Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (62 page)

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I'll stay,” I surrendered, though I didn't sound happy about

He should be here in about forty-five minutes. If you don't mind, I
should really go take a shower and get ready. Make yourself at home.”

And with that, she
left me alone in the dungeon. I thumbed through the rack of costumes.
At first, I had thought the costumes were for her, but instead, they
appeared to be gear for men, harnesses and chastity belts and hoods.
Half of them, I had no idea what they were used for.

After a while, I
retreated to the living room, not wanting to seem obsessive by
lingering in the dungeon for too long. I had just gotten into
watching a fashion design show when Danica rounded the corner, fresh
out of the shower. She was wearing a tight black leather vest with
matching leather shorts and six-inch stilettos that looked eerily
like the ones Damien made me wear. Her long blonde hair had been
straightened, falling over her ample breasts and framing her face.
Dark eye shadow and blood-red lipstick completed the ensemble, making
her look more like a skanky biker than a Mistress.

you decided yet?” she asked.


you want to watch.”

I hadn't thought much of it, to be honest.”

should watch, if he'll let you. Who knows? Maybe you're not as cut
out to be a sub as you think.”

You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
I thought
bitterly, though I didn't know why. The more time I spent with
Danica, the less of a threat she appeared to be. Sure, she was busty
and gorgeous and seemed to have lingering feelings for Damien, but
she had been the one who walked away, and as she said, she hadn't
gone back.

I replied, slightly annoyed by her comment.

The doorbell rang,
and Danica quickly left to open the door. A man's voice came from the
other side, deep and low and submissive. He greeted Mistress Danica
like a sniveling slave and asked permission to come inside.

have a few favors to ask of you today,” she told him.

Mistress. Anything for you, Mistress.”

have a friend over that's interested in watching our session
together. She's relatively new to BDSM in general. Would you have a
problem with her watching?”

would prefer if she didn't see my face, Mistress,” his voice
was reluctant.

fine. I don't want to look at your face anyway,” she paused for
a moment. When he said nothing, Danica continued, “I also got a
new piece of furniture in that my friend and I haven't been able to
bring up into the house. I'd like for you to help me move it after
your session is over. I'll give you a discount for your service.”

would be honored to help you, Mistress.”

Now let's get you to the dungeon and get started, shall we. I'll
bring my friend in after your face has been masked. She's sitting in
the living room right now, so you might want to avoid looking that
way as you make your way down the hall.”

Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”

Their footsteps
approached, and I stared blatantly. As he had been told, the man kept
his back to me when he turned the corner and headed down the hallway.
He looked to be an older gentleman, slightly portly with short black
hair speckled with gray. The suit he was wearing was a good
indication he had just gotten off from work.

Danica grinned at me
over her shoulder before she followed the man back to the dungeon. I
sat obediently, waiting, nervous as hell, wondering what I was about
to witness. It took nearly fifteen minutes for her to return and
retrieve me. She grabbed a chair from the living room, and I tailed
her down the hall, pausing right outside the closed door to the

we're inside, I want you to be as quiet as possible. You're not to
say anything or so much as move. If you have to use the restroom, you
may do so without asking permission. Above all else, try to stay out
of my way. Do you understand?”

ma'am.” I nodded timidly.

Danica was in full
Domme mode. Her voice and eyes said it all. In that moment, she
reminded me a lot of a female version of Damien. It was strange to
see her in such a way, but also intriguing.

I followed her into
the room, sitting in the chair as soon as she placed it in the
corner, well away from the action. The man was tied down to the
bondage table with rope. He was wearing a leather hood decorated with
metal grommets. The only holes in it were for his nose and mouth.
Just the sight of it made me feel claustrophobic, and I wasn't
claustrophobic by nature.

The hood wasn't the
only thing the man was wearing. He also had on a strange leather
harness that hooked under his balls and held his cock flat against
his stomach with a leather sheath. A thick pink head popped out over
the rim of it, his shaft fully erect, pressing against the leather

I could see why
Danica had taken so long to retrieve me. The man was well secured.
Barely a loop on the bondage table was left without rope in it. Even
the top of the man's hood was hooked to the table, rendering him
completely immobile.

He must trust her
greatly. I don't think I'd even allow Damien to tie me down to this
degree. He's completely helpless.

can't really hear, can you?” Danica asked the man, though I
could sense she didn't expect a response. “You can't see
either, but I can see you.” She bent over him, fidgeting with
the hood, looking especially sexy, though the only person who could
see her was me. I wondered if the man was imaging what she looked
like, or if he was too busy anticipating what was coming next.

Danica was very
vocal, leading the man through the entire process. He seemed more
like a toy to her than anything else, and judging by the look on her
face, she was really enjoying playing with him. She poked at the
mouth hole on the hood, prodding at his lips and forcing him to suck
on her fingers, then she rubbed all over his face before moving down
his body to tweak and play with his nipples. The man lay as still as
I sat, breathing and saying nothing.

