Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
the cares which do not have direct refer
Immediately, the girl fell down dead. O
ence to my personal suffering. And in all
reward worthy and ever pleasing to God,
these I have not lost courage, because
to escape the shamelessness of the flesh
Christ was and still is with me.”9
and to break the pride of the blood! But
Oh, through how much trouble does
this distrustful old man, failing to recogman attain to glory! Besides there is the nise the worth of the heavenly grace, i.e.,
word of the Lord, who says: “Whom I
the divine blessing, besought Peter again
love, he says, I rebuke and chasten”10 that
that his only daughter be raised from the
the righteous man may be tested as gold
dead. And some days later, after she had
in the crucible. What bodily joy can there
been raised, a man who passed himself
be then in the life to come if the word of
off as a believer came into the house of
the Lord runs: “Oh! as a virgin, as a
the old man to stay with him, and seduced
woman, so is the mystery of resurrection
the girl, and the two of them never ap
(which) you have shown to me, you who
peared again.”
in the beginning of the world did institute
For the man who dishonors his own
vain feasts for yourselves and delighted
body makes himself like the godless. And
in the wantonness of the Gentiles and
therefore the dwelling-place of the godbehaved in the same way as those who less cannot be found out, as David says:
take delight therein.” Behold what sort of
“I sought him but he was nowhere to be
young maidens there are among you! But
found,”15 as also in the (mentioned) case
come and ponder over this, that there is
of death those two did not dare (to apone who tries the soul and a last day of pear) any more. Thou oughtest then, O
retribution and persecution.
virgin, to fear the judgment of this law:
Where then art thou now, thou who
“If,” says Moses, “a betrothed virgin is
hast passed the time of thy youth happily
caught unawares with another man, let
with a sinner, the apostle testifying morethe two of them be brought before the over that “neither flesh nor blood will
court of the elders and be condemned to
possess the kingdom of God?”11
And again the law runs: “let not a man
These happenings have been recorded
glory in his strength, but rather let him
for us on whom the end of this age has
trust in the Lord,”12 and Jeremiah says:
come. One thing stands fast: should a
“Accursed is he who puts his hope in
virgin who is betrothed to Christ be
man.”13 And in the Psalms it is said: “It
caught unawares with another man, let
is better to trust in the Lord than to rely
them both be committed for final senon men.”14 Why then art thou not afraid to abandon the Lord and to trust in a man
who in the last judgment will not save
thee but rather destroy? Consider and
2 Cor 11:23ff. 10Rev 3:19. 111 Cor 15:50. 12Jer 9:
23. 13Jer 17:5. 14Ps 118:8. 15Ps 37:36. 16Deut 22:
take note of the happening about which
tence before the court of the elders, i.e.,
(now) be augmented beyond the first
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose
charge it is to investigate the case of their
Therefore, beloved, we must combat
children. Then will the fathers disown
the works of the flesh because of the
their own children as evildoers. And ficoming retribution. In order then that ye nally the malefactors will cry amidst the
may escape eternal torment, ye must
torment of their punishment: Hear us, O
struggle, daughters, against flesh and
Lord God, for our father Abraham has
blood so long as a period for that continnot known us, and Isaac and Jacob have ues and a few days still remain wherein
disowned us! Thus then let the children
ye may contend for life. Why should the
conduct themselves that (some day) they
man who hast renounced the flesh be held
may find themselves in the bosom of
fast in its lust? Why, O virgin, thou who
father Abraham. That is to say, that they
has renounced a man, dost thou hug this
may remain praiseworthy in his rememphysical beauty? Why (ascetic) givest brance and be not as the daughters of
thou up to a strange woman (i.e., one
Zion whom the Holy Spirit reproaches
belonging to Christ) the body which was
through Isaiah: “They moved together
not made for that? Why strivest thou
through the streets, dancing with their
against thine own salvation to find death
heads erect. And they engaged themin love? Hear the apostle who says to selves to men in the villages of Jerusalem,
you: “See,” he says, “that ye give not
and heaped up iniquity to the sky, and
place to the flesh through the liberty of
the Lord was angry and delivered them
God.”18 And again: “Fulfill not the lusts
up to king Nebuchadnezzar to slavery for
of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against
seventy years.”17
the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh.
You also are disobedient and undisci
These are opposed to one another.
plined, you who do something even
Therefore, he says, do not what ye would.
worse than the first committed. In the end
Otherwise the Spirit of God is not in
you also will be delivered up to the
you.”19 O inherently false one, to despise
wicked king Nebuchadnezzar, as he says,
the commandments of the holy law and
i.e., to the devil who will fall upon you.
