Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (65 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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you enjoy that?” Damien asked.


else would you like for me to do?”

suppose I would like to be restrained, blindfolded, and flogged,

He gave me a
half-quirked smile. “This isn't what I expected at all. Or
perhaps you mistake my intent.”

I looked up at him, breaking away from my submissive stance.

stuff in the drawer isn't for me to use on you. It's for you to use
on me,” he paused. “Unless, of course, that's not what
you want. I would gladly use it on you instead.”

My mouth fell open
in disbelief. Was he actually going to let me dominate him? After all
of that arguing about it.

did misunderstand,” I replied quickly, feeling a bit
embarrassed about it.

fine. Let's get you all tied up. Go lay down on the bed.” He
stood, approaching the chest of drawers.

I placed my hand on
it, looking up at him. “No. You offered, and I'm going to take
you up on it. Does this mean I get to be your Domme tonight?”

He let out a short
laugh. “You're pressing your luck, little girl.”

Mistress Little Girl to you, slave.” I grinned wickedly.

now, is it? You're already taking this too far.” He took a step
away, though his words were playful.

I grabbed the
flogger out of the drawer and gave him a hard smack on the hip, which
elicited no reaction. The thing felt heavy in my hand, unnatural,
though I supposed that I'd get used to it soon enough.

undressed,” I told him, flopping down into the chair with
flogger in hand.

Damien reached for
the bottom hem of his T-shirt to pull it over his head. I lashed out
at him with the flogger again, making him stop and give me a
quizzical look.

Like a stripper,” I instructed.

you want me to dance for you too?” he asked, though I was
pretty sure he wouldn't actually do it.

Just undress slowly, facing me. I want to see all of you.”

Damien rolled his
eyes, and I smacked him again. Though he didn't react to it, I rather
enjoyed hitting him with the flogger. It seemed more like a toy to me
than a device to inflict punishment with.

Damien revealed an
inch of skin at a time, now moving at a more desirable pace. I soaked
him in, trying to picture him from the perspective of a Domme instead
of a lover. This man belonged to me, and tonight I could use him for
my pleasure, however I saw fit. It was an exciting thought, though I
felt absolutely clueless about what to do with him once I got him
naked. A thousand different scenarios had played through my mind
after watching Danica with her client, and yet now my brain stood
completely empty, as if my entire memory bank of perverted thoughts
of domination had been erased. All I could do was sit back, enjoy the
show, lick my lips at the delicious man flesh before me, and grasp at
straws of what I thought I was supposed to do to him.

Soon, Damien was
naked in front of me. I had seen him naked dozens of times before,
but never quite like this. He assumed the Stand position as soon as
he had finished placing his clothing on the chest of drawers beside
mine, now waiting obediently for my next command.

don't have anything I could chain you up with? I'd really like you
restrained standing,” I said.

could use the cuffs to put my hands behind my back, Mistress.”

not what I meant. I want your hands above your head.”

could hold them in place, Mistress.”

not what I meant,” I grumbled.

on for a moment. I'll be right back.”

Damien broke
position and left the room. For a moment, I thought about chastising
him. He hadn't requested permission to leave, which was bad behavior
for a submissive.
He'd be racking up punishment time if this were

A minute or two
later, he returned with a strange bar in his hand. It wasn't until he
fastened it to the door frame that I realized what it was.

you even do a pull-up?” I asked, then felt bad for sounding so

He gave me a look of
offense, then gripped the bar and did a pull-up facing away from me.
The muscles in his back flexed beautifully, as did other muscles down
his body. My eyes washed over him hungrily, and I was suddenly unsure
if restraining him was actually what I wanted. Fucking him would have
been a lot more to my needs, but I knew I had to clear my mind of
that for now if I wanted to make the most of this little session.

big strong man,” I said with a grin, setting the flogger down
and taking the restraints from the chest of drawers.

When I flanked
Damien's side, he turned and held out his wrists to me. I put the
first cuff in place, then made him lift his arms, so I could hook the
chain over the pull-up bar before fastening the second cuff around
his wrist. He didn't look the least bit uncomfortable bound, which I
found surprising. To be honest, I had expected him to argue the
entire time, or at least put up some kind of a fight, though I was
admittedly thankful that he hadn't. I probably would have caved under
pressure, something he didn't need to know.

By the time he was
positioned in the doorway, I still had no clue what I planned to do
with him. Looking at him was nice, but it would get awkward soon
enough. Briefly, I thought about grabbing the nipple clamps, but
ended up taking the flogger in hand again instead. Not knowing what I
was going to do was beginning to cause me anxiety, mainly because I
worried about Damien growing impatient.

