn't stop, and when it continued down the long drive he suddenly exclaimed "Shit!" and sprinted after it.


The cart had a considerable head start and was travelling at speed towards the main gates and, beyond them, the public road. Breathing heavily, he caught up with the wayward cart just as it passed through the gates and leapt onto the back. Claire and Nita, unaware of Mike's presence until he shouted to them that he was there, continued pulling at a steady trot to avoid the stings of the whips, but realised that they were rapidly approaching the point where they would have to stop to avoid crashing through oncoming traffic. Mike feverishly released the locking screws from the whips and snatched them from their mountings, shouting to the girls that they could now stop with impunity. They came to a halt at the give way line on the road as a stream of traffic filed past, many of the drivers beeping their horns at the sight of the naked ponygirls.


"Trot," urged the controller and the whip mounts flicked ineffectually.


"I think the GPS system has become disconnected and it doesn't realise where it is," said Mike as he scrutinised the web of cables behind the control box. He picked up a loose lead and plugged it back in and the controller said "Walk" and pulled the reins sharply to the right. "That's better," said Mike. "When I say so, walk forward and turn to the right back down the drive." The girls, now with their heads pointing to the right, couldn't see to the left and had to wait until Mike gave the all clear and they could turn round, meanwhile all the travellers were given an unexpected treat as Nita and Claire waited patiently. Three more cars passed before Mike said "Turn now." They walked forward and turned in a wide arc across both carriageways before returning down the drive.


"Trot" said the controller and Mike sat back on the control box and watched Nita and Claire's naked rumps as they pulled him back to the assembly point.




At twelve thirty they were sponged again and unhitched, to be led into separate stalls in the stables. Claire was attached to the stable door by a short chain from her collar so that she could look out but not move away from the door. Mike appeared shortly afterwards with another bottle, this one full of a high energy soup which Claire quickly drank. Then her bit was replaced again. At one thirty, Sarah and Ian walked along outside the stables, discussing the ‘ponies’. Claire moved away from the door as far as her chain would allow.


“This one’s still a bit feisty,” said Ian. “Still, that’s good for the race this afternoon.” He leant into the stall and unclipped the chain. “The race is at four. Until then you can rest,” he said to Claire and then they walked on.


Claire lay down on the straw and wished one of the other girls was with her, and then she slept.


At three thirty Claire was woken by Mike entering the stall and clipping a leading rein to her neck collar. He took the bit out and gave her another drink, then replaced the bit before she could speak. “Come on. It’s time for your race. I've reprogrammed the control box so that it just stops if it loses the GPS rather than continue blind; you shouldn't have that problem again." He tugged on the rein to draw her forward, nudging her bells to make them tinkle. "Good luck, I hope you win,” he said and Claire tried to smile in return. He led her out to the cart and there was quite a crowd gathering, even more than before. Nita was already hitched up, moving her hips restlessly against the dildo. It didn’t take long to reconnect the shafts to Claire’s corset and slide the dildo back into her; she was then all set to go and tried, without success, to look sideways at Nita. There was quite a long wait before the other cart was ready and then the driver said “Walk on,” flick.


They trotted up and down the drive for ten minutes and then were led round the house to the circular road that went around the lake. They stood at the top the hill that marked the start and finish line and Ian addressed them. “One lap, one and a quarter miles. The losing pair has a forfeit tomorrow – they get to spend the day in the enema suits.” Claire had absolutely no idea what an enema suit could look like but it didn’t sound good. She was not going to lose. “Ready, Go!” said Ian.


“Run” said both drivers in unison and the whips cracked. Claire pushed as hard as she could and very soon the cart was flying down the hill towards the lake. The other cart was nowhere in sight but Claire could hear the other driver calling
so it couldn’t be far away. As the road levelled around the lake so the cart slowed and her driver called faster; there was a crack but it was Nita that got the whip. At the half way point, Claire still hadn’t seen the other cart and Nita and she were flying around the back of the lake. Her dildo was still bobbing in and out with a rapid but easy motion,
probably all the lubrication I’m supplying
thought Claire, and her breasts were beginning to ache as they bounced unimpeded by any support. They reached the bottom of the hill up towards the house and Claire knew that this is where the work starts. She pushed hard against the shafts as the voice said “Faster” and the whip cracked again on Nita. Claire could hear the clopping of feet from the other cart; they could only be just behind. “Faster” crack, and this time they both got the stinger. They made the top of the rise and there was now only a gentle slope back down to the finish line. “Faster” said the voice and Nita got the sting again. Then Claire heard the other cart beside her and pushed as hard as she could manage. “Faster” crack went the whip on Nita, then crack again. To her horror, Claire saw Rosa just ahead but moving fast. “Faster” crack; they both got that one, but still Rosa and Laura were in front. Claire could see the finish line, everyone was lined up and she could hear them cheering. “Faster” Crack, “Faster” Crack. Nita was getting nearly all the stings and still Claire could see Rosa ahead, and they were accelerating. “Faster” said the voice in the same monotone; crack went the whip, but it was no good; Rosa and Laura were crossing the line, their legs pumping and their cart flying past Ian and Sarah who were cheering loudly.


