Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (57 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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you supposed to punish me?” I asked, half joking, amazed at how
the night had actually turned out.

thought you didn't want to do the BDSM thing tonight,” he said.

don't. I just remember you saying that you had some big punishment
for me. I was just curious what it was, and if I should be scared for

think you've punished yourself enough as it is. Besides, that sex was
so good, it made up for anything bad you could have done,” he
replied, kissing me gently on the lips.

sex was really good,” I agreed. “So tomorrow, we go back
to normal, right?”

that's what you want.”

I'm really starting to like this 'if that's what you want' mentality
you've got going on.”

count on it lasting.” He smirked.

I won't. You're too stubborn and set in your ways.”

We were silent for a
few minutes before he spoke again, “So, I guess this means
you're not turning in your training collar.”

I said thoughtfully. “I think I'll hang onto it for a while

because I have so much more to teach you.”


For a while,
everything was rainbows and butterflies. I settled back into my
submissive role, my determination to succeed fueled by Damien's
declaration of love. There were still times when I had issues calling
him Sir, but he rarely bothered to correct me about it anymore.
Punishments were at an all-time low, and my happiness was at a high
from the compromises we had made.

My affections for
Colton Caldwell had faded like the setting sun, and we had settled
into a playfully flirtatious friendship, though I let it be known I
had no intentions of leaving Damien. He had assumed the title of
boyfriend, whether he liked it or not. I didn't know what else to
call him that wouldn't sound weird, and there was no way I was going
to explain he was my Dominant to people.

Weeks went by
without incident. We followed each other's rules and found a happy
medium to our relationship. Since we were spending more time
together, my suspicions about him cheating were almost eradicated.
That is, until the weekend I came over and Mistress Danica was at his

I should have known
something was up. As soon as Damien opened the door to me, the first
thing he said was, “You're to get undressed and serve my guest.
I trust you to remember how to act from the dinner party.”

I nodded, quickly
retreating to the classroom. (What Damien considered his classroom
was actually just a bedroom with extra seating where most of our kink
sessions took place.) When I passed by the living room, I glanced at
the sofa in my peripheral vision. There was no one there.

As soon as I rounded
the corner, my breath hitched. Danica was standing near the bed in
all her blonde glory, running a finger over the comforter.

When she turned to
me, I bowed my head, fumbling for polite words. “I'm sorry,
Miss. I was coming to undress and get ready to serve you. I was
unaware you were in this room, otherwise I would have requested
permission to enter.”

fine.” Her ruby-red lips drew up into a pleasant smile; her
eyes looked nostalgic. “I was just taking a walk down memory
lane. Damien and I did so many things in this room. Things I'm sure
he's taught you too.”

I didn't need to
hear that—didn't want to hear that.
the thought of it absolutely infuriated me. She had no business being
in this room. It belonged to me now.

leave you to change," Danica continued. “We wouldn't want
to incite Sir Reed's wrath, now, would we?”

When she brushed
past me to leave, I cringed as our arms touched. Was she purposely
trying to get under my skin? Did she know that talking like that
upset me?

There was nothing
that could be done or said about it. All I could do was continue with
my duties.

I tried not to let
my mind wander as I took off my clothes. It was almost impossible not
to think about Danica though. She looked sexy as usual, in a black
corset and leather pencil skirt. I couldn't help but wonder if she
always dressed like that. Every time I had seen her, she'd been in
kink wear. Had she worn it to seduce Damien?

Stop thinking about
it. You have a duty to perform. Besides, you promised you wouldn't
get jealous if he didn't get jealous. You have to learn to trust

When I finished
stripping down, I checked the chest of drawers for the collar I had
served in during the dinner party. It wasn't there. In fact, all the
drawers were empty except for the top one, and the only thing it had
in it was a pair of clamps attached to some type of controller. These
likely had something to do with my upcoming kink session, and I felt
a bit guilty for having looked at them. Damien liked for my sessions
to be a surprise. This would be the first time I had ruined that for
him. Hopefully, he wouldn't punish me for it. After all, my reasoning
for looking in the drawer was good.

Setting thoughts of
punishment aside, I took long strides to the living room to attend
Damien and his guest. It was nice not to have to walk like a penguin.
The last time I had to serve guests, Damien had placed ankle cuffs on
me. Six inches of chain had separated the cuffs, and my restricted
movements had made it take forever to do anything. Since I hadn't
found ankle cuffs in the chest of drawers today, I figured it would
be alright for me to do without them.

