Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (33 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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BOOK: Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
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for me how the work is to be done, since

I shall come here after some time.” And

17 When the apostle came into the the apostle took a reed, measured the cities of India with Abban the

place, and marked it out: the doors to be

merchant, Abban went away to greet

set towards the rising of the sun, to face

King Gundaphorus and told him about

the light; the windows toward the west,

the carpenter whom he had brought with

to the winds; the bakehouse he made

him. And the king was glad and ordered

toward the south; and the water-pipes

him to appear before him. When he had

necessary for the supply toward the

come in the king said to him, “What trade

north. When the king saw this, he said to

do you know?” The apostle said to him,

the apostle, “You are truly a craftsman,

“That of the carpenter and the house-

and it is fitting that you should serve

builder.” The king said to him, “What

kings.” And having left a lot of money

work in wood do you know and what in

with him, he went away.

stone?” The apostle said, “In wood,

ploughs, yokes, balances, pulleys, and

And at the appointed times the


ships and oars and masts; in stone, monking sent coined silver and the uments, temples, and royal palaces.” And

necessities for his and the workmen’s livthe king said, “Will you build me a paling. And the apostle took everything and ace?” And he answered, “Yes, I shall

divided it, going about in the cities and

build it and finish it; for because of this

surrounding villages, distributing to the



poor and needy, and bestowing alms, and

his drink is water, and he wears one coat,

gave them relief, saying, “The king

whether in warm weather or in cold, and

knows that he will receive royal recomhe takes nothing from anyone but gives pense, but the poor must be refreshed, as

to others what he has.” Upon hearing this

their condition requires it.” After this the

the king hit his face with his hands, shakking sent a messenger to the apostle, ing his head for a long time.

having written the following: “Let me

know what you have done or what I

And he sent for the merchant


should send to you or what you need.”

who had brought him, and for

The apostle sent word to him saying,

the apostle, and said to him, “Have you

“The palace is built, and only the roof

built the palace?” And he said, “Yes, I

remains to be done.” Upon hearing this

have built it.” The king said, “When shall

the king sent him again gold and un-

we go to inspect it?” And he answered

coined silver and wrote, “If the palace is

and said, “Now you cannot see it, but you

built, let it be roofed.” And the apostle

shall see it when you depart this life.”

said to the Lord, “I thank you, Lord, in

And the king was very angry and ordered

every respect, that you died for a short

both the merchant and Judas Thomas to

time, that I may live in you for ever, and

be bound and cast into prison, until he

that you have sold me, to deliver many

should find out to whom the property of

through me.” And he did not cease to

the king had been given, and so destroy

teach and refresh the afflicted, saying,

him and the merchant. And the apostle

“The Lord has dispensed this to you and

went to prison rejoicing and said to the

he gives to each his food. For he is the

merchant, “Fear nothing, believe only in

support of the orphans and the nourisher

the God who is preached by me, and you

of the widows, and rest and repose to all

shall be freed from this world, and obtain

who are afflicted.”

life in the world to come.”

And the king considered by what death

When the king came to the city


he should kill them. He decided to flog

he inquired of his friends conthem and burn them with fire. On that cerning the palace which Judas, survery night Gad, the king’s brother, fell named Thomas, had built for him. And

ill; and through the grief and disappointthey said to him, “He has neither built a ment which the king had suffered he was

palace, nor did he do anything of that

grievously depressed. And having sent

which he promised to do, but he goes

for the king he said to him, “Brother and

about in the cities and villages, and if he

king, I commend to you my house and

has anything he gives it to the poor, and

my children. For I have been grieved on

teaches a new God, heals the sick, drives

account of the insult that has befallen

out demons, and performs many mirayou, and lo, I am dying, and if you do cles. And we believe that he is a maginot proceed against the life of that macian. But his acts of compassion and the gician you will give my soul no rest in

cures done by him as a free gift, still

Hades.” And the king said to his brother,

more his simplicity and gentleness and

“I considered the whole night by what

fidelity, show that he is a just man, or an

death I should kill him, and I have deapostle of the new God, whom he cided to flog him and burn him with fire,

preaches. For he continually fasts and

together with the merchant who brought

prays and eats only bread with salt, and




22 While they were talking, the me to sell to you?” And he said, “Assure soul of Gad, his brother, deme by an oath that you will grant it parted, and the king mourned for Gad

to me.” And the king swore to him,

exceedingly, because he loved him, and

“Whatever of my possession you ask, I

ordered him to be prepared for burial in

will give you.” And he said to him, “Sell

a royal and costly robe. While this was

me the palace which you have in heaven.”