For a while, I
wondered if the session was more about her pleasure than his. She
rubbed his bound cock and balls for a while, then crawled on top of
the table, straddling him. I found it interesting how she never
stopped talking. When Danica wasn't busy telling him how helpless
that he was, she was informing him of her next move, or moaning out
her amusement.

Things got
interesting when she took a length of twine from one of the racks on
the wall and began further binding his balls. I leaned forward,
trying to get a closer look. She skillfully looped it around and
between his testicles until they were separated, the skin pulled
taut. His cock never softened the entire time. If anything, it got
even bigger, and it was already an impressive size.

is sensory deprivation at its finest,” Danica said. “You
can't see, can't move, can't hear.”

To which, the man
didn't reply.

It was true though.
I had never seen anyone in a more helpless position. The only thing
not bound was his mouth. He just chose not to use it. And probably
rightfully so. No one would be dumb enough to piss Danica off in his

It wasn't until she
took out a pair of tongs and began roughly pulling on his nipples
that the man began to make some noise. I couldn't tell if it was
sounds of pain or pleasure coming from the hood, but with as brutal
as she was being, I could only imagine it was the first of the two.
She tugged and pressed and pulled until I was wincing in my chair,
worried she was going to rip his nipples off. The man never used his
safety word though. All the while, she laughed while she tortured
him. She seemed to be really enjoying herself. This was definitely
Danica's element.

When she got bored
with his nipples, she put the clamps up and moved back down the table
to rub his balls, squeezing them gently. She leaned over the table,
looking at his cock head.

already dripping,” she commented with a smirk. “Making a
mess all over your stomach.”

I guess I was wrong.
Maybe his moans had been for pleasure after all, though I couldn't
understand how someone could endure so much pain and actually like
it. This was akin to the guy being struck with the bullwhip at the
party. Screams of agony must have turned into pleasure for his body,
because he never lost his erection.

Danica unfastened
the straps on the man's cock sheath, letting his penis spring out.
She gripped his balls, applying gentle pressure while she stuck a
finger back in his mouth, commanding him to suck. I could only
imagine how difficult it must be for him not to bite down when she
squeezed a bit too hard. He seemed to have good control though, and I
never heard her cry out in pain. Then again, Danica had said this man
was a long-time client. She was probably as in tune to his body as
Damien was in tune with mine.

When she finally
released his balls, the man's cock began to twitch crudely. Danica
grabbed a pair of nipple clamps from the wall, fastening them to each
of his nipples. Then she took another length of twine and wrapped it
around the head of his cock, looping the twine around the chain
between the nipple clamps and tying them together so that whenever
the man's cock twitched, it pulled on his nipples.

cock is out of control,” she said. “You better get it to
behave, or I'll have to do something much worse to you.”


Danica squeezed his
balls a few more times until the twitching died down. His cock was
still fully erect though, its head as purple as a plum from the twine
around it.

When the twitching
had completely subsided, she began messing with the nipple clamps
again, pinching them to crush the sensitive nerves beneath. Each time
she pressed them between her fingers, she asked the man what he was
to say, and he thanked her for the pain. It amazed me how obedient he
was, a perfectly trained submissive.

She took the clamps
off and played with his nipples some more, commenting on how erect
and tender they were. The man did little besides breath heavily and
thank her. If it had been me, I would have been struggling to get out
of the restraints. He had an incredible tolerance to pain.

you ready for things to get a bit more intense?” Danica asked
the man, and I wondered how much more intense the session could
possibly get.

Mistress,” he replied.

She quickly went to
work removing all the twine until his cock and balls were left bare
and unrestrained. Then she went to the shelves and got these big pink
clamps that reminded me of the type you use to clip notes to the
refrigerator. When she straddled his stomach, facing his feet, I had
a pretty good idea of where those clamps were going.

Danica played with
the man's scrotum for a bit, pulling the skin to see how pliable it
was. Then she placed the clips one at a time. One on the skin between
his balls, two on the skin below each testicle. If it was painful,
you never would have been able to tell. The man's cock was twitching
away as it had been before.

When she was done,
she squirted some lube into her hand and jacked him off a bit. Then
she turned around and played with his nipples. Now the man was
moaning, and I knew it wasn't from pain. The whole display looked
borderline prostitution, though she wasn't having sex with him and
wasn't allowing him to come.

When she went to
take the clamps off, the pain came. He cried out as each one was
removed, and I cringed, feeling a bit too empathetic, though I didn't
even have balls. Danica straddled the man, sitting on his cock so
that only his balls peaked from behind her. I couldn't help but
wonder if that's what Damien and I looked like from that angle when
we were having sex. Just ass and balls.

Occasionally, she'd
readjust her weight, lifting herself before settling down to grind on
him, then shifting back to tug on his balls. I could see they were
swollen where the clamps had been. That must have hurt like hell.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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