Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (13 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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“Perhaps you and the boy would have lunch with me later?” Lu asked with an endearing look on his face.
“As long as I’m not on the menu, we’d be glad to.” Cher responding as Hermes sent her scathing glare.

“If you don’t mind, they need rest.” Hermes ground out between clenched teeth.

“Sure, take good care of her.” Lu said with a chuckle.

It was hard to tell if Lu was seriously interested in his mate or just jerking his chain. He flirted shamelessly with Sierra
and Zeus had forced himself to overlook it. Hermes hoped he could be as strong because right now he wanted to beat that demon half to death. He imagined in his mind pulling off Lu’s tail and beating him half to death with it. The image felt so real, it actually made him feel better. He took Cher and Fabian to their room and ordered them a meal.

“The demons aren’t as different as the name implies. Are wings and a tail the only differences?” Cher asked.

“The visual differences seem to be the biggest ones, how did you know? About the demons that is, since I forgot to warn you.”

“Doc told me and Fabian
about demons when she knew I would be coming here to stay. She said I could be told because you claimed me as a mate. They’re not as rough as I expected.”

“I’m surprised you thought they’d be rough, Doc thinks a lot of Lu. She’s always saying if she agreed to sleep with him he’d probably pass out. She thinks he’s all bark and no bite, but I think she’d be surprised. We need to hurry, our food will be here soon.”

“I thought we were eating with Lucifer?” Cher asked causing Hermes to grimace. Was she interested in the demon? Did she want to lie beneath him with her thighs spread letting him take her until she screamed in pleasure? Had Hermes worried about the wrong one when he worried about Lu? Should he really be worried about his mate?

“Why, do you want to see Lucifer?”

“I agreed to lunch with him.” Cher said coldly.

“That is tomorrow and I wish you would reconsider. He’s hard on women.”

“I’m sure every male here is.” She said looking at him with a hint of anger and a slice of pain. Maybe he deserved it but it didn’t matter. She was his and she would never be anyone else’s. If she pushed him, she would be tied to his bed until she admitted she was his. The thought of taking her sent a rush of desire through him. It fired his blood and made his already hard cock even harder.

“Tomorrow, we’ll have lunch with Lucifer and I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean. For now, I’ve ordered food for us and Fabian. Take your shower and I’ll show Fabian to his room next door so he can clean up before we eat.”

“Alright, and then you can go.” She said in dismissal.

“I don’t think so sweetheart. This is our room and my things are being brought here as we speak.”

“Have I no say in this at all?”

“Sweetheart, you have all kinds of say in many things, but we are sleeping together in that bed tonight.”

Cher grabbed some clothes out of her bag, sent an evil look in his direction, then hurried to take a shower. He’d kill a demon to be in there with her, a very particular demon that should know better than to mess with a mate. It wouldn’t matter in the end, she would be all his. He went to his room and got some guys to start moving his stuff to the new room while he took a quick and painful shower. His body pulsed with need that wouldn’t go away not even for a little while. He hurried to dress and get back to her fearful she would find some way to escape him.

When he returned, Fabian and Cher sat at the table which was covered with food. Fabian was eating, but Cher seemed to be waiting on him. His control slipped as his instincts took over, he pulled her out of her seat
and up into his arms, pressed her tightly to him, and kissed her deeply and passionately. She must have been caught off guard, for a moment she returned his kiss with interest, but then she pressed her palms on his chest pushing lightly. He lowered her down his body as his head pulled away from her reluctantly. He felt her body as it slowly eased down brushing against him inch by inch.
Oh, yeah, that hurt!
It was too much pleasure, feeling her that way.

Her eyes were rounded pools of shimmering desire as she looked up at him. This need was a two edged sword that cut her as deeply as it did him. He hadn’t known that before and now that he did, he would use it against her. His beautiful mate was in for one hell of a fight and it would only get worse once they got into bed. He had no intention of holding anything back and she would scent like a true mate by morning. Four days until the ball and he had every intention of her going by his side as his accepted mate, his wife, and any other way he could tie her to him.

He sat next to her and fixed her plate before he fixed his own. Had Fabian not been there he would have attempted to feed her. Fabian was watching everything with large careful eyes. He was quiet for a boy of his age and intelligence shone from his eyes. He was a handsome boy and already tall for his age. He was athletic and would enjoy the games the gods and demons played. Fabian finished eating and said goodbye before leaving.

Hermes watched making sure Cher ate enough to suit him. He sent her to bed and he cleaned up the table and ran the dirty dishes back upstairs. He called Zeus as soon as that was done and met him in the meeting room.

“I need details on some of your information. The supermen are out there now, is there any chance of an alliance with those that are free?”

“My mate would be your only hope, but I don’t want her around him.”

“Jack? I don’t blame you. He always had a way with women and he was bigger than life.”             

“An example for young gods to follow.” Hermes said bitterly.

“He isn’t a bad guy, Hermes, considering his background.”

“Just a selfish one. He never tried to free anyone but himself and he barely managed that. He and Pete were supposed to be the only ones there, but someone else was stealing for Origin. Human or superman, there was no way to know. Jack should have protected her and her company. He tried to take her away from me, my mate.” A growl erupted from Hermes giving a small indication of the beast hiding within.

“She didn’t turn to him. She’s still with you.” Zeus said trying to assure him.

“Not because she wants to be. She needs a safe port for the storm and I’m all she has.”

“Honestly, Hermes, you believe that? I’ve checked into your mate and she’s a very capable woman. Her father had contacts all over the world and now they’re her contacts. She inspires loyalty in most, of course there are some that never give their loyalty to anyone. She’s here because she wants to be, whether she choses to admit it or not. Are you sharing her room?”

