Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) (15 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook

BOOK: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)
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Hermes knew Zeus was right but how could he fight the strong territorial feelings he had or the need to protect her? “I’ll work on it, meanwhile I had best go check on the teams that are on assignments.”

That was Hermes job, he coordinated all teams on assignments both for the gods, and those gods working for the government. They were slowly taking more assignments for the US and once in a while even for other countries. Zeus wanted to do private security too so all the gods that wanted to work could. That was what he wanted to discuss with Cher. He could provide the manpower and her company could provide everything else.

Somehow Hermes made it until Hercules showed up to take his place. “Why are you here?” Hermes asked. Hercules was in charge of security both here and over the teams that worked in the field.

“I am getting Erebus started. He wishes to work right away as does Maria.”

“What will Maria be doing?”

“She’s going to start out in video surveillance in the control room.”

“She’ll be bored to tears.” Hermes predicted.

“I hope so.” Hercules said as they exchanged a look of concern. With the ball only three more days away, anything could happen. “I wanted to thank you for mating Cher. She really knows her stuff, she even helped with the satellite. It’s never worked so well before.”

“As long as he
r security expertise is all you’re interested in, you’re welcome.”

“Hey, I told you I’m aware she’s yours. It’s a damn shame, but I’m aware.”

Hermes left Hercules there waiting for Erebus while he made his way to his mate. He supposed he was going through what Zeus had gone through when he mated. Even Hermes had been drawn to Sierra, she had seemed perfect until he met his own mate. Excitement blossomed in him as he thought about Cher waiting for him in their suite. The only problem was, when he got there, she wasn’t there. He had a feeling, so he went to the kitchen first, where she was making cheesecakes. Every kind of cheesecake you could imagine in a variety of sizes.

“I know you like to bake, Sweetheart, but you’ve had a long day.”

“Sierra needs someone to help so she’ll have the food for the ball.”

“Speaking of the ball, do you have a dress yet? I want you to go with me as my date.” Hermes had been careful not to demand anything of her. That always seemed to piss her off, but she blushed slightly and didn’t answer right away making him wonder what he had done this time.

“Okay, Sierra ordered several costumes and once she decides what she wants to wear, I’ll get a chance to pick one.”

“What about your shoes and accessories?” He asked not really sure what she would need.

“I can always go barefoot since it is Halloween.”

“If you need anything, we have a team coming in tomorrow and two more coming in the day of the ball. You just tell me what it is and you will have it.”
She was his and she would never have to do without. She might be rich, but he could still take care of her and see to her needs, whatever they might be.

“I’ll tell you.” She said as she continued to work in the empty kitchen. No one else seemed to be as worried about the ball as she was.

“Don’t stay too late or I’ll be back to get you.” Hermes said trying to inject an air of concern rather than the command he usually did.

She was his mate not one of the gods he was in charge of. He struggled to avoid being what Sierra called ‘bossy’. He saw no need to go back to their suite, it was lonely there now without her. Instead, he looked for Fabian finding him in the workout room/gym depending on what you migh
t prefer to call it. A volleyball game of all things was being played with gods walking on and off teams at will. He joined Fabian’s side and stood near him noting the boy was good. He was wearing a Tshirt and shorts that showed off his athleticism. He was getting the ball more than anyone on this team showing Hermes that they were playing the game mainly for his benefit. The demons were behaving, not using their wings or tails and Lu was on the other team telling them what to do. Usually games of this sort brought out the competitive spirit and medical ended up with full beds, but Lu was keeping a tight hold on them all.

Even though they held back, everyone seemed to have fun and he had to admit, he was enjoying himself too. Fabian had nodded to him, showing awareness not only that Hermes was there, but that he was
important to him. It was a good step in the right direction and he noticed with some satisfaction that the boy had skills that might help him be a good soldier. It made him wonder if he had any training since Cher had clearly had some. They played about an hour more before most of the guys deserted them in favor of sleep or other entertainment. Lu lingered showing he had taken the boy under his wing so to speak.

“That game was fun, Fabian. The other gods and demons enjoyed it too. Maybe you can show us another game tomorrow.”

“Ever play dodge ball?” Fabian asked.

“No, but someone would get hurt. Demons are too vicious for a game like that.”

“Humans can get vicious too.” Fabian said and it was clear he was remembering something unpleasant.

“Why don’t we do some fighting.” Hermes suggested. “Fabian might want to watch or even participate with the younger guys.”

“He could get hurt.” Lu pointed out.

“I can handle it. It’s just sparring, right?”

Hermes walked back with Fabian since his room was right next door. “Don’t you have school work to do?”

“I’m way ahead but don’t worry, Cher will get me back to it after Halloween. I’m going to be a vampire, I’ve even got teeth that glow! It’s going to be so cool and I get to stay up all night if I want to.”

“You’re going to the ball?” He asked thinking it might not be the best idea.

“Sierra invited me, well after Lu worke
d on her a while. I had to ask Cher but she said yes with some limitations.”

“What are the limitations?”

“I can’t go around anyone I don’t know and if people start getting drunk and obnoxious, I have to go to an observation area where I’m not close to anyone. I’ve been to parties like this, when Dad was alive but only the first couple of hours. He said it would let me know what to expect someday when I had my own parties. I think she’s going to put a guard on me.”


“Cher, she’s overprotective, you know.”

“It’s good that she watches over you and if she didn’t, I would.”

“Don’t you know big brothers are suppose to help you sneak out and then save you if you get into trouble?”

Big brothers!
That one went straight to the heart.

