Testers (12 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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At two o'clock the next afternoon, Ian, Mike and Claire watched as two Mercedes limousines slowly rolled along the drive and stopped outside the entrance doors. The front seat passenger of the lead car got out, looked about him, then opened the rear door for a tall, Arabian gentleman in a dark western suit and an Arabian headdress. His assured manner and considerable bulk identified him as the Prince.


"Good afternoon, Prince," said Ian, "I trust you had a pleasant flight?"


"Good afternoon, my friend. I had a good flight. We went to a little local airport quite close to here - Cardiff I think."


Ian smiled. "Let me introduce you to my partner, Mr Michael West. Mr West has been responsible for all of the designs that you'll see today."


"I am very pleased to meet you Mr West." The Prince's accent was impeccable, probably the result of an English Public School education. "Ah, and this must be Miss Sarah Chalmers."


"I regret, no, Sir. Miss Chalmers is no longer employed by the company, but is assisting us with the demonstration this afternoon. This is Miss Claire Norton, our New Business Director."


"I am very pleased to meet you, Miss Norton."


"As-salaam'alaykum" said Claire.


"Wa 'alaykum salaam" replied the Prince. "Hada shay'un Jameel"




The Prince gave Claire a wide smile and bowed. "I am sure Miss Norton and I will be able to negotiate a satisfactory agreement. And now, may I present my first wife, Anmar."


Whilst the Prince had been talking, the remaining passengers, five women and a huge Arab man, had emerged from the cars and stood in a line. Anmar, the lady at the head of the line was older than the others girls and dressed formally in long robes. She wore a headscarf but her face was uncovered. Beside her were four young girls. Ian thought they were probably in their early twenties but it was difficult to tell from just their eyes. Each wore a hijib and long, black coats.


"The girls are from my harem and have accompanied us to sample your equipment. I trust that would be in order."


Ian was somewhat taken aback: "But Prince, to do that, we'd need them naked and some of the procedures are quite intimate. Surely, that couldn't be allowed."


"I said are from my harem, I did not say they were concubines," said the Prince. "They have displeased me, I have reduced their rank to that of 'Harem Slave'. They are no longer subject to the rules and traditions of the harem. They are at your disposal."




It was later that afternoon that Sarah and Rosa approached the Prince's party from different directions wearing the rubber enema suits and dragging their trolleys behind them. As they walked, their bellies swayed; they were obviously very full and hung out in front of them, jiggling and rippling with each step. They came to a stop and stood side by side facing the assembled staff and guests, sweat glistening on their foreheads and their hair plastered to the sides of their faces.


"May I introduce Miss Sarah Chalmers and her friend Rosa," said Ian and the Prince bowed low to Sarah apparently unperturbed that she resembled a shiny black fish more than a person.


"This is essentially a punishment configuration," said Mike. "The girls have motivators locked into them that are controlled by their collars which monitor their reactions and automatically reprove them if they are wilfully disobedient or untruthful. The collars are programmed to coerce the girls to complete certain tasks and, at the same time, the girls are unable to avoid dragging the water trolleys and control units around behind them. The units will load the girls with water, emptying and refilling them as their day progresses and applying extra inducements and stimuli as required."


The Prince slowly walked round the two girls noticing how their breasts, bums and bellies were extruded through the tight rubber suits. He walked behind Sarah and gave the flexible hose from her anus a sharp tug. She was jerked back a pace but the hose stayed put.


"It's locked into place by an internal inflation collar," explained Mike and the Prince nodded.


Ian addressed the girls directly. “Hello ladies. Are you comfortable? Are you in pain?” he asked.


“We are not comfortable but we have not been in pain,” answered Sarah, staring straight ahead, the voice in her head now silent and its associated motivator, potent but quiescent, locked over her pubis.


“Do you like it?” asked Claire.


Sarah looked at Claire, obviously disconcerted by the question and it was Rosa who answered. “Sometimes,” she said and the merest hint of a smile touched her mouth.