“Yes, but she says she doesn’t want me.” He said sadly.

“Woman don’t always say what they mean. Sometimes they need reassurance that you want them for more than the sum of their parts.”

“I don’t know how she could believe what we shared was so common. It was the love found only in a soul mate. I’ve never felt that way with any female before and I know I never will again.”

“She will need to go to the lab for tests tomorrow as will Maria. We will have a meeting to discuss what to do with both of them. Your mate will be easy to deal with, she’ll be your problem. Maria is another thing entirely because she is not Erebus’s mate even though he says he feels protective of her. Sierra says it’s a brotherly thing because they went through much together. I’m sure Athena will enjoy having a playmate. Maybe she will get another one soon.” Zeus smiled as he teased Hermes.

A baby with his mate, that would be sweet. He had tried to give her time to accept him thinking waiting would prevent the difficulties Zeus had gone through, but his patience was gone. Now he would be damned for what he did instead of what he didn’t do. He had a mate to claim by fair means or foul. His gums itched as his decision was made. He hurried back to the room he shared with his mate. He stripped off as he made his way to the bed. He tried to remember just a quick bite, don’t overdo it or she would suffer unnecessarily. He slid into bed and pulled her sleeping body against his, pulled her hair back over her shoulder, and bite lightly on her throat just enough to ensure it broke the skin. She slapped at him with her hands without coming fully awake.

He had done it just perfect and by morning her resistance would begin to be overwhelmed by her need. He would do it every night until there was no more need to. It was time that Cher learned not to defy a god. He slid his hands under her Tshirt feeling her soft luscious curves and pulling it up over her head so she was naked in his arms. He had never needed anyone or anything like he needed her. Nothing and no one had better ever try to come between them. He moved her onto her back and she began to stir restlessly. He moved over her holding his weight onto his hands as he kissed her lips softly then moved down to suck first one pink nipple then the next. His hard cock rubbed against her seam as she moved against him not quite awake yet. He tore her panties off, she’d learn not to wear those to bed as he moved down her body leaving a hot, wet trail with his tongue.

He could smell her arousal and it was off the charts. His mouth watered for a taste of her sweet pussy and he knew she would enjoy that again. His tongue parted her flesh, savoring the sweet spicy taste of her and she moaned deep and low. As he lapped her like a cat after cream, her body thrashed against his mouth and she moaned and whispered to him. Her body tensed, she was so close he could blow a hot breath across her clit and she’d go off like fireworks. Instead, he sank his tongue deep into her channel before coming back up and working her clit with his energetic tongue. She arched hard against him as she made a loud keening sound that was almost like a wail. He tasted the rush of liquid that coated her pussy, it was like ambrosia to him.

Before her body had stopped jerking, he slid up in one hard jerk, burying himself in his mate. She let out a loud groan as she wrapped around him like a silken glove squeezing so tight, for a moment he couldn’t move. His cock was on fire, so hard it was like rock, so full that it dripped out the end. He wanted to be sweet and gentle, but need drove him to take her hard and fast. She rose to meet him, her body already heating with a want she no longer could control. Her muscles clenched and grabbed at him trying to pull the seed from his cock even as he fought to last just a little longer.

He looked at his mate, her eyes were closed and a look of sensual concentration was on her face. He slammed into her harder and faster feeling her body react and the tension notch higher. He felt a tingle begin in his balls as they drew up tighter. He pounded in again and felt her whole body clench, pulse, and explode around him. She surged against him as he buried himself inside her hard and deep one
more time as his seed was sown and splashed against her womb. His body jerked over and over as her muscles milked him dry. Completely exhausted, they both settled in to sleep.             

Of course he found sleep easier to wish for than to attain. He tried to work through his muddled thought
s so he would be clear headed for tomorrow’s meeting. The slight regret he felt at taking away her choice was overwhelmed by the completeness he felt at having finally claimed his mate fully in his people’s eyes and the satisfaction that he knew making love to her every night would give him. He knew he had made the best decision for both of them. He would be an older brother to Fabian, one of many if he read the demons right. They loved children, hell they were overgrown children especially Lucifer who he liked except when it came to Cher.

He woke up ready to make love to his mate again and he would have, but she wasn’t in bed. He didn’t panic, not right away. He went to check the bathroom, she wasn’t there either. The last place to look before panicking was Fabian’s room where he found no one at all. He hurried to shower and dress then he used his radio to get Hercules to find his mate.

“She’s where?”

“She’s in the kitchen where she has taken over. She just baked some of the best oatmeal raisin cookies I have ever eaten. She has several kinds but they are going fast. I’ve heard she has a chocolate cake in the oven.” Hercules said, awe obvious in his tone.
“All the gods are talking about her desserts.”

“She makes the best ever chocolate cake.” Hermes confided as he rushed to the kitchen so he could get his share.
As he neared the cafeteria doors a couple gods came out carrying handfuls of cookies like there was a giveaway or something.

He hit the kitchen doors just as Fabian picked up two empty trays, his cookies were gone. He growled wishing all kinds of bad luck on the cookie thieves. His mate had made cookies and he was the only one who hadn’t gotten any.

“Hey Sweetheart. What’s got ya down?”

“No cookies.” He said sadly sounding like a mistreated kid.

Cher looked at him with a sweet smile. “Just wait a minute.” She left and came back with a whole baker’s tray of chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven.

Hermes reached down to pick one up, but they were t
oo hot. There was a fan in the kitchen used to circulate air and he turned it to blow on the cookies. He stood guard over them growling when another god came in to get some. He did let him have two, but only after a tray of pecan sandies came out to cool off.

“So are you the cookie police?” Cher asked him as another god was growled at as he tried to grab some of the cookies.

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