Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (31 page)

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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I grasped Damien's
hand, practically clawing my nails into it. His breath was on my
neck, his eyes watching my body struggle not to writhe from exquisite

As if my orgasm
wasn't happening fast enough already, Damien pressed the shower head
flush with my skin and began rubbing it against me in a circular
motion. I barely had time to cry out, “I'm coming,”
before the pummeling water sent me over the edge. There was no time
for Damien to deny me. My body wouldn't allow it. All I could do was
wait for my orgasm to play out and hope that he wasn't too upset.

If he was
disappointed though, it didn't show. The moment I had spoken the
words, Damien's free hand began roaming. First, it pinched and tugged
on one of my nipples, which sent a delicious aftershock to my cunt.
Then it wandered down between my legs for proof of my words, his
finger pressing the tiny nub to feel it contracting.

He pulled the water
away, returned the shower head to a gentler setting, and placed it
back in its cradle. All the while, I stood as still as I could,
panting and waiting for my next instruction. Damien wrapped his arms
lovingly around me, giving me a kiss on the neck before saying I
could rinse the conditioner from my hair and then do his.

When I was finished
rinsing his hair, I wrapped my arms around Damien's broad shoulders,
pressing my head against his back and sighing contently. To my
surprise, he grabbed my hand and lifted it up to his lips, kissing it
gently. The tender moment lasted for but a second before he turned
the water off and then opened the shower door to step outside and
grab a towel.

I sighed, wishing he
would have allowed me to please him as he had me. Maybe it wasn't
over yet though. Surely, he would want to have sex; I hoped.

We toweled ourselves
off, and Damien went into his bedroom to get a fresh pair of boxers.
I felt a bit icky putting back on my old clothes, but I didn't have
much of a choice.

When we were both
dressed, Damien told me to follow him to the living room, so I could
retrieve the contract before I left. I scowled at his backside,
hoping for some hot sofa sex. The shower head felt great, but I
required a different kind of head to soothe the need between my

When Damien picked
up the paperwork to hand it to me, his expression was all seriousness
again. Any hint of love or affection had washed off in the shower,
and he was back to being strictly business.

failed again,” he commented plainly, causing my stomach to
twist with discomfort.

know,” I replied. “I didn't have much time to think

know. That was partially my fault.” He sighed, but didn't look
too disappointed. “We're going to have to work on orgasm
control with you. You go off faster than a teenage boy.”

I laughed, “I
can't help it. It's what you do to me.”

He smirked. “I'm
glad I please you so greatly.”

do. More than any man ever has.” Almost as soon as I said it, I
realized how stupid it sounded. After all, I had only been with one
other man.

we discuss your trial then?”

I sighed internally.
The uncertainty was there again, but then I thought about Damien's
tender kiss in the shower and tried to put it aside.

you'd like to think about it overnight,” he continued.
“Usually, I set a trial of two weeks. But our situation is a
bit different. You have school, and I can't expect you to come over
every night without your studies suffering.”

The idea of coming
to see him every night wasn't unappealing. That would mean more sex
for me. And more sex would definitely make me a happy camper. But I
knew he was right. I could remember the time when my mother was in
the hospital, how hard it had been to juggle all of my

You said the
time I'm under consideration is basically just to see if I'm actually
interested in being your submissive, right?” I asked.

Pretty much.”

Then I think
I should be able to decide in two weeks.” I hoped. My emotions
were so loopy when it came to Damien that I couldn't be sure. Still,
the quicker I earned this formal collar, the sooner we would
officially be committed.

Well, how about this. We'll start with two weeks, and when two weeks
is up, we'll discuss how you feel about things. If you need more
time, we can extend it after that.”

That sounds

Before you
go, it's time for a pop quiz.” He smirked, and I tried my best
not to scowl. I had a bad feeling this was going to be the first of
many pop quizzes. Then again, it was really important to him for me
to learn this stuff, so I shouldn't be surprised.


Name all the
collars and what their purposes are.”

Do I get a
reward if I get them all right?” I grinned lecherously, showing
my intent. “I do think there should be some type of reward
system in place.”

He let out a short
laugh. “You, my dear, are insatiable.”

Fair is

He nodded. “Fair is fair. A reward if you get them all right.”

Now that gave me
motivation. “Do I get to pick my reward?”

Don't push

I thought for a
moment. “There are five collars. The collar of protection, the
collar of consideration, the training collar, the formal collar, and
the scene collar. The collar of protection is used to signify that a
submissive is under protection by a Dominant. Typically, the
submissive has been in a past abusive relationship, and the collar
makes it to where other Dominants cannot put her under consideration.
The collar of consideration is used to signify that a submissive and
Dominant are considering taking things to the next step. The
submissive wears it while she's under trial. The training collar is
the collar the submissive wears when she is being trained by a
Dominant. It signifies a deeper commitment between the two, but is
not as deep as the commitment that comes with the formal collar,
which bonds the two together long-term. When the submissive receives
the formal collar, it means she has given herself to the Dominant
fully, body, mind, and soul. The last collar is the scene collar,
which is used during specific periods of time when the Dominant and
submissive are engaged in a type of pain play. Did I get it all
right?” I asked, hoping beyond hope. My body yearned for his

enough,” he replied. “I'm impressed. I honestly didn't
expect you to remember.”

