Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (66 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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can't rape the willing,” I quipped.

You can't. That's why I don't want you to be willing. I had hoped
telling you that no isn't a safe word would have been enough. You
wanted to do a play rape scene, did you not? If I remember correctly,
it was on your contract.”

I blushed, feeling a bit stupid. That's what he meant. That's why he
looked so angry and scary. “I do.” I nodded.

His expression was
dead serious. “Know that once I start, I won't stop. No amount
of screaming or telling me that I'm hurting you will gain my
sympathy. No isn't a safety word. And I won't accept yellow either.
The only word that will make me stop is red.

this session, I will do whatever I want to you. Whether it's
something you enjoy or not will be of no concern to me. I will fuck
you as hard and as violently as I like. And you will submit, because
you'll have no choice.

more than welcome to try to fight me off. Hit me as you would an
attacker. Try to get away. But know that there are repercussions for
your actions. If we play this game, I play it rough.”

I trembled, more out
of lust than fear. That was the hottest thing he had said to me in a
long time, though I was a bit scared of the truth behind his words.
By the way that he made it sound, things could get really violent.

You have your safety
word. If he gets too out of hand, you can always say it.

you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

I thought about it a
moment longer before responding. “Yes, Sir.”

My heart beat so
fiercely that I feared it would rip through my chest. I wasn't sure
what to expect. But this was something I definitely wanted to

you ready?”

I nodded.

Damien took a deep
breath, and then he advanced on me again. We were a tangle of
grappling hands as he pushed me down on the bed, easily overtaking
me. I kicked at him for good measure, nearly landing a blow between
his legs, though my knee ended up digging into his inner thigh
instead. You would have thought the injury was the same. In
retaliation, I received a sharp slap across the face, which shocked
me to the point that I stopped struggling long enough for him to
capture my wrists and force them above my head. A tear ran down the
cheek he had struck, more from the sting of the blow than fear.

When I had regained
my senses, I tried biting at his arms, though it was a pointless
effort. They were too high above my head for me to reach. By that
point, Damien was trying to get between my legs. I decided to give
him a bit of help by wrapping my thighs around his waist and
squeezing the shit out of him. He gasped, cursing and letting go of
my wrists to try to pry me off. It only made me squeeze harder. For a
while, I thought I had the advantage. If anyone looked like they
needed to use a safety word, it was him. Then he turned the tides by
grabbing me by the throat. The pressure he used scared me into
submission. It wasn't a gentle squeeze. My life flashed before my
eyes, and I thought I would choke to death on my safety word before I
would get to say it. Thankfully, before I had a chance to die, Damien
let up, though he still kept his hands on my neck. By that time,
tears were streaming down my face from fear and mixed emotions. I
wasn't sure if this was such a good idea after all. It was mimicking
the real thing far too closely. This was the point where I would stop
struggling in fear for my life, and so I did, letting him have full

Damien forcefully
pressed inside of me, though I was so used to his girth that there
was little pain from it. He kept a hand on my throat as he thrust,
putting his whole body into it. I stared up at him, watching a
stranger move on top of me. It was the oddest thing to see him like
this, far removed from the man I knew.

While I was a bit
traumatized from the realistic role play, I decided not to let it
ruin my mood. If there was one thing that I loved, it was Damien
being rough in the bedroom, and this was about as rough as it got. As
long as I didn't defy him, I should be able to enjoy the rest of the

For the remainder of
our coupling, I felt like a rag doll. My pussy ached from the intense
pounding he gave it, fucking me as if it was the last time he'd ever
get laid. I was bent and repositioned, struggling briefly every once
in a while for sport, though I gave up the second that he started to
get too violent.

Damien put me on all
fours, and I tried to crawl away, though he pulled me back easily
enough, giving me a hard slap across the ass and warning me not to
move again. My pussy throbbed in response. If not for the memory of
my punishment spanking, I might have tried again. The first strike
had been a playful warning though. I would not be so lucky the second
time around.

He tunneled inside
my slick cunt, placing a hand on the small of my back as he jack
hammered into me. Tiny contractions rolled through my clit, though I
still hadn't had a full-on orgasm. For it being my birthday, the sex
was all about his pleasure. Though I supposed if I was actually being
raped, that's how it would go.

When Damien was done
with my pussy, he pulled his cock out, rubbing it on top of my ass.
Tired of holding up my weight, I rested my head on the pillow,
shoving my butt up into the air. Hopefully, he'd eat me out. My cunt
was so hot it felt like it might spontaneously combust. A good
tonguing would sooth it a bit.
I had a good dicking, now I need a
good licking.
I smirked at my silent little joke.

Damien was still
rubbing his glans over my ass. He'd pause occasionally to spank me
with his cock. I was just happy my pussy was getting a rest. There's
no way I would be walking normal tomorrow.

My body tensed when
Damien grabbed his shaft and started rubbing his dick between my ass
cheeks. Instinctively, I looked back at him and said, “No.”

He grinned wickedly
at me. “I don't recall you having a choice.”

No, Damien,”
my voice was stern.

He repositioned
himself, leaning forward so his tip poked at the doorway of my
pucker. “Don't move or it might hurt more.”

What part of
no don't you understand?” I straightened myself, but Damien
just pushed me back down.

