Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (60 page)

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When he finally
stopped, his hands went up to my breasts, groping and squeezing and
teasing. Then his mouth followed, sucking and biting and tugging. I
moaned as my body quickly recharged, my wanton cunt an insatiable
slave to desire.

Damien's mouth
disappeared, but in its place came a strange new stimuli. A cold ring
covered my areola, followed by a strong sucking sensation. When the
device was in place, Damien wiggled it a bit to make sure it was
secure, then moved on to the next nipple. For the few seconds that he
was attaching the devices, it felt good. But when they were in place,
and all I could feel was the suction, it slowly began to hurt, as if
I was receiving a hickey on each breast.

The torture didn't
end there. Damien made me spread my legs, and as he grasped my pussy
lips, I felt an intense pinching sensation. This was far from
pleasurable. In fact, I almost felt like I couldn't handle it. He was
putting clamps of some sort on my cunt lips, and they only had one
setting, tight. It took everything in me not to squirm and say my
safety word as he placed one after another. I whimpered instead,
hoping he'd understand it was a bit too intense. He didn't though.
Before long, there were six pinching teeth between my legs, and my
throat was all cries of pain.

To add to the
intensity, Damien pulled out a vibrator and worked it between my
legs. Each time it touched one of the clamps, I shifted my weight,
struggling against the urge to pull away as the painful burning
rolled through my genitals. Now they were pulsing for a completely
different reason.

Thankfully, it
didn't take Damien long to figure out I wasn't enjoying it. He turned
off the vibrator and carefully removed the clamps. I cried out as the
teeth were opened, a fresh surge of almost unbearable pain raging
through my pussy as they released their grip. When all the clamps
were removed, I sighed in relief, hoping and praying that either
pleasure would follow or our session was over.

It ended up being
the later of the two. Damien took the blindfold off and then stepped
behind me to begin unfastening the ropes. I simply stood there,
catching my breath and staring at the floor, happy that the pain
between my legs had almost completely subsided.

Realizing that the
display was over, most of the crowd around us dissipated. Everyone
except for the vulgar man and his timid submissive. When I was
unbound and Damien had packed up his gear, the man stepped up to us.
At first, I thought he wanted to take our space in the dungeon,
putting on his own scene, but instead, he engaged Damien in

Damien, that was rather an impressive display,” he said.

for your compliment, Sir Craig. Did you have a mind to carry out a
scene as well?” Damien asked.

I fear I forgot all of my gear at home.”

bad. Sir Martin has a really nice setup here.”


you'll excuse us.” Damien nodded respectfully.

you go, I was actually wondering if you'd be interested in swapping
submissives for the afternoon. I enjoyed your Chey's performance. She
looks like she'd be fun to work with.”

A tight knot formed
in my chest, and my eyes instantly shot up to meet Damien's. I wasn't
sure what I liked less, the idea of being shared or the idea of
sharing him. He gazed down on me for a moment, as if he actually had
to think about his response.

I think not,” he replied finally.

would only be for the night,” Sir Martin pressed. “Melissa
here does some magical things with her lips, if you get what I mean.”

The girl at his side

I think she fancies you. Would you enjoy an evening with Sir Damien?”
he asked Melissa.

Sir,” she replied with a hopeful look in her large doe eyes.

if your Cheyenne consented, you'd be more apt to consider it,”
Sir Martin suggested, burning into me with his gaze

Damien turned to me, his expression betraying no preference. “Would
you enjoy an evening with Sir Craig?”

My heart was
pounding so loud that it was almost drowning out the noise around us.
Did Damien want this girl? She wasn't much older than me, and she was
definitely beautiful.

In the car, we had
decided we wouldn't split off. This man was familiar to me though,
and we had shared an intimate moment at the dinner party. I had even
imagined what it would be like to be with him. Would this be my only
chance to find out? Was it wrong of me to want to find out?

Still, I knew what
sharing Damien would do to me. I'd be too worried about what he was
doing with the girl to enjoy my own pleasure. And if he was as
jealous as he claimed to be, then it was definitely a bad idea.

it sounds like an interesting prospect, I must regretfully decline,”
I said as politely as I could.

Sir Craig replied, giving me a dark look before he turned and walked
away, obviously offended.

was awkward,” I whispered to Damien when they were out of

glad you said no. I've heard some not very pleasant things about that

why did you bother asking me at all?”

I never would have allowed you to leave the party together, and I
didn't want to offend the girl.”

So he did want her.
The thought made my heart sink.

now?” I asked.

we socialize some more.”

