Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (56 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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My eyes
instinctively landed on the classroom as soon as it came into sight,
but he passed it, walking me back to his bedroom. Very lightly,
Damien set me on my feet, though he didn't let me go. He gazed into
my eyes, melting away any icy barriers of doubt that I had about our
love. When his lips touched mine, they were earnest, moving softly,
affectionately. I returned his heated kiss, moaning against his

Already, his hands
were wandering, gently caressing my side, lifting my shirt so his
fingertips could tease my skin. Each touch was sensual and delicate,
lighting something inside of me that went far beyond the realm of
pleasure. My heart and body were on an equal plane of contentment,
drowning in every gentle caress.

Damien lovingly
undressed me, kissing my neck and touching all of my most sensitive
spots. He was more attentive than he had ever been, worshiping me and
making me feel like a goddess.

When I was down to
my panties, Damien sat me on the bed and knelt between my legs to
kiss my stomach. I craned my neck back, watching our reflection in
the mirror on the ceiling. We didn't even look real. It was like two
completely different people were up there. A beautiful young woman
with fiery red hair stared back at me. Her brown eyes looked
completely lost in lust, her lips slightly parted in a soft moan. The
man between her legs was absolutely gorgeous, though he would look so
much better without a shirt on.

I smiled deviously
as I griped at his shirt, clumsily pulling it off. Damien stopped for
a moment to toss it to the floor, then gazed up at the ceiling to see
what I was looking at. He grinned when he saw the goofy look on my
face, then went back to work, covering my torso with kisses.

back,” he told my breathlessly, and once I did as I was told,
he quickly removed my panties, leaving me naked and exposed for the
mirror's viewing pleasure.

When he plunged his
tongue between my folds, the mirror was almost forgotten. The movie I
had been watching turned off, and I was back to reality, back in my
body, back in the moment. I tangled my fingers in Damien's hair as he
licked and sucked and teased my clit, making me writhe in pleasure
beneath the heat of his mouth.

yeah,” I whispered, feeling especially impassioned.

It wasn't long
before he had driven me up the peak of pleasure. He knew my body too
well—knew exactly how to get me off. For a split second, I
thought about telling him I was about to come. But then I said fuck
it. Tonight we played by my rules.

The orgasm rolled
through me with trembling ecstasy, but my body was greedy. Oh so
greedy. I wouldn't be satisfied until I had what I wanted. All of

When my contractions
stopped, he stood up, unbuckling his pants and looking like a porn
star. I shot up into a sitting position and swatted his hands out of
the way, taking over. Those pants couldn't come off soon enough.

His cock was already
making a delicious tent in his boxers, and I couldn't even wait long
enough to pull it out. I had to taste it—needed to taste it.
Hungrily, my mouth moved to the bulge, my tongue licking over the
thick fabric.

Damien groaned
lightly, and it only made me want him more. I grabbed onto his hips,
drawing him to me so I could devour the package that was far too
large for my mouth. My lips made a few passes up and down it, and
then I hooked my fingers around his waistband and unwrapped him like
a present, watching with lusty delight as his erect manhood sprang
out at me.

The open air had
only half a second to touch his cock before it was in my mouth. I
threw teasing to the wind, sucking and bobbing as if I could swallow
him whole. He tasted exquisite, smelled exquisite, just like a man
should. When Damien tangled his fingers into my hair, I knew I better
slow down. We were moving too fast. Everything was moving too fast. I
wanted to make love to him, not just have a rowdy fuckfest. He had
trained me well though, and we were both starving for sexual

My jaw didn't even
have a chance to get sore before Damien was pulling me away. He urged
me up onto the bed and then crawled over me, looking like a tiger
about to pounce on its prey. The carnal desire in his eyes was almost
enough to drive me over the edge. When our mouths met, the kiss was
far from gentle. We fought for dominance, moaning and clutching at
each other and breathing heavily.

I could feel his sex
between my legs, and I grabbed it, giving him a few teasing strokes.
His manhood was so hot in my hand it was like living fire, and when I
felt his pulse beneath my palm, I knew we couldn't wait any longer.
Haphazardly, I guided him to my waiting hole. All it took was for his
tip to touch my entryway before he bucked inside.

My breath hitched as
he filled me. Perhaps it was the fact that I had gone two weeks
without sex. Maybe it was because I missed Damien so much, loved him
so much, needed him so much. But he felt incredibly big, gratifyingly
big. I whimpered and moaned as he began thrusting, wrapping my arms
around his broad shoulders and holding him tight against me. The
urgency with which he fucked me felt incredible, but I knew he was
sprinting towards the finish line, and I wanted tonight to be a

down,” I whispered gently to him.

Instead, he stopped.
“Are you alright?”

I just want to savor you is all.”

He kissed me. This
time, there was less heat in his kiss but far more passion. His hips
began rocking again, more slowly this time, and he propped himself up
to watch my face as he moved. I groaned softly, returning his loving
gaze, enjoying the feel of his thick cock gliding in and out of my
tight wet pussy. My muscles clenched around him, and I smirked at the
subtle change in his expression.

you like that?” I asked.

he replied and then bent to kiss me again.

Making love was
nice, but he couldn't hold out for long. Gradually, he picked up the
pace, though he never reached the furiously pounding speed that was
akin to him being ready to orgasm.

