Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (21 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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The crowd went wild. Demons rushed in taking all the weapons off Kyler and restraining him. As he kneeled on the floor in defeat, an enterprising guest thr
ew a piece of cake at him which broke apart all over him. Another threw punch and the others began to throw more food items. The disgraced villain looked miserable on the floor at the mercy of the mob. Lu finally felt pity and dragged him away to jail. Some of the demons and gods cleaned up the mess and the dancing started.

While Kyler had distracted them, attempts had been made to breech all doors simultaneously. It was an attempt destined to fail with the large number of demons outside on patrol. Humans were no match for gods, but to demons they were like bothersome
pests. Four died, six were captured, and two escaped because they were near their helicopter but a tracker had been attached to it and they would follow it back to their base. Origin had underestimated them and it was obvious they had encouraged others to attack them thinking to use them as distractions so their attempt would be successful.

They were stepping up their game but the gods and demons had been ready for them. The unfortunate part was that there had to be a spy in their mi
dst. Their own people had no reason to do it, so that left the humans as suspects. Mates were too tightly bonded, children too young, so it was either Mark’s people or the humans that worked for them. Even as they were cleaning up the aftermath of the attacks, all the quarters for humans were being searched as were all the public areas they had regular access to. Whoever was responsible would be found and heaven help them when they were.

They would remain vigilant, but Hermes felt that no other major attack would occur, at least for now. It was lucky that Kyler had been crazy, his attempt had been poorly thought out unless it had been his hope to die with Sierra. That was the only other possible outcome because they would have never let him have her. He didn’t know what would happen to Kyler, but they couldn’t let the US have him again, not after this.
Mark would soon know and he would make demands. Hermes took a deep breath, he had thirty more minutes to go before he went back on duty. He needed to calm his mate and enjoy a dance or two.

“I was scared to death.” Cher whispered in his ear as they slowly danced surrounded by other couples.

“You know I would have protected you with my life, don’t you?”

“Yes, but if something happened to you, what would I do? I couldn’t stand it!”

It was as close to a declaration of love as she had come so far. “Why couldn’t you stand it Cherish?” He asked as he put one hand on her chin to pull her face up so she had to look at him. There were tears shining unshed in her eyes. His mate was so beautiful his heart ached.

“Because,” she said and he could hear her voice shake, “I love you.” His heart caught in his chest as he heard the most wonderful words he had ever heard. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, passionately right there as couples danced past them.

“You can’t imagine how happy that makes me.” He whispered in her ear. “You finally know I am yours, only yours and that you are mine. You will never be alone again. Fabian will never have to fear a male who should protect him. I will be everything you ever need and you will be everything I ever want.”

He felt bad to be leaving his mate on such an important night and right after she had finally realized how loveable he was, but the safety of all of them was too important to overlook. He headed to his office but his radio buzzed.



“We are having an emergency meeting and I need you here.”

That sounded ominous. “On my way.”

He changed direction and went to the meeting room where he found Zeus, Sierra, Hercules, Poseidon, and Hades all waiting for him. They all had serious looks on their faces without a smile to be seen. Not a good sign at all.

Nioma didn’t go to the ball and she stayed in the lab working instead.” Doc explained as if that told him anything.

“That’s too bad, she should learn how to have a little fun.”
Nioma was a good person and he liked her but he didn’t understand why her being a wallflower mattered to him.

“She ran some tests that hadn’t been done yet.”

Now Doc was just scaring him. “Cher?”

“Not exactly. We rushed the test
s on the females but we delayed testing the males thinking those results weren’t important but we’ve now discovered they were. We found out two important things.”

“Do I have to beg you to tell me?” Hermes asked out of frustration.

“The first thing is that Keven is not a biological relation to Cher.”


“He’s not a blood relative. He doesn’t have the same father.”

“Well that’s good news. I think she’ll be happy to hear that. What’s the other thing?”

“Fabian is a god.”

“That can’t be true, we would all smell it!”

“It’s true alright and I think I can even explain how it happened. The reason you don’t smell it is because he has only a little of Cronos’s DNA in him. He wasn’t really intended to be like the rest of you. I believe that Cherish’s parents wanted more children so much, they went to Origin to solve their fertility problems.”
“Not surprising, many wealthy couples use them.” Zeus pointed out.

“I think their case was particularly difficult but Origin wanted
Cherish’s father to feel he owed them and I’m sure he had to pay a hefty sum. They used just enough DNA from Cronos to reinforce the embryo and the mother was able to deliver a live baby. She had miscarried multiple times and the previous attempts were just not strong enough to make it full term. Haven’t you noticed how gods and demons are drawn to the boy?”

“Yes, I’ve noticed but he is an exceptional young man.” Hermes answered still
trying to resist where Doc was leading him.

“Yes, just one more thing to point out. He’s twelve years old, nearly six feet tall, already built like a man, looks like a man, and he’s way above his age level in school. He’s more than just a man even if he’s not got as much DNA as a god. It makes me wonder if there are more like him. We may have a new group of genetically manipulated beings between supermen and gods.”

“There’s no way to find them.” Zeus pointed out with a growl.

“Not without Origin records but I know a hacker who seems to be able to get into anywhere.” Sierra pointed out with a smile.

“This will upset her. He’s her brother no matter the DNA.” Hermes pointed out.

“Oh, he is her brother. Her parents genetic material was used and just a touch of
Cronos was added to ensure strength. Fabian’s the same as he’s always been to her with just a little addition. That’s all.”

“Anymore surprises?” Hermes asked with a look around.

“No, that’s not enough? There are other things, but those are the personal ones.” Doc asked as she arched her brow at him.

