Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (55 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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too,” he paused for a moment, his expression suddenly darkening
a little. “So, are you going to see Damien tomorrow?”

haven't decided yet.”

It was strange, but
I hadn't really thought about it. While I was sure that we were over,
it would be nice to hear something definite from his lips so that I
wouldn't feel so guilty about moving on with Colton. Then again,
hearing something definite would probably make me cry again.

if you don't go, then we should hang out together, maybe catch
another movie,” Colton offered.

Sounds like a plan. I'll let you know what I decide to do.” I
gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and then got in my car.

That night, I
thought about masturbating. Lately, I hadn't really been in the mood.
Yeah, I got horny, but my body had been trained to resist, so
pleasuring myself wasn't that important anymore. Now there was no
reason for me to resist. Was there?

I sneaked a hand
between my thighs, allowing my fingertip to caress my pleasure
button. It perked from the stimulation. No matter how much I rubbed
though, my heart just wasn't into it. You'd think that after going
two weeks without getting off, my body would have plummeted over the
edge in half a heartbeat. My emotions dulled my senses though, and I
kept thinking about how I needed the finality from Damien to move
on—with everything. It would be hard, but I needed to see him.
Or not see him. If he didn't answer the door, then that would be as
good of an acknowledgment of the end of our relationship as anything.

coming over tomorrow,” I told Damien in a text before I went to

In the morning,
there was no response.

My day was pretty
dull. I cleaned the house and recited in my mind what I would say to
Damien when I saw him—if I saw him. The odds weren't good. In
fact, now that I had warned him I was coming, he would probably
either leave the house or just not answer the door. It was bratty,
but whatever.

At four o'clock, I
pulled up in his driveway. Instinctively, I opened up my console,
staring down at the training collar that was curled up like a silver
snake at the bottom. The sight of it made me sad. With a sigh, I
closed the console.

When I went to the
door to knock, the butterflies in my stomach took flight. It wasn't
the happy fluttering that usually came from seeing him. Today, it was
more of a panic. The butterflies were trying to escape, not wanting
to witness the emotional meltdown if the door did happen to open.

Almost as soon as my
fist hit the door, I could hear footsteps on the other side. And when
it opened, my breath hitched, my nervousness welling up to a peak as
my eyes landed on Damien Reed's gorgeous emotionless face.

not wearing your collar,” he said, looking at my neck

didn't think it was necessary,” I stuttered, trying to regain
my composure.

always necessary. Put it on before you come inside.”

I shook my head.

He scowled. “Why

need to . . . talk.”


us. Can I just come inside?” my voice rose an octave in

Damien seemed
genuinely confused, which kind of pissed me off. Had I gotten the
whole thing wrong? We were obviously on very different planes of

He stepped aside, and I wrapped my arms around myself as I found my
way to the living room, letting him trail behind me. I really just
wanted to get this over and leave, preferably before I broke down
into a bawling fit of emotional insanity.

do you want to talk about?” he asked, sitting on the sofa
across from me.

turning in my collar.” The words hurt, but it was the only way
to make him understand.

Damien furrowed his brow.

you didn't respond to my texts. I didn't know what was going on with
us. I assumed we were over.”

He sighed, looking
away. “Chey, I'm sorry. I thought you understood that was part
of your punishment. I told you that you would have to go a week
without me.”

My eyes began to
water. I had misunderstood. It was more than though. Everything had
gone wrong.

can't do this,” I whispered before bursting into sobs.

Damien was at my
side in an instant, his arms around me. “I'm sorry, Chey. I
didn't mean to hurt you. I was just . . . so jealous. So afraid of
losing you. I thought that . . . I don't know what I was thinking. I
didn't mean to push you away though.”

I sniffled against
his shoulder before sitting up and looking at him. “You were .
. . jealous?”



I love you.” He gazed deeply into my eyes when he said it, and
I swooned, melting, now crying for a completely different reason. I
clutched onto him, upset at myself for thinking anything less,
embarrassed for causing such a scene.