After a while, I
urged him off of me, then climbed on top to ride him. Selfishly, I
used his cock for my pleasure, grinding and rotating my hips on it
while I pressed his hands against my breasts. He took the queue,
skillfully pinched and tweaking my nipples, sending pulses of
electricity straight to my clit that made my pleasure core fire off
again. I placed my hands on top of his as my orgasm played out,
forcing him to squeeze my breasts to the point of pain. Perhaps I
wasn't the only one who couldn't settle for plain lovemaking. Maybe
we were more alike than I had thought.

When the waves of
pleasure receded, I found myself on my back again. Damien had
returned to lovemaking mode, wanting nothing more than to please me,
but I was ready to kick things up a notch.

I gripped him by the
hair, drawing him to me. “Fuck me hard,” I whispered.
“Fuck me til it hurts. Fuck me like you want to break me.”

look he gave me was pure shock for half a heartbeat. Then the gentle
light faded from his eyes, and Carnal Damien came out to play.
God, what did I just do
, I
thought, though I was more amused than afraid. Whatever was about to
happen, I had asked for it.

Damien grabbed one
of my legs, pulling it up to rest against his chest, splaying me out.
He looked so sexy, kneeling between my thighs with that dominant
gleam in his dark eyes.

His thrusting was
slow at first, warming me up for what was to come. I watched him move
in the mirror, admiring the way his muscles flexed, staring at his
perfect little ass as he pistoned into me. It wasn't long before the
bed was creaking beneath us, threatening to give out under the weight
of our rough play.

Damien took a break
to put me on all fours. He forced my legs together and straddled
them, fighting to squeeze back inside from the compressed position. I
bit my bottom lip, savoring the pain of him drilling into me, the
wetness of my inner channel providing the only relief. When Damien
was all the way in, he gave my ass a slap, sending a shock wave
straight to my clit. Then he grabbed me by the hips and fucked me so
hard that the headboard cracked against the wall with each thrust.

By the time he
finally changed positions again, my cunt was all kinds of sore. I
panted as I was rolled onto my back and had both my legs hoisted over
his shoulders. Sweat had beaded on Damien's brow and chest, and his
breathing was almost raspy, but that didn't stop him.

I hissed lightly
when he entered me again, wondering how much more my pussy could take
before he broke it completely. Damien pressed all the way inside,
leaning over me so that my face was only inches away from my ankles.
Then he pounded down into me, making it feel like his manhood was
stirring my insides. Despite the pain of it, the lusty look in his
eyes made my cunt throb for more. He'd pause occasionally to rotate
his hips, feeling every centimeter of space my body had to offer.

When he finally
dropped my legs and thrust for the home stretch, I felt like there
wasn't an inch of me that hadn't felt the wrath of his cock—and
what sweet wrath it was. I wrapped my arms around Damien as he dialed
up to ejaculation speed. To my surprise, he didn't pull back when he
came. Instead, he pressed forward, digging his pubic bone so hard
into my clit that it made me come again. My mind went blank as he
filled me with his seed, though I wasn't sure if it was from the
earth-shattering orgasm or the surrealism of the moment. He had
purposely come inside of me, and I absolutely loved it.

yes,” I moaned, holding him desperately against me, not wanting
a drop to spill out.

By the time our
bodies had expended themselves, we were both breathless. Damien laid
on top of me, panting louder than ever. I clutched the back of his
neck, feeling the sweat from his effort, never wanting to let him go.

How romantic it
would be if he fell asleep inside of me, I thought. But also, how

Damien ground his
hips between my legs one final time before pulling out. I spread my
legs, feeling the cool air touch my overheated parts. The thought of
having his semen deep in my womb filled me with a strange sense of
satisfaction, though also a bit of fear, despite the fact I was on
birth control.

Damien kissed me
tenderly on the lips, then descended between my legs. When his tongue
lapped across my swollen slit, I blushed. He was drinking his own

I wasn't sure if I
found that outrageously sexy or somewhat disturbing. All I knew was
that his mouth felt amazing on my abused parts. His tongue and lips
were gentle, caressing my folds and sucking them clean. When he moved
to tease my clit again, I squirmed a little. My body was extra
sensitive, but apparently not too sensitive for another orgasm. It
took a bit longer to push me towards my breaking point this time, but
Damien was persistent, and I was groaning out the last of my pleasure
before I knew it, seeing stars as if nothing else existed.

When Damien finally
climbed back up to my side and pulled me into his arms, I sighed

was amazing,” I whispered, running my fingernails over his
chest, thinking about how I was happy he had kept up with shaving.

liked it too,” he said.

was like . . . the best sex ever.”

He laughed softly.

definitely won't be walking right tomorrow.”

aim to please.” I could hear the smile in his voice.



The rest of the
night couldn't have been anymore perfect. We took a shower together,
and there were no stern rules surrounding it. I bathed Damien
lovingly, and he bathed me. There was a strange satisfaction in
feeling what was left of his semen drain from my body. My mind raced
to the future, a future where we were married, and I was carrying his
unborn child. It was too far ahead for me to worry about now, but I
hoped that someday it would be a reality.

When we were done
with our shower, we huddled down to watch television together,
curling up on the sectional sofa. Damien was ever attentive to my
needs. He made me dinner and then did the dishes, and I didn't even
have to lift a finger.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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