Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
where is the place I can rest?”88 You knew
in us and dwelling in us who had served
that their hope was in vain!
death, opening up to us the door of the
Moreover he says again, “See, those
temple, which is the mouth, and giving
who have destroyed this temple will
repentance to us—thus he brings us into
themselves build it.”89
his imperishable temple.
This is happening. For because of
For the one who longs to be saved
their war, it was destroyed by their enelooks not merely to a person but to the mies. And now the servants of the eneone who dwells and speaks in him. For mies will themselves rebuild it.
he is amazed at him since he has never
Again it was revealed how the city,
heard him speak these words from his
the temple, and the people of Israel were
mouth nor even ever desired to hear them.
about to be handed over. For the Scrip
This is a spiritual temple built for the
ture says, “It will be in the last days that
the Lord will hand over to destruction the
sheep of the pasture along with their en
Insofar as I have been able to
closure and tower.”90 And it has happened
17 set forth these matters to you
just as the Lord said.
simply, I hope to have fulfilled my desire
But let us inquire if a temple of God
not to have omitted anything that pertains
still exists. It does exist, where he says
to salvation.
that he is making and completing it. For
For if I should write to you about
it is written, “It will come about that
things present or things to come, you
when the seventh day is finished, a temwould not understand, because they are ple of God will be gloriously built in the
set forth in parables. And so these things
name of the Lord.”91
will suffice.
And so I conclude that a temple exists. But learn how it will be built in the name of the Lord. Before we believed in
God, the dwelling place of our heart was
88Cf. Isa 40:12; 66:1. 89Cf. Isa 49:17. 90Cf. 1 Encorrupt and feeble, since it really was a och 89:56. 91Cf. Dan 9:24; 1 Enoch 91:13.
18 But let us turn to another area born. Do not not remove your hand from of knowledge and teaching.
your son or daughter, but from their
There are two paths of teaching and auyouth teach them the reverential fear of thority, the path of light and the path of
darkness. And the difference between the
Do not desire your neighbor’s betwo paths is great. For over the one are longings; do not be greedy. Do not join
appointed light-bearing angels of God,
forces with the high and mighty but asbut over the other angels of Satan.
sociate with the humble and upright.
And the one is Lord from eternity
Welcome whatever happens to you as
past to eternity to come; but the other is
good, knowing that nothing occurs apart
the ruler over the present age of lawlessfrom God.
Do not be of two minds or speak
from both sides of your mouth, for speak
This then is the path of light.
ing from both sides of your mouth is a
Anyone who wants to travel to
deadly trap. Be subject to your masters
the place that has been appointed should
as to a replicao of God, with respect and
be diligent in his works. Such is the
reverential fear. Do not give orders to
knowledge given to us, that we may walk
your male slave or female servant out of
in it.
bitterness—since they hope in the same
Love the one who made you; stand
God—lest they stop fearing the God who
in reverential awe of the one who formed
is over you both. For he did not come to
you; glorify the one who ransomed you
call those of high status but those whom
from death. Be simple in heart and rich
the Spirit had prepared.
in spirit. Do not mingle with those who
Share all things with your neighbor
walk along the path of death; hate everyand do not say that anything is your own.
thing that is not pleasing to God; hate all
For if you are partners in what is imperhypocrisy; do not abandon the commandishable, how much more in what is perments of the Lord.
ishable? Do not be garrulous, for the
Do not exalt yourself but be humble
mouth is a deadly trap. In so far as you
in every way. Do not heap glory on yourare able, be pure within.
self. Do not entertain a wicked plot
Do not be one who reaches out your
against your neighbor; do not make your
hands to receive but draws them back
soul impertinent.
from giving. Love like the apple of your
Do not engage in sexual immorality,
eye everyone who speaks the word of the
do not commit adultery, do not engage in
Lord to you.
pederasty. The word of God must not go
Think about the day of judgment
out from you to any who are impure.n Do
night and day, and seek out the company
not show favoritism when you reproach
of the saints every day, either laboring
someone for an unlawful act. Be meek
through the word and going out to comand gentle; tremble at the words you have fort another, being concerned to save a
heard. Do not hold a grudge against your
life through the word, or working with
your hands as a ransom for your sins.
