Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (64 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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My mother received
Damien with far more vigor. As soon as she laid eyes on him, the
first thing she said was, “Oh my. You're even more handsome in
person.” To which Damien gave me a funny look, and I was forced
to explain, with some embarrassment, that I had shown her shirtless
pictures of him.

To make matters
worse, my mother took the liberty of lifting up his sweater to see if
his abs were real. He took all of her poking and rubbing with grace,
absorbing her flattery as if it was normal conversation. I, on the
other hand, was beet red when she was done with him.

Once the
introductions and my embarrassment were over, we settled down in my
mom's living room to open presents.
there was one thing that my mom loved to do, it was shop for me
whenever there was a gift giving holiday. She got me three shirts, a
pair of pajama pants, a pair of shorts, some body wash and a loofah,
and a toothbrush. Much like my dad's fifty dollar card, I could
always count on getting a toothbrush as a gift. Apparently, my mom
worried that I didn't change mine out enough.

Damien and my mother
got along surprisingly well, which I was pleased with. She was even
able to make him smile and laugh a few times. By the end of the
night, she was hugging him like he was her son and I was the

We ate another round
of birthday cake, this time chocolate with chocolate frosting, Damien
loaded up his Corvette with my birthday presents, we said our
goodbyes, and then my mother ran outside and humped Damien's car
before we left. My eye twitched as I watched her, my mouth falling
open into a horrified gap.

this one,” she blurted out. “He has money.”

Damien laughed
lightheartedly, but I was absolutely mortified. In all honesty, I was
never happier to get him away from her. While I loved her dearly, I
wasn't sure how much more humiliation I could stomach. It would be a
long time before I brought the two of them together again, or at
least not until I had a talk with my mom about what she could and
couldn't do around him. Weirdo.

mom is funny,” Damien told me as he started the engine.

mom is embarrassing,” I grumbled.

think she likes me.”

bit too much.”

think she likes my car more.”

should wash it tomorrow.”

We drove back to my
father's house in silence. Well, not so much silence. Damien had the
radio on, but we weren't talking. I was too busy wondering what my
dad thought about him. Who knows what Damien was thinking about?

When we arrived,
Damien killed the engine to spend a few more minutes with me before
he had to send me back inside.

should come in,” I suggested with a devious grin.

not having sex with you while your father is home.”

not?” I pouted.

you're too loud.” He smirked.

your fault. Maybe if you weren't so rough, I wouldn't be so loud.”

like it rough.”

I do,” I admitted, feeling my clit pulse in agreement.

like your parents,” he changed the subject.

glad. I still want you to come inside.”

have all day tomorrow together.”

isn't my birthday though. Tonight is my birthday. And I want birthday

get birthday fuckles tomorrow.” He gave me a warning look.

could do it in the car.” I slid my hand onto his thigh,
sneaking it up to his cock.

I'm not fucking in this car. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable
that would be? We'd probably break something.”

no fun.” I pulled my hand away, frowning.

I promise. I have lots of things planned for you that you're really
going to enjoy. Good things come to those who wait.”

kind of things?” I wiggled in my seat with a grin.

find out tomorrow. Now, you better get back inside. I'm supposed to
be making a good impression, remember? I wouldn't want your father to
think I'm defiling you out here.”

wish you were defiling me out here,” I huffed. “Can I at
least masturbate tonight? It is my birthday, after all.”

He sighed, “Fine.
I'll allow it. Just tonight though.”

I jumped up and down in my seat like a small child. “I shall
fap to thoughts of being with you tomorrow.”

girl. Now, go inside and spend time with your father.”

Sir.” I leaned over to give him a final kiss before exiting the
vehicle and popping the trunk to get my presents and take them

With a content smile
on my lips, I watched Damien's car until it disappeared around the
corner. Tonight couldn't have gone any better. I just hoped that the
following day would be equally awesome.

By the time I got
inside, my father had already headed to bed. It wasn't until the next
morning that I was able to ask him what he thought of Damien. He
didn't seem too opinionated. All he said was that Damien seemed like
a good guy, and as long as he made me happy, that was all that
mattered. It was the best I could hope for since they had only met
once. My father had never been very invested in my love life, but it
made me happy to know he approved of Damien.

I arrived at
Damien's house a little after noon only to transfer vehicles and head
back out on the road. He took me to eat at a Brazilian steakhouse.
The atmosphere was a bit stuffy for my taste, but the food was
excellent. There were cuts of beef and lamb and pork, along with
sausage links, and chicken legs, and bacon wrapped chicken breast.
Most of the meat was served rare, which wasn't to my liking, so I
mainly dined on chicken and pork. Afterward, Damien asked if I'd like
dessert, but there was only one kind of dessert on my mind.

