Sacrifice (11 page)

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Authors: Nileyah Mary Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Sacrifice
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“Honey you got to go back to school, you have been absent ever since you had your accident.”

“You think I was talking about your home? I am never coming back there until you get another house. He betrayed me, he lied to me and died on me and you think I want to ever go back to that house? That house is full of memories with lies so I’m never going back.”

“He didn’t lie to you. He was worried about how you were going to take it.”

“So he didn’t think I was strong enough to say my last goodbye knowing he was not going to make it,” I groaned then continued, “I knew something was wrong. I should have followed my instincts but no, I was listening to you and him, I can’t believe you would do this to me.”

“I didn’t know he would die, he sent me home to go cook a homemade meal for him and the doctor called me telling me he was dead while on my way back to the hospital.”

“I don’t even know what to believe.”

“I am sorry Ella, I wished we could have done something different.”

“Aren’t you tired of being sorry? Because you’re always sorry,” I said as I walked to the car with my brace on limping, while she took me and Reggae home who was waiting in the car for us. 

We drove home in silence and she dropped us off, but added these words, “I understand your pain, and I also understand why you don’t want to come back home, this gives me a reason to get a new house as soon as I can sell that one.”

I said nothing as I got out of the car waiting on Reggae to come out too.

“Mrs. Rachael, I got her from here, she will be ok,” Reggae said to my mother.

I stood on the side of the car waiting for her and I could hear them talking.

“Thank you so much Reggae, please call me for anything ok?”


“And I will be calling you to check on her since she doesn’t want to talk to me right now.”

“Ok Mrs. Rachael, but please don’t stress yourself over her, I will take good care of her and will call you if anything is wrong.”

“Please do.”

“Ok drive home safe.”

“I will thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walked to my dorm room with Reggae.

“Oh my God girl you ok?” Tiara asked as she saw us coming in.

“She will be fine,” Reggae said.

“Ok, good. Please let me know if there is anything you want me to do.”

“Ok thank you girl,” Reggae said on my behalf.

“You’re welcome girl and I am so sorry for your loss, I kept you in my prayers.”

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

We finally got in the room and I lay on my bed with Reggae next to me. She was comforting me, making sure I was ok.

“You going back to class tomorrow,” I said to Reggae.

“You are not my mother, child. I am staying here till you feel better.”

“I am better.”

“No you’re not. Somebody has to take you to your therapy sessions.”

“I can drive myself.”

“No you can’t, so stop it. I’m taking care of you till you get better.”

I said nothing and went ahead with the plan. She took me back and forth to my therapy sessions. She helped me clean up; made sure I ate and stood by my side through it all. I was afraid to go to class with my brace on my leg, it was embarrassing. I went in every class session that week except for the one Celius was in. As days went by, I started walking a little bit better and finally decided to face my fear of being in his presence. I was nervously happy he wasn’t there initially, but I was early and he was always late so I couldn’t get my hopes up too quick.

“Good afternoon class,” my teacher Mr. Goodman greeted.

“Good morning,” only few students replied.

I was one of the students that didn’t reply.

“As you all should already know, today is your presentation day and you guys had a whole week to finish it so I’m expecting something good. Who’s going first?”

Nobody said anything. I knew about the presentation but acted like I had no idea. He saw the look on my face and continued, “See me after class because you weren’t here when we talked about the presentation.”

I nodded.

“So since nobody is willing to volunteer, I will start calling names,” he kept on calling names and each corresponding student got up and presented. “Celius Dickson.”

My heart skipped as he called his name. He walked to the front of the class boldly.

“Today I will be talking about breast cancer.”

Everybody including me laughed while Mr. Goodman shook his head. He went on with his presentation and read it word for word. It seemed like somebody wrote it for him. He finally finished his presentation and made the students laugh; being the natural comedian he was. The teacher called on more and more students to give their presentations until it was time to go to the next class. I waited until everybody left before I consulted the teacher about my presentation.

“Sorry professor, I just got back from the hospital yesterday,” I lied to my professor’s face.

“Oh I thought you got back a week ago.”

“Oh no, I just got back.”

I knew where he got his information from.

“Oh ok. Well I’m sorry about your dad and your accident; that was terribly tragic to hear.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“So therefore, you are excused from this presentation.”

“Thank you, sir!” I said with excitement, happy that I didn’t have to stand in front of the class with my brace in clear view to do a presentation with the belief that Celius would be staring right at me.

“You’re welcome. Just let me know if you need anything from me.”

“Ok sir, thank you very much.”

“No problem.” 

I exited the class with my head held up high and proceed to my next class.

“Hey!” Somebody said behind me which frighten me because I was deep in thought. I turned around to see Celius right in front of me.

“Oh, hey Celius,” I said trying my best to act normal.

“Hey, you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine thanks, and good job on your presentation.”

“Thanks,” he said as he laughed, “But you know I didn’t write that, come on I know you’re smart enough to know a dude like me wouldn’t write about breast cancer at all. But, I’ll write about breasts all day.”

We both laughed.

“I knew it!”

He looked down at my brace.

“How is your leg?”

“Not bad,” I replied.

“So when are you going to let me take you out to dinner?”

My heart smiled as he asked, “It don’t matter to me.”

“How about tomorrow?”