Hey! I was
listening.” I crossed my arms over my chest, offended.

you were, which is good. I suppose you want your reward now.”

Just the sound of
the word made my body awaken with arousal.

Yes. I
believe a reward is in order,” I said, trying not to seem too

Damien sat back on
the sofa and patted his knee. Enthusiastically, I set the paperwork
down on the coffee table and went to sit on his lap.

he told me as I began to lower myself, and I instantly froze. “Not
like that. Take off your skirt and underwear and lay across my lap.”

My heart skipped a
beat. What he was asking of me could only mean one of two things. He
was either going to spank me or finger me. Maybe he saw all the stars
I had drawn around 'spanking' on the list of kinks. It was my biggest
fetish, and I had wanted him to know it.

When my skirt and
panties were removed, I daintily laid across Damien's lap. His knees
were boney and uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore it. Soon, my mind
would be consumed with other things, my thoughts of discomfort washed
away with bliss.

Spread your
legs,” he instructed, and I obeyed, feeling the cool air
caressing my feminine parts. I wasn't wet, but it probably wouldn't
take long for it to happen.

Damien laid a hand
on my ass, rubbing my smooth skin. He pushed my blouse up a bit to
uncover my lower back, and then his hand began to explore. The touch
of his fingertips was teasing, moving without rhyme or reason.
Goosebumps dotted my flesh, and I tried not to squirm.

For a moment, I
began to doubt he was going to do anything other than caress my skin,
which felt good in its own right, but then his hand began wandering
lower, squeezing and massaging my buttocks before it did the same to
my inner thigh. While the stimulation was arousing, it was also
relaxing. I found my body becoming loose, hanging limply over
Damien's lap. Even when his fingers moved to rub at the crease of my
pussy lips, I didn't tense.

The tease was slow
and torturous. Every sensual touch pumped blood straight to my sex,
inflating my labia. When he pressed a finger between them, my pussy
graciously accepted it, though he didn't tunnel all the way into me.
Instead, he continued to pet back and forth, driving me insane. If he
wasn't going to spank me, then I wanted him to finger me, to plunge
his thick fingers into my wet passageway and fuck me until I was

My heart pounded
fiercely in my chest, my body waiting in anticipation for his end
game. There had to be a method to his madness. Surely, he was going
to reward me instead of punishing me. The stimulation was good, but
my body was so wanton that it was almost painful.

getting awfully wet back here,” he whispered softly, rubbing a
trail of my own juices across my taint.

My muscles instantly
tightened at the feel of his finger getting so close to my asshole.
The moment it touched my pucker though, his entire hand withdrew. I
sighed in relief, but it was cut short by the sharp sound of skin
hitting skin.

My own breath choked
me as the first slap against my ass caught me by surprise. Warmth
surged through my backside, converging on my clit to make it pulse
with pleasure. I thought to groan, but before my mouth could utter
contentment, it was crying out from the next slap. Each slap was
accompanied by a circular rub over my buttocks, as if Damien was
soothing the pain before he added more.

When I turned to see
how rosy my butt cheeks had gotten he said, “Don't turn around.
If you do, then I'll stop.”

I kept my eyes
forward, staring stupidly at the cream-colored couch cushions of the
sectional sofa while Damien spanked me repeatedly, alternating
between ass cheeks. His strokes were firm enough to cause a delicious
crack, but not so much that it took me beyond my boundaries of pain.
The heat that consumed me seemed to pulse straight to my core,
causing my pussy to go on wetness overdrive. I felt absolutely slick
with want, almost to the point that I feared my juices might run out
onto his leg. Would Damien Reed get upset if I dirtied him right
after his shower? Would he punish me then instead of pleasuring me?

I didn't have much
time to ponder on it. The feel of two of his fingers forcing their
way through my folds and hammering inside of me made me cry out in
shock. The O never left my mouth as Damien pounded them mercilessly
into me, causing the fire from my ass to melt completely with the
stretching heat of my nether regions. My cheeks flushed as his
fingers made a squelching sound while they plowed through my wetness.

I moaned as he
twisted his hand inside of me so that he could get at my clit as
well, stroking across it with a third finger. Pleasure surged through
me, and my body quickly began climbing back up the hill of euphoria
with every forceful thrust.

Yes,” I
whispered. “Don't stop.”

Damien didn't stop.
In fact, he picked up the pace, speeding my ascension to sexual

I'm going to
come,” I announced a moment too late. My body tensed on his
lap, my mind going blank as the contractions began.

Damien scissored his
fingers inside of me, fighting against my inner muscles to no avail.
The finger that had been teasing my clit helped to milk out my final
orgasms. Then I laid limply across his lap, panting for breath and
waiting for condescending words. For some reason, it didn't matter so
much in that moment. My orgasm had been so good that I didn't care if
I displeased him.

You're so
lustful,” he said, pulling his fingers out of my pussy and
bringing them up to his mouth to lick my wetness from them. As I
turned to watch, my clit pulsed a final time, probably from the sight
of his sexy mouth taking in my juices. Damn he was hot. Maybe now I
could ride his cock.

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