(through) a deceitful marriage to lose in
And as they (the Jews), after they had
secret the life everlasting! O honeyed
spent seventy years in anguish, returned
cheat, to draw on torment in the future!
to their own places of abode, so a period
O unbridled passion for glory, to offend
of seven years is (now) appointed under
against the devotion that has been vowed
Antichrist. But the pain of these seven
to God! O steps that lead astray from the
years presents eternal anguish. And as,
way, that a virgin is fond of the flesh of
after their return to their homeland, they
another! O faith(less) craving, theft of
henceforth experienced much evil, so is
fire, honor entangled in crime! O broken
it also now with (these): after death the
promise, that the mind blazes up for a
soul of each one will be tormented unto
stranger! O pledge of lust, beauty inthe judgment day. And again, after the clined to crime! O alluring symbol of
slaughter of the beast, the first resurrecvice that brings disdain! O seminari da tion will take place; and then will the
faithless souls return to their dwellings;
and according to the increase of their
17The source of this apocryphal quotation cannot be
(earlier) evil-doings will their torment
traced. 18Gal. 5:13. 19Gal. 5:16.
membra vicinacio tenebrarum! O con
O flames of lust! The unclean profane
cealed thievery, to give an appearance of
with their lust the temple of God and by
humility and chastity! O gloom of the
Him are condemned to destruction! Oh,
dark deed which plunders the glory of
a contest is entered upon in the stadium,
Christ forever! O fleeting remembrance
and when it has hardly come to grapof holiness which strives after death in pling, the shields fall to the ground! O
the name of beauty! O “silver that has
city captured by enemies and reduced to
been refused,” which according to the
a wilderness!
saying of Isaiah “is not worthy of God!”20
Against this whorish behaviour the
O dishonored Sabbath in which the works
Lord turns through Ezekiel saying:
of the flesh come to light in the last days
“Thou hast built thee thy brothel, thou
and times! O foot, that failest on the way
hast desecrated thy beauty and thy cometo holiness and dost not arrive at a sure liness in every by-way, thou hast become
habitation! O ship burst open by pirates,
an unclean woman, thou who hast heaped
thou that gettest away empty and miserup shamelessness for thyself. Thy disable! O house that is undermined by burgrace in the unchastity which thou hast glars whilst the watchmen sleep and lose
practised with thy lovers will yet come
the costly treasure! O maidenly youth,
to light. And again, As I live, saith the
thou that fallest off miserably from right
Lord, Sodom has not so done as thou
conduct! O enlargement of trust in this
Jerusalem and thy daughters. But the inworld which turns into desolation in eteriquity of Sodom, they sister, is fulfilled.
nity! O consequence of unchastity which
For Samaria has not committed the half
brings down upon itself the malady of
of thy sins. Thou hast multiplied iniquimelancholy! O fountain of sweet poison ties beyond thy sisters in all that thou
which springs up from the flesh as inexhast done. Wherefore be ashamed and tricable entanglement! O wretched house
take thy disgrace upon thy head.”23
founded on sand! O despicable crime of
O how frequently the scourgings and
(this) time, that corruptest not thine own
beatings of God are not spared, and yet
members but those of a stranger! O fleetno one takes to heart the word of the ing enjoyment on a brink of collapse! O
Lord to be concerned about the future
parcel of deceit! O unsleeping ardour for
life! Has not Jerusalem, possessing the
the perdition of the soul! O tower that is
law, sinned more than Sodom and Goin building to be left unfinished! O
morrah, which possessed no law? And
shameful work, thou art the scorn of them
have not the crimes of Jerusalem, whose
that pass by! Why, O virgin, dost thou
sons and daughters have stood under the
not ponder over it and estimate the heavbanner of faith, outweighed those of Saenly charges before laying the foundamaria, which already from the beginning tion? In the beginning thou hast acted too
was worldly-minded?
hastily, and before the house was com
On the unprecedented crime of this
pleted, thou hast already experienced a
new people the apostle says: “One hears
terrible collapse!21 In your case the saycommonly of unchastity among you and ing of the law has been fulfilled, the
prophecy has come to pass: Many a tract
of land, it says, is built upon and soon it
20Isa 1:22 or the Apocryphon of Isaiah. 21Cf. Luke
grows old; temples and cities are built in
14:28ff. 22The source of this apocryphal quotation
cannot be determined. 23Cf. Ezek 16:24, 25, 31, 36,
the land and soon they are abandoned!22
48, 49, 51, 52.
indeed of such unchastity as is never met
“Bewail the house which you have pulled
with among the Gentiles, that one lives
on yourselves and endure of yourselves
with his father’s wife. And ye are yet
the punishment of indignation.”28 Does
puffed up, and do not rather mourn, that
the Lord mean perhaps the house or the
such an evil-doer may be removed from
field of this time when he warns us
your midst. I am indeed absent in the
against pressing them together? (No)
body, but in the spirit am among you and
rather it is a matter here of warnings in
already, as if I were present, I have passed
reference to holiness, in which the sepasentence of on the evil-doer: to hand over ration of man and woman is ordered. So
that man to Satan in the name of
the Lord also admonishes us through Jer
emiah, saying, “It is an excellent thing for
O invention of the devil, sport for those
a man that he bear the yoke in his youth;
about to perish! Oh poison instead of
he will sit alone when his hope is real; he
honey, to take a father’s wife in the same
will keep quiet and have patience.”29 “To
way as any bride dedicated to Christ
bear the yoke” is then to observe God’s
whom in thine heart thou hast craved for!
order. And in conclusion the Lord says: