Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (29 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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travelers were Demas and Hermogenes

Blessed? For you did not greet us like

the bronze-smith, who were filled with

this!” Onesiphorus replied, “I did not see

hypocrisy. They kept entreating Paul earany fruit of righteousness in you. But if nestly, as if they loved him. But Paul was

that is what you are, then come to my

looking only at the goodness of Christ,

house as well, and be refreshed from your

and so did them no harm; instead, he


loved them very much, giving them sweet

discourses about all the Lord’s sayings,


involving the teaching and interpretation

When Paul entered Onesiphorus’s

house there was great joy, the

of the gospel, and the birth and resurrecbending of knees in prayer, the breaking tion of God’s Beloved. And he was tellof bread, and a proclamation of the word ing them word-for-word how the majestic

of God concerning self-control and the

character of Christ had been revealed to

resurrection, as Paul said:


“Blessed are the pure in heart, for

they will see God.

There was a certain man named


Blessed are those who have kept

Onesiphorus who heard that Paul

the flesh chaste, for they

was coming to Iconium. He went out to

will become a temple of

meet him to give him welcome, taking


along his children Simmias and Zenon

Blessed are those who are self-

and his wife Lectra. For Titus had told

controlled, for God will

him what Paul looked like; for Onesiphospeak to them.

rus had never seen him in the flesh, but

Blessed are those who have reonly in the spirit.

nounced this world, for they

will be pleasing to God.

Blessed are those who have wives

3 He went out to the Royal Road

as if they did not have

that leads to Lystra and stood

them, for they will be the

there waiting for him, observing those

heirs of God.

who were coming along in light of Ti-

Blessed are those who have the

tus’s description. Then he saw Paul

fear of God, for they will

coming: a man short in stature, with a

become the angels of God.

bald head, bowed legs, in good condition, eyebrows that met, a fairly large nose, and full of grace. At times he

6 “Blessed are those who tremble at

the sayings of God, for they

seemed human, at other times he looked

will be comforted.

like an angel.

Blessed are those who have received the wisdom of Jesus

4 When Paul saw Onesiphorus he

Christ, for they will be

smiled; and Onesiphorus said,

called sons of the Highest.

“Greetings, servant of the Blessed God.”

Blessed are those who have kept

Paul replied, “Grace be with you and

their baptism, for they will

your house.” But Demas and Hermogefind their rest in the Father nes became jealous and stirred up a

and the Son.



Blessed are those who have a full

Thamyris said to Theocleia, “Where is

understanding of Jesus

my Thecla?” Theocleia replied, “I have

Christ, for they will be in

some news to tell you, Thamyra. Thecla

the light.

has not gotten up from the window for

Blessed are those who have dethree days and nights, not even to eat or parted from the shell of this

drink; but she is gazing out as if watching

world because of the love

a festival. For she has grown attached to

of God, for they will judge

a foreign man who is teaching various

angels and be blessed at the

deceitful words, so that I am amazed at

right hand of the Father.

how the virgin’s sense of modesty can be

Blessed are those who show mercy,

so badly disturbed.

for they will receive mercy

and will not see the bitter

“Thamyris, this man is stirring up

day of judgment.

9 the city of the Iconians as well as

Blessed are the bodies of the viryour own Thecla. For all the wives and gins, for these will be

youth are going in to see him, learning

pleasing to God and will

from him that, ‘You must fear the one

not lose the reward for their

and only God and live a chaste life.’ Even

chastity; for the word of the

my daughter is bound to the window like

Father will be an accoma spider, seized by a new desire and fearplished act of salvation for ful passion through his words. For she

them on the day of his Son,

gazes at the words he speaks; and so the

and they will receive an

virgin has been captured. But you come

eternal rest.”

and speak with her; for she is your



While Paul was saying these things

in the midst of the church in One-

siphorus’s house, there was a certain vir

So Thamyris went in, loving


gin named Thecla, daughter of Theocleia

Thecla yet fearing that she had

and engaged to a man named Thamyris,

gone mad. He said to her, “Thecla, my

who was sitting at the window of the

future wife, why are you sitting like this?

house next door. Day and night Thecla

What kind of mad passion has overheard what Paul said about chastity, and whelmed you? Turn around to see your

she did not budge from the window, but

Thamyris and be ashamed.” And her

was drawn to faith with great joy. Yet

mother was also saying the same things,

when she saw many wives and virgins

“Child, why do you sit like this looking

going in to see Paul, she also wanted to

down without answering, as if you were

be found worthy to stand in Paul’s presparalyzed?” And they were weeping bitence to hear the word of Christ. For she terly: Thamyris for missing out on a wife,

had not yet seen what Paul looked like,

Thecleia for a child, and the servants for

but had only heard his word.

a mistress. And the household was

thrown into a great confusion because of

Since she would not rise up from


their mourning. Yet while these things

the window, her mother sent word

were happening, Thecla did not turn

to Thamyris. He gladly came, as if alaside, but continued gazing toward the ready taking her to their wedding. Then

words spoken by Paul.