“Woah” said the driver, “Walk” and they walked on for about fifty yards before he steered them round to go back to the start. “Stand” it said. Claire was mortified; she thought they were going to win. She could hear Nita sobbing beside her but could do nothing to help. “Walk” said the driver and Claire hesitated; she thought this trial had finished, but apparently not so. “Walk” he said again and the whip cracked against Claire.


Claire and Nita walked all the way back round the lake, they trotted up and down the drive; they turned in and out between trees and stood for ages staring at a brick wall. Sometimes Claire would catch sight of Rosa and Laura on similar inane activities, but the driver was uncompromising; you had to do what he said and go where he directs – there was no room for negotiation.


By six o’clock, Claire was so tired of walking, trotting and running up and down in front of the house that the dildo was beginning to lose its attraction. Mike unhitched them and led Claire back into the house to her changing room while another technician did the same with Nita. Mike took out the bit gag and offered Claire another bottle of energy drink. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s all I’m allowed to give you” and Claire nearly cried as she drank down the anaemic liquid. No sooner had she finished than Mike worked a ring gag behind her teeth, effectively cutting off further communication on her part. He asked if she needed the bathroom, but she didn’t; obviously her diet that day had been worked out with some precision. So he got her to lean across the table and clipped her collar to the wall and her feet spread to the table legs. He removed her corset and her bells but left the rest in place; her hands and arms were still useless. Then he knelt behind her with the jar of lubricating jelly. Mike was obviously not immune to the attractions of the female sex and slowly rubbed the jelly the length of Claire’s vulva, paying particular attention to the area around her clitoris. Then her spread a great dollop on his fingers and worked them well into her pussy. Claire was almost climaxing and her legs were beginning to tremble, so Mike stopped and Claire cried out in frustration. But then he spread the jelly around her anus and began working as much as he could inside her other entrance. Claire thought briefly that here she was, bound and gagged with her legs chained apart and a man she didn’t know from Adam pushing jelly into her arse and pussy. It was only a brief thought though – there were more pressing thoughts to be had as Mike worked his fingers into her.


She groaned as he picked up the chastity belt from the night before; the one with the interesting phalli, and worked the back stub into her arse. This was quickly followed by the curiously articulated front phallus that seemed to push its way into all her corners as Mike slid it up inside of her. Her locked the belt tightly about her waist, released her legs and collar and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. He tweaked the shackles that were still through her nipples to make sure they were still firm, clipped a leash to one of them and led her from the room.


They went to Claire’s bedroom and she was bewildered to find that Nita was already there, lying on Claire’s bed and in the same condition as Claire; ring gagged and belted. Mike got Claire to lie next to Nita and to their mutual astonishment, clipped their nipple shackles together so they were lying teat to teat.


“Aaa oo orry,” said Nita as they lay with their heads together and Claire just smiled awkwardly and shook her head.


Mike looked down at the two girls lying so close;
well, they had little option
, he thought. “Goodnight, Ladies,” he said and flipped on their belts using the remote control in his pocket as he left the room.


Both girls shrieked as their belts went from still to high in one jump. The motors under the anuses were humming along at about four cycles per second and their arse cheeks looked like they’d turned to jelly. Inside their pussies, the other dildos were writhing about like demented snakes and the vibrators were pressed tightly against their clitorises and set to high. The girls were twisting and wriggling but all that was achieving was to pull at their teats. It didn’t take Nita long to work out that the best way to protect their nipples was to press their breasts together and she rolled on top of Claire, and then she pressed her open mouth against Claire’s open mouth and the two girls became rapidly overcome by a solid wall of climaxes.


After ten minutes the belts stopped and the girls settled against each other and slowly drifted off to sleep, little realising that the belts would turn on again every two hours.

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