going on, angels received the soul of Gad,

And the king said, “A palace in heaven—

the king’s brother, and took it up into

where does this come to me from?” And

heaven, showing him the places and manhe said, “It is the one that Christian built sions there, asking him, “In what place

for you, the man who is now in prison,

do you wish to dwell?” And when they

whom the merchant brought, having

came near the edifice of the apostle Thobought him from a certain Jesus. I mean mas, which he had erected for the king,

that Hebrew slave whom you wished to

Gad, upon beholding it, said to the anpunish, having suffered some deception gels, “I entreat you, my lords, let me

from him, on account of whom I also was

dwell in one of these lower chambers.”

grieved and died, and now have come

But they said to him, “In this building

alive again.”

you cannot dwell.” And he said, “Why

not?” They answered, “This palace is the


one which that Christian has built for

Then the king heard and understood his words about the eteryour brother.” But he said, “I entreat you, nal benefits that were conferred upon him

my lords, allow me to go to my brother

and destined for him, and said, “That

to buy this palace from him. For my

palace I cannot sell you, but I pray to be

brother does not know what it is like, and

permitted to enter into it and to dwell

he will sell it to me.”

there, being deemed worthy to belong to

its inhabitants. And if you really wish to

And the angels let the soul of


buy such a palace, behold, the man is

Gad go. And as they were putalive, and will build you a better one than ting on him the burial robe his soul came

that.” And immediately he sent and

into him. And he said to those standing

brought the apostle out of prison, and the

round him, “Call my brother to me, that

merchant who had been shut up along

I may beg of him a request.” Straightway

with him, saying, “I entreat you; as a man

they sent the good news to their king,

entreating the servant of God; pray for

saying, “Your brother has become alive

me, and ask him, whose servant you are,

again!” And the king arose and with a

to pardon me and to overlook what I have

great multitude went to his brother. And

done to you or intended to do, and that I

coming in he went to the bed as if stumay become worthy to be an inhabitant pefied, unable to speak to him. And his

of that house for which indeed I have

brother said, “I know and I am convinced,

done nothing, but which you, labouring

brother, that if anyone had asked of you

alone, have built for me with the help of

the half of your kingdom, you would give

the grace of your God, and that I may

it for my sake. Wherefore I entreat you

also become a servant and serve this God,

to grant one favour, which I beg of you

whom you preach.” His brother also fell

to do: that you sell to me that which I

down before the apostle and said, “I enask from you.” And the king answered treat you and supplicate before your God

and said, “And what is it that you wish

that I may become worthy of this service



and become partaker of that which was

apostle ordered some water to be brought

shown to me by his angels.” . . .

in a dish. And when the water had been

brought he said, “Come, waters from the

Now there was a certain young


living waters; everlasting, sent to us from

man, who had committed a nethe everlasting; rest, sent to us from the farious deed. He came and partook of the

one who gives rest; power of salvation,

eucharist. And his two hands withered,

proceeding from that power which overso that he could no longer put them to comes all and subjects it to its will—

his mouth. When those present saw him,

come and dwell in these waters, that the

they told the apostle what had happened.

gift of the Holy Spirit may be completely

And the apostle called him and said, “Tell

fulfilled in them!” And to the young man

me, my son, and be not afraid of what

he said, “Go, wash your hands in these

you have done before you came here. For

waters.” And when he had washed them

the eucharist of the Lord has convicted

they were restored. And the apostle said

you. For this gift, by entering many,

to him, “Do you believe in our Lord Jesus

brings healing, especially to those who

Christ, that he can do all things?” And

come in faith and love; but you it has

he said, “Though I am the least, yet I

withered away, and what has happened

believe. But I did this in the hope of doing

has happened not without some justifisomething good. For I entreated her, as I cation.” And the young man convicted by

told you already, but she would not be

the eucharist of the Lord came up, fell at

persuaded by me to keep herself chaste.”

the apostle’s feet, and besought him and

said, “An evil deed has been done by me,


whilst I thought to do something good. I

And the apostle said to him,

“Come, let us go to the inn

loved a woman who lived in an inn outwhere you committed the deed, and let side the city, and she loved me also. And

us see what happened.” And the young

when I heard about you, believing that

man went before the apostle on the road.

you proclaim the living God, I came and

When they had come to the inn they

received the seal from you along with the

found her lying there. And when the

others. And you said, ‘Whoever shall inapostle saw her he was sad, for she was dulge in impure intercourse, especially in

a beautiful girl. And he ordered her to be

adultery, shall not have life with the God

brought into the middle of the inn. And

whom I preach.’ As I loved her very

putting her on a couch they carried it out

much, I entreated her and tried to perand set it in the midst of the courtyard of suade her to live with me in chaste and

the inn. And the apostle laid his hand on

pure conduct, as you teach. And she

her and began to say, “Jesus, who appear

would not. Since she would not, I took a

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