No is not a
safe word,” he reminded me, and I knew he was giving me my
final chance to escape.

I licked my lips,
thinking. Anal sex had never been something I wanted to do. This was
an interesting scenario though. He had already done so many horrible
things to me. My jaw was swollen from him slapping me. My neck was
likely bruised. My pussy was on fire from overuse. This would be the
icing on the cake of our play rape scenario, a scenario I honestly
never wanted repeated. He could fuck me roughly as much as he wanted,
but not like this. Never again like this.

No,” I
said finally, wondering what had gotten into me.

Try to
relax,” Damien told me, his voice suddenly a lot softer than
before. “It will hurt a lot less if you relax.”


Yes, lube.”

He crawled off of
the bed and went to the chest of drawers, opening up the second
drawer and pulling out a bottle of lube. By the time he returned to
me, his cock was well lathered with it. I winced as I felt the first
dab on my asshole. A warm blush crept up my face as he massaged it
in, pushing a finger inside of me. I grunted at the uncomfortable
intruder. This was not going to be something I enjoyed, I could
already tell.

After a few minutes
of prodding and rubbing, a second finger came to join the first. The
pressure of the two fingers together was almost painful, and I
wondered how I'd ever be able to take a cock back there. Damien was
patient though, fingering the tight muscles of my backside into
submission until he was able to glide effortlessly in and out.

Are you
ready?” he asked.

I could only assume
our play rape session was over. He was being far too gentle and
considerate. Perhaps it was because I was finally giving him what he
had wanted for so long, and on my birthday, no less. The bastard
better enjoy this.

Damien gave his cock
another coating of lube for good measure and then tossed the bottle
to the side. My entire body tensed as he lined himself up between my
I can't believe I'm going to let him do this to me.

His meaty cock head
pressed against my virgin entryway, which tightened from the feel of
it. Damien gave me another gentle slap on the ass.

he told me.

Easy for you
to say,” I grumbled. “Am I going to give it to you up the
butt after this?”


He pressed forward,
and I could feel my resistant muscles spreading. It was more
unpleasant than painful. I gasped, realizing I had been holding my

he said again.

Inch by inch, his
phallus slid inside of me. My muscles went absolutely wild from the
new intruder. Damien groaned in response, obviously enjoying it. I
was too busy processing the strange new sensation to gain pleasure
from it. It felt like an uncomfortable fullness, a bit painful, but
nothing unbearable. Losing my frontal virginity had been far worse.

Finally, Damien was
balls deep, and all I could think about was how horrible it must feel
for him. He didn't share my sentiment though.

is gross,” I groaned. “I don't understand why you want to
do this.”

feels great to me,” he replied. “Nice and tight.”

Very slowly, he
began bucking. Surprisingly, it felt rather pleasant when he was
pulling out, though pushing back in brought with it the filling
discomfort. I grunted with each thrust, trying to focus on my body's
response rather than my mind's disgust. Damien was more gentle than
he had been all night, taking things slow and easy, the complete
opposite of the man he had been only minutes before.

allowed him to ride out his pleasure, amazed that my clit was
beginning to respond with approving pulses.
No. This is so
wrong. You shouldn't be enjoying this.
mind and body were on two different wave lengths, and eventually, my
body won over.

While it didn't feel
as good as having him in my cunt, taking Damien's cock up my ass
wasn't unpleasant. I rocked beneath him, biting my bottom lip,
waiting for him to tire. He didn't tire though. Instead, he picked up
the pace, sliding in and out of me until my pussy was a mess of
confused contractions. My muscles back there had mostly atrophied,
but occasionally they would still tense. Damien moaned in response,
absorbed in his own pleasure.

when I didn't think that I could take anymore, I felt him push
forward, his body stilling, a guttural moan escaping his lips as he
pumped me full of his man juice.
Does it really feel that
I wondered. He was panting
when he pulled away from me, his cock quickly softening from its
expended efforts. Before I even had a chance to say anything, he was
drawing me into his arms on the bed.

not done yet,” I said.

not?” He gave me a quizzical look.

got a muff burger with your name on it.”

He laughed. “Some
of the things that come out of your mouth.”

some of the things I want in your mouth. Now get down there and light
the candles on my birthday cake.”

As he descended
between my legs, I could feel his soft breath on my warm folds. My
pussy was absolutely swollen from all the abuse it had taken. Only
his tongue could soothe it.

Damien probed a
finger inside my opening, and I twisted my fingers into his hair,
pulling his face up to look at me. “Tongue,” I told him.
“Only tongue.”

Mistress.” He smirked before diving in, engulfing my heated
parts with his deliciously wet mouth.

I groaned in
approval, letting go of his hair and falling back against the pillow,
sighing contently as his mouth worked skillfully to sooth the burn.
My clit throbbed against the weight of his tongue, a bubble of
pulsing pleasure waiting to burst and flood my body. Damien was
meticulously slow, staying between my legs far longer than ever
before. He brought me up the hill of pleasure, only to let me tumble
down again, absent goal reached. I hated him for it, and loved him
for it at the same time. Everything felt amazing; my body was alive
with desire again, and if it wasn't for the soreness between my legs,
I might have even wanted to go for round two.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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