I approached him,
mustering up as much confidence as I could fake. The flogger slapped
lightly against my palm as I paced back and forth in front of him,
trying to seem intimidating.

that I have you, what should I do to you?” I asked, honestly
hoping for some form of suggestion.

you desire, Mistress.”

You between my legs
is what I desire. As sexy as this is, it's just making me nervous.

Feeling like I
needed to make some kind of move, I stepped up to Damien, running the
flogger up between his legs and staring deeply into his eyes. His
entire body tensed, and I saw the first signs of fear. My heart
skipped a beat as I thought about all the different things I could do
to him, the realization that he was at my mercy finally setting in.

you afraid, slave?”

The word had a nice
ring to it, and it oddly didn't sound too foreign on my tongue. What
if I enjoyed this more than I expected? It was a strange thought, and
one that brought a tremor of apprehension with it. I didn't want to
end up losing Damien as Danica had, but I couldn't pass up this
opportunity, not when it was likely the only one I would get. This is
what I had asked for, and this is what he was giving me. It was a
gift I would not see wasted.

Mistress.” Damien's eyes betrayed his words.

you should be. You're all tied up, and I can do whatever I want with
you. Cause you pleasure or pain.”

trust that Mistress will be gentle with me, as we had agreed upon.”
His expression turned stern, pulling me out of the fantasy for a
moment. It was a lot harder to maintain my dominant stance than I had

being gentle will depend entirely on you.” I poked his chest
for effect.

Damien's jaw
clenched, and I could sense he wanted to say something, but knew
better. His gorgeous cock was flaccid, obviously taking no enjoyment
in what was going on. I couldn't help but wonder if whipping him
would change that, or if I could expect him to remain unaroused
through the entire scene. That wouldn't be fun at all. If he wasn't
getting off to it, then what was the point. Sure, I liked him bound
and under my control, but half of the pleasure came from him enjoying
it. I wanted to see his cock hard, pointing out like a spear,
twitching and dripping like Danica's submissive's had been. This
wouldn't do at all.

I sneaked around
him, so he couldn't see me. Very lightly, I trailed the flogger
between his legs again, watching his ass muscles flex. Taking a deep
breath, I wound the flogger back and laid the first lash across
Damien's back. His body jolted a bit, and I heard a hiss of
discomfort fall from his lips. To be honest, the whole display made
me feel guilty. While the idea of flogging him had once been fun, I
was liking it a lot less in action.

No. You started
this. You can't back out now. This was what you wanted, isn't it?

will count and thank me for each lash,” I told him, though my
voice was trembling as I spoke. Hopefully, it sounded more like wrath
than fear.

Mistress,” Damien replied in a dull tone.

The second strike
landed across his ass. Again, he winced and hissed in pain, counting
and thanking my afterward. And again, I felt horrible for it. After
the third blow, I realized I could go no further. I wasn't enjoying
this. We would have to try something different.

When I squeezed
around Damien, I found his cock still flaccid.
He's not enjoying
this either.
He looked at me with nothing but respect, but said

Timidly, I returned
to the chest of drawers, placing the flogger back inside and looking
at the contents desperately.
I'm being an epic fail as a Domme. I
should be making him grovel and submit. But if neither one of us
likes it, then what's the point?

Frustration was
overwhelming me. This wasn't going anywhere near how I had envisioned
it. In my mind, I had been powerful and assertive, and he had cowered
beneath me, enjoying the abuse I bestowed upon him and begging for
more. We were different people in reality though. Fantasizing
couldn't change that I was submissive by nature, and he was dominant.

With a sigh, I
surrendered, walking back over to Damien to unfasten his wrist cuffs.
If he was confused, it didn't show in his eyes. He simply watched me.

you had enough already?” he asked, not sounding surprised in
the least. The fact that he didn't call me Mistress was enough to let
me know he thought our little scene was over.

not reacting to anything I do to you,” I grumbled.

would you like for me to react?”

don't know.”

hadn't thought about that either?”

didn't really have a lot of time to plan.”

don't think that's the case.” He towered over me, his gaze
darkening, the balance of control shifting as we spoke.

I grunted.

recall there being something else that you wanted, something we would
both enjoy.”

that?” My mood was soured, but I was open for suggestions.

is not a safe word,” Damien said.

Before I could even
think, he was grabbing me and throwing me back toward the bed. I
stumbled, nearly missing the mark, landing awkwardly on the side of
it, having to use every muscle in my body to keep from falling to the
floor, my mind utterly baffled. He came at me, looking angry. When he
reached me, his hands were rough, pulling me up onto the bed, absent
care of whether or not he was hurting me. Part of me thought to
struggle, but I knew what was coming next, and it was something I
definitely wanted. He stood over me, looking dangerous, all naked
muscle and tousled hair.

going to rape you now,” he told me.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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