Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (68 page)

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Taking a deep
breath, I signed my copy, then Damien's. When we were finished
signing each other's contracts, we handed them off to Sir Martin to
sign as a witness.

I turned to Damien
and knelt on the pillow again. “I accept this contract and all
it entails. From this day forward, I will serve, honor, and obey you
in all things. I will love you and care for you, and open my body and
mind to all that your heart desires. I now belong to you and give you
my submission freely as a gift.”

Damien attached the
leash to my collar. “I accept your gift of submission and will
cherish it to the end of my days. I will strive to always make sure
you are happy, and will do whatever it takes to keep you content in
your decision to give this gift to me. You and I are one now.”

I bent to kiss
Damien's feet, waiting for his first command as my Master.

your head,” he said, and I did as I was told, looking up at
him. He leaned over to give me a gentle kiss on the lips before
telling me to stand.

Sir Martin stepped
in front of our audience. “These two people are now bound
together. This concludes the collaring ceremony.”

Bells rang to the
sound of our union, and Damien embraced me, kissing me with far more
passion than he had when I was on my knees. It seemed unrestrained
and endless, our mouths moving together with excited fervor, happy
that we officially belonged to one another.

Our guests came up
to greet and congratulate us, breaking us free from each other's
arms. Tanya and Vinny smiled at me from a distance, but I could tell
the whole ordeal had made them a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't long
after that they left, though the reception continued on without them.

Sir Martin had
brought a Saint Andrew's cross with him, and for part of the
reception, I was strapped to it while each guest got to come give me
a flogging. Most were gentle, though Danica and Sir Craig left red
welts in their wake.

The rest of the
evening reminded me of a normal wedding reception. We ate cake and
socialized and drank and danced. Damien had rented a DJ since he
thought hiring a band would be a bit too much. It was always odd
bringing strangers into BDSM events, he said. I understood that well
enough. The DJ only did slightly less gaping at my nude body than the
cook had at Damien's dinner party.

It wasn't until late
in the afternoon that our guests finally began to disperse. Sir
Martin was the last to leave. Damien helped him load the Saint
Andrew's cross into the back of his truck, and then we were alone at
last, Master and submissive.

you have fun?” Damien asked, leading me by my leash into the

did.” I nodded. Though I was extremely exhausted, I could
hardly wait for what was coming next.

By the time we got
to the bedroom, there was already a tint in his pants. Damien turned
on me, gripping my hair and pressing me up against the wall as he
attacked my mouth with an onslaught of kisses. He grabbed my leg,
pulling it up over his hip, and I could feel the hard bulge of his
manhood pressing between my pussy lips, the material of his pants
rubbing out the first ounces of pleasurable sensation between my

I groaned against
his mouth, kissing him with equal fervor. My arms wrapped around his
back, my nails clawing down it, though I was a bit annoyed that they
dug into his tuxedo instead of flesh.

We broke free of
each other for a moment, and I took the advantage, tugging on his tie
and fighting off his clothes as if they were an enemy. Damien watched
me undress him with amusement. In that moment, I was more animal than
woman, fueled by carnal desire.

I pulled his cock
out of his pants, feeling the firmness of it between my fingers, the
velvet of his skin. My grip tightened and I gave it a few tugs, which
elicited a nice moan from Damien's throat. Our mouths clashed again,
our tongues fighting for space as we tasted and devoured each other.
As soon as our lips parted, I was kissing down his chest, worshiping
the lines of his muscles until I was on my knees, face to face with
his glorious phallus. It was so perfect, and it was all mine—forever.

Like a cock hungry
slut, I slurped at it, licking from base to tip, feeling the veins
beneath my tongue and savoring the flavor of sweat and sex. Just the
scent of Damien was like a powerful aphrodisiac, spurring me on to do
indecent things to him. I massaged his balls with my hand as I made
crude noises on his dick.

love my cock, don't you?” he whispered. “Show my how much
you love it.”

And I did, taking it
to the back of my throat until I was almost sure my gag reflex would
go off. It didn't though, and after a quick breather, I was pushing
him even further inside, bobbing my head and tasting the first drops
of his pre-seed. Damien tangled his hands in my hair, roughly
pressing me tighter against him. I stared up into his eyes, showing
him I could take it no matter how far he pushed me. He groaned in
appreciation, releasing his grip to allow me to suck him off on my
own for a while longer before he pulled me to my feet and backed me
up against the bed.

When we reached its
edge, he pushed me over, grabbing my legs and shoving his head
between them. I moaned as his hot breath wafted over my mound. Then
his tongue plunged between my folds, licking the wetness that had
amassed there. His mouth was skillful as ever, sucking and kissing
and massaging. All the while, I played with one of my nipples,
feeling my body climb up the hill of climax. There was no teasing
tonight. The second I warned Damien that I was going to come, he
allowed me to spill over the edge, my toes curling from the strong
contractions that rolled through me. A soft laugh of contentment
escaped my lips, thinking of how I owned Damien's mouth and hands and
cock now. I may be his submissive, but we belonged to each other
equally. I would enjoy the pleasures of his body for the rest of my

the bed,” Damien ordered when my contractions had stopped.

