Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
whom Paul has preached to us. For
through him we saw the dead raised and
While they were grieving and fast5
some healed from various diseases. This
ing God was already preparing Pepower seeks conflicts, we know. For it is ter at Jerusalem for the future. After the
no small disturbance that has come upon
twelve years had passed, according to the
us. Perhaps he has already come to
direction of the Lord to Peter, Christ
Rome. For yesterday he was invited with
showed to him the following vision, saygreat acclamation to do so, being told, ing, “Peter, Simon, whom you expelled
‘You are God in Italy, you are the savior
from Judaea after having exposed him as
of the Romans; hasten to Rome as
a magician, has forestalled you at Rome.
quickly as possible.’ And Simon ad
And in short, all who believed in me he
dressed the people and said with a shrill
has perverted by the cunning and power
voice, ‘On the following day about the
of Satan, whose agent he proves to be.
seventh hour you shall see me fly over
But do not delay. Go tomorrow to Caethe gate of the city in the same form in sarea, and there you will find a ship ready
which I now speak to you.’ Wherefore,
to sail to Italy. And within a few days I
brethren, if you agree, let us go and dilwill show you my grace which is boundigently await the end of the matter.” And less.” Instructed by this vision, Peter did
they all went out and came to the gate.
not delay to mention it to the brethren
About the seventh hour there suddenly
and said, “I must go up to Rome to subappeared afar off a dust-cloud in the sky, due the enemy and opponent of the Lord
looking like smoke shining with a glare
and of our brethren.” And he went down
of fire. And when it reached the gate it
to Caesarea and at once boarded the ship,
suddenly disappeared. Then he appeared
which was ready to sail, without having
standing in the midst of the people. They
obtained for himself any provisions. But
all worshipped him and knew that it was
the steersman, named Theon, looked at
he whom they had seen the day before.
Peter and said, “What we have belongs
And the brethren were exceedingly disto you. For what grace is it for us in turbed, especially as Paul was not at
receiving a man like ourselves in difficult
Rome, nor Timothy and Barnabas, whom
circumstances, without sharing with him
Paul had sent to Macedonia, nor anyone
what we have? Let us have a safe jourwho could strengthen us (
) in the faith, ney.” Peter thanked him for his offer. And
especially the neophytes. As Simon’s auhe fasted in the ship, being dejected, and thority grew more and more, some of
yet again comforted because God rethose among whom he worked in their garded him as a servant worthy of his
daily conversations called Paul a sorcerer
service. A few days later the captain got
and a deceiver and all of the great mulup at meal time and asked Peter to eat titude which had been confirmed in the
with him, saying to him, “Whoever you
faith were led astray, excepting the presare, I hardly know you. You are either a THE ACTS OF PETER
God or a man. But as far as I can see, I
spoken, and he was signed with your holy
think that you are a servant of God. As I
sign. Therefore also I give to him, in your
was steering my ship in the middle of the
name, your eucharist, that he may for
night I fell asleep. It seemed to me as if
ever be your servant, perfect and without
a human voice from heaven said to me,
blemish.” When they were eating and re
“Theon, Theon!” Twice it called me by
joicing in the Lord, suddenly a moderate
name and said to me, ‘Amongst all the
wind, not a violent one, arose at the prow
passengers treat Peter in the most honof the ship and lasted six days and six orable way. For, with his help, you and
nights till they came to Puteoli.
the rest will escape safe from an unexpected incident.’ ” Peter, however, think
Having landed at Puteoli, Theon
ing that God wished to show his provileft the ship and went to the inn dence to all those who were in the ship,
where he usually stayed, to make prepabegan at once to speak to Theon of the rations for the reception of Peter. The inngreat deeds of God, and how the Lord
keeper’s name was Ariston, a God-
had chosen him among the apostles and
fearing man, and to him he went for the
for what cause he was sailing to Italy.
sake of the Name. And when he had
Daily he spoke to him the word of God.
come to the inn and found Ariston, Theon
After they had become better acquainted
said to him, “God, who counted you wor
Peter found out that Theon was one with
thy to serve him, has also made known
him in the faith and a worthy servant.
to me his grace through his holy servant
When the ship was detained by the calm
Peter, who has just arrived with me from
of the Adriatic Sea, Theon remarked on
Judaea, being bidden by our Lord to go
the calm to Peter and said, “If you think
to Italy.” When Ariston heard this, he fell
me worthy to be baptized with the sign
upon Theon’s neck, embraced him and
of the Lord, you have the chance now.”
