Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Private Emotions – Invitations (The Private Emotions Trilogy)
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“That sounds like the perfect plan to me as long as you would like to join me upstairs, Emily. It’s entirely up to you but I believe that we could have a lot of fun together.”

“I’m nervous although I really am curious and what better way than in the safety of this house, right?”

“Don’t worry if you can’t handle the heat then Ethan could always rescue you, after all, he’ll be just down the hall if you need him. I don’t think that you will need him though.” Taking my hand, she kissed it and we started walking up the stairs to the bedroom. I followed her lead and just before I disappeared from Ethan’s sight, I turned around to look at him one last time. He gave me a wink and a slight smile that showed me he was fine with the escapade that was about to take place. Sophie led me further into the room and briefly stood there with her hands on my shoulders. She kissed each of my shoulders as she lowered my dress and let it fall in a whisper of cloth to the floor. With our tongues, we began to play lightly in each other’s mouths as my breathing quickened. My bra and panties suddenly disappeared from my body.

Her hands gripped my shoulders and then drifted lower until her fingers were touching my nipples which made me arch my back towards her. She took my hand as we climbed into bed then she immediately planted her head between my knees. I looked down under the blanket and I saw her smiling face gaze my way. Her lips kissed my navel and then she teased me with just the tip of her tongue as she went just far enough to make me want more. As my body was giving itself up to her, she spread my pussy lips and pushed her tongue inside me.

“Oh god.” She was so good at what she did that it made my body twist in the silk sheets until I came hard. Thinking that it was over, I looked down to see her waggling her finger at me as if to say she was only getting started.

She returned to my soaked pussy and pushed her tongue back in but this time she added a finger and was doing things to me that I didn’t believe was possible. A sudden rush of pleasure crashed into me and I was sent reeling over the edge into a very colorful abyss. My body was one great big erogenous zone and she was playing it like an expert.

“Holy fuck, what did you just do to me?”

“I’ve opened you up to a new experience. I have to tell you, Emily, that I was skeptical that you’d go through with this but I’m so glad that you took the leap with me. If you’re not too tired, I could be persuaded to let you drive for a while, but only if you want to.” If I could prolong this feeling, why would I deny myself?

She kissed me again as we moved our hands over each other’s body until there was only one thing to do. I slowly moved down over her magnificent physique and licked her nipples gently at first but got a little bolder with my teeth as time went on.

“That’s so good, Emily.” Her encouragement was all that was needed to go further. I paused at the same place Sophie was earlier when she pleasured me. Her shaven pussy lips were already slick with her juices. She sighed and ran her fingers through my hair when my tongue made contact. Taking my cue from her, I delved deeper until I was fucking her with my tongue. I made sure that I did the same things to her as she had already done to me. “Emily, Emily, Emily....oh my...that’s fucking it.”

It gave me a sense of accomplishment to bring her over the precipice of her climax. She panted and cast her glazed eyes in my direction after it was all done. As I hugged her, I got the impression that we had crossed a line and now we were more than just two people that had met at a party. The fact that we had just met didn’t really measure into the equation. I was starting to see the appeal of sex with women.

Sophie and I were walking down the stairs with our arms around each other’s waist when Ethan came forward out of the kitchen with a glass of orange juice for each of us. “I thought you ladies might be in need of something to replace the electrolytes that you just lost.” We smiled at him and retrieved the glasses.

“That was very hot, Emily, and I hope that we can keep in touch. Oh, Ethan, didn’t I tell you? I’ve been given a very prestigious partner position at my law firm’s subsidiary office and I will be leaving soon.”

I was a little disappointed but that changed when Ethan said, “Before you leave you must join us for dinner and we can give you a proper send off.”

“Only if the two of you will attend my law firm’s big announcement party tomorrow night when I will be officially named their new partner.” We both agreed and then Sophie said her goodbyes. As she was leaving, she held me against the door making my body warm to her touch. It was nice to know that Ethan was near if I needed him but it was also very cool to just be in Sophie’s arms with no one else around.

“So, from the smile on your face, I would gather that you had a good time?”

“Oh yeah, as you said, she is something else.”

“Yes, yes, she is all that. Perhaps you’d like another time with her? From the way she held you at the door, I would say that the sentiment is mutual.” We both had a long day, so I decided to go home. The next time that I would see Ethan would be at the announcement party.

At work the following day I was surprised to see Sophie walking into the shop. She was wearing this trench coat that made me think of a sexual scenario that happened in the movies. She wore these mirror glasses that masked her true intent like she was hiding the way to her soul.

“Come with me, I have something to show you.” I told my boss that I needed a few minutes with Sophie and even made her believe that she was a potential client. She could recognize old money when she saw it and told me to take as much time as I needed to seal the deal.

There was stretch limo outside in the parking lot and she opened the door and allowed me to get in first. I probably should’ve known what she wanted but being the naïve sort, I just couldn’t fathom what she had in mind.

“So, what did I do to honor a visit from you?”

“I think you know what you did.” She climbed into my lap and whispered, “I want more of what you have to give, Emily.” Her fingers made short work of the trench coat and she revealed herself in her birthday suit. I smiled as the movie in my head was about to play out in real life; in my life. There was a faint scent of vanilla coming from her body that made her even more irresistible to me. I shook the first time I did this but now I was a little more secure at what I was doing. Her lean and supple legs were open on the large seat in the back of the limo and there it was. I had never seen one of those in reality.

This was the first time that I had seen a clitoral ring and it dangled there giving her a bohemian feel that I wanted to explore, not with just my eyes but with my lips as well. There was a zest for life in this woman that made me think how much I would love to be like her. The power of who she was radiated from her in waves that washed over anyone near her.