When we got back to
his house, I was feeling less than sexy from having such a full
stomach, but that wasn't going to stop me. We sat on the sofa for a
few minutes to let our food digest, and when I had had enough of
lazying around, I began pawing at Damien's jeans.

he asked, looking down at me with hooded eyes as if he was about to
fall into a meat coma.

fuckles. You promised.”

we take a nap first? I'm not exactly at the top of my game.”

I sighed, standing and grabbing him by the hand to pull him towards
the bedroom.

are you doing?”

you to bed. The sooner you sleep, the sooner we fuck.”

so impatient,” he laughed. “Didn't I tell you that good
things come to those who wait?”

never claimed to be patient.”

We curled up
together on Damien's bed, and within half a heartbeat, he was snoring
loudly by my side. I smirked at him, watching him sleep. While the
sound coming from him was less than attractive, he still looked
gorgeous, and oh so rapeable.
What would he do if I took his cock
out and started sucking on it? Probably get mad.
I scowled at the
thought, settling down beside him and closing my eyes to sleep.

The day passed by
unnoticed, thanks to being asleep for most of it. When I finally
awoke, Damien was nowhere to be seen. I yawned and rubbed my eyes,
then rolled off the bed to go search for him. Not surprisingly, I
found him in the living room, curled up on the sofa with a book. The
man loved to read.

time is it?” I asked, yawning again.

He looked at his
watch. “Almost four.”

time did you get up?”

thirty minutes ago.”

slept for a long time.” I leaned on the side of the couch,
looking over at him.

did.” He set the book down, returning my gaze. “Are you
ready for part two of your birthday present?”

two?” I gave him a curious smile. “There are parts to my
birthday present? I thought it was just going to be dinner and sex.”

dinner was part one. There are three more parts though.”

what are the other three?”

you like to find out?”

I nodded.

Damien stood,
rounding the sofa and taking me by the hand to lead me out of the
room. We turned the corner to the classroom, and I could only imagine
he had a special session planned. My heart drummed softly in
anticipation, my body quickly warming up from thoughts of kinky sex.
Out of habit, I took a seat on the bed, assuming the Teach position,
wondering if I should be undressing instead. I would wait for
Damien's order. When we were inside this room, my submissive nature
was stronger than ever, perhaps because this was where most of my
training took place, and most of my punishment as well.

Damien went to the
chest of drawers and opened up the top drawer, looking at the
contents with a sigh before he turned around to face me. “This
is part two,” he said.

I sat there for a
moment, confused. “What is, Sir?”

find out.”

Apprehensively, I
stood, wondering if this was some kind of trick or riddle. When I
looked in the drawer, I found a restraint system, a flogger, a ball
gag, a blindfold, a thick leather collar, nipple clamps, and some
rope. I was no less confused than before. Did he mean to have another
scene with me?

I get undressed, Sir?” I asked.

that's what you want.” He looked down on me, but his eyes
lacked the intensity I was used to seeing.

Nervously, I began
shedding my clothing, folding each garment as it came off and placing
them on the chest of drawers. Damien stayed by my side, as still as a
statue, watching me. His gaze made me uncomfortable, but I continued
until I was naked, presenting myself before him.

now, Sir?”

you want. This is your gift.”

I peered down into
the drawer, trying to compose my own fantasy. Nipple clamps weren't
my favorite thing, so I'd take a pass on those. We'd never used a
ball gag before, but I didn't like the idea of not being able to
vocalize my safety words. The flogger was familiar, definitely
something I wouldn't mind experiencing again. Everything else in the
drawer was Chey approved.

want birthday spankings,” I said, thinking that was the only
thing missing.

If that's what you want.”

Damien sat on the
edge of the chair, leaving enough room, so I could lay over his lap.
I did so as daintily as possible, my cunt already pulsing from the
desire to feel his large hand warming my backside with sharp slaps.

Damien said. “Count them off and thank me after each one.”

Sir,” I replied enthusiastically, trying not to wiggle.

The first blow sent
delicious heat raging through my butt.

Thank you, Sir,” I responded.

Each strike added to
the fire, landing on alternating ass cheeks. My mouth twisted into a
lusty grin, my loins moistening at the pleasurable pain. By the time
Damien got to nineteen, I was worried my juices might start running
down my legs. I made a soft satisfied moan as I pulled myself off of
his lap, standing in front of him.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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