When I crawled up
onto it, he urged me onto all fours. I watched him position himself
behind me, gripping his cock to slide into my pussy. The feeling of
him entering me was exquisite. As soon as he was inside, he began
thrusting at a hurried pace, grunting with each buck of his hips. I
whimpered and moaned in response, feeling absolutely shameless.

Damien's hand came
up behind me, and he jammed his thumb into my asshole. My entire body
tensed from the surprising intrusion. It hurt at first, my muscles
contracting wildly as they had the first time I had anal. Since my
birthday, Damien hadn't tried for it again, even though there had
been a time or two when I had secretly craved it. While I still
thought anal was gross, I did enjoy the different stimulation it

Damien probed his
thumb in and out of my asshole while he fucked me. My pussy sucked on
his cock while my ass slurped on his finger. It felt strange to be
filled in both holes, but a good kind of strange. His fingers dug
into the flesh of my back, only increasing the sensation.

yeah,” I cried out, my voice sounded foreign in its rough

Damien pulled his
cock out of my cunt, focusing on my ass by rotating his thumb inside
of me. My pussy throbbed in approval, wanting his finger to go
deeper. I writhed on my hands and knees, a prisoner to my own lust.

it back in,” I begged, and Damien was quick to oblige.

His manhood entered
my slick cunt with little resistance, causing my body to feel
pleasingly full. He stilled for a moment, and I feared he was spent.
When I looked back at him, he was grinning.

want it? Show me,” he said.

Without hesitation,
I pressed back against him, rocking and fucking myself, using his
cock as a pleasure tool. A sharp crack filled the air, and my breath
hitched from the feel of his hand slapping across my ass. The
stimulation from it only made me move with more vigor, hollowing out
my pussy with his meaty shaft. My clit pulsed with miniature
contractions; my cunt felt hot around him.

me,” he demanded, pulling out to crawl up onto the bed.

I followed,
straddling him and crouching down until his dick was pointing
threateningly up at my swollen pussy. With a lecherous grin, I
gripped his shaft. It was so warm in my hand it almost burned, and
the way it twitched spoke of his want for me. I released him for a
moment to lick my palm, lathering his mushroom tip up with as much
saliva as I could muster. Then I positioned him ever so carefully and
began to lower myself.

Pain rushed through
me as his glans kissed my asshole and began spreading it wide. The
tiny muscle fibers fought against the intrusion. All the while,
Damien moaned beneath me.

After some struggle,
his helmet crested the ring of reluctant muscle, and I slid down onto
his shaft, groaning. When he was all the way inside, I began riding
him, leaning back and watching his cock go in and out of me. It was
an arousing sight, the way his balls bounced when I fucked him. I
reached down to take them in hand, rubbing and massaging, which
seemed to drive Damien wild. He thrust up into me, breathing heavily.

better not come in my ass. I want it in my cunt,” I warned him.

He made no reply,
but simply kept bucking until his breathing was ragged, then waited
for me to take over again. It wasn't long before I pressed him to his

going to come,” he told me, and I quickly pulled him out of my
ass and redirecting his cock into my pussy.

A few more thrusts,
and he was gasping, his body tensing as he shot his load deep into my
womb. I watched with a satisfied smirk as his balls pulled up toward
his cock. It was as if I could actually see them ejaculating into me.

By the time his
orgasm subsided, Damien was panting, his body a relaxed heap below
me. I rocked my hips a few more times, wanting to keep him inside of
me until his manhood grew flaccid. He wouldn't allow me that luxury
though. Very gently, Damien urged me off of him. I could feel the
heat of his juices running down my thighs. It made me feel complete,
for some reason. He pulled me into his arms, nuzzling my forehead
with his cheek before giving it a kiss.

was incredible,” he said.

Yes, it was,” I sighed contently, resting my head against his

really need to not do that though. Birth control or not, I could get
you pregnant.”

That wouldn't be
the worst thing.

I know.
It's a special night though, and I wanted to make you feel special.”

always make me feel special. Just having you by my side makes me feel

you'll feel special for the rest of your life.”

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Bonus Excerpt
Wrong or Write

Most little girls
dream about being princesses and marrying their fathers when they
grow up. No man is as wonderful and handsome as your father when
you're five years old. You don't understand the concept of romantic
love and what it means to be in a relationship. The admiration you
have is innocent and sweet.

I wasn't like most
little girls though. While my father was an amazing man, my first
prince charming was Dominick Parker. Not only did he look like a
Disney prince, but he also acted like one.

He was my sister's
best friend, but he never made me feel excluded, even though they
were both twelve years my senior. Instead of going off on their own
all the time, they'd take me with them when they went to the movies
or to theme parks. We even built my tree house together.

When I was seven
years old, my parents died in a tragic car accident. At the time, my
sister Tammy was living in a dorm at college. She immediately moved
back home to take care of me. She would have dropped college if it
wasn't for Dominick. He decided to sacrifice his own free time to
make sure that my sister and I were well cared for. He went to
college during the day and worked at night. The only time I ever saw
him was when he was handing his paychecks over to my sister.

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