asked him to bring him to the ship and
All the others in the ship were in a
show Peter to him. For Ariston said,
drunken stupor. Peter let himself down
“Since Paul has gone to Spain there was
by a rope and baptized Theon in the name
not one of the brethren who could
of the Father and of the Son and of the
strengthen me. Besides, a certain Jew
Holy Spirit. He came up out of the water
named Simon has invaded the city. By
rejoicing with great joy. Peter also had
means of his magical sayings and his
become more cheerful because God had
wickedness he has completely perverted
deemed Theon worthy of his name. And
the entire fraternity, so that I have fled
it happened that in the same place where
from Rome hoping for the arrival of Pe
Theon was baptized, a young man, raditer. For Paul had spoken of him, and I ant in splendor, appeared and said to
saw many things in a vision. Now I bethem, “Peace be with you.” And both lieve in my Lord, that he will again es
Peter and Theon immediately went up
tablish his ministry, that all deception be
and entered the cabin; and Peter took
extinguished from his servants. For our
bread and gave thanks to the Lord, who
Lord Jesus Christ is faithful, and he can
had deemed him worthy of his holy serrenew our thoughts.” When Theon heard vice, and because a young man had apthis from the weeping Ariston, his conpeared to them saying, “Peace be with fidence was restored, and he was even
you.” Peter said, “Most excellent and the
more strengthened in his faith, knowing
only Holy One, for you appeared to us,
that he believed in the living God. When
O God Jesus Christ. In your name I have
they came to the ship, Peter saw them
and, filled with the Spirit, he smiled, so
I fear you might hurt yourself with the
that Ariston fell upon his face to the feet
shaking.” But Peter answered and said to
of Peter and said, “Brother and Lord, who
them, “But what would have happened if
makes known the sacred mysteries and
about my neck and that of the enemy of
teaches the right way, which is in the
the Lord a millstone were hanged (as my
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, through you
Lord said to us, if any one should offend
he has shown us his coming. All whom
one of the brethren2), and we be drowned
Paul entrusted to us we have lost through
in the depths of the sea? Not only would
the power of Satan. But now I trust in the
it be a millstone, but what is worse, I the
Lord, who sent his messenger and told
opponent of this persecutor of his seryou to hasten to us, that he has deemed vants would die far away from those who
us worthy to see his great and wonderful
have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
deeds done by your hands. I therefore
In no way could Theon persuade him to
beg you, come quickly to the city. For I
remain a day longer. Whereupon Theon
left the brethren who had stumbled,
gave everything that was in the ship to
whom I saw fall into the snares of the
be sold at a fair price, and followed Peter
devil, and fled here saying to them,
to Rome, and accompanied Ariston to the
‘Brethren, stand firm in the faith; for it is
house of the presbyter Narcissus.
to be that within the next two months the
mercy of our Lord will bring you his
servant.’ I saw a vision of Paul speaking
Soon it became known among the
to me and saying, ‘Ariston, flee from the
scattered brethren of the city that
city.’ Having heard this, I believed with
Peter had come to Rome on account of
out wavering, departed from the city in
Simon, to prove that he was a seducer
the Lord, and though the flesh which I
and persecutor of the good. And the
bear is weak, yet I came here, stood daily
whole multitude came together to see the
by the shore, and asked the sailors, ‘Has
apostle of the Lord, confirming the con
Peter come with you?’ And now that the
gregation in Christ. When they gathered
grace of the Lord abounds, I beseech you
on the first day of the week to meet Peter
to go up to Rome without delay, lest the
he began to speak with a loud voice, “You
teaching of the wicked man increases still
people who are here, hoping in Christ,
more.” When Ariston had spoken amidst
you who suffered a brief temptation,
tears Peter gave him his hand and lifted
learn why God sent his Son into the
him up from the ground, and said with
world, or why he begot him by the virgin
tears and sighs, “He who tempts the
Mary, if it were not to dispense some
world by his angels forestalled us; but he
mercy or means of salvation. For he
who has the power to deliver his servants
meant to annul every offence and every
from all temptation will destroy his deignorance and every activity of the devil, ceits and put them under the feet of those
his instigations and powers, by means of
who believe in Christ, whom we preach.”
which he once had the upper hand, before
And when they entered by the gate Theon
our God shone forth in the world. Since
entreated Peter and said, “During the
with their many and manifold weaklong sea voyage you never refreshed nesses they fell to death by their ignoyourself on the ship, and now will you rance, Almighty God had compassion
go from the ship on such a rough road?
No, stay, refresh yourself and then go.
From here to Rome the road is rocky, and
2Matt 18:6.
and sent his Son into the world, and I
the Jews reviled, this crucified Nazarene,
was with him. And I walked on the water
who died and rose again on the third
and survive as a witness; I confess I was
there when he was at work in the world
performing signs and wonders. Dearest
brethren, I denied our Lord Jesus Christ,
The brethren repented and asked
Peter to overcome Simon’s claim
not once, but thrice; for those who enthat he was the power of God. Simon was snared me were wicked gods, just as the
staying at the house of the senator Marprophet of the Lord said. But the Lord cellus whom he had won over by his
did not lay it to my charge; he turned to
magic. “Believe us, brother Peter,” they
me and had mercy on the weakness of
said, “none among humans was so wise
my flesh, so that I wept bitterly; and I
as this Marcellus. All the widows who
mourned for my little faith, having been
hoped in Christ took their refuge in him;
deceived by the devil, and disobeyed the
all the orphans were fed by him. Will you
word of my Lord. And now I tell you,
know more, brother? All the poor called