Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (39 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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patient. I do not say that Simon should

man is raised, will you cast Peter out of

be burned if the boy is restored; it is only

the city?” And the whole multitude said,

when I tell you to do it, that you will.”

“We shall not only cast him out but also

And the people cried, “Even if you



should not wish it, Peter, we shall do it.”

this he was still more strengthened in the

Peter said to them, “If you continue, the

spirit by the help of the Lord and said to

boy shall not rise. We have learned not

the people, “Romans, thus the dead are

to recompense evil for evil, but we have

awakened, thus they speak, thus they

learned to love our enemies and to pray

walk when they are raised; they live for

for those who persecute us. For should

so long as it pleases God. But now I turn

even he repent, it is better. For God will

to you who came to see the spectacle. If

not remember the evil. Let him, therefore,

you repent now from your sins and from

come to the light of Christ. But if he

all your human-made gods and from all

cannot, let him inherit the portion of his

uncleanness and lust, you shall receive

father, the devil. But do not let your hands

the communion of Christ in faith so that

be contaminated.” Having thus spoken to

you may obtain life for eternity.”

the people he came to the boy, and before

raising him he said to his mother, “These

From that hour on they wor29

young men, whom you set free in honor

shipped him like a god, and the

of your son, can as free men obey their

sick, whom they had at home, they

living master. For I know that the souls

brought to his feet to be cured by him.

of some among them will be wounded

And when the prefect perceived that such

when they see your risen son and serve

a great multitude adhered to Peter he

again as slaves. But let them all be free

asked him to depart. And Peter bade the

and receive their subsistence as before—

people come into the house of Marcellus.

for your son shall rise again—and let

And the mother of the lad asked Peter to

them be with him.” And Peter looked at

come to her house. But Peter had arher for some time awaiting the answer.

ranged to go to Marcellus on Sunday to

And the mother of the boy said, “How

see the widows, as Marcellus had promcan I do otherwise? Therefore I declare ised, so that he might minister to them

before the prefect that they should poswith his own hand. And the lad who had sess all that which I had to spend on the

been raised said, “I shall not leave Peter.”

corpse of my son.” Peter said to her, “Let

And his mother returned joyfully and

the rest be divided among the widows.”

cheerfully to her house. And on the day

And Peter rejoiced in his soul and said in

after the Sabbath she came into the house

the spirit, “O Lord, who are merciful,

of Marcellus and brought two thousand

Jesus Christ, manifest yourself to your

pieces of gold and said to Peter, “Divide

servant Peter who calls upon you, as you

these among the virgins of Christ who

always show mercy and goodness. In the

minister to him.” But the lad who had

presence of all these who have been set

been raised, perceiving that he had not

free, that they may be able to serve, let

yet given anything to anyone, ran to his

Nicostratus now arise.” And Peter

house, opened a chest, and brought four

touched the side of the lad and said,

thousand pieces of gold, and said to Peter,

“Arise.” And the lad arose, took up his

“See, I also, who have been raised, offer

garment and sat and untied his chin,

the double gift and present myself from

asked for other garments, came down

now on as a living sacrifice to God.”

from the bier, and said to Peter, “I beg

you, man, let us go to our Lord Christ,


whom I heard speak to you; he said to

And on Sunday Peter spoke to

the brethren and encouraged

you, pointing at me, ‘Bring him here, for

them in the faith of Christ. And many

he belongs to me.’ ” When Peter heard

senators and knights and wealthy women



and matrons were present, and they were

disciples who were steadfast laughed him

strengthened in the faith. There was also

to scorn. In the dining halls he made

present a very rich woman, named

some spirits appear which had the sem

Chryse, because all her vessels were of

blance of life, but in reality did not exist.

gold—since her birth she had never used

And what more shall I say? Having spoa vessel of silver or of glass, but only of ken a great deal about magic14 he seemgold. She said to Peter, “Peter, servant of ingly cured the lame and blind for a time,

God, in a dream the one whom you call

and many dead persons, too, he made

God came and said to me, ‘Chryse, bring

alive and made them move about, as well

ten thousand pieces of gold to my servant

as Stratonicus.15 In all this Peter followed

Peter; you owe them to him.’ So I have

him and refuted him before those who

brought them, fearing that some evil may

saw it. And as he was always out of favor,

come from him whom I saw and who has

and was ridiculed by the Romans and

gone to heaven.” And having said this

lost their confidence since he promised

she laid down the money and went away.

to do something which he could not do,

And Peter seeing this praised God that

it came about that he said to them, “Rothe poor could now be provided for.

mans, you now think that Peter has over

Some of those present said to him, “Peter,

come me as if he were mightier than I,

is it not wrong to have accepted this

and you now pay more attention to him.