"This equipment has had a recent upgrade," explained Mike to his audience. "We've increased the maximum load to ten pints. It’s because they’re walking all the time – it seems to help the water to distribute evenly and they don’t cramp as they would if they were still. But that’s not the main modification.” Mike touched the surface of the tablet he was holding and their bellies started to vibrate with slow, strong waves pulsing from side to side. As he moved his finger across the surface of the screen, so the vibrations increased in strength until their whole abdomens were bouncing up and down, making their bodies bob. Sarah and Rosa looked at each other’s faces and then silently dropped their eyes to helplessly watch their bellies moving as the pumps in their water carriers pulsed the water all the way up the hoses and into their bodies. Mike touched the tablet again and this time their arses started to shake from side to side. “We’ve added an adaptation inspired by the chastity belts to the hoses locked into their arses; the hoses are now fitted into the base of the arse pipes on a motorised eccentric bearing – the motor has the effect of shaking the pipes from side to side and that makes their arse’s wobble. Hypnotic, isn’t it?” and he slid his finger across the screen to speed up the motor until Rosa’s and Sarah’s arse cheeks were moving so fast they were audibly slapping together. By this stage their eyes were open wide and their glossy lips parted to form almost perfect ‘O’s.


Mike looked at Claire with a boyish, mischievous grin; Claire rolled her eyes.


“I’ve also adapted the suits by adding segmented rings around the cut-outs for their breasts. These rings are activated by a high pressure pneumatic pump in the control box which inflates them through a single small bore pipe and wireless micro-valves housed under their armpits." Mike and the Prince knelt to inspect the small flexible pipe that was clipped under the large hose and the quick release connector to the pipe-work now integral with the rubber of the dress. "These segments can be inflated to further squeeze the breasts and I can control the valves from this tablet.” He tapped the screen and instantly small rings moulded into the suits around the breast apertures inflated and gripped the base of each breast tight; their breasts were extruded outwards through the now smaller holes, popping the teats out to make long points with the bells suddenly tinkling from their ends. “That’s not all. Because the rings are segmented, I can inflate different parts of them,” and he tapped the tablet to starts a program. Sarah and Rosa stood helplessly by with their arms pinned tightly behind them as their breasts suddenly started to dance of their own volition. One side of each breast ring was inflated and then the other; the effect was that the breasts bobbed from side to side as if looking about them. Then they moved in opposite directions, being pushed first to the outside and then slapping together. Then the breasts started to bob up and down, all four breasts moving in unison and their bells being thrown up in time to catch the teats moving down. “This is a good one,” said Mike and one breasts was pushed up as its neighbour was pushed down, the breasts nodding alternately, and then the outside pair moving together and out of phase with the inside pair. It was as if they had developed a life of their own and there was nothing the girls could do to prevent the movements.


“And for my last trick,” said Mike and the segments of the rings started to inflate and deflate cyclically; first the left side, then the top, then the right and finally the bottom segment, pushing the breasts in a rotational motion so that they appeared to move about on their chests sending the little bells spinning about the nipples. “I can get them moving in opposite directions too!” said Mike happily as half the breasts changed direction and their owners stared down helplessly.


Mike tapped the screen again and each girl jumped, slowly turned and set off waddling in opposite directions as their bellies pulsed and wobbled through the holes in the front of their rubber dresses, their arse cheeks flapped through the holes in the back, and their breasts and nipples spun in front of them like little propellers. “God, I love this job!” whispered Mike to Claire.

Chapter 20


The girls had disappeared out of sight and the Prince had discussed various aspect of the suits. He was intrigued by the command system that transmitted vibrational messages through the bones of the spine so that they were only audible to the wearers of the collars. "And these can be programmed to operate in Arabic?" he asked and Ian smiled. Finally, he said in Ian's ear "I have a matter I wish to discuss," and moved out of earshot of the others. "It is about Miss Chalmers. Are you aware that she was trying to deceive you?"


