Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
built upon water?” “I have told you al
I saw other stones cast far from the
ready,” she said, “and you keep seeking;
tower; these came onto the path, but did
it is by seeking, therefore, that you find
not remain there, but rolled from the path
the truth. As to why the tower is built
onto the rough terrain. Others fell into
upon water, listen: it is because your life
the fire and were burned. And others fell
was saved and will be saved through wanear the water, but could not be rolled ter. But the tower is founded on the word
into it, even though they wanted to be.
of the almighty and glorious name, and
it is strengthened by the invisible power
of the Master.”
11 When she had shown me these
things she wanted to hurry
away. I said to her, “Lady, what good is
it for me to see these things if I do not
I responded to her, “Lady, this
is a great and amazing thing.
know what they mean?” She answered
But the six young men who are building,
and said to me, “You, fellow, are a crafty
Lady—who are they?” “These are the
one, wanting to know about the tower.”
holy angels of God who were created
“Yes, Lady,” I said; “I want to announce
first, to whom the Lord handed over his
entire creation, so that they could inbuilding, who fit together at their joints crease, build up, and rule over it all. Thus,
with the other stones already built in it?”
through these the building of the tower
“These are those who have suffered on
will be brought to completion.”
account of the name of the Lord.”
“But the other—the ones bringing
“But I also want to know, Lady, who
the stones—who are they?” “They also
the other stones are, the ones brought
are holy angels of God; but these six are
from the dry land.” She said, “Those that
superior to them. And so the building of
go into the building without being hewn
the tower will be completed, and then all
are ones the Lord has approved, because
of them will rejoice together around the
they walk in the uprightness of the Lord
tower and glorify God, because the buildand carry out his commandments.”
ing of the tower has been completed.”
“And who are the ones brought and
I asked her, “Lady, I want to know
placed in the building?” “These are those
about the destination of the stones, and
who are new in the faith and faithful.
about what they mean.” And she an
They are admonished by the angels to do
swered me, “This will be revealed to you,
good; for this reason, no evil has been
but not because you are more worthy than
found in them.”
everyone else. For others are ahead of
“But who are the ones who were
you and better than you; and these visions
tossed aside and cast out?” “These are
should have been revealed to them. But
those who have sinned but wish to repent.
that the name of God may be glorified,
For this reason they are not cast far away
the matter has been revealed to you and
from the tower, because they will be usewill be revealed, for the sake of those ful for the building, if they repent. And
who are of two minds, who debate in
so if those who are about to repent do so,
their hearts whether these things are so
they will be strong in faith—if they reor not. Tell them that all these things are pent now while the tower is still under
true, that none of them is outside the
construction. But if the building is comtruth, but that everything is firm and cerpleted, they will no longer have a place, tain and established.
but will be outcasts. This alone is to their
advantage, that they lie next to the tower.
13 “Hear now about the stones that
go into the building. On the one
hand, the squared and white stones that
“But do you want to know
about the ones that are broken
fit together at the joints are the apostles,
off and cast far from the tower? These
bishops, teachers, and deacons who live
are the children of lawlessness. For they
reverently towards God and perform their
came to faith hypocritically and no wickduties as bishops, teachers, and deacons edness ever left them. And so they have
for the chosen ones of God in a holy and
no salvation, since, because of their wickrespectful way; some of these have fallen edness, they are useless for the building.
asleep, but others are still living. And
This is why they were broken off and
they have always been harmonious with
cast far away, because of the Lord’s anone another and at peace with one anger, since they aggravated him.
other, and they have listened to one an
But with respect to the many other
other. For this reason their joints fit tostones you saw lying on the ground and gether in the building of the tower.”
not coming into the building—the ones
“But who are the ones drawn from
that are rough are those who know the
the depths of the sea and placed into the
truth but do not remain in it nor cling to
the saints. This is why they are of no
path onto the rough terrain, these are the
ones who have believed, but have left
“But who are the ones with cracks?”
their true path because they are of two
“These are those who hold a grudge
minds. They are lost, thinking they can
against one another in their hearts and
find a better path; and they are miserable,
have no peace among themselves. Even
walking over the rough terrain.
though they seem to be peace-loving,
But the ones that fell into the fire and
when they leave one another’s presence,
were burned are those who completely
their wickedness remains in their hearts.