“Sounds good,” I tried not to smile but failed.

“You have a nice smile by the way.”

“Thank you,” his presence was making me blush.

“Ok now you making me blush,” he said. We both smiled, "See you at seven?”

“Sounds good.”

“Ok then, see you tomorrow.”

We both walked away and I still had a smile on my face. I attended the rest of my classes with the thought of him on my mind. I couldn’t believe he really asked me out. I was excited as I contemplated on what I was going to wear. I felt the need to put on my very best outfit and I couldn’t wait to get home to tell Reggae the one good thing that happened to me today. I got home to see Reggae lying on her bed fussing on the phone with her sister.

“I told you not to talk to him but your dumb ass didn’t listen. Now you got to face the consequences. Oh whatever, I’m telling mom, so prepare yourself for an ass whooping with a baby in your stomach you slut,” she hung up the phone.

“Is that your little sister you talking to like that?” 

“Yeah girl, her fast ass got pregnant!”

“Oh my God, isn’t she only fourteen?”

“Yes girl, shoot she probably slept with the first guy that called her cute.”

“Come on don’t be so dramatic.”

“I’m not, I’m just really upset she let that happen to her… but anyway how was class?”

“It went as expected… well… except for I have a date with Celius tomorrow!”

“Ahhhh! Oh my God, are you serious?”

She jumped of the bed and rejoiced with me.

“What are you going to wear?”

“I don’t know”

“Ok time to go closet shopping! Do you have a red dress?” she asked as she sassily walked into my room to my closet.

“I don’t know.”

“Ok we got to look,” she said as she dug for a red outfit in my closet with no result.

“Ok, we got to go shopping.”

“Why can’t I just wear what I got?”

“Ok listen here bighead, you have on a brace right? Therefore we need something that really pops, something that will distract him from looking at it.”

“Well I guess.”

“Yeah… now let’s go shopping.” She was more excited than me. I never really found shopping too interesting.

We got to the mall and looked through five stores before she found a red dress that was satisfying. It was a dress down to my ankles; skinny sleeve with a built in bra that pushed my cleavage up. There was no need to go shoe shopping because I still had a brace on so sandals would do. I wasn’t worried about my hair because I knew Reggae would take care of it; she always took over anything involving beauty or makeup for me. 

I went to class the next morning and I saw him. I was dressed a little bit different this time with the help of Reggae. I had on tight skinny jeans and a shirt that showed a little cleavage. My hair was down and I had on light makeup with my lip gloss. He looked at me and smiled as I walked past him and I smiled back. I stopped giving him eye contact out of being nervous.

“Hey, hey slow down!” he yelled from behind me.

“Oh hey, sorry,” I giggled nervously.

“Wait, first of all you look beautiful,” he said scanning me up and down.

“Oh thanks,” I said with a smile.

“I haven’t gotten your number yet.”

“Oh sorry,” I gave him my number and hurried to my next class still nervous, but I was happy at the same time. I wasn’t worried about how I was going to look, but I was worried about how I was going to present myself to him without messing it up. I finally got home from class and Reggae was ready to make me over. She was more excited than I was.

“Girl I can’t believe you’re going on your first date.”

“I know right?”

“Are you nervous?'”

“No,” I lied.

“Do you already have questions that you want to ask him?”

“Nooo, why do I have to have questions to ask him?”

“Girl, guys love it when the conversation is good.”

“But what does that have to do me asking questions? We can just talk about anything that comes to mind.”

“Ok, if you say so, but whatever you do make sure his fine ass stays around.”

I rolled my eyes at her but at the same time hoping the same thing. I sat down in my reading chair and turned around to notice my clothes and shoes where already out ready to be put on. I was flattered by her efforts. “Awww you’re so sweet girl, thank you for getting my outfit ready.”

“Girl that’s what I am here for. Now come and sit in this chair so we can fix this hair and face of yours.”

I got up from my reading chair and sat down at her personal workstation in which she had a curling iron, straightening iron, foundation, conceal, mascara, eye liners, eye pencils, lipstick, lip gloss and a diamond hair pin which caught my attention. I picked it up as I sat down and admired how beautiful it was.

“That was from my mother. My dad used to buy her stuff every time he hit on her. He used to buy her shoes, cars, jewels, etc., but for some reason out of everything he bought for her, I think this was the most treasurable. This is why I took it without telling her because she would have said no.”

“So you stole it?”

“Sorry, I don’t steal, I took it.”

“Without asking?”

“She will be alright”

“I wouldn’t… sorry I don’t wear stolen stuff.”

“Like as if you have a choice. And it wasn’t stolen.”

“If you say so.”

“Yes I do, now you’re ready.”

“Yes thief.”

“Do you want to get burned?” she said holding up the iron.

“Ok, ok, fine… you took it without asking.”

“Exactly, see I knew you were smart.”

“Whatever,” I let her win that battle because honestly I really did want to wear it. It was like a treasure I didn’t want to put down. The stones were crystal blue and white and they sparkled so beautifully. I was amazed at how attractive it was.

“So why was your dad always beating on your mom?”

“Girl I don’t even know, to tell you the truth, but I think she started enjoying it because she loved the gifts that came after a serious ass whooping.”

“Wow that’s crazy.”

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