Testers (13 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Chapter 21


The four concubines stood in a row before Mike and at the end of the row stood a huge Arab. He was wearing a western suit and carried a long birch cane.


"Please be so good as to ask the ladies to remove their hajibs and coats," said Mike. The Arab addressed the women and they seemed reluctant to comply, each looking at the others. He raised his cane and repeated the instruction and, glancing between Mike and the Arab, the girls slowly unbuttoned their coats.


Beneath them, they each wore a thin, tiny waistcoat and filmy, transparent trousers. Apart from the light-weight clothing, the girls wore decorations. Light silver necklaces and bangles adorned their necks and wrists and silver chains hung around their arms, their waists and their ankles. When they removed their veils, they revealed more chains that swung from their earlobes to rings through their noses. Without Mike asking, the Arab spoke to the girls again and they slowly removed their waistcoats and silk trousers.


Mike stared in astonishment. The four girls were each very beautiful as one would expect from the harem of one of the world's richest men; tall and slim with flawless skin and exquisitely shaped bodies with broad hips, slim waists, long legs, and firm, conical breasts. And they were decorated all over: silver chains draped from rings on their necklaces to rings in their nipples, then to their navels and their labia visible beneath their hairless mons. Their dark eyes flashed between the men as they hovered in line, each wanting to hide or at least turn away, but fear of the large Arab kept them still.




The four harem girls stood in line abreast in the sunshine, each restless and agitated, picking up their feet now shod in the strange, hoof-like boots or nodding their heads and making the plumes of their headdresses wave in the light breeze. The reins attached to their mouth bits constantly adjusted to keep their heads always pointing forwards and the blinkers beside their eyes prevented them from looking at their neighbours. The lightweight chariot to which they were all attached was a quadriga, the chariot of the Gods in ancient classical mythology which was drawn by four horses abreast, and Mike had carefully overseen this particular construction especially for the Prince. Each girl was attached to a drawbar by the same shafts that Claire had experienced; the shafts locked solidly to heavy leather corsets buckled about the girls' waists and covering their abdomens. Their silver adornments were left in place and provided the scene with extra elegance and refinement.


On the chariot was a line of whips, eight in all, carefully aligned with eight neat, rounded arse cheeks, and behind the whips a bench seat with what looked like a joystick in front. Beneath the seat was the control box.


The Prince walked along the line of helplessly restrained girls, their arms folded behind them in leather pouches and their perfect breasts pushed to the fore. He was accompanied by his wife Anmar and Ian with Claire and Mike walking behind. Mike had attached bells to the rings they already wore in their nipples and the girls tinkled quietly as they fidgeted. Anmar stood in front of the first girl and then whispered something to the Prince; he placed the palm of his hand over the girls nearest breast, her soft flesh moulded by his fingers and her nipple encircled by his thumb with its silver chains draping over the back of his hand, and he shook the breast. The little bell was flown crazily around and jangled as the girl tried to twist away in a reflect reaction. "These two were caught together by the chief eunuch; he tells me they were touching each other without first asking his leave." The Prince indicated the first two girls and flicked another of the bells. The second girl tried to speak but the reins tugged her mouth bit down sharply and stilled her tongue. "And this one was caught stealing a diamond broach from one of my guests." The girl third in line was breathing rapidly but looked emotionless. "Silly girl; if she'd had asked I'd have given her a bigger one." They walked on to stand before the fourth girl. "And this one was seen walking in an area of the palace that could be overlooked from outside: she was not wearing her hajib. For her gratuitous exhibitionism she will now draw my chariot whenever I desire to visit the town; in future my subjects can gaze upon all her charms at their leisure and watch as the phallus defiles her." The girl looked frightened as the Prince stared at her, then to demonstrate to her the defiling process he pushed the girl's central spar down as far as its retaining chain would allow and released it; the ribbed phallus slowly slid back into her as she quivered until the spar once again pressed on her clitoris. Claire considered the girl's transgression didn't really justify the castigation but what did she know?