Damien just held me,
soothingly running a hand through my hair until the sobbing subsided
and I could recompose myself. When I looked back up at him, he held
my face in his hands and wiped my tears away, then kissed me gently
on the lips. They trembled against the pressure of his.

mine,” he told me. “And I don't like the thought of other
people touching my things.”

didn't bother you at the party.”

was all for show. Besides, I knew none of those people could take you
from me. This boy is a different kind of threat.”

not a threat at all.” I shook my head. “We're only
friends. Nothing more.”

and girls don't hang out together just to be friends. I'm old enough
to know that much.” He gave me a knowing look.

he did try to kiss me, but I didn't let him,” I confessed,
feeling somehow ashamed for it.

Damien's jaw

need to learn to trust me,” I said. “I trust you. Don't
you think I worry about why you don't want to see me on school days?
You could easily have someone else on the side.”

don't,” he insisted. “The only reason I don't want to see
you on school days is because I think your time would be better spent
studying. Your education should come before all things, including

act like I don't have enough time for you and school too. I do. I'm
not buried in so much homework that I can't take an extra hour or two
out of my week to spend with you. And if you're so worried about
time, then you could always come to my place. My father isn't there,
so it's not like you have to worry about being run off with a

He smirked at that.
“Would you want to see me more throughout the week?”

What do I have to do to get that through to you? This isn't the first
time I've brought it up. You're just so damn stubborn that you don't
listen to me half the time.”

Damien sighed, “I
suppose you're right. I've been so busy worrying about your well
being that I haven't actually taken the time to factor your happiness
into the mix. Shame on me for that.”

Shame on you,” I huffed at him.

what do you want to do now?”

think we should go over some rules for our relationship.”


I think we should agree to see each other more often. Maybe I could
come over once a week, or you could come over to my place.”

that will make you happy, and you don't think it will overwhelm you.”

don't think it will overwhelm me. Second, we need to start trusting
each other more. Colton may have feelings for me, but I don't return
them. It's you that I love, you that I want to be with. Having said
that, he's still a great friend, and I don't have enough friends. I
don't want to have to sacrifice that friendship just because he makes
you uncomfortable. I hope you understand.”

Damien paused for a
moment before responding, as if trying to figure out how to word what
he wanted to say, “I think I can deal with that, though I
certainly don't like it.”

because it's not optional. I don't tell you who you can hang out
with, and you don't tell me who I can hang out with. We just trust
each other.”


I want you to meet my parents, both of them. Whether you consider
yourself to be or not, you are my boyfriend. We've been together for
a while, and it's only right for you to meet them.”

Damien shifted
uncomfortably. “You sure are making a lot of demands.”

put me through hell this week. These are my terms. I've agreed to
plenty of your terms that I didn't like and have asked for nothing in
return up to this point. This is our compromise. These are the things
it's going to take to keep me by your side.”

make it sound more like an ultimatum.”

it is. Now, do you want to hear the rest or not?”

ahead.” He nodded.

fourth, I want more sex.”

That turned his
frown into a grin. “How much more could I pleasure you, you
wanton girl? I thought I did a good enough job as it was.”

do an excellent job . . . with your hands and your mouth. I want your
cock. Every time I've come over, our kink sessions have been all
about my pleasure. Half the time, we haven't even had sex. How do you
go the entire week only having sex once? It makes me wonder.”

Damien looked to the
ceiling, thinking. “That's a good question. I do love sex, as
you know, but I also get off to pleasuring you. I enjoy watching your
face as I do things to you, feeling the way your muscles clench
around my fingers, seeing you writhe from the pleasure of my touch.”

can make me writhe from pleasure in other ways too.” I poked at
his crotch. “You're gonna have to start giving it up, or I'm
gonna start taking it.”

would be a sight to behold,” he laughed.

not even joking.”

sure you're not.” Damien pulled me onto his lap and gave me an
affectionate squeeze. “Any other demands from Princess Chey?”

I thought for a
moment. Did I want anything else? If I did, now was the time to say
it, when I was feeling bold and empowered. I couldn't think of
anything though.

I believe I'm done,” I replied finally.

then I suppose you should go put your collar on for me.”

we skip that for the night?” I gave him a desperate look. “I've
been going through so much lately. I just want a night of normality
with you. No kink. No BDSM. Just you and me. We can go back to it
tomorrow, just not tonight.”

that's what you want.” He stood, picking me up and forcing me
to clutch onto his neck.

are you doing?” I asked in shock.

thought we'd start with request number four.” Damien readjusted
me in his arms and then carried me down the hall.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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