Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (67 page)

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let me come,” I whispered when the torture was more than I
could bear. He obliged, flicking his tongue across my engorged
pleasure button before baring down on it and massaging until
electricity shot through my entire body, and I saw stars.

When he breathlessly
came to my side again, I curled up in his arms, satisfied and
content. It was a good orgasm, worthy of my birthday.

did well,” I told him, nodding.

you, Mistress Little Girl.” He grinned. “Did you enjoy

the most part.”

wasn't to your liking?”

don't think I'm cut out to be a Domme,” I admitted.

thankful for that,” he sounded relieved.

too. I prefer you on top.”

about the anal?”

I wrinkled my nose,
not wanting to admit the truth. “It wasn't horrible.”

you didn't like it either?”

not something I'd want to do all the time. I still think it's gross.”

more we do it, the less you'll think that.”


I guess this means I have permission to do it again in the future?”

suppose,” I sighed, relenting.

the play rape? What did you think of that?”

My blood pressure
rose just talking about it. “It's not something I want to do

like it, huh?”

just say this. If you ever slap me or choke me again, you'll wake up
the next morning without a penis.”

He winced. “I
warned you about what it would be like.”

now I'm warning you.” I snuggled down against him. “I may
take your balls too. I haven't decided yet.”

Greedy girl. Leaving me with nothing.”

mine, as is the rest of you.”

am yours,” he said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze, making
everything right again.

We laid together for
a while before Damien finally went to get a towel from the bathroom
and clean us off. By that time, his seed had already run out onto the
bed, and I was left lying in a sticky mess. It didn't matter though.
All that mattered was that we were together. I was with the man I
loved, and that made me happy.

When the mess of sex
was mostly cleaned up, he laid back down with me again, gently
stroking my hair while I rested my head on his chest. Our bodies fit
together perfectly, and I was so relaxed and exhausted that I could
feel my eyes growing heavy. I was almost asleep when Damien moved,
startling me back awake.

still have a few more things to give you for your birthday,” he

presents?” I sat up, smiling at him.

be right back.”

I watched as he
walked naked out of the room, that gorgeous ass flexing with every
step. Maybe he'd let me bite it. That could be birthday present
number five. Why I hadn't thought about it when he was tied up, I
didn't know. Probably because my mind had been too consumed with
thoughts of sex. Stupid wanton body.

When Damien
returned, he had a small box in his hand. It was wrapped in paper
with balloons on it and had a bow on top that was almost as big as
the box itself. He sat on the side of the bed and handed the box to

is it?” I wondered aloud, holding the box up to my ear and
shaking it. It was heavy, but made no sound.

it, and find out.”

My hands went to
work tearing away the wrapping paper. Beneath it, the box was black.
When I opened the box, I was a bit confused, but smiled, none the
less. Inside was a solid stainless steel collar.

Damien took a deep
breath, watching my expression. “Do you like it?”

beautiful. Is it another public collar?”

your formal collar.”

My breath caught as
I took another look at the collar, realizing what it signified. Now,
I was gazing upon it with new-found appreciation. I touched the
metal, cool beneath my fingertips.

hasn't been six months yet,” I said.

it hasn't. But I don't think I can wait six months. I love you and
want you to be with me forever.”

My lips were
trembling, and I was fighting back tears. It wasn't the same thing as
a marriage proposal, but for some reason, it felt like it. To Damien,
it was every bit as good.

you want to take things further and cross the final step to being my

I replied without hesitation, then set the box aside and threw my
arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Oh, yes. I do.”

I could hear the smile in his voice, and that only made me happier.
“I'd also like for you to move in with me at the end of this

I pulled away from him, shocked.

figured, since we're going to be together, you might as well move in.
You won't be much farther from the college than you are living with
your father. Your parents seem to like me well enough. I'd like to
think they know I'll take good care of you. I'd like to think you
know I'll take good care of you. Is that something you would want?”

Yes. Yes.” I hugged him again, so tightly that I worried I
might be choking him.

It was hard to
imagine living in a giant mansion, tending to Damien's needs night
and day, waking up beside him in the morning, having sex with him
whenever I wanted. Maybe years in the future I could have imagined
it. Not now though. We had known each other for less than a year, and
Damien didn't seem like the type of guy who would move so quickly.
Was I dreaming this? Everything felt so surreal.

It's settled then.” He leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek.
“Happy Birthday, Cheyenne.”