"We have had our problems with Miss Chalmers. I believe they have all now been resolved, but how has this affected you?"


"She approached me three months ago offering to supply some new equipment and gave me a locking device that she said would enforce total obedience: a collar and pubic lock similar to the one she is now wearing I believe. She told us that she could supply any number of these items for a substantial advance payment. When we came to use it, we found that it would only understand English; when the girls spoke Arabic the device wouldn't function satisfactorily. Miss Chalmers apologised for the error and asked for the return of the device and we complied." The Prince looked closely at Ian to gauge his reaction and Ian was looking serious. "You knew nothing of this, of course?"


"She must have got hold of one of the development units."


"I suspected that Miss Chalmers was not acting on behalf of your company because you have supplied many items which are fully integrated with Arabic. But how would she have completed the contract if I'd accepted her terms?"


"Well, she couldn't have. The items weren't in production at that time. We've only just completed the evaluation trials."


"Perhaps if we were to ask Miss Chalmers she might enlighten us."


"I don't believe Miss Chalmers was intending to be here for your visit. She has been planning to extort money from the company by ransoming our detailed plans for the technology. Stealing money from you was only part of the story. She must have realised that you would have revealed her earlier scheme which explains why she was so anxious to copy the drawings before you arrived. It's ironic that the very item she used to try and trick you is now instrumental in her own downfall and confinement. I shall arrange for us to interview her again."


"The Prince bowed again and they rejoined the group.




Sarah stood in front of the large fireplace in the sitting room facing Ian and the Prince who were seated in one of the large leather settees. Mike and Claire watched from an adjacent settee. Sarah was looking particularly stunning this morning. She'd been given the opportunity of reapplying her make-up and had spent hours ensuring her large brown eyes, cheekbones and lips were perfection personified. She'd washed her hair and let it air dry, pushing the tight ringlets together so that they fell in a cascade either side of her face and long neck, tumbling over her shoulders and the bars of the steel yoke that was locked about her neck.


Sarah was naked but for the patent leather shoes on her feet. The steel yoke closed tightly about her neck and sat above the smaller collar of the motivator. It was locked in place by a brass padlock which swung under her chin and its presence required Sarah to hold her head up high. It spread and locked her wrists to either side of her head and as she stood uncomfortably looking down at the seated men, her slim hands repeatedly clasped and unclasped in agitation, waving her long fingers with their red painted nails.


Her breasts, modest and pert with small, upturned nipples, were forced forward with her pose and gently jiggled before her as she constantly moved from foot to foot.


Beneath her slim waist and flat stomach was the swell of her hips. A thick bush of dark pubic hair was partially contained by the external cup of the motivator locked into her vagina. Her legs, made even longer by the high heels of her shoes, were linked at the ankles by a short, thick chain between steel manacles.


"It's good to meet you at last, Miss Chalmers," said the Prince. Sarah didn't speak.


Ian stared at her hard. "We have already asked you about the photographs, but at that time we were unaware of your full duplicity. Is it true that you asked the Prince for an advance payment to supply motivators that weren't even developed?"


Sarah hesitated a little too long before answering and with a sudden suction, the motivator drew her clitoris from between the folds of her labia into the steel chamber. Inside the internal shaft of the motivator now embedded deep within Sarah's vagina, solid state circuitry was triggered: a thyristor fired and a capacitor positioned on top of a row of lithium cells discharged its stored energy through Sarah's clitoris. Her scream was piercing and she folded at the waist, nearly falling to her knees.


After a short pause to enable Sarah to compose herself once more, Ian repeated the question and this time Sarah answered with a thin trembling voice: "Yes."


"Were you planning to actually deliver these items?"


"No." Tears were beginning to moisten the corners of her eyes.


The Prince's eyes darted up to lock onto hers with a cold stare.


"Was Rosa involved in any way with your schemes other than to copy our drawings?"




"Have you approached anyone else with a similar scheme."




"Why not?"


"There wasn't time. I only had one motivator."


"And where is that unit now?"


"I returned it to Mike's store cupboard."


Ian looked at the Prince who just shrugged. "Wait in your room," said Ian and a maid opened the door for Sarah to leave. He watched sadly as Sarah hobbled from the room, remembering the times when he'd rested a palm against the cheeky little bum that now wiggled its way through the door.


After the door closed behind her, there was silence broken at last by the Prince. "I shall require her to accompany me on my return, of course."


"Sir, I don't think we could allow that. She's a British Citizen after all and she's not actually broken any laws in your country."


"She has tried to trick a Royal Prince. People have been put to death for less."


"And that's precisely why I can't allow you to take her."


"My agents will find her whatever she does." Silence descended once more as the Prince sipped his coffee and considered. "I have no intention of killing her... I will make you an undertaking that she will serve out a term in my residence as a Harem Slave, and at the end of that term I shall return her to you unharmed… She must learn that there are some people who cannot be tricked."


Ian looked at Mike and Claire for guidance, but got no help from that quarter. "How long would be this term and what would happen to her?"


"Seven years service for attempting to defraud a Royal Prince." The Prince looked across at Ian, arrogant and haughty. "She will service my concubines - I don't allow them to have relationships with each other - and be a wet nurse to my children."


"A wet nurse!" exclaimed Claire. "But she's not lactating."


"That is easily resolved with hormonal injections. There are presently four infants requiring milk and shortly there will be two more; my usual slaves are becoming overwhelmed."


"Five years," said Ian.


"Five years," repeated the Prince, "But in return I want you to make some devices for her." Ian looked at Mike and they both waited patiently for the Prince to continue. "To be able to provide sufficient milk, she will need to be milked frequently. The milk will be taken from her and the babies fed using bottles. I would like you to provide a device she can wear to extract that milk from her. It needs to be locked onto her so she cannot remove or tamper with it and, of course, it needs to be able to cope with much enlarged breasts and nipples." Ian looked again at Mike and he nodded almost imperceptibly.


"And secondly, she will be a slave girl and not permitted freewill. I would like you to supply a fixture that will hold her securely so that my girls can comfortably arrange themselves against her mouth whenever it pleases them. It will need to be furnished with a device to ensure dedicated and resolute service, such as that which the motivator would provide, and it may also be furnished with some sort of reward system if she particularly pleases a girl. She will, of course, not be permitted to touch herself during her service with me."


Mike thought about the possibilities of such a device and considered the lifestyle that the next few years held in store for Sarah.


"Provide me with five such fixtures," added the Prince. "There are always those in my Harem that require the occasional reminders of their status."




"The choice is yours and I won't advise you one way or another. If you accept the Prince's terms, you will become a harem slave for a period of five years and during that time your duties will be to provide milk to feed the Prince's babies and to service the concubines. You cannot expect free-will during that time and I suspect that for much of the period you will be restrained. You will not have direct contact with the babies but your milk will be taken from you mechanically." Ian looked down at Sarah as she sat on the edge of the bed, now clothed and unhindered apart from the shackles on her ankles.


"I can't… I can't do it. They'll all hate me and I'll be beaten and tortured… Oh God! Why did I ever consider defrauding an Arab Prince? He'll have me killed."


"He says not. He has promised that if you accept his terms he will return you to me at the end of five years unharmed. Of course, he cannot compel you to go back with him; technically you haven't actually committed a crime against him and I doubt that there's an extradition treaty between our countries in any case. But, he sees your attempt to defraud a Royal Prince as a serious offence against him personally and he can call upon the services of his own secret police service. Unless you can convince our authorities that your life is threatened and you need a new identity, I doubt you could evade him for long and then all bets are off. He will not feel bound by our agreement."


"I have no choice, have I?"


Ian just shrugged.


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