"They look splendid, my friends. Let's see how they run," and he hoisted his considerable weight up onto the bench seat. He looked at Claire and asked "Would you be so gracious as to accompany me?" and held out a hand. Claire smiled and climbed up beside him. He nudged the joystick forward and a synthesised voice said 'Macha!' The girls all moved forward, some stumbling slightly with the unaccustomed footwear, and the reins all twitched individually to varying degrees, governing each girl's efforts; two of the whips flicked down.


The Prince turned to Claire and smiled, then looked back at the row of trim arses wiggling in front of him, tails streaming from their butt plugs. He let them walk straight ahead for a hundred paces and then eased the joystick to the left; the girls turned in a wide arc and he centred the sick when he was facing the other spectators. Suddenly he pushed the stick as far forward as it would go and the voice said 'Rakada! 'Rakada!' loudly. The girls lurched forward and all eight whips flashed down. They ran, the balanced spars bouncing the phalli violently in and out of their respective housings and striking each clitoris with every stroke. Their breasts wobbled with each foot fall causing the bells to ring out a sonorant warning jingle that would probably prove useful to clear a path through the local bazaar. They charged past their enraptured audience with their tails and headdresses streaming behind them, on down towards the lake and then slowed to a trot as they disappeared from view amongst the trees on the other side.


The Prince was wild with excitement as the girls breathed heavily in the shafts. "They pull like a pack of dogs. They will need  much training to get them to act as one. Do you think that my new ponies will grow to enjoy their new role?" asked the Prince.


Claire looked at the bobbing, naked girls and wasn’t sure how to answer the question. "I'm not sure, Sir. The position has its attractions, but surely the question is irrelevant."


"Of course," said the Prince. "I was only musing. I was thinking that the role would not suit every girl," and his gaze momentarily flashed down to take in Claire's legs covered by a modest, full-length skirt. Claire suppressed a smile and turned her eyes to the front.

Chapter 22


"I am delighted that Miss Chalmers has accepted my invitation to accompany me back home. She has chosen wisely."


Ian inclined his head in acknowledgement. There was no need to ask the Prince to repeat his promises; he had already given his assurances that she would not want for food and have some time each day to herself free of encumbrances. After five years, he will consider her debt paid and she will be returned unharmed.


In accordance to the precise instructions from the Prince, she'll be housed within the harem and induced to lactate, then forcibly stripped of her milk to feed the Prince's offspring. Mike had already schemed out a milking mechanism that would suck in her breasts and teats and then squeeze them, rings around the base of her breasts and smaller rings around the areolae acting sequentially to expel the milk. Sensors would monitor the weight of each breast and the quantity of milk delivered and control the mechanism automatically, turning it on and off as required to keep milk production at a maximum. It was unfeasible to make this apparatus portable enough to be worn so Sarah would need to be strapped to it for long periods.


The initial scheme has Sarah standing and strapped against the milking machine with her breasts through apertures and into domes which could be cyclically sucked and pressurized. The milk would be collected through tubes leading to a stainless steel churn. Her hands and feet will be strapped onto levers and her motivator would instruct her to exercise in various ways throughout the day; sometimes she will be required to walk or run, other times to trudge through snow, lift weights or swing her arms about, the levers providing the necessary resistance as determined by the motivator. The load on her limbs could be varied to mimic different activities without her actually having to go anywhere.


The second part of her service was achieved by having her head locked through a hole in the centre of a mattress on a raised dais above her. Any concubines could then avail themselves of her services by draping themselves about her disembodied head without the need to consider what other activities she may be involved in at the time. Mike had plans to adapt a control collar and motivator so that it would understand Arabic but give commands to Sarah in English so that she would know what each girl required of her. If she was asked a question, a translator would interpret her response and a speech synthesiser answer in Arabic. As she pleasured the slave girls, she'd be milked and exercised as the control unit required. The motivator's collar will monitor Sarah's heart rate and the electrical conductance of her skin - a measure of how much she is sweating and, therefore, how stressed she is. If she deliberately disobeyed a direct command or didn't give one hundred percent effort to the task in hand, her own body will give her away and the motivator will initiate the electrical discharge through her clitoris. On the other hand, if she pleased some concubine, her collar would pick up the audible indications from the girl and turn on the motivator's pleasure mode to give Sarah her own reward.