Planning a collaring
ceremony is a lot more difficult than one would think. Damien left
almost everything up to me. I chose the guest list, the food, and the
decorations. The only thing he decided was that we would have it at
his house, and that I would walk down the aisle naked except for my
training collar. It was a disconcerting thought, but it wasn't like
our guests hadn't seen me naked before. Well, everyone except Tanya,
Vinny, and Colton, who I made sure to invite. This was a big deal, a
huge milestone in my life, and I wanted my friends to be there to
witness it.

The joyous day came
on the first Saturday after school let out for summer vacation. Tanya
and Danica arrived early to help me get ready, not that it involved
much. Basically, Tanya did my hair up in a loose bun while Danica
went over the ceremony with me. Despite our rocky beginning, I had
grown to like her, for the most part. Every once in a while, she
still looked at Damien in a way that displeased me, but I tried to
brush it off as best I could. She was his past. I was his future, and
his forever.

Our guest list was
small, and only half of the invited people were able to attend.
Colton had chosen not to come, Tanya informed me, and I assumed it
was because he was feeling a bit butthurt that I hadn't ended up with
him instead of Damien. It was fine. I could understand that.

Sir Martin came to
retrieve me when it was time, escorting me into the backyard at the
chime of a bell. Danica followed behind with my formal collar on a
pillow and our contracts folded up in the pockets of her tight vinyl

My heart pounded in
my chest as we approached the guests. There were nine chairs on each
side, forming an aisle down the middle that led up to an archway
Damien had rented for the occasion. Beneath the archway sat a single
white satin pillow I would be kneeling on later.

My palms sweated
around the leather leash I held in my hands, and my gait was far from
graceful as I walked beside Sir Martin, trying to keep my eyes to the
floor, though I could see everyone out of my peripheral vision. Our
guests sported a mix of formal and kink wear, a reminder that I had
forgotten to put the expected attire on our invitations. It made no
matter, really. This event wasn't about them. It was about us.

When we reached the
end of the aisle, Danica took her place over by the archway. Sir
Martin and I turned to address the crowd, and I felt the butterflies
whirling in my stomach as he began to speak.

present to you Cheyenne Grear, submissive in training to Sir Damien
Reed. She has shown great character and obedience, meeting all
requirements to advance on toward full ownership. I remove this
training collar from her neck to show that she is now a free
submissive, able to take a Master of her choosing.”

He moved behind me
to unfasten the collar. My neck felt strangely naked without it. When
he was done, he stepped away from me, and a second bell rang,
signaling Damien's entrance.

Damien looked
absolutely dashing in a black tuxedo with a vest and tie beneath. It
was the most dressed up that I had ever seen him, and it took
everything in me not to smile. The man cleaned up well—very
well, and I couldn't wait to unwrap him like a present after the
nuptials were over.

When he reached the
end of the aisle and took his spot beside me, Sir Martin continued,
“I present to you Sir Damien Reed. He has shown an interest in
taking on Cheyenne Grear as his property. She has met all of his
requirements for ownership, and he has removed her training collar to
allow her to make this decision freely.” Sir Martin turned to
me. “If you would like to take this man as your Master, you may
now offer him your leash and your full submission.”

Sir Martin stepped
away from us then, allowing Damien and I to take center stage, facing
each other. I was so nervous that I thought I might throw up. This
was it. Once I gave myself over to him, there was no going back.

Taking a deep
breath, I lifted the leash up to Damien and spoke the words, “I
present you with this leash as a sign of my devotion and submission.
It is my desire that you take me as your own, to guide me, shelter
me, and train me as you see fit, for this day, and all days that
follow. I wish to belong to you and for the privilege to call you

Damien took the
leash from me, holding it out before me as I had in front of him. He
looked down on me with confidence and pride. “I accept this
gift of your submission. I promise to care for you, guide you, train
you, and discipline you how I see fit. It is my wish that you belong
to me, from this day fourth. I bestow upon you the right to call me
Master. Will you kneel before me and become mine?”

I replied, obediently kneeling on the pillow.

Danica stepped up to
present Damien with my formal collar. He took it and gently placed it
around my neck. The weight of it felt perfect, and with its placement
came a wave of happy emotion.

wear this collar as a sign of my submission to you and my acceptance
of your ownership. I will wear it now and from this day forth with
pride at what it signifies.”

now belong to me.”

are now my Master.”

and let us seal this pact before our family and friends.”

Danica took the two
contracts from her pockets and handed us our appropriate version. We
had read them beforehand, so we both knew what they contained. I just
hoped Damien hadn't been sneaky and slipped in a modified replacement
of my contract, as he had tried to do with my training contract. That
seemed like it was ages ago, and I had eventually given him what he
wanted, so there was no reason to be deceptive.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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