Thamyris ran outside and went


When Thamyris heard these


to the street, and began observthings from them, he was filled ing those who were going in to see Paul

with jealousy and anger. Early the next

and those coming out. He saw two men

morning he went off to the house of Onehaving a bitter quarrel, and he said to siphorus with the leaders, public servants,

them, “Men, tell me who you are, and

and a large crowd carrying clubs, and he

who this one is who is inside with you,

said to Paul, “You have corrupted the city

leading astray the youths and deceiving

of the Iconians and my own fianceé, so

the virgins by telling them not to get

that she no longer desires me. Come, we

married but to remain as they are. I promare going to the governor Castelius.” And ise to reward you handsomely if you tell

the entire crowd was saying, “Take the

me about him. For I am the leading citimagician away; for he has corrupted all zen of the city.”

our wives.” And the crowds were


Demas and Hermogenes said to

12 him, “We do not know who he

When he stood before the gov16

is. But he is depriving young men of their

ernor’s judgment seat, Thamywives and virgins of their husbands, by ris called out with a loud voice, “O Prosaying that ‘You will not be raised from consul, we do not know where this man

the dead unless you remain chaste, abcomes from. But he does not allow virstain from polluting the flesh, and guard gins to be married. Let him tell you why

your chastity.’ ”

he is teaching these things.” But Dema

and Hermogenes said to Thamyris, “Say

Thamyris said to them, “Men,


that he is a Christian, and you will decome to my house and enjoy stroy him.” But the governor had already

some refreshment with me.” They went

decided what to do; he called Paul and

off to a lavish dinner with ample wine, a

asked him, “Who are you, and what are

great abundance, and a splendid spread.

you teaching? For they are making no

Thamyris was plying them with drink

small accusation against you!”

because he loved Thecla and wanted to

have her as his wife. Over dinner Tha

Paul raised his voice and said,


myris said, “Men, tell me what he

“If today I am to defend what I

teaches, so I can understand it. For I am

teach, listen to me, O Proconsul. The

in no small agony over Thecla, because

living God, the God of vengeance, the

she is in love with the stranger and I am

jealous God, the God who stands in need

being deprived of my marriage.”

of nothing—this God has sent me to provide people with salvation by dragging 14 Demas and Hermogenes said, them away from corruption and impurity

“Make him stand trial before

and every pleasure and death, that they

the governor, Castelius, for leading the

may no longer sin. This is also why God

crowds astray with the new teaching of

sent his own child, whom I proclaim,

the Christians. Then he will destroy him

teaching that everyone must place their

and you will have Thecla as your wife.

hope in him. For he alone has felt sym

And we will teach you that this resurrecpathy for this world while it was going tion which he claims is about to happen

astray, that people may no longer fall

has already occurred in the children we

under judgment but have faith and the

have had.

fear of God, along with the knowledge



of holiness and the love of the truth. If,

him!” But the governor was glad to hear

then, I am teaching what God has re

Paul speak of the holy deeds of Christ.

vealed to me, O Proconsul, how have I

When the governor had consulted his addone anything wrong?” When the govvisors, he summoned Thecla and said, ernor heard these things, he ordered Paul

“Why do you not marry Thamyris, in

to be bound and taken off to prison, until

accordance with the law of the Iconians?”

he had greater leisure to listen to him

But she stood gazing at Paul. When she

more carefully.

did not answer, her mother Theocleia

cried out, “Burn the lawless one! Burn

But that night Thecla removed


the one who will not be a bride, burn her

her bracelets and gave them to

in the midst of the theater! Then all the

the gatekeeper; and when the door was

wives who have been taught by this one

opened for her, she went away to the

will fear!”

prison. She then gave a silver mirror to

the prison guard and came in to Paul.

The governor was in great ag21

Sitting at his feet, she heard about the

ony over the case. He had Paul

majestic character of God. Paul showed

flogged and cast out of the city; but he

no sign of fear but was filled with the

ordered Thecla to be burned at the stake.

boldness of God. And Thecla’s faith

Immediately the governor got up and left

increased as she was kissing Paul’s

for the theater. And the entire crowd went


out, since they too had to observe the

spectacle. But Thecla was like a lamb in

But members of Thecla’s own


the wilderness looking around to see its

household, along with Thamyshepherd—so was she trying to catch a ris, were looking for her, searching for

glimpse of Paul. Looking intently into

her on the roads as if she were lost. Then

the crowd she saw the Lord sitting there,

one of the gatekeeper’s fellow slaves disin the appearance of Paul. And she said, closed that she had gone out at night.

“Since I am unable to endure my fate,

They examined the gatekeeper, who told

Paul has come to watch over me.” And

them, “She has gone to the foreigner in

she continued to gaze upon him. But he

prison.” They went out just as he told

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