Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
gained nothing from their betrayal. Yet
said to me, “Be a man,b Hermas.”
they have added still more licentious acts
to their sins and piled on more evil; and
so their lawless acts have gone as far as
they can go.
But make these words known to all
your children and your wife, who is about
I was traveling to the countryside to become your sister. For she also does at the same time as the previous
not restrain her tongue, but uses it to
year, and on the way I remembered the
perpetrate evil. But when she hears these
vision from the year before. And again a
words she will control it and receive
spirit took me and bore me to the same
place I had been then.
After you have made known to them
And so, when I came to the place I
these words that the Master has combowed my knees and began praying to manded me to reveal to you, then all the
the Lord and glorifying his name, besins they formerly committed will be forcause he considered me worthy and given them, along with those of all the
showed me my former sins.
saints who have sinned till this day, if
When I arose from prayer I saw
they repent from their whole heart and
across from me the elderly woman I had
remove double-mindedness from it.
seen the year before, walking and reading
For the Master swore by his own
a little book. And she said to me, “Can
glory to his chosen ones: ‘If there is any
you announce these things to the ones
more sinning once this day has been apchosen by God?” I said to her, “Lady, I pointed, they will not find salvation. For
cannot remember so many things. Give
there is a limit to repentance for those
me the book to make a copy.” “Take it,”
she said, “and then return it to me.”
I took it and went away to another
part of the field, where I copied the whole
who are upright, and the days of repen
How fortunate are all those who do
tance for all the saints are complete. But
righteousness. They will never perish.
the outsidersc will be able to repent until
Say to Maximus, ‘See, affliction is
the final day.’
coming. If it seems right to you, make
And so, say to those who lead the
another denial.’d The Lord is near to those
church that they are to make their paths
who convert, as is written in the Book of
straight in righteousness, that they may
Eldad and Modat,e who prophesied to the
fully receive the promises with great
people in the wilderness.”
You who do what is righteous should
stand firm and not be of two minds, that
your path may lie with the holy angels.
8 While I was sleeping, brothers, I
received a revelation from a very
How fortunate are all you who endure
beautiful young man, who said to me:
the great affliction that is coming and do
“The elderly woman from whom you renot deny your life.
ceived the little book—who do you think
For the Lord has sworn by his Son,
she is?” “The Sibyl,” I replied. “You are
that those who deny their Lord have lost
wrong,” he said; “it is not she.” “Who
their life—that is, those who are about to
then is it?” I asked. “The church,” he said.
deny him in the days that are coming.
I said to him, “Why then is she elderly?”
But through his great compassion, mercy
“Because,” he said, “she was created first,
has been given to those who denied the
before anything else. That is why she is
Lord previously.
elderly, and for her sake the world was
And afterward I saw a vision in my
house. The elderly woman came and
“But you, Hermas, must no longer asked if I had already given the book to hold a grudge against your children
the presbyters. I said that I had not. “You
nor leave your sister to her own devices,
have done well,” she said. “For I have
that they may be cleansed from their forsome words to add. Then, when I commer sins. For they will be disciplined with plete all the words, they will be made
an upright discipline, if you bear no
known through you to all those who are
grudge against them. A grudge produces
death. But you, Hermas, have experi
And so, you will write two little
enced great afflictions of your own bebooks, sending one to Clement and the cause of your family’s transgressions,
other to Grapte. Clement will send his to
since you paid no attention to them. You
the foreign cities, for that is his commisneglected them and became enmeshed in sion. But Grapte will admonish the widyour own evil deeds.
ows and orphans. And you will read
But you are saved by not straying
yours in this city, with the presbyters who
from the living God, and by your simlead the church.”
plicity and great self-restraint. These
things have saved you, if you continue;
and they save all those who do them and
who proceed in innocence and simplicity.
c Literally:
dThe quotation may Such people will overcome all evil and
continue to the end of the verse eThis was an apocryphal book written in the names of the two prophets persist to eternal life.
mentioned in Num. 11:26. It no longer survives.
said to her, “Lady, let the elders sit first.”
“Do what I tell you,” she said. “Sit.”