Do not be of two minds whether this
Do not doubt whether to give, nor
should happen or not. Do not take the
grumble while giving. But recognize who
Lord’s name for a futile purpose. Love
your neighbor more than yourself. Do not
abort a fetus or kill a child that is already
is the good paymaster of the reward.
to walk in them. For the one who does
Guard the injunctions you have received,
these things will be glorified in the kingneither adding to them nor taking away.
dom of God. The one who chooses those
Completely hate what is evil. Give a fair
other things will be destroyed, along with
his works. This is why there is a resur
Do not create a schism, but make
rection; this is why a recompense.
peace by bringing together those who are
I ask those of you who are in high
at odds. Confess your sins. Do not come
positions, if you are willing to receive
to prayer with an evil conscience. This is
advice from my good counsel: keep some
the path of light.
people among yourselves for whom you
can do good, and do not fail.
20 But the path of the Black One
The day is near when all things will
is crooked and filled with a
perish, along with the wicked one. The
curse. For it is the path of eternal death
Lord is near, as is his reward.92
which comes with punishment; on it are
Again and again I ask you, be your
those things that destroy people’s souls:
own good lawgivers, remain faithful adidolatry, impertinence, glorification of visors to yourselves, remove all hypocpower, hypocrisy, duplicity, adultery, risy from yourselves.
murder, robbery, arrogance, transgres
And may God, the one who rules the
sion, deceit, malice, insolence, sorcery,
entire world, give you wisdom, undermagic, greed, irreverence towards God.
standing, perception, knowledge of his
It is filled with persecutors of the
righteous demands, and patience.
good, haters of the truth, lovers of the lie;
Become those who are taught by
those who do not know the reward of
God, enquiring into what the Lord seeks
righteousness, nor cling to the good nor
from you. And do it, that you may be
to a fair judgment, who do not look out
found in the day of judgment.
for the widow and the orphan, who are
And if there is any recollection of
alert not to the reverential fear of God
what is good, remember me by practicing
but to evil, from whom meekness and
these things, that my desire and vigilance
patience are far removed and remote. For
may lead to a good result. I ask this of
they love what is vain and pursue a reyou, begging for a favor.
ward, showing no mercy to the poor nor
While the good vessel is still with
toiling for the oppressed, who are prone
you, do not fail in any of these things,
to slander, not knowing the one who
but enquire fervently after them and fulmade them; murderers of children and fill every commandment. For they are
corruptors of what God has fashioned,
worth doing.
who turn their backs on the needy, op
Therefore I have been all the more
press the afflicted, and support the
eager to write what I could, to make you
wealthy. They are lawless judges of the
glad. Be well, children of love and peace.
impoverished, altogether sinful.
May the Lord of glory and of every gracious gift be with your spirit.
And so it is good for one who
21 has learned all the upright demands of the Lord that have been written, 92Cf. Isa 40:10; Rev 22:12.
The Preaching of Peter
A popular document in early Christianity, the Preaching of Peter was widely assumed by early church fathers to have been composed by the apostle Peter himself. Most scholars today, however, think that it was written years after his death, sometime during the first part of the second century.
The book no longer survives intact but is known only through the quotations of later authors, especially Clement of Alexandria, who lived at the end of the second century and the beginning of the third. On the basis of these fragmentary remains it is impossible to judge the original length or contents of the document. Some of its major emphases, however, are reasonably clear: according to its author, Christianity is superior to both to the cults of pagans, who naively worship idols and living creatures, and to the religion of the Jews, who in their ignorance worship angels and celestial bodies rather than the true God. In particular, the book emphasizes that Christ fulfilled the predictions of the Jewish Scriptures and brought salvation to all people. Everyone who learns the truth of Christ is to repent for the forgiveness of their sins.
It is possible, given its themes, that the book was one of the first
“apologies” for early Christianity, that is, a reasoned defense of the views of Christian over against the attacks of its cultured despisers among both pagans and Jews.
And in the Preaching of Peter you
may find the Lord called “Law and
But that the most notable of the
Greeks do not know God by di-
rect knowledge but indirectly, Peter says
in his Preaching, “Know then that there
Translation by J. K. Elliott,
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993) 21–24; used with permission.
is one God who made the beginning of
serving angels and archangels, the
all things and has power over their end,”
month and the moon: and if no moon
and “The invisible who sees all things,
be seen, they do not celebrate what is
uncontainable, who contains all, who
called the first sabbath, nor keep the
needs nothing, of whom all things stand
new moon, nor the days of unleavened
in need and for whose sake they exist,
bread, nor the feast of tabernacles, nor
incomprehensible, perpetual, incorruptithe great day (of atonement).”
ble, increated, who made all things by
Then he adds the finale of what is
the word of his power . . . that is, the
required: “So then learn in a holy and
Son.” Then he goes on, “This God you
righteous manner that which we deliver
must worship, not after the manner of