Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
face, which I have so desired.
these will gladden your hearts in the pres
And so, since I have been persuaded
ent circumstances.
about this and realize that I who have
spoken to you know many things (since
Since, then, the days are evil and
the Lord has traveled along with me in
2 the one who is at work holds sway,
the path of righteousness), I have also
we should commit ourselves to seeking
felt fully compelled to love you more
after the righteous acts of the Lord.
than my own soul. For a great faith and
Reverential awe and endurance assist
love dwell within you in the hope of his
our faith, and patience and self-restraint
do battle on our side.
I have thus come to realize that I will
And so while these things remain in
be rewarded for serving spirits like yours,
a holy state before the Lord, wisdom,
if I care for you enough to hand over a
understanding, perception, and knowlportion of what I have received. I have edge rejoice together with them.
hastened, then, to send you a brief letter,
that you may have perfect knowledge to
accompany your faith.
For through all the prophets he has
the Lord—not a person humbling his
shown us that he has no need of sacrisoul.
fices, whole burnt offerings, or regular
Not even if you bend your neck into
offerings. For he says in one place,
a circle and put on sackcloth and make
“What is the multitude of your sacfor yourself a bed of ashes—not even so rifices to me? says the Lord. I am sated
should you call this a proper fast.”6
with whole burnt offerings, and have no
But he says to us, “See, this is the
desire for the fat of lambs, the blood of
fast I have chosen, says the Lord. Loosen
bulls and goats—not even if you should
every bond of injustice; unravel the
come to appear before me. For who
strangle-hold of coercive agreements;
sought these things from your hands?
send forth in forgiveness those who are
Trample my court no longer. If you bring
downtrodden; tear up every unfair confine flour, it is futile; incense is loathsome tract. Break your bread for the hungry,
to me. I cannot stand your new moons
and provide clothing for anyone you see
and sabbaths.”2
naked. Bring the homeless under your
And so he nullified these things that
roof. And if you see anyone who has been
the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ,
humbled, do not despise him—neither
which is without the yoke of compulsion,
you nor anyone from your children’s
should provide an offering not made by
Then your light will burst forth at
And again he says to them, “Did I
dawn, your garments will quickly rise up,
command your fathers who came out
your righteousness will go forth before
from the land of Egypt to offer whole
you, and the glory of God will clothe
burnt offerings and sacrifices to me?”3
“No, this is what I commanded them:
Then you will cry out and God will
Let none of you bear a grudge against
hear you. While you are still speaking he
your neighbor in your heart, and do not
will say, ‘See! Here I am!’—if, that is,
love a false oath.”4
you remove from yourself bondage, the
And so, since we are not ignorant,
threatening gesture, and the word of comwe should perceive the good intention of plaint, and from your heart you give your
our Father. For he is speaking to us, wantbread to the poor and show mercy to the ing us to seek how to make an offering
person who has been humbled.”7
to him without being deceived like them.
The one who is patient anticipated,
And so he says to us: “A sacrifice
brothers, that the people he prepared in
to the Lord is a crushed heart; a sweet
his beloved would believe, in a state of
fragrance to the Lord is a heart that gloinnocence. And so he revealed all things rifies the one who made it.”5 And so,
to us in advance, that we not be dashed
brothers, we ought to learn clearly about
againstb their law as newcomers.c
our salvation, to keep the Evil One from
hurling us away from our life after bring
And so by carefully investigating
ing error in through the backdoor.
4 what is here and now, we must seek
And so he speaks to them again
3 concerning these things, “Why do bOr:
you fast for me, says the Lord, so that
your voice is heard crying out today?
2Isa 1:11–13. 3Jer 7:22. 4Zech 8:17. 5Ps 51:17.
This is not the fast I have chosen, says
6Isa 58:3–5. 7Isa 58:6–10.
for the things that can save us. We should
cause your people, whom you led from
flee, entirely, all the works of lawlessthe land of Egypt, has broken the law.”11
ness; otherwise, they may overwhelm us.