Both Damien and
Danica already had beverages, so I found myself parked in the corner
for the majority of her visit. It made me feel like a piece of
furniture to have to stand there so still and silent, but I was happy
I at least got the privilege of being in the room with them and
listening to their conversation.

that's when he threw up,” Danica said, finishing a story about
a scene gone horribly wrong.

Damien sniggered, “I
imagine I would throw up too. Getting your balls stepped on isn't
very fun.”

not as soft as he was. Besides, I think you'd know not to eat before
a CBT scene.” She sighed, “It looks like I'll have to
start adding that to my contracts. No eating for at least an hour
before your scene. That way, I'll be less likely to get vomited on.”

he actually vomited on you?”

She shook her head. “He was laying down on my table, so he
basically vomited on himself. I've never undone bondage faster in all
of my life. The idiot could have choked to death.”


lucky I didn't make him lick it all back up. I did make him clean it
though, on his hands and knees, while I caned him.”

definitely not one to piss off.” Damien smirked.

I'm not.” She sipped her bottle of water, then spoke again,
“So, will you be attending Sir Martin's play party this

be there. Hopefully, we'll be there.” He glanced back at me.

if your little cherub can't come, then I'd be glad to partner up with
you.” She placed a hand on his knee, causing the fires of
jealousy to race through me.

It took everything I
had not to say something. My jaw clenched as I zeroed in on her hand,
watching it for any sign of movement. If she tried to slide it up his
thigh, I didn't know if I'd be able to stop myself from attacking.

Damien huffed, “I
didn't think you'd be interested in being a submissive again?”

it please you if I was?” She grinned wickedly. “I bet
you'd love plowing us both. Lining us up next to each other and
popping into us one at a time.”

My mouth fell open
in shock, but I quickly regained composure. Damien was absolutely

Sir Damien, I think not,” she continued. “I'd much rather
have you on the receiving end. It's not that bad, you know? And I
think you have a greater pleasure for pain than you realize. If I
recall, you rather enjoy being bitten and clawed. I could probably
make you come from pain alone.”

take a pass,” Damien said quickly, sounding as uncomfortable as
I felt.

bad. If you ever change your mind, you have my number.”

I was never happier
to see her stand up to leave. As I escorted her to the door, all I
could think about was how much I wanted to strangle the life out of
her. How dare she say those things right in front of me?

When she walked
outside, she waved dismissively at me, not even bothering to look
back. I stabbed her with my dagger eyes, though it did no real harm.
All I could do was glare and hope I never had to see her again. That
was wishful thinking though. Obviously, she was going to be at the
play party. And there was no way in hell that I'd let Damien go alone
after the comments she had made.

When I returned to
the living room, Damien was lounging on the sectional sofa watching
television. I bowed respectfully at the entryway, requesting
permission to enter before I came to his side and sat down.

you have a lot of homework tonight?” he asked. Damien always
asked that when I came over on a school night. It had become
redundant and annoying, but I never said anything about it. At least
he was allowing me to come over on school nights now.

Sir.” I shook my head, wanting to add that I wouldn't be there
if I did have a lot of homework. That was our agreement.

He turned off the television. “Did you hear what Danica said
about the play party?”


will you be able to attend with me?”


Then shall we take this to the classroom?”


Damien stood and
walked me back to the classroom. I sat on the bed, and he went to the
chest of drawers to extract the clamps.

you know what these are?” he asked, holding them up to me.

nipple clamps, Sir.”

They are. And I assume you know what I'm going to do with them?”


He approached me
with the nipple clamps in hand, pausing to adjust a small silver knob
on each one. “I think we're going to experiment with pressure
first. These knobs control the bite of the teeth. I'll put them on
their gentlest setting, then turn the knobs to tighten them. Say
yellow when it starts getting too intense, and that's where I'll


Damien delicately
placed a clamp on one of my nipples. The pressure was so loose that
it slipped right off, falling onto my lap.

won't do.” He shook his head, picking it back up and adjusting
the knob again. This time, it stayed.

The more he
adjusted, the tighter the clamp became. Thanks to a thick plastic
coating on it, there wasn't much of a bite, but the pressure quickly
got intense. I tried to bear as much of it as I could before I said
my safety word. Then Damien moved onto the other nipple and repeated
the process.

does that feel?” he asked when both clamps were in place.

not very arousing either.

When he first placed
the clamps on my nipples, there was a familiar sensation of pleasure.
My nipples were extra sensitive and loved being teased. But as soon
as the pressure had been adjusted, and his hands had moved away, my
body had reverted from pleasure to pain.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
10.01Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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