The night seemed
never-ending. Damien talked with the other Doms and Dommes, and I
followed him around like a faithful puppy dog. It was almost midnight
when we finally left. By that time, I was too exhausted to think
about sex. Thankfully, Damien seemed to be in the same mindset. He
was so tired that he didn't even bother giving me my vocabulary quiz.
Instead, he simply got undressed, and we cuddled up in bed to sleep,
saving sexy time for in the morning.


I loved waking up in
Damien's arms. It was mornings like this that made me feel like we
were truly a couple. Maybe someday, I'd be able to wake up in his
arms every morning. For now though, it was only a dream, and I
savored it to the very moment that his eyes opened and he wanted
something more.

He smiled and
stretched, pulling me into his arms for a few minutes before rolling
on top of me. Our morning romp between the sheets was less about
passion and more about necessity. We were both achingly horny from
the night before, and there was no better way to spend the day's
first ounces of energy.

Kissing was at a
minimum due to horrible morning breath. That was one thing I learned
about Damien. He did not like kissing until both of us had brushed
our teeth. It dulled the pleasure a bit, but I dealt with it.

When our bodies were
satisfied, I assumed my submissive role and followed Damien into the
shower. We bathed each other, and then I made breakfast, and we ate
and settled on the sofa to watch some television. It looked like it
would be a lazy Sunday.

do you want for your birthday?” Damien asked during a
commercial break.

To be honest, I
hadn't really thought much about it. My birthday was on the following
Friday, and I had no idea what I wanted from Damien. He had been
asking me about it for a while, but I couldn't come up with anything
aside from just being with him. While I knew he had money to buy me
something, it felt kind of rude asking for anything when he didn't
have a job.

not sure,” I replied.

coming up quickly. I figured you would have decided what you wanted
by now.”

really nothing I want.”

only all women were as easy to please.” He gave me a gentle

A knock on the door
startled us, and I quickly went to open it. If it was someone that I
recognized, I was to act submissive. If it was someone that I didn't
recognize, I was to get Damien immediately.

Unfortunately, I did
recognize the person at the door. She was blonde and busty and very
much unwelcome in my mind.

smiled, looking me up and down as she normally did.
It must
be strange for her to see me in clothes
Then I realized she was also dressed normally for once. Instead of
fetish gear, she was sporting a modest white turtleneck sweater and a
pair of black leggings with stylish black boots. The outfit was
form-fitting, but it was miles away from what I was used to seeing
her in.

Damien here?” she asked. “Of course, he is. I see his car
out front. Would you be so kind as to take me to him?”

I nodded, leading
her into the living room. Damien seemed equally surprised to receive

To what do I owe this visit?” he said before turning down the
volume on the television.

was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by. That was some
play party last night, wasn't it?”

I tried not to scowl
as I found my parking place in the corner. Her presence was ruining a
perfectly good Sunday. Now, I would have to stand there for however
long it took her to leave.

was. There were a lot of new faces,” he replied.

faces we'll see again. I like Sir Martin's parties. I can usually
pick up a new client or two at them.”

business for you then.”


what brings you to this side of town?”

relatives. I'm not going to lie though, I was kind of hoping to get
your assistance.”


ordered a custom-made Saint Andrew's cross from the man who built the
furniture for Sir Martin's dungeon. He does beautiful work, but
unfortunately, he doesn't deliver. I was hoping to seduce some big
burly man into helping me move it,” she teased. “Or if
you're busy, I could always use your pet.”

go,” I said almost involuntarily. There was no way I wanted
Damien alone with her.

They both gave me a
look of surprise, and I sank back into the corner, embarrassed by my
own lack of manners.

for speaking out of turn,” I mumbled.

need to apologize,” Danica said, cutting Damien off before he
had a chance to punish me. “I really don't care which one of
you helps me, as long as I get some help.”

you sure?” Damien arched an eyebrow in my direction.

would be no trouble at all, Sir.”

promise I'll take really good care of her.” Danica smiled,
though I didn't like the gleam in her eyes.

Before I knew it, I
was climbing into the passenger's side of Danica's white Ford F150.
My stomach was a ball of nausea, and I was already regretting my
decision. While I had saved Damien from having to be alone with her,
I had condemned myself to Danica's company for who knows how long.

barely acknowledged me until we were out of the driveway and heading
down the road.

So, how
do you like having Sir Damien as your Master?”

It was a question
she had asked before, but that was so long ago I didn't really have
an answer then.

like it very much, Miss,” I replied.

you don't have to call me Miss. I know you're under my protection,
but I'm not a fan of having little girls grovel at my heels. I
reserve that honor for grown men.”

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