abandoned the living God; and they no
These are the cracks the stones have.
longer think about repenting because of
But the ones that are broken off are
their licentious desires and the wicked
those who have believed and live, for the
deeds they have performed.”
most part, in righteousness, but also have
“But who are the other ones, which
a certain share of lawlessness. This is
fall near the water but cannot be rolled
why they are broken off and not whole.”
into it?” “These are the ones who have
“But who are the white stones, Lady,
heard the word and wanted to be baptized
which are rounded and do not fit into the
in the name of the Lord. But then when
building?” She replied to me, “How long
they recall what the life of true purity
will you be foolish and ignorant, asking
involves, they change their minds and
everything and understanding nothing?
return to pursue their evil desires.”
These are the ones who have faith, but
And so she completed her interprealso are wealthy in this age. But when tation of the tower.
affliction comes, because of their wealth
But being completely shameless, I
and their business affairs, they deny their
asked her yet another question, whether
these stones that were tossed aside and
And I responded to her, “And so
not fit into the building of the tower could
when, Lady, will they be useful for the
repent and have a place in the tower.
building?” “When the wealth that be
“They can repent,” she said, “but they
guiles them is cut off from them,” she
cannot be fit into this tower.
said, “then they will be useful to God.
They will be fit into a greatly inferior
For just as a round stone cannot be made
place—and then only after they have
square unless it has something cut off
been tormented and have completed the
and discarded, so also with those who are
days of their sins. That is why they will
rich in this age: if their wealth is not cut
be removed from there, because they
off from them, they cannot be useful to
have taken part in the righteous word.
the Lord.
And then they will be removed from the
You should know this above all from
torments inflicted for the evil deeds they
your own case. When you were wealthy,
did. But if deep down they do not want
you were of no use; but now you are
to repent, they will not be saved, because
useful and helpful in life. All of you
of their hardened hearts.”
should be useful to God. For you yourself
are also being taken from the same
16 And so, when I stopped asking
her about all these things, she
said to me, “Do you want to see some15 “But the other stones that you thing else?” Being so eager to observe, I saw cast far from the tower and
was excited by the prospect.
falling on the path and rolling from the
She looked at me and smiled, and
said to me, “Do you see seven women
you and the saints—along with the rearound the tower?” “I see them, Lady,” I newal of your spirits.
replied. “This tower,” she said, “is sup
These things have not been revealed
ported by them according to the comfor your sake alone; for you are to show mandment of the Lord.
them to all the others,
Hear now about the work they do.
in three days; first, however, you
The first of them, the one clasping her
must think. But I enjoin you first, Her-
hands, is called Faith. Those who are
mas, with these words I am about to say;
chosen by God are saved through her.
you are to speak them all in the ears of
And the other one, the one wearing
the saints, that once they have heard and
a belt and acting like a man,f is called
done them they may be cleansed from
Self-restraint. She is the daughter of
their wicked deeds, and you along with
Faith. Whoever follows her will be forthem.
tunate in his life, because he will abandon
all his evil deeds, believing that if he
abandons every evil desire, he will inherit
eternal life.”
17 “Listen to me, children. I raised
you with great simplicity, in
“And the others, Lady, who are
nocence, and reverence because of the
they?” “They are daughters of one anmercy of the Lord, who drizzled his other, called Simplicity, Knowledge, Inrighteousness upon you that you may be nocence, Reverence, and Love. And so,
made upright and purified from all evil
when you perform all the works of their
and perversity. Yet you do not wish to
mother, you will be able to live.”
stop doing your wicked deeds.
I replied, “I wish to know, Lady,
And so, now, listen to me: be at peace
about the power that each of them has.”
with one another, take care of one an
“Listen,” she said, “to the powers they
other, help one another; and do not take
an overabundance of God’s creations for
Their powers are connected and folyourselves, but share with those in need.
low one another in the order of their birth.
For those who enjoy many kinds of
From Faith is born Self-restraint, from
food make their flesh weak and harm it;
Self-restraint Simplicity, from Simplicity
but the flesh of those without enough
Innocence, from Innocence Reverence,
food is harmed by lack of proper nourfrom Reverence Knowledge, and from ishment, and their body wastes away.
Knowledge Love. And so their deeds are
This disparity is harmful to you who
pure, reverent, and godly.
have but do not share with those in need.