Mike continued to dwell on the design considerations as Ian and the Prince finalised their business. And then it suddenly hit him; he'd been thinking about a wearable motivator, the type Sarah and the others have had locked over their pubis as they moved around. Sarah would not be allowed to move about, her 'motivator' could be much different. A vision of a fixed narrow 'U' shaped saddle mounted beside the milking machine flashed into his head with the clitoral suction and electrical discharge cup built into the front part of the saddle. The upright prongs to the front and back of the saddle would be a tight fix to her profile and fixed to a belt around her waist so that Sarah couldn't extract herself and an anal plug at the back would keep her precisely positioned. This means that the virginal probe could be much more sophisticated: it could move up and down, even completely leave Sarah to push its way back inside with a reciprocating motion or, perhaps, some time later. It could rotate or just wriggle about, and it could have a vibrating pad that beat against her 'G' spot area.


Mike smiled at the thought that Sarah could be driven to ecstatic pleasure and consequential forced orgasm in so many different ways, and at the same time she may have been commanded by her collar to run a mile and have her arms and legs pumping, be having her breasts and teats rhythmically squeezed of their milk and have a beautiful concubine lying against her mouth with her thighs locked around Sarah's head. And the concubine would be insisting on one hundred percent commitment; a tall order with so much going on. And the irony is that Sarah would be anxious to comply even though she knew that to do so would entail yet another new 'reward'.


Mike looked at the row of black clad girls waited patiently next to the cars. He looked across at Sarah on the end of the line, her eyes wide and locked on him as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. "Oh my duplicitous little bitch! You're going to love this." With upwards of fifty concubines in the harem, Sarah will be kept very busy.


Of course, she was substantially ignorant of the details of Mike's scheme, although it would now make no difference if she's told; the decision was now not reversible.




The Prince's order was substantial. It appeared he wanted motorised belts for dozens of his harem girls and at least four quadriga chariots so that he could hold races in addition to using one for his personal transport.


"And some of those rubber suits with the trolleys," he added as an afterthought. "After a wayward girl has trudged round the palace for a day or two, I suspect she'll become a lot more circumspect with her behaviour."


Ian inclined his head again and noted the additional order in a note book.


The Prince's wife, Anmar, climbed into the back of the leading limousine and Claire watched as the girls entered the second car. Five girls all dressed alike with hijibs covering their faces and long black coats their bodies. Only Sarah's eyes gave her away as they flashed over the little group of watchers before she slid into the car, her eyes flicking first to Ian and then settling on Claire. Sarah didn't dare hesitate or speak, her motivator would hear. The big Arab slid in beside her and placed a plate-like hand on her thigh.


"Goodbye," said Ian and bowed. The Prince did the same, and then reached out his hand to clasp Ian's and shook it vigorously.


"Ma'a Salama," said Claire.


The Prince smiled. "Ma'a Salama," he replied, then added "Hal anty motazaweg? Ta'alay ma'ee!"


Claire smiled back and shock her head. "Shukran jazeelan. La."


The Prince shrugged and climbed into the Mercedes with his wife and bodyguard, and the little convoy swept away down the drive.


"What was that all about?" asked Mike.


"Oh, just small talk… He asked me if I was married and then invited me to join his harem. I declined his kind offer." She hung onto Mike's arm and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked back into the building. "It's been a whole month of 'firsts' for me," she said grinning up at Mike.


"Well, I expect they're going to continue. We have to make a milking and exercise machine for Sarah; someone's got to test it and it won't be me, I not equipped for the job."


Claire stared at Mike open mouthed. "I'm the Business Director, not a Tester! Ian said I wouldn't be asked to do that sort of thing anymore."


"Well, we don't have to do it in public… and I won't tell if you don't," and he enfolded her in his arms. "And anyway, women are expected to support their husbands with their projects."


Claire didn't react, just grinned. The curious proposal of marriage didn't escape her notice but she wasn’t going to answer just yet. "I need to see what your next project is first."


"Oh, my sweet Love. You won't be disappointed."



- The End

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