But then, when I wanted to sit on the
9 What I saw, brothers, was this.
right side, she did not let me, but signaled
After I fasted a great deal and
with her hand for me to sit on the left.
asked the Lord to show me the revelation
As I was mulling this over and becoming
that he promised to reveal through the
upset that she did not allow me to sit on
elderly woman, that same night the elthe right, she said to me, “Are you upset, derly woman appeared and said to me,
Hermas? The place on the right is for
“Since you are so needy and eager to
others, who have already pleased God
know everything, come to the field where
and suffered on behalf of the name. Many
you farm, and around eleven in the mornthings must happen to you before you ing I will be revealed to you and show
can sit with them. But continue in your
you what you must see.”
simplicity, as you are doing, and you will
I asked her, “Lady, in what part of
sit with them, as will everyone who does
the field?” “Wherever you wish,” she
what they have done and endures what
said. I chose a beautiful spot that was
they have endured.”
secluded. But before I could speak with
her to tell her the place, she said to me,
“I will come there, wherever you wish.”
And so, brothers, I went into the field
“What have they endured?” I
asked. “Listen,” she said: “flogand counted the hours. I arrived at the gings, imprisonments, great afflictions,
place that I had directed her to come, and
crucifixions, and wild beasts—for the
I saw an ivory couch set up. On the couch
sake of the name. For this reason, the
was placed a linen pillow, with a piece
right side of holiness belongs to them,
of fine linen cloth on top.
and to anyone who suffers on account of
When I saw these things laid out with
the name. The left side is for the others.
no one there, I was astounded and seized
The same gifts and promises belong to
with trembling, and my hair stood on
both—those seated on the right and those
end—terrified, because I was alone. Then
on the left. But they alone sit on the right
when I came to myself, I remembered
and have a certain glory.
the glory of God and took courage. I
You want to sit on the right side with
bowed my knees and confessed my sins
them, but you have many shortcomings.
again to the Lord, as I had done before.
But you will be cleansed of your short
And she came with six young men,
comings. And all those who are not of
whom I had seen before, and she stood
two minds will be cleansed from all the
beside me and listened closely while I
sins they have committed up to this day.
prayed and confessed my sins to the
After she said these things she
Lord. She touched me and said, “Hermas,
wanted to leave. But I fell before her feet
stop asking exclusively about your sins;
and pled with her by the Lord to show
ask also about righteousness, that you
me the vision she had promised.
may receive some of it in your house.”
Again she took my hand, raised me
She raised me by the hand and led
up, and seated me on the couch on the
me to the couch; and she said to the
left side. She herself sat on the right. And
young men, “Go and build.”
raising up a bright rod she said to me,
After the young men left and we
“Do you see a great thing?” I said to her,
were alone, she said to me, “Sit here.” I
“Lady, I see nothing.” She said to me,
“Look, do you not see a great tower being
it to the brothers that they can become
built upon the water across from you,
more cheerful; for when they hear these
with bright, squared stones?”
things they will know the Lord in great
The tower was being built in a square
by the six young men who had come with
She said, “Many will indeed hear;
her. And thousands of other men were
and some of those who hear will rejoice,
bringing stones, some of them from the
but some will weep. But even these latter,
depths of the sea and some from the land,
if they hear and repent, will rejoice as
and they were handing them over to the
well. Hear therefore the parables of the
six young men, who were taking them
tower. For I will reveal everything to you.
and building.
Then trouble me no further about the
Thus they placed all the stones drawn
revelation. For these revelations are comfrom the depths in the building; for they pleted and fulfilled. But you will not stop
fit together and were straight at their
asking about revelations, because you are
joints with the other stones. And they
were placed together so that their joints
The tower, which you see being built,
were invisible. The building of the tower
is I, the church, who has appeared to you
seemed to have been made out of a single
both now and previously. And so, ask
whatever you wish about the tower and I
But they tossed aside some of the
will reveal it to you, that you may rejoice
other stones that were brought from the
with the saints.”
dry land, while others they placed in
I said to her, “Lady, since you have
the building. Others they broke up and
on this one occasion considered me worcast far from the tower.
thy to reveal all things to me: reveal
Many other stones were lying around
them.” She said to me, “Whatever can be
the tower, and they did not use them in
revealed to you, will be revealed. Only
the building. For some of them had a
let your heart be set on God, and do not
rough surface, others had cracks, others
be of two minds, whatever you see.”
were broken off, and others were white
I asked her, “Why, Lady, is the tower
and round, and did not fit in the building.