“We found the radio the spy used.” Hercules said. “It was is the bathroom the kitchen employees use.”

“Which one?” Hermes said. His mate worked with those women. As far as he was concerned, this was personal too.

“We suspect Lizzie or Nancy based on what we’ve seen and heard
, maybe even both of them. Nancy gets personal with several gods while Lizzie doesn’t even seem to like any of us. They are both more intelligent and capable than they act. The question is why hide it? Lu will be interrogating Nancy. He had actually become friends with her and he thinks her innocent. Poseidon will check out Lizzie to see if he can determine what’s going on with her. We will continue to watch all of the females. We put a camera in the bathroom after overruling privacy objections, but it is only on the radio we found.”

“Cher mentioned Lizzie and said she was keeping an eye on her. She couldn’t understand why she was here since she seemed unhappy here and she didn’t have any interest in hooking up with any gods or demons.” Hermes said in case they didn’t know.

“She mentioned it to me as well and it seemed odd.” Hercules agreed.

“Moving on, Mark has already called me to ask about his brother. I told him we would discuss it after the ball and he agreed to wait.” Zeus said with a tired look on his face. The trouble with Kyler never seemed to end.

“We can’t let them have him. He already escaped them once.” Hercules pointed out.

“True. I hope he just wants to be sure we won’t torture him. He has to realize that we can’t let him go this time.” Zeus said with a sigh.

“Humans never seem to make much sense.” Poseidon said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean you.” He added when Sierra shot him an annoyed look.

The meeting broke up and everyone hurried away to complete their duties. Hermes felt sorry for Poseidon and Lu who would have to deal with two difficult and possibly
subversive females.


The Fun Never Ends

Lu was feeling the worship of the pretty young woman in his arms. “I can’t believe how fast you moved. It was so cool, Honey!” She was talking about when he had neutralized Kyler. The brunette was hanging onto him, like a drunk to his last bottle of wine. He hadn’t had a female in months and it was true that demons were even more sexed than gods. Sex helped keep them balanced and they needed to use their whole bodies to get the most out of it. They were nearly to her room but if she didn’t stop rubbing on him, he wasn’t going to make it and he would take her on the damn floor.

He bit his lip to prevent the groan that had almost broke free as she
ran her hand up his sensitive tail.
I’m going to fucking die!
She thought the tail was just a well attached device that a special effects pro had been flown in to do for several of the gods. He told her it was glued on with a special glue that only the guy who attached it could remove painlessly. She had even commented on how warm it was but he had explained that it was made of special materials that held in warmth for realism.

Finally, they made it to her door. She handed him her key, she was a little too drunk to manage. He opened it and he caught her before she fell inside. He got her inside and helped her down on the couch then he went to shut the door. He stripped off his clothes, laying them on the couch
, and watched her struggle to take hers off. He helped her stand and remove her hopelessly tangled outfit. His mouth watered as her full breast slipped out and he gave into the desire to taste one of her dusky brown nipples. She moaned and begged him to hurry. He picked her up like she was a doll and carried her to the bed where he laid her out in front of him.

He might have been hesitant to take her in the condition she was in, but the second he had met her, before she had had a single drink, she had whispered in his ear telling him exactly what she had wanted him to do. Well she would get that and so much more, she would get it soon if the ache in his tail and his bulging cock were anything to judge by.

She jerked a little when his tail slipped between her legs and stung her lightly. A demons tail could be deadly to an enemy, but the venom it gave a lover was intoxicating in a different way than alcohol. It was an unequaled aphrodisiac increasing desire and ramping up pleasure to dizzying heights. He used his hands to knead her breasts as his tongue slid between her thighs finding her special pleasure center in that little button he started to worry. His tail glided up into her channel adding stimulation and she probably wondered where the extra hand came from. He vibrated his tongue sending her into a long chain of orgasms. She screamed from the most pleasure a female could ever find and she was finding it over and over.

He stopped so she could catch her breath and he pulled out the drawer on the nightstand.
He was rewarded as his hands felt the extra jumbo pack of supersized condoms. He pulled one off the end of a roll, shook it out, and carefully stretched it on his straining hard cock. He looked up at his lover whose eyes were wide as she watched him approach her.

gonna hurt, isn’t it?” She asked with the sweetest southern accent.

“Maybe a little, but not for long.”

“Thank God I’m not a virgin!” She said thankfully.

“Amen.” Lu said as he slowly slid in.

He held his weight on his hands as he pumped in faster and faster as she accustomed herself to a demon sized lover. Demons were about the same length as gods but some were a bit broader. She moaned and arched toward him.

“Oh, God, oh,
God, ohhhh!” She screamed as her released slammed into her.

Lu yelled just like a demon, but it didn’t scare his lover. He writhed against her, but she wasn’t even aware. He had pleasured her right into unconsciousness. A satisfied smile was on her face as he positioned her on her pillow and pulled her covers up to her neck. He leaned in and put a soft kiss on her lips.

“Goodnight my lovely.” He said as he turned the light off and left her to sleep off the results of sex with a demon. She would be sleeping for hours and who knew what she would remember in the morning.


Asmodius held the lovely lady in his arms as they moved fluidly around the dance floor. She was a graceful dancer and she loved to dance, but he felt the delaying tactics were out of fear. Her name was Vera and she was from New York City. He knew a lot about her for her nerves had loosened her tongue. She wasn’t a virgin, but she had had a long dry spell so she felt almost like she was one again. Her hands were sweaty from pure nerves as he asked her if she was ready to go yet, for the third, would it be a charm, time.

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