Moses understood and cast the two tab
And we should hate the error of the preslets from his hands. And their covenant ent age, that we may be loved in the age
was smashed—that the covenant of his
to come.
beloved, Jesus, might be sealed in our
We should not allow our souls to
hearts, in the hope brought by faith in
relax, thinking they can consort with sinhim.
ners and the wicked; otherwise we may
Since I want to write many things,
become like them.
not as a teacher, but as is fitting for one
The final stumbling block is at hand,
who is eager to abandon none of the
about which it has been written, just as
things we have, I hasten to write, as your
Enoch says, “For this reason the Master
lowly scapegoat.d Therefore, we should
shortened the seasons and the days, that
pay close attention here in the final days.
his beloved may hurry and arrive at his
For the entire time of our faith will be of
no use to us if we do not stand in resis
For also the prophet says, “Ten kingtance, as is fitting for the children of God, doms will rule the earth and a small king
both against this present lawless age and
will rise up afterwards; he will humble
against the stumbling blocks that are yet
three of the kings at one time.”8
to come,
So too Daniel speaks about the same
that the Black One not sneak in
thing: “I saw the fourth beast, wicked
among us. We should flee from all that is
and strong, and worse than all the beasts
futile and completely hate the works of
of the sea, and I saw how ten horns rose
the evil path. Do not sink into yourselves
up from him, and from them a small horn
and live alone, as if you were already
as an offshoot; and I saw how he humbled
made upright; instead, gathering together
three of the great horns at one time.”9
for the same purpose, seek out what is
And so you should understand. And
profitable for the common good.
yet again, I am asking you this as one
For the Scripture says, “Woe to
who is from among you and who loves
those who have understanding in themeach and every one of you more than my selves and are knowledgeable before
own soul: watch yourselves now and do
their own eyes.”12 We should be spiritual;
not become like some people by piling
we should be a perfect temple to God.
up your sins, saying that the covenant is
As much as we can, we should concern
both theirs and ours.
ourselves with the reverential awe of God
For it is ours. But they permanently
and struggle to guard his commandments,
lost it, in this way, when Moses had just
that we may be glad in his righteous acts.e
received it. For the Scripture says,
The Lord will judge the world,
“Moses was on the mountain fasting for
playing no favorites. Each will receive
forty days and forty nights, and he reaccording to what he has done. If he is ceived the covenant from the Lord, stone
tablets written with the finger of the
Lord’s own hand.”10
But when they turned back to idols
they lost it. For the Lord says this:
8Dan 7:24. 9Dan 7:7–8. 10Exod 31:18; 34:28.
“Moses, Moses, go down quickly, be11Exod 32:7. 12Isa 5:21.
good, his righteousness will precede him;
at the foundation of the world, “Let us
if evil, the reward for his wickedness will
make a human according to our image
be before him.
and likeness,”16 how then did he allow
As those who are called we must
himself to suffer at the hands of humans?
never lie down and lose consciousness of
Learn this!
our sins, allowing the evil ruler to receive
Because the prophets received his
the authority against us and force us out
gracious gift, they prophesied looking
of the Lord’s kingdom.
ahead to him. He allowed himself to suf
And still, my brothers, consider:
fer in order to destroy death and to show
when you observe that Israel was abanthat there is a resurrection of the dead.
doned even after such signs and wonders
For he had to be manifest in the flesh.
had occurred in it, we too should pay
And he allowed himself to suffer in
close attention, lest, as it is written,
order to redeem the promise given to the
“many of us were found called, but few
fathers and to show, while he was on
earth preparing a new people for himself,
that he is to execute judgment after rais
This is why the Lord allowed his
ing the dead.
flesh to be given over to corruption,
Moreover, while teaching Israel and
that we might be made holy through the
doing such wonders and signs, he
forgiveness of sins, which comes in the
preached to them and loved them deeply.
sprinkling of his blood.
And when he selected his own apos
For some of the things written about
tles who were about to preach his gospel,
him concern Israel; others concern us.
they were altogether lawless beyond all
And so it says: “He was wounded besin. This was to show that he did not cause of our lawless acts and weakened
come to call the upright but sinners. Then
because of our sins. By his bruising we
he revealed that he was the Son of God.
were healed. He was led like a sheep
For if he had not come in the flesh,
going to slaughter; and like a lamb, silent
how would people have been able to look
before the one who shears it.”14
upon him and survive? For they cannot
Therefore we ought to give thanks to
even look intently at the sun, gazing dithe Lord even more abundantly, because rectly into its rays, even though it is the
he revealed to us the things that have
work of his hands and will eventually
taken place and made us wise in the
cease to exist.
things that are now; and we are not ig
Therefore, the Son of God came in
norant of the things that are yet to
the flesh for this reason, that he might
total up all the sins of those who perse
And the Scripture says, “Not uncuted his prophets to death.
justly are the nets spread out for the
And so this is why he allowed himbirds.”15 It says this because the person self to suffer. For God speaks of the blow
who knows the path of righteousness but