Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
Amen.” . . .
wonderful things which he used to do.
And will you not believe me what I just
The brethren and all who were
told you about him?” And Simon said,
in Rome came together, and on
“You have the impudence to speak of
payment of a piece of gold each occupied
Jesus the Nazarene, the son of a carpena seat. Senators and prefects and officers ter, himself a carpenter, whose family is
also assembled. But when Peter came in
from Judaea. Listen Peter. The Romans
he stood in the center. All cried aloud,
have understanding, they are no fools.”
“Show us, Peter, who your God is or
And turning to the people he said, “Men
which majesty it is which gave you such
confidence. Be not disaffected to the Romans; they are lovers of the gods. We have had evidence from Simon, let us
5Isa 53:4.
of Rome, is a God born? Is he crucified?
he might not appear to be acting un
Whoever has a master is no God.” And
justly. And the prefect summoned one
when he spoke, many said, “You are
of his slaves and spoke to Simon, “Take
right, Simon.”
him and kill him.” To Peter he said,
“And you revive him.” And to the peo
And Peter said, “Cursed be
ple the prefect said, “It is for you to deyour words against Christ. You cide which of these is accepted before
spoke in these terms whereas the prophet
God, he who kills, or he who revives.”
says of him, ‘Who shall declare his gen-
And Simon whispered something into
eration?’6 And another prophet says,
the ear of the slave and made him
‘And we have seen him, and he had no
speechless, and he died. But when the
form not beauty.’7 And ‘In the last days
people began to murmur, one of the
a child shall be born of the Holy Spirit;
widows who had been cared for by
his mother knows not a man and no one
Marcellus cried out, “Peter, servant of
claims that he is his father.’ And again he
God, my son also is dead, the only one
says, ‘She has given birth and has not
I had.” The people made room for her,
given birth.’ And again, ‘Is it a very little
and they brought her to Peter. And she
thing for you to go to battle? Behold, in
fell down at his feet and said, “I had
the womb a virgin shall conceive.’8 And
only one son; by the labor of his hands
another prophet says in honor of the Fahe provided for me; he lifted me up, he ther, ‘We neither heard her voice, nor did
carried me. Now he is dead, who will
a midwife come.’9 Another prophet says,
give me a hand?” Peter said to her, “In
‘He came not out of the womb of a
the presence of these witnesses go and
woman but descended from a heavenly
bring your son, that they may be able to
place,’ and ‘A stone cut out without hands
see and believe that he was raised up by
and has broken all kingdoms,’10 and ‘The
the power of God; the other shall see it
stone which the builders rejected has beand perish.” And Peter said to the come the headstone of the corner,’11 and
young men, “We need young men such
he calls him ‘the tried, precious’ stone.12
as shall believe.” And at once thirty
And again, the prophet says of him, ‘I
young men offered themselves to carry
saw him come on a cloud like the Son of
the widow and to fetch her dead son.
man.’13 And what more shall I say? Men
When the widow had recovered, the
of Rome, if you knew the prophetical
young men lifted her up. But she cried
writings I would explain everything to
and said, “Behold my son, the servant
you. It was necessary that through them
of Christ has sent for you,” and she tore
it should be a mystery and the Kingdom
her hair and scratched her face. And the
of God be completed. But these things
young men who had come examined the
shall be revealed to you afterwards. Now
nose of the boy to see if he were really
I turn to you, Simon; do one of the signs
dead. When they perceived that he was
whereby you deceived them before and I
dead they comforted his mother and
shall frustrate it through my Lord Jesus
said, “If you really believe in the God
Christ.” Simon took courage and said, “If
the prefect permits.”
The prefect wished to show
Isa 53:8. 7Isa 53:2. 8Isa 7:14. 9Asc. of Isa 11:13.
10Dan 2:34. 11Ps 118:22; Mark 12:10. 12Isa 28:16.
his impartiality to both, so that
13Dan 7:13.
of Peter, we will lift him up and bring
enlighten, appear, revive the son of the
to Peter, that he may revive him and reaged widow, who is helpless without him.
store him to you.”
And I take the word of my Lord Christ
and say to you, ‘Young man, arise and
While the young men were say26
walk with your mother as long as you
ing this the prefect in the forum
can be of use to her. Afterward you shall
looked at Peter and said, “What do you
be called to a higher ministry and serve
say, Peter? Behold, the lad is dead; the
as deacon and bishop.’ ” And the dead
emperor liked him, and I spared him not.
man rose immediately, and the multitude
I had indeed many other young men; but
saw and were amazed, and the people
I trusted in you and in your Lord whom
cried, “You, God the Savior, you, God of
you proclaim, if indeed you are sure and
Peter, invisible God and Savior.” And
truthful: therefore I allowed him to die.”