“Stop teasing me, you know what to do, so just do it already.” Clamping her hands over the back of my head, she rubbed her dewy lips all over my face, giving me a sensual mask that I didn’t want to lose.

My nerves should have been frayed given that the outside world was close by and the only thing that prevented any exposure was the tint of the glass.

“Fuck, yes, a little to the right, right there, faster with the tongue.” I was following along, letting her show me the way to get her to the orgasm that was hiding inside her body. Sophie had visited me at work and because of her power and a little white lie on my part we got some sweet afternoon delight.

Using my fingers I penetrated her and then spread those fingers wide, giving me room to manoeuvre my tongue in between the fingers. “Oh god, oh god, mmmmmm, yes, yes, fuck meeeeeee.” Her orgasm was hitting her strong and I made sure to drive the bus right into the station. Once she calmed down, she kissed me and tasted her own flavour.

I grabbed for the door handle but she held my hand firmly in hers and didn’t allow me to leave. Her smile was captivating and I was jelly in her presence and she knew it. With an agility of a panther cat, she pounced on me and pushed me into the same position that she was in but this time she was the one pushing all the buttons. Sophie was such a free spirit that I thought she was born in the 60s, in the time of free love and rock and roll.

“If you like the ring, I could have my guy put one on you as well. You don’t have to worry about it hurting because I will be there to hold your hand. The first time a woman went down on me and pulled at the ring, I was beside myself with how good it actually felt.”

“I’m not sure that I could do that to my body, no matter how aesthetically pleasing it looks.”

“There’s no pressure but you really should research it first before completely dismissing it.” I didn’t have too much time to ponder as Sophie had wrapped her hand in my hair and pulled me in for a kiss. I closed my eyes as I got lost in the pleasure. Her tongue was tickling the top of my mouth and her hands were caressing my skin softly, barely touching, but enough that is was making me moan out loud. “I’ve studied the Kama Sutra and even tantric sex which will explain what you’ll be soon going through.”

“Mmmmmmm, oh my, that is soooo good.” Her fingers walked up and down my arms and her tongue licked my neck until I was aching in desire for her body. I didn’t even understand how my clothes were now mysteriously lying on the floor of the limo. Not only that, but my bra and panties were carelessly tossed about on seat beside me. “What is this feeling coming over me?”

“That’s the tantric side of you coming out. You’ll experience a new form of sex that only very few have taken the time to master. It’s all about knowing the human body and the ways to drive a person out of their mind. Feel free to just set yourself go with the flow, Emily. I want this to be something that you’ll remember fondly when I have to leave your life.”

The point of her tongue slid along my arms, god it felt good. She was who every woman wanted to be and every man wanted to be with, and she was spending her time making me cum like never before.

The window partition between the chauffeur and backseats was down slightly and he was watching me get orally satisfied by Sophie. I had a moment of panic but then I just looked at him while Sophie put my legs in a ‘V’ and was grinding her sex against my own. The rubbing caused an incredible friction and we held onto each other as our orgasms took us by surprise.

Lying back on the chair with a blissful look on my face, I began to wonder if I should let Mark back in and allow our friendship to continue. If it wasn’t for him, Ethan would have never agreed to play the teacher and although I was still hoping for more, I was content to allow him free reign in exploring the possibilities.

Sophie asked, “Are you sure, you’re alright with me coming to dinner?”

“Yes, and it should be fun to see you in your element tonight during that announcement party.”

“Okay, but please try and keep your hands to yourself as it wouldn’t do me good if they found us shacked up in the closet or in one of the upstairs bedrooms.” I laughed knowing that she was only ribbing me and that it was just her way of elevating the moment. “I’ll drop you off at work and you can tell your boss that I’ve ordered ten of your best dresses.”

“That’s very kind but you don’t have to do that. I’m sure I can smooth things over with my boss.”

“Nonsense, I was going to tell you that I loved your designs. Better yet why don’t you just resign and move to the state I will be in? You can open your own business there because I have the connections to help you get set up. You would be able to run the show and not have to answer to a boss.”

“It is a very generous offer, Sophie, and under different circumstances I would but my friends are here so it would take a lot for me to just pick up and move.”

“Friends?...You mean friends like, Ethan?”

“Oh no, no...I...I have a few close friends here that are dear to me.”

“Of course you do, Emily, and you could not possibly leave those friends behind as easy as it would be to leave Ethan behind?” She grinned at my flushed face with the mere mention of Ethan’s name. “Hmm. Very interesting indeed.”

She looked at me with tenderness in her eyes as she paused briefly and said, “Emily, there is something that you should know about Ethan before you get in any deeper with him.” I could sense that she was about to share something private about Ethan and I leaned in, eager to hear what she had to say. “A long time ago in Berlin there was a woman named Henrietta. She was the love of his life but she died during a storm while driving. Her tires lost traction and she fell down into an embankment. The storm ripped her away from him that dreaded night and from that day on, he has hidden his heart from everyone, including me.”

“Why are you telling me something so private? He would be devastated if he knew you’d shared it with me.”

“I’m telling this to you, my love, because I want you to know what makes the man tick. Besides, he was falling on his ass drunk when he told me that and I seriously doubt that he would remember any of it in the first place. This just gives you a sneak peek into what Ethan is all about and this information might just be the ticket to seeing if there is more than meets the eye between the two of you. I have to go now but please think about what I have said.” Sophie had shared something very personal about Ethan, something that would help me understand him more and for that I would be forever grateful.

After dropping me off at work, she sped off while I told my boss that I had good news. Not one to show excitement, I thought I saw a little glimmer of something in her eyes. “Good news means adding to the bottom line. So were you able to secure any sales in exchange for my generosity of giving you all the time that you needed?”

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