“Lu says that’s what you all are to me
, especially you. He said you’ll all help me, guide me, and give me the biggest family anyone ever had. He said none of you will ever be like Keven, I’ll be loved and protected.”

“Lu is right. That’s exactly how things are going to be. You just have to remember the protected part
, because it may clash with the fun you have planned but we will always put your safety first.”

Fabian smiled. “That part
kinda sucks but the rest of it is real cool.” Hermes reached out and ran his hand through the boy’s hair. “Dad used to do that.” He said, but he didn’t look as sad as he had before when he mentioned his father.

Hermes dropped him off at his door and went into the suite he shared with Cher. She wasn’t
there yet so he took a shower and put on the shorts that many of them still wore. They were little more than underwear and hid little of the body beneath them. Many of the gods and demons still wore them as they went out and about their day. The few females that worked here had eventually gotten used to the gorgeous males that wandered the halls barely dressed. He paced the floor for a while and was thinking of going to get her when he heard a sound at the door. She slipped in quietly trying not to be noticed, as if he wouldn’t know right away.

He hurried to her grabbing her and pulling her against him like he hadn’t seen her in a hundred years. He kissed her, not just claiming her but consuming her whole. Need raged through hi
m, he had to claim her once again. He had to leave his scent, his mark on her so all would know who she belonged to. He finally lifted his mouth to draw in a ragged breath.

“I need to take a shower, Hermes. I’ll be right back.”

“Hurry, I can’t wait long.” She turned and quickly enter the bathroom. He was relieved when she didn’t lock the door. She was learning and she was realizing who she belonged to. Good!

She came out with her hair wet smelling like flowers. He could see her eyes were g
lazed from want, it was the effects of the mating and the change coming on her. No matter how careful he was, there was some discomfort before the full change would go into effect. He could smell her arousal, sweet and beckoning making him want to throw her down and take her where she was, but he wanted the comfort of a bed for her since he knew she was already suffering.

He stepped up to her, removing the towel and letting it drop. He pulled his naked mate into his arms and growled as her scent wrapped around him making passion shoot through his system with an overwhelming force. He moved quickly to get her to the bed before good intentions were overruled by animal lusts.
He moved to the bedroom as she wiggled in his arms making sharp shafts of desire shoot through him. His throat rumbled with a noise he held back so he wouldn’t scare her. He had heard Zeus growl a time or two when someone bothered his mate, but lately Hermes seemed to growl all the time. Maybe he would see what Doc thought. He shook his head as he lowered his mate to their bed. He hoped to clear all thoughts out of his mind but those of his mate.

If that hadn’t worked, looking at her as she lay on the bed, anticipation and need on her face, sweat from the fever that was running through her
glistening on her face, and the smell of extreme arousal that wafted up to him from her incredibly sexy body, overcame any other thoughts. He moved over her and he could feel her soft skin as she arched against him. As he lowered himself to her, her legs wrapped around his waist as she desperately tried to join their bodies. She moaned with need as he lined his hard pulsing cock with her slick heated entrance and slid slowly in.

Sweet heaven!
Had anything ever felt so good, so perfect? He knew it hadn’t and nothing ever would. He pulled out almost completely then slowly slid back in all the way. This was what he had always dreamed of, a perfect mate to start a family with. Little girls who looked like her hugging him and calling him daddy and a boy to teach the ways of the gods. He moved faster as she encouraged him, she wanted more. He gave her more and moved faster, deeper, harder until all he concentrated on was giving her what she needed, filling her with all the pleasure she could handle.

Slap, slap, slap sounded through the room as he pounded into her hitting pleasure spots that lit her up and made her writhe and moan. He felt her tense as he slammed into her, his cock becoming so sensitive he knew he wouldn’t hold out much longer. She clenched
on him becoming impossibly tight until she exploded around him her pussy clutching at him, pulling him in as far as he could go. He lost control as her muscles milked him and his body gave up its seed pouring it up against her womb which was coated with it. He continued to jerk and he still felt the ripples running through her as aftershocks hit them both.

He rolled them on their sides while they still shuddered in the last effects of a monumental orgasm. “I love you.” He whispered in her ear and even though he felt her stiffen slightly, he knew it was something she needed to be told. He had loved her almost since the moment they had met, but the love just seemed to grow. He knew in time she would return that love because he couldn’t stand it if she didn’t. She would learn to trust him and understand what being mated meant to a god. That was when their life together would truly be perfect. For now he would try to be happy with what he could get.
He snuggled up against his mate, soaking up the warmth and drinking in the sweet scent of her and went to sleep.

His inner alarm woke him at the right time as it always did. He showered dressed and headed up to the first floor where his office was. Erebus was waiting for him so he could leave. Much of the time, the job at night was just a glorified message taker, but once in a while decisions had to be made. Hermes did all the assigning on his shift so the night man didn’t have that worry. Hermes also set the parameters of the missions and set emergency plans in place for each team. It was rare that something happened that wasn’t planned for, but when it did the night guy usually just contacted Hermes since he was in charge.

“How was your first night on the job?”

“Boring as hell, how do you stand it?”

“I have meetings and other duties that keep me busy. I could give you added duties, but not until you have a bit more time under your belt.”

“Plan on doing that as soon as possible.” Erebus said fighting a yawn.

“You know you can take a radio with you and leave the office occasionally, don’t you?”

“Hercules didn’t share that with me.”

“It gets better.”

“I hope so. I guess I’ll go and get some sleep.”

“See you later.” Hermes said as Erebus hurried out the door. He seemed like a good choice for this job, but he needed more to keep him engaged. Hermes was sure he could find more so he’d be happy here.

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