they spoke with one another and won
And Peter said, “God is neither tempted
dered at the power of a man who with
nor weighed in the balance. But he is to
his word called upon his Lord, and they
be worshipped with the whole heart by
accepted what had taken place for their
those whom he loves and he will hear
those who are worthy. Since, however,
my God and Lord Jesus Christ is now
tempted among you, he is doing many
When the news had spread
through the entire city, the
signs and miracles through me to turn
mother of a senator came, and making
you from your sins. In your power, revive
her way through the multitude she
now through my voice, O Lord, in the
threw herself at Peter’s feet and said, “I
presence of all, him whom Simon killed
heard many people say that you are a
by his touch.” And Peter said to the masminister of the merciful God and that ter of the lad, “Come, take hold of him
you impart his mercy to all who desire
by the right hand and you shall have him
this light. Bestow, therefore, also to my
alive and walking with you.” And the
son this light, since I have learned that
prefect Agrippa ran and came to the lad,
you are not ungenerous towards any
took his hand, and restored him to life.
one; do not turn way from a lady, who
And when the multitude saw this they
entreats you.” Peter said to her, “Do you
cried, “There is only one God, the God
believe in my God through whom your
of Peter.”
son shall rise?” And the mother, weeping, said with a loud voice, “I believe, Meanwhile the widow’s son
Peter, I believe.” The whole multitude
was brought in on a bier by the
cried out, “Give the mother her son.”
young men. The people made room, and
And Peter said, “Let him be brought
they brought him to Peter. Peter, however,
here into the presence of all.” And Pelifted up his eyes towards heaven, ter, turning to the people, said, “Men of
stretched forth his hands, and said, “Holy
Rome, I, too, am one of you! I have hu
Father of your Son Jesus Christ who has
man flesh and I am a sinner, but I have
given us power to ask and to obtain
obtained mercy. Do not imagine that
through you and to despise everything
what I do, I do in my own power; I do
that is in this world and follow you only,
it in the power of my Lord Jesus Christ
who are seen by few and wish to be
who is the judge of the living and the
known by many; shine round, O Lord,
dead. I believe in him, I have been sent
by him, and I dare to call upon him to
burn him at once.” Simon came to the
raise the dead. Go, therefore, woman,
head of the dead man, bowed three times,
and have your son brought here and
and he showed the people how the dead
have him raised.” And the woman made
man had lifted up his head and moved it,
her way through the multitude, ran into
and opened his eyes and lightly bowed
the street with great joy, and believed
to Simon. And immediately they began
with her heart; coming to the house she
to gather wood to burn Peter. But Peter,
made her slaves carry him and came
having received the power of Christ,
back to the forum. And she told the
lifted up his voice and said to those who
young men to cover their heads and go
were shouting against him, “Now I see,
before the bier and carry everything that
Romans, that I must not call you foolish
she intended to spend on the body of
and silly so long as your eyes and your
her son in front of the bier, so that Peears and your senses are blinded. So long ter, seeing this, might have pity on the
as your mind is darkened you do not
body and on her. With them all as
perceive that you are bewitched, since
mourners she came to the assembly, folyou seemingly believe that a dead man lowed by a multitude of senators and larose who has not risen. I would have been dies who came to see God’s wonderful
content, Romans, to keep silent and to
deeds. And Nicostratus (the man who
die in silence and to leave you among the
had died) was very noble and respected
illusions of this world. But the punishin the senate. They brought him and ment of the unquenchable fire is before
placed him before Peter. And Peter asked
my eyes. If you agree, let the dead man
them to be silent and said with a very
speak, let him rise; if he is alive, let him
loud voice, “Romans, let a righteous
untie the band from his chin, let him call
judgment now take place between me and
his mother and say to you, ‘Bawlers, why
Simon, and judge which of us believes in
are you crying?’ Let him beckon to you
the living God, he or I. Let him revive
with his hand. If, therefore, you wish to
the body which is before us, and believe
see that he is dead and you are spellin him as an angel of God. If he is not bound, let this man step back from the
able I will call upon my God. I will rebier, this one who persuaded you to withstore the son alive to his mother and then draw from Christ, and you shall see the
you shall believe that he is a sorcerer and
dead man as you saw him when you
deceiver, this man who enjoys your hosbrought him in.” And the prefect Agrippa pitality.” When they heard this, it seemed
could no longer restrain himself but rose
right to them what Peter had said. They
and with his own hand pushed Simon
encouraged Simon saying, “Show youraway. And the dead man looked as he self publicly what you can do; either you
had before. And the people were enraged
convince us or you shall be convicted.
and, converted from the magical spell of
Why do you stand still? Commence.”
Simon, began to cry, “Hear, O Caesar,
When Simon perceived that they all
should the dead not rise let Simon be
pushed him, he stood in silence. When
burned instead of Peter, because he has
the people had become quiet and were
really deceived us.” But Peter stretched
looking at him, Simon cried out and said,
forth his hand and said, “Romans, be
“Romans, when you see that the dead