money from her? All Rome knows of her

You are mistaken. For tomorrow I shall

fornication, and it is reported that she is

leave you godless and impious ones and

not satisfied with one husband; she uses

take refuge with God above, whose

even her own slaves. Therefore have

power I am, though enfeebled. If, therenothing to do with the Chryse’s table, but fore, you have fallen, behold I stand. I

let everything be sent back to her that

ascend to the father, and shall say to him,

came from her.” When Peter heard this

‘Me, your son who stands, they desired

he laughed and said to the brethren, “As

to bring low; however, I had no deal with

to her conduct, I know nothing of it; since

them, but returned to myself.’ ”

I have received this money I received it

not without reason; she brought it to me

And on the following day a

as a debtor to Christ and gives it to the

32 still larger multitude gathered

servants of Christ. For he himself has

on the
to see him fly. And Peprovided for them.”

ter also went to the place to see the

spectacle and to refute him. For when

31 And they also brought the sick he came to Rome he astonished the to him on the Sabbath and

people by his flying. But Peter, who reasked him to treat them. And many parbuked him, was not yet at Rome, which alytics and podagrous were healed, and

he so misled and deceived that some

those who had two- and four-day fevers

were driven out of their senses. And

and other diseases, and believed in the

standing on an elevated place, upon seename of Jesus Christ, and very many ing Peter he began to speak. “Peter,

were added every day to the grace of the

now, as I am about to ascend in the

Lord. When some days had passed Simon

the magician promised the people that he

could persuade Peter not to believe in the


true God but in a fallacious one. As he

Greek unclear. Possibly the phrase should be: “Although he had often been refuted for his magic art.”

performed many tricks those among the

15Latin reads “Nicostratus.”



presence of all the onlookers, I say to

Now Peter remained in Rome


you, if your God is almighty, (he whom

and rejoiced with the brethren

the Jews killed, and they stoned you

in the Lord, returning thanks day and

who were chosen by him), let him show

night for the multitude who were daily

that faith in him is of God; let it be

added to the holy name by the grace of

manifested by this event, whether it is

the Lord. And the four concubines of the

worthy of God. For I ascend and will

prefect Agrippa also came to Peter, Agshow myself to this people what kind of rippina, Nicaria, Euphemia, and Doris.

being I am.” And, behold, he was lifted

And they heard preaching concerning

up and they saw him ascending over

chastity and all the words of the Lord,

Rome and over its temples and hills.

and repented and agreed among them

And the believers looked at Peter. And

selves to abstain from cohabitation with

beholding the incredible spectacle Peter

Agrippa, but were molested by him.

cried to the Lord Jesus Christ, “If you

When Agrippa became perplexed and

allow him to do what he has underdistressed—for he loved them very taken, all who believed in you shall be

much—he had them secretly observed

overthrown, and the signs and wonders,

where they went, and he found out that

which you have shown to them through

they went to Peter. When they came back

me, will not be believed. Make haste, O

he said to them, “That Christian has

Lord, show your mercy and let him fall

taught you not to consort with me. I tell

down and become crippled but not die;

you that I will destroy you and burn him

let him be disabled and break his leg in

alive.” But they were ready to endure

three places.” And he fell down and

anything by the hand of Agrippa but

broke his leg in three places. And they

would no longer allow themselves to satcast stones upon him, and each went to isfy his lust; they had become strong in

his home having faith in Peter. And one

the power of Jesus.

of Simon’s friends, Gemellus by name,

from whom Simon had received much

And a very beautiful women


money and who had a Greek wife,

named Xanthippe, the wife of

quickly ran along the street, and seeing

Albinus, a friend of the emperor, also

him with his leg broken said, “Simon, if

came to Peter with the other ladies and

God’s power is broken, shall not that

kept away from Albinus. Being in love

God, whose power you are, be darkwith Xanthippe, he became enraged and ened?” And Gemellus ran and followed

wondered why she no longer slept with

Peter and said to him, “I also wish to be

him, and raging like a beast he intended

one of those who believe in Christ.”

to kill Peter, for he perceived that he was

And Peter said, “How could I object,

the cause of her leaving his bed. And

my brother? Come and stay with us.”

many other women delighted in the

And Simon, being in misery, found

preaching concerning chastity and sepasome helpers who carried him by night rated from their husbands, and men too

on a stretcher from Rome to Aricia.

ceased to sleep with their wives, because

There he remained and stayed with a

they wished to serve God in chastity and

man named Castor who on account of

purity. And there was a great commotion

sorcery had been driven from Rome to

in Rome, and Albinus told Agrippa what





had happened to him and said, “Either

Simon, the messenger of the devil,

you avenge me of Peter, who has alienended his life.

ated my wife from me, or I shall do it



myself